All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
5 Keys To Healthy Diet

What Do You Know About 5 Keys To A Healthy Diet?

As per WHO (World Health Organization) a healthy diet helps protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.  An unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health.

Healthy dietary practices start early in life – breastfeeding fosters healthy growth and improves cognitive development, and may have longer-term health benefits, like reducing the risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing NCDs later in life.

The exact make-up of a diversified, balanced and healthy diet will vary depending on individual needs (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle, degree of physical activity), cultural context, locally available foods and dietary customs. But basic principles of what constitute a healthy diet remain the same.

Say Not To Processed Foods

Say No To Processed Foods

Consuming a healthy diet throughout the life course helps to prevent malnutrition in all its forms as well as a range of noncommunicable diseases and conditions. But the increased production of processed food, rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in dietary patterns. People are now consuming more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars or salt/sodium, and many do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and dietary fiber such as whole grains.

Next 5 slides explains what are the 5 keys to a Healthy diet (as explained by WHO).

#1 Breastfeed Babies and Young Children: Click to read more 

Healthy Diet For Babies: Breastfeeding

#2 Eat A Variety of Foods: Click to read more

Eat Variety of Foods

#3 Eat Plenty of Vegetables and Fruits: Click to read more

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

#4 Eat Moderate Amounts of Fats and Oils: Click to read more

Consume Moderate Amount of Fats & Oils

#5 Eat Less Salt and Sugars: Click to read more

Eat Less Sugar & Salt


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 27, 2017
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Backpack and back pain in kids

Have you ever noticed how uncomfortable the child feels to carry the backpack? Is your child complains about back pain?  With all those text and notes books, homework, lunch box, water bottle the backpack of young kids becomes full and hefty. They need a proper backpack for their school. Parents must use their skills and common sense to make it easy for the child. If not, the carrying backpack can result in back pain in young children.  The back will compensate for any load applied to it for an extended period of time.

A heavy weight carried in backpacks can:

  1. Distort the natural curves in the middle and lower backs, causing muscle strain and irritation to the spine joints and the rib cage
  2. Lead to rounding of the shoulders
  3. Cause a person to lean forward, reducing balance and making it easier to fall
  4. Habitually carrying backpacks over one shoulder will make muscles strain to compensate for the uneven weight. The spine leans to the opposite side, stressing the middle back, ribs, and lower back more on one side than the other does.

Research studies on backpack and back pain:

  • Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of California-San Diego, conducted a study on children back pain and results suggest that the high pressures exerted by a heavy backpack is the reason for the shoulder and back pain.
  • In this same study, the researchers found that the usual backpack load carried by children exerts pressures that are more than acceptable levels. This condition is enough to block blood circulation.
  • The researchers of Orthopaedic Department at the General Hospital of Agios Andreas Patras in Greece, in their studies found backpack carrying can result to two adverse effects: a shift in the upper trunk and shoulder, and an increase in back pain and they attributed this to Asymmetric backpack carrying.

Here are some tips for backpack selection and packing.

Backpack selection: Look for these features that help reduce the chance of back pain:

  1. Lightweight material (canvas as opposed to leather)
  2. Two padded, wide (2-inches), adjustable shoulder straps on the backpack
  3. Padded back
  4. Individualized compartments
  5. Hip strap, waist belt, or frame to redistribute the weight of the backpack from the shoulders and back to the pelvis
  6. Wheels so that the backpack can be pulled rather than carried
  7. Consider using a separate bag for the child’s laptop or other heavier electronic items

Teach your child how to properly load and wear the backpack to avoid back pain:

  • Always use both shoulder straps and wear the backpack on the back rather than over one shoulder
  • Pack heaviest objects into the backpack first so they are carried lower and closest to the body
  • Fill compartments so that the load is evenly distributed throughout the backpack and items do not shift during movement
  • Pack sharp or bulky objects in the backpack so they do not contact the back
  • Adjust the straps to fit the backpack snugly to the child’s body, holding the bottom of the backpack 2 inches above the waist and keeping the top just below the base of the skull; do not carry the backpack low near the buttocks
  • Lift the backpack by using the leg muscles and keeping it close to the body, not by bending over with arms extended
  • Do not lean forward when walking; if this is necessary, there is too much weight in the backpack

Maintain a mindset to watch the weight carried in the backpack to reduce back pain:

  1. If the child complains of discomfort, reduce the weight in the backpack immediately and ask the child how she/he feels.
  2. Consider applying a guideline backpack weight limit as a percent of the child’s body weight. The American Physical Therapy Association suggests 15-20%; the American Chiropractic Association advises 5-10%.
  3. Coach your child to carry only those books needed in the backpack, leaving unnecessary items at home and making frequent trips to his/her locker during the day.
  4. Train your child to clean out the backpack at least once a week

