All posts by Sumana Rao

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Vending machine foods

Vending machine foods: How safe is your choice?

Vending machines seem to be popping up everywhere. Although vending machines are a popular channel for convenient snack foods and beverages, they are often a source of less-than-healthy products. Whether hunger hits unexpectedly wherever we are – road, college, office, movie theaters- vending machines can be perplexing to those who are trying to eat healthy. In a healthier world, we would have fruits vendors or fresh veggies and hummus in refrigerated machines, but there are times when vending machines packed with soda, candy, and chips are the only option.  A great majority of options are high in calories, fat, and added sugars, and low in nutrients. Popular items include candy, soft drinks, chips, cookies and cakes. The majority of vending machine food sold in the nation’s middle and high schools has little or no nutritional value, a factor that advocates believe is contributing to skyrocketing child obesity rates.

A survey conducted in Washington DC revealed that concerning snacks, 80 percent of those available were candy, chips or sweet baked goods, and of the 9,723 total snack slots surveyed, only 26 slots offered a fruit or vegetable.

Claims that junk food at school does not hurt kids are junk themselves. Schools have been investigating vending machines and are researching what goes into them. Many schools are now changing to healthier items being stocked in these machines. The reason being, that most vending machines typically do contain unhealthy food and students are bombarded only with unhealthy vending machine choices. Parents of preschool children, should not encourage their children to eat from the vending machines. Children are attracted to colorful packages. However what they eat at young age influences their adulthood.  Purchasing unhealthy snack choices to pacify or calm a demanding child, gives children a poor nutrition and health message.

An Indian vending machine vendor offers products that Fruits Vending Machine, Cool Drink’s Vending Machine, Hot snack Vending Machine, Milk Pouch Vending Machine.  The products included here are: pizza, burger, hot bread, packed pasts, packed noodles, salad packets, hot dogs, sandwich, samosa and fresh meat of chicken, fish and crab!  Even though, the claim is these foods are good and safe to eat we need to take precautions before consuming any of these foods that are cooked and baked. Many times foods may be expired or about to expire. Or if the food is not processed properly they may be contaminated with bacteria or fungi.

It is a good idea to spend a few extra minutes gazing through glass vending window before making a hasty purchase. Evaluate before inserting your money to insure you are making a nutritious choice.

What precautions one should take when tap into foods from vending machines?

1) Read nutrition label – understand every words that are displayed on food label (see here: )

2) Check expiry dates and manufacturing date – do not eat something that is already expired.

3) See whether the food is properly sealed.

4) If there is stuffing in the food (like sandwich or samosa or even cutlets), make sure there is no growth or slimy things inside the food.

5) Check for sugar content

6) Odour should be fresh

7) Look into hygienic condition of the vending machine. Law required cleaning the vending machine often

8) Do not encourage children to eat from colorful packages.

9) Beware of the list of things that are prohibited from school vending machines. Apply same rule to your children outside their school.  For example – Some schools are prohibiting the sale or serving of the following foods in school: chewing gum, flavored ice bars, candy bars, food or drinks containing 40 percent or more, by weight, of sugar. And other sweeteners, juice products containing less than 20 percent real fruit or vegetable juice, or foods with more than 8 grams of fat per one ounce serving. In addition, soft drinks are prohibited at some elementary and middle schools.

10) Try to make sure that the majority of your vending choices are healthy choices.

  • What to choose? Choose – Baked tortilla chips, popcorn, whole grain bagels, low fat muffins, low sugar cereals, oats, granola type bars, snack mix with with cereals and dry fruits, nuts and seeds, fresh fruits, vegetable sticks, fig bars, crackers, cookies (plain), baked crackers, pretzels, unsweetened juice and 100% water. From well refrigerated vending machine – fruit salad (fresh), low fat milk, non fat yogurt, frozen 100% fruit juice bars.
  • What to avoid? Samosa, burger, cutlet, veggie rolls, meat sandwich, candy bars, candy, potato chips, fried chips, artificially sweetened popcorn, high fat cheese snacks, fruit flavored sweetened roll-ups, cream filled cookies, snack cakes and rolls, mini chocolate donuts, meats, regular soda, whole milk and ice cream.

11) Beware of transfat foods in the vending machines. Many snack manufacturers are using palm oil instead of proper cooking oil. It is good to make it a habit of reading food label to understand – sugar percent, fat content, calories of the food, artificial flavors and other transfat contents.

