All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.

Advice To Grandparents!

Are you becoming a grandparent for the first time? Listen to  grandma’s advice and be happy.

First expect to hold a little bundle of joy in your hands. In addition, shower love…don’t hold back! However, when you have to advice the new parents, be careful. They are also new parents. They may not listen to you. If you have to advice them then, be gentle, choose your words carefully and do not hesitate to admire them.

  1.  Give the parents all the love and support you can. Don’t compare new parents or their child to anything or anybody – good or bad.
  2. Play with child – don’t be possessive because child is your son’s or daughter’s. Allow other family members to play too.
  3. Get extra time with new baby and volunteer to help -change diaper, feeding and willing to look after baby if the new parents wants some time off.
  4. Respect the wishes of parents, don’t criticize them
  5. If parents neglect your advice, don’t worry… they will learn.
  6. Do not impose your opinion. Give them advice if they ask.
  7. Do not stop loving the grand children. Be around and bring them home or visit them often.
  8. Don’t worry about the gifts that you cannot afford. Instead, look for garage sales – resale’s – toys, books, furniture, bicycles, stroller and safety equipment for child.
  9. Do not compare yourself to other grandparents or grand mothers.
  10. Do not talk to child about their parents habits and do not criticize parents in front of child.
  11. Control your anger and expressing displeasure.
  12. Don’t take togetherness for granted; circumstances can change in an instant.
  13. Take the time to make the time with your grandchildren memorable.
  14. Be yourself and give of yourself.
  15. Enrich your grandchild’s life with more you, less stuff. Read stories, take them to park and play with them.
  16. Love, enjoy, and appreciate every single moment.
  17. Stay calm, happy, loving with your grandchild.
  18. Note down important stages of your grandchild and give them memories.
  19. Prepare foods and feed the child – understand what food can cause allergy to the child.
  20. Note down important contact numbers that may come in handy when you are left with grandchild alone.
  21. Teach children traditional games, to love nature and pets.
  22. Do not compare yourself to child’s parents.
  23. Go with new mom if she wants you to accompany her to hold baby and be helpful if you can.
  24. If you are a camera person then, take plenty of pictures.
  25. If you know knitting or crochet , get ready with sweater, cap and sock! Ask parents which color they prefer for their baby.

Enjoy your grandparent days – it is a gift! 

Image credit: “Laila and the Grandparents Virji” by Salim Virji is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 29, 2016

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Remedies For Hiccups

Get Relief From Sudden Hiccups

Hiccups happen sometimes for no apparent reasons. Babies, children and adults all will get hiccups for no reasons. If you look for how hiccup happens scientifically then google the answer -“A hiccup is a sudden, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm muscle. When the muscle spasms, the vocal cords snap shuts producing the hiccup sound.”

Let us see what general reasons for hiccups are:

1) Fatty foods

2) Day to day stress

3) Smoking

4) Certain flours

5) Raw vegetables like cucumber and cauliflower, carbonated drink, bubble gum

6) Eating too fast with tension

7) Half empty stomach

8) Indigestion of milk and milk products

The most common reasons for sudden hiccup include over eating, gas in digestive system, eating too fast, hunger, certain conditions related to muscle and nerves.

For regular hiccups, try some of these home remedies:

  • Meal time: Before meal time try few bending exercises. Drink a cup of warm water after meal and after meal go for a short walk
  • Bite a piece of lemon
  • Hold your tongue between fingers for few seconds
  • Hold and leave your nose for couple of seconds – repeat few times
  • Distraction – paying attention to something else helps
  • Hold and release your breath few times
  • Gargle with plain water and drink water by bending and holding cup down !
  • Smell bath soap and bath salt
  • Place one-half teaspoon of dry sugar on the back of your tongue.
  • Black pepper: Smell black pepper powder. It can cause sneezing. Sneezing distracts and shakes the system and stops hiccups
  • Cardamom powder: Boil water and add little cardamom powder. Strain and drink the cardamom water
  • Mustard seeds: Slowly swallow few (10-12) mustard seeds with clarified butter. It stimulates the nerves in throat region and stops hiccups
  • Avoid spicy food and consume moderate amount of fibers in your daily meals.
  • Eat more fresh juicy fruits – oranges, mango, cherries and berries
  • Little amount of clarified butter (ghee) mixed with rice and salt also helps.
  • Eat a piece of jaggery and drink a cup of water!
  • Chew a tender pan leaf with little sugar

As in adults, hiccups in newborns, infants, and babies are common and generally nothing to worry about. While feeding a baby if baby gets hiccups while feeding then stop feeding until the hiccups stops.  While feeding a baby if baby gets hiccups while feeding then stop feeding until the hiccups stops. Pat babies back slowly and try releasing the gas.

Remember These remedies for sudden and general hiccups. If you feel that hiccups are not going away and due to some conditions then, don’t ignore consulting your family doctor.

Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Fssai newspaper

FSSAI Warns Against The Food Packed In Newspapers

Eating road side food – bhel, puri, churmuri, fries, bajji, samosa, bonda? Then, make sure you do not eat it from a newspaper. FSSAI has given a warning about these types of food as this can cause severe health issues.

Not only the food from road side, if you have a habit of draining oil on a news paper or getting foods packed in news paper then seriously try changing your habits.

The national food regulator of India had informed public not to consume such foods because of the ink that contains chemicals that should not meet food items.

Newspapers are printed all over with ink that is dissolved on it with the help of chemical solvents. Studies have shown that printing ink from newspapers can easily get leached into foods wrapped or served in them and pose a health risk. The solvent used to dissolve ink on the paper can be potentially carcinogenic.

If you are buying food packed in cardboard look for recycled paper mark. If it is, then do not buy such foods as they are unsafe to consume. Newspapers and cardboard boxes