Become a Proactive Parent on the Issue of Backpacks and Back Pain

  • Ask your child if they feel any back aches or pain
  • Help your child choose the smallest backpack that will meet his/her needs
  • Talk to teachers about how to minimize the need for children to transport heavy books back and forth daily in their backpacks; keep one set of books in the classroom for daily work while leaving heavy books at home; make photocopies of homework chapters and assignments that are easily carried
  • Attend PTA meetings and discuss any proposal by school administrators to remove lockers or to reduce time between classes making it difficult to store unneeded books and materials
  • Buy ergonomic backpacks that help children to sustain asymmetric backpack weights.

Note: If the back pain does not go away and your child feels tired and fatigue then, talk to your pediatrician and understand is there any other reason for the back pain.

Read more here:

  • Image credit: American chiropractic association

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 24, 2017
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Next Super Foods that we can count on

The next super foods that we can count on

Nature has given us many healthy options and we need to make use of them in a proper manner. We have a choice to eat healthy or unhealthy food. Researchers and food manufacturers are trying to find out healthy and super foods that can satisfy our needs in various ways.

For example, coconut water and other plant waters are taking aisle in food markets replacing energy and soft drinks.

A simple algae is replacing artificial colors in our foods. There is a gigantic fruit in a tree, that can feed several hungry stomach at a time.

Traditional teas are finding place as better probiotics. A tree that has tremendous health benefits is gaining importance due to its health benefits. And, mushrooms are helping in reducing sugar level in foods!

Read more to understand what these super foods can do.

Spirulina as Coloring Agent: Click here to know more

Spirulina As Coloring Agent

Indian Jackfruit To Replace Meat: Click here to know more

Indian Jackfruit


Coconut Water and Plant Waters: Click here to know more

Coconut And Plant Waters

Moringa Oleifera – A Magical Tree: Click here to know more

Magical Tree


Mushroom To Take Away Bitterness: Click here to know more

Mushroom To Take Away Bitterness


Kombucha Miracle Tea: Click here to know more

Kombucha Tea



  • Wall street journal, October 2016

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 18, 2017
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Natural Ways To Fight Fatigue

Natural Ways To Fight Fatigue

Our habits, routines and lifestyle can cause fatigue and tiredness. Sometimes temporarily, one can feel fatigue. If so, there are few natural ways to overcome temporary sluggishness and tiredness in day-to-day life.

1. Expose yourself to Sun: Sun rays boosts energy in the body in the form of serotonin which is a natural happy hormone. Sunlight tells brain and body when to get active. For some people the winter months can be the hardest time to fight fatigue due to short days and lack of sunshine. During winter if Sun comes out, sit on a chair near window and let sun rays fall on you.

2. Drink potato water!You need one unpeeled potato and 8 ounces of water for this remedy. Slice up the and add to a glass of water. Allow it to steep overnight in the fridge, and drink first thing in the morning.

3. Try ginseng, honey and lemon water: To 1 cup water add a Tbs of ginseng root and bring it to boil. Add honey and lemon drops for taste and drink in the morning.

4. Lemon juice with saffron: Squeeze 1/2 lemon juice and add it to 2 cups of water. Add little cardamom powder and few saffron. Add sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix well and drink

5. Eat yogurt: Eat a cup of yogurt in the afternoon.

6. Pineapple and honeyDip pineapple pieces in honey and have once a day.

7. Licorice root: To one tsp of dried licorice root add few drops of honey and mix in a cup of water and drink.

8. Magnesium: Always keep magnesium rich food in the kitchen. High magnesium foods like nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, avocados, yogurt, bananas, dried fruit, dark chocolate are helpful when you feel fatigue due to hunger.

9. Say no to fatty food: Your fatigue may be due to fatty food intake. For 4 to 5 days avoid fatty food and see how you feel.

10. Say no to alcohol: Alcohol affects central nervous system and causes lathery and fatigue. Avoid alcohol or reduce its consumption.

11. Good sleep: Aim for restful sleep. Get good sleep. Sleeping very late and getting up too early or disturbance in sleep can be reason for fatigue. If so, change your habit.

12. Dieting: If you are into weight loss and diet is not going well, then it can be a reason for your fatigue. Eat well three times a day and cut down on snacks. Include more fruits, vegetables and fresh fruit juice to bring back your energy.

13. Healthy snack: Combine complex carbohydrates and protein and eat a healthy snack like apple-peanut butter or cracker with cheese. Body will digest this type of snack slowly and blood sugar level will be normal.