If we know our schedule the best option is always packing healthy lunch and keeping healthy snacks wherever we are or to carry with us.  In a perfect world, one can expect healthy foods in vending machine. However, world is not there yet. Until then we need to use good judgment when making health choices for ourselves and for our children.


  • Image credit: Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 8, 2016
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Emotions influences organs

Emotions influences organs

Our organs are strongly affected by our emotions. Did you know about this? If not, understanding how our emotional thinking affects our various body part is worth. For example if a person is constantly under abuse and stress it will affect their liver and leads to diabetes!. As the stress level increases it has negative affect on the organs and the function of organs will get distracted even at molecular level and leads to various conditions. If we are happy then, we feel relaxed and our stress hormones comes down affecting our body parts positively. Modern medicine takes a very mechanical and materialistic view of the body parts. Traditional medicines like Greek medicine and Ayurveda, focuses on the emotional influence on the organs during several conditions that one might have.

Negative emotional symptoms & health of organs

Any prolonged negative mental state will inevitably weaken your body.

  • Crying
  • Overwhelming sense of tension or pressure
  • Trouble relaxing
  • Nervousness
  • Quick temper
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration
  • Trouble remembering things
  • Loss of sense of humor
  • Indecisiveness

Heart:  Is a principal organ of the body and is very sensitive to emotions. Love and uplifting talks helps the heart to function better. Whereas if there is remorse, guilt, timidity and cowardice – these emotions sends wrong signal to heart and heart function will be affected negatively. Blood pressure build up is one common condition that happens when the heart is not happy.

Lungs: Lungs are sensitive and vulnerable to same emotions as of heart. Anxiety and sorrow both damage the lungs.   Respiratory problems like dyspnea and asthma can develop in people who have problem with breathing room. When we are happy the chest will expand and allows lungs to expand. The feeling of dignity and pride helps lungs to puffs up.

Throat:  Throat is a part of digestive tract. Sadness, grief , sorrow and crying causes a lump in the throat. When the liver gets hurt because of tension and anxieties – the whole digestive tract including throat gets affected. It can cause pain and boils in the throat.

Liver: Anger, irritability, resentment, frustration, jealousy and envy characters has negative affect on liver. Anger and irritability can move up toward head from the liver causing migraines, headaches and muscular pain and tension in the neck and shoulder. Too much stress results in malfunctioning of liver and it gives a feeling of stuffy and congestion under the chest.

Stomach:  Stress and tension, negative thinking leads to  heartburn, abdominal cramps, or loose stools —It is all related to stress. We all have tendency to hold the anger and resentment in our gut. With this As per Ayurveda the Chakra in stomach governs the energy flow and it distributes throughout our body. Anger, rage, hat and frustration stored in the gut leads to ulcers, belly fat accumulation, ulcers and othe condition. It is important to eat with happiness and while we relaxed. The focus should be on food and its benefits. Pensiveness is an emotion of excessive thinking and melancholy. It can also constrict the digestive system and affect the stomach with gas, distension and bloating.

Intestines and Bowels: Any negative emotions causes obstructions in the function of intestine and bowels. Constipation, bloating are two symptoms commonly happens when these organs are experiencing disturbance.    An emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, stress and emotional tension, all of which can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, such as constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Colon: The colon is very vulnerable to aggravations and excesses of the chronic or deeply held worry, anxiety and nervous or emotional stress and tension.  It generally results in disorders like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or spastic colon, but if the aggravation is severe, even colitis and more serious degenerative diseases may result.

Kidneys: Fright, fear and shock are most injurious to the kidneys. Fear causes pain and disease in the kidneys, adrenals, and lower back and creates favorable conditions for urinary tract disorders and incontinence. The energetic flow of these emotions is downwards, as they take away the foundation of security and self-assurance that we have.  When beset with extreme fear or fright, many lose control of their kidneys and bladder, and urinate spontaneously. Fright affects the heart in the short run and when it becomes chronic can affect the kidneys.

Skin: “All parts of the body react to our emotions, but the skin is the one suit we never take off. Because it’s the border between the inside and the outside, it’s full of all the intrigue and byplay that accompanies being on the border,” says Ted A. Grossbart, PhD, a psychologist. Conditions like eczema, psoriasis, hives, warts herpes, itching etc..,  in particular are exquisitely sensitive to increases in stress and tension.