14. Breakfast: Never skip your breakfast. Breakfast is what keeps you energetic during the day.

15. Drinking water: Drink water and hydrate. Dehydration is another reason for fatigue.

16. Music: Have your play list ready and listen to your favorite songs. Certain music can also boost your focus during everyday tasks.

17. Yoga and meditation: Get onto yoga mat and do your favorite pose. Try to challenge yourself a bit and focus. Meditation with breathing helps to bring back energy.

18. Feel good about yourself: Do not get frustrated. Certain condition that you might have may be the reason for fatigue. Find out what makes your mind and body both energetic. This way you will start feeling good about what you know about yourself and what makes you energetic.

19. Walk and exercise: A simple walk for few minutes will also helps you to come out from fatigue. Group exercise motivates you to get into mood and energizes definitely. Engage in daily low-level exercise, such as gentle stretching and walking – this relieves any stress and body pain associated with fatigue.

If the fatigue is due to some hidden condition and is not going away then it is better to consult your doctor.


Image credit: Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 12, 2017
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kids Flu tips

Tips for parents to fight flu

The flu, also called influenza, is a viral respiratory illness. It is contagious and generally children who attend school will get flu from peers.  And, people who go to work or in public contact will also get flu from various sources and will transfer to family members.

For parents – how to take care of kids at home?

1. Make sure your child gets this season’s flu vaccine: As per CDC even though the vaccine cannot completely prevent children from getting the flu (it’s about 62% effective ) it can shorten the illness and makes it milder flu season.

2. Social Distancing: Do you know that flu germs can spread up to 6 feet through sneeze and cough. Tell your child to cover mouth and nose. Use tissue to clean running nose. Make sure to collect and throw the tissues. Wash your hands afterwards.

3. Discourage your children visiting their friends, schools and neighbors when they have flu.

4. Quarantine children without symptoms to keep away from the flu virus by not allowing them to go near his/her sick siblings.

5. Hygiene: Make hygiene a priority. Keep rooms clean, shared objects clean, surfaces clean. If Sun is out open window and door at least few minutes to get fresh air from outside. To clean hands place hand sanitizer bottles in each room.

6. Hand washing: Tell your kids to wash hands thoroughly. Let them follow hand-washing instructions. Stay healthy.

7. Food: Ask and help kids to follow good nutrition, moderate exercise and adequate rest to boost their immune system. Offer them well balanced diet including hot soup, cooked vegetables, warm milk, water and plenty of rest – recommended :at least 10 hours of sleep for school going children and 12 hours for toddler. Include plenty of fluids in their diet.

8. If you are looking for home remedies make sure it suits your child. Give them plenty of warm fluid. You can use medicated chest rubs for cough and congestion, a humidifier and vaporizer for easy breathing, and saline nose drops to get rid of congestion.

What your kids should know? Tell your children to:

  1. Wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, being with ill people and especially before you eat
  2. Avoid sharing objects
  3. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
  4. Get enough sleep and avoid getting “run down”
  5. Reduce stress – things can wait.
  6. Use tissues for coughs and sneezes and dispose of them immediately and appropriately
  7. Eat right and get regular exercise
  8. Avoid crowds and keep your distance from people whom you know are ill
  9. If you are sick, avoid contact with the frail, very young and elderly
  10.  If you are sick, stay home from work or school

Be in a watch for worsening fever or cough, as this may be a sign of a complication such as pneumonia. Talk to your pediatrician and family doctor before giving any medicines to child.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 11, 2017
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Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body

A new discovery has been made by scientists in the beginning of new year 2017! A new organ  namely MESENTERY has been discovered by scientists in human digestive system after centuries!!

Scientists have confirmed that humans actually have an extra organ that has been hiding in plain sight this whole time.

The research has been published in The Lancet medical journal.

J Calvin Coffey, University of Limerick said: “In the paper, which has been peer reviewed and assessed, we are now saying we have an organ in the body which hasn’t been acknowledged as such to date.”

The new organ is named mesentery, the organ was previously thought to consist of fragmented and disparate structures. Researchers found, however, that it is one continuous organ and outlined evidence to classify it as such in a review published in The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology.

Where exactly it is located?

The mesentery – Newly discovered organ is a double fold of peritoneum – the lining of the abdominal cavity – that holds our intestine to the wall of our abdomen. In other words The mesentery connects the intestine to the abdomen.

Previously to its discovery mesentery was thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. The mesentery, it turns out, is one connected organ, not a disjointed group of separate parts, a theory believed since the 19th century.

Which function attributed to mesentery?

Although its function is still unclear, the discovery opens up “a whole new area of science,” according to J Calvin Coffey, a researcher at the University Hospital Limerick who first discovered it. “When we approach it like every other organ… we can categorize abdominal disease in terms of this organ,” he said.

“Now we have established anatomy and the structure. The next step is the function. If you understand the function you can identify abnormal function, and then you have disease.

“Put them all together and you have the field of mesenteric science.”

While the mesentery’s specific function is still unknown, studying it as an organ could lead to new discoveries about its impact on abdominal diseases.

The heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys are the vital organs, but there are another 74 that play a role in keeping us healthy- including the mesentery! Medical students and researchers can now investigate what role the mesentery might play in abdominal diseases, which it is hoped could ultimately lead to new treatments.



Image credit:

Attribution: / CC BY-SA (

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 6, 2017
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Questioning kids

Questioning your kid

It is important to put good thoughts and making kids think about community and the world they live in. When you get time sit with your kid and ask thought provoking and valuable questions that will shape up their lives. Depending on the age group that your kids falls into, you can ask some of the following questions that are relevant to them. See whether you will get satisfying answers. If you don’t then explain them what is wrong in their answer. Ask same questions after few months and get an answer. This  will help child to get along with peers, family and in society.

  1. If could change one rule that your family has, what would you change?
  2. What is something that makes your family special?
  3. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?
  4. Are you a good sibling? Why do you think so?
  5. Are you a good friend? Why do you think so?
  6. How do you respond when you see someone is bullying a special need child?
  7. How would the world be different if animals could talk?
  8. Would you cheat on a test if you knew you would not be caught? Why or why not?
  9. If you could grow up to be famous, what would you want to be famous for?
  10. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
  11. What is the best gift you have ever given? Why was it so special?
  12. What is the hardest thing about being a kid?
  13. Where is your favorite place in the world?
  14. If you could give one gift to every single child in the world, what gift would you give?
  15. If you could travel back in time three years and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?
  16. What five words do you think most describe you?
  17. If you could invent something that would make life easier for people, what would you invent?
  18. When was a time that you felt lucky?
  19. What do you think would be the hardest thing about being blind or not able to speak?
  20. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?
  21. Will you help your parents in house work? Why or why not?
  22. Why do you think everyday exercise is important?
  23. Do you think it is important to have a cell phone/smart phone and for what reasons?
  24. Do you know there are unfortunate kids in the world? How can you help them?
  25. Do you talk to strangers and give them any information about family?
  26. Do you like to spend time with your grandparents during vacation?

Ask these questions and get answers. Tell them to think before they answer. If they don’t understand help them to understand the meaning of the questions. After few months repeat the questions and see whether the answers are different from earlier session. You may find difference in your child’s thinking process too.


Image credit: Author: Olga1205 (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 4, 2017
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Child pose

Stress buster child pose

If there is a yoga pose that one can perform, anywhere anytime and want to relax then that would be stress buster Balasana or child pose. If you are stressed out and want to calm your mind, to come out from anxiety and anger child pose or baby pose helps.  Balasana is the Sanskrti word for child pose. Bala= child, asana= pose. This pose resembles a child who is sleeping on its belly by placing hands in front (in different forms).

Child pose is a resting pose that can be used at any time, and is especially enjoyable after a challenging pose. It means when we go through stress and anxiety, performing child pose not only calms the body, mind and spirit, but also stimulates the third eye point.

How you do child pose:

  • Sit back on heels and open knees about hip width on a mat. Bend forward by lowering upper body between thighs and bring forehead toward floor. Stretch both arms in front of the body by facing palms down.
  • Or simply kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels, then separate your knees about as wide as your hips.
  • If you find it hard to touch the forehead to floor use a folded towel, a block or a blanket – and place head on the any one of these items of your choice.
  • If you find it difficult on calves and hamstrings, place a folded towel between calves and hamstrings.
  • Don’t forget to breath in and out few times.


To increase length of the torso, lift your buttocks just slightly away from the heels and stretch both arms in the front. While stretching the arms long draw the shoulder blades down and back.  Sit the buttocks down on the heels again.


  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue: Touching forehead on the floor and closing eyes helps in focusing mind and brings balance and calms the mind. Stretching of body create awareness on oneself and reduces the pain related to stress.
  • Relieves back and neck pain when done with head and torso supported
  • Stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles
  • Stimulate digestive systems and massages internal organs : Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system
  • It gently releases the lower back
  • For women – helpful in releasing menstrual cramps and stress related to menstrual cycle.
  • Releases shoulder tension



Image credit: Image by Stephanie Pratt from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 1, 2017
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