Reproductive organs: In both male and females emotions will lead to under performance of reproductive organs. In both, reproductive organs can also be affected by fears and anxiety. In men, feelings of inadequacy and “performance anxiety” can affect the reproductive organs. Optimal health of female reproductive organs can often depend on whether or not women feel loved by, and how much close they are to their partners or spouse. Lack of trust and emotional trauma can lead to infertility in both male and females.

The positive emotions promotes the health of the various organs:

  • Sinuses — wisdom and proper use of power
  • Teeth — courage and determination
  • Tonsils — realistic assessment of life issues
  • Thyroid — harmonious drive
  • Heart — love of mankind
  • Lungs — sense of freedom
  • Breast — motherly love
  • Liver — harmonious mood
  • Gallbladder/bile ducts — optimism
  • Stomach/duodenum — elated moods
  • Kidneys — vitality
  • Spleen — power to resist negative influences
  • Pancreas — self-love
  • Small and large intestine — perseverance
  • Appendix — self-knowledge
  • Ovaries/testicles — creativity
  • Prostate/uterus — ability to give yourself to your sexual partner
  • Bladder — self-confidence

Happiness comes when you are grateful for what you have.

It is important to learn how to relax and how to overcome the stress for better health. If any of the organs are not performing well or if we develop conditions described above cross check yourself and see how to improve your emotions. Thinking positive and trying to be happy is one way. Learn to meditate and balance mind and body.  This will help organs to function better. Honor your body and honor your mind.


  • Image credit: <a href=’’>Background photo created by freepik –</a>

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Visual illusions

See how your brain reacts to visual illusions

What do you see in the image here? While we definitely cannot see without our eyes, nothing would make sense without input from the brain. The brain has two hemispheres, each divided into four lobes. Each lobe is responsible for different functions. The frontal cortex is responsible for decision making and planning; the temporal lobe for language and memory; and the parietal lobe for spatial skills. The occipital lobe is entirely devoted to vision: It is thus the place where visual illusions happen. One way to understand more about illusion system is to look at how we can trick it, that is, to look at how the brain reacts to visual illusions.

See more illusions and don’t try to be smarter than your brain: Just enjoy being tricked!


Are the squares inside the blue and yellow squares all the same color?

Square Illusions


Are the horizontal lines straight or crooked?

Horizontal Lines


Can you put the fish in the fishbowl?

Fish In Bowl


How many legs does this elephant have?

Elephant Illusion


Are the two horizontal lines of the same length?

Pointing Arrows


Do you see gray dots at the intersections of the white lines?

Hermann Grid Illusion

 Does Lincoln’s face look normal?

Lincoln's Eyes


Can you see a baby?

Baby Illusion


Are these circles are moving or not?

Circular Illusions

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 2, 2016
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Are these circles are moving or not?

Are these circles are moving or not?

Illusory motion: These circles appear to be moving due to illusory motion. While it isn’t entirely well-understood how the brain perceives movement from these images, a 2012 study from St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix found that small, rapid eye movements are responsible for aiding the illusion. If you focus your gaze very intently on one spot of the image, the motion will stop.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Does Lincoln’s face look normal?

Does Lincoln’s face look normal?

It seems normal but now, look at it upright: Lincoln’s eyes do not look quite right! Some neurons in the brain seem specialized in processing faces. Faces are usually seen upright. When presented upside down, the brain no longer recognizes a picture of a face as a face but rather as an object. Neurons processing objects are different from those processing faces and not as specialized. As a consequence these neurons do not respond to face distortions as well. This explains why we miss the weird eyes when the face is inverted.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Hermann Grid Illusion

Do you see gray dots at the intersections of the white lines?

Hermann grid illusion: There are not gray dots in this grid. However “ghost like” gray blobs are perceived at the intersections of the white lines. The gray dots disappear when looking directly at an intersection. This illusion can be explained by a neural process happening in the visual system called lateral inhibition (the capacity of an active neuron to reduce the activity of its neighbors).

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Pointing Arrows

Are the two horizontal lines of the same length?

The Mueller-Lyer Illusion: The two horizontal lines are of the same length, even though the one at the bottom seems longer. As you know, the visual angle gets smaller with distance, so the brain automatically perceives objects at farther distances to be bigger. In general, lines that have inward flaps, such as corner of a building, are relatively the nearest points of the overall object. Similarly, lines with outward flaps are found at the longer distance, as the farthest corner of a room. So in the Mueller-Lyer illusion, the brain perceives the line with outward flaps to be at a farther point as compared to the line with inward flaps. Consequently, the brain perceives the line with outward flaps to be longer.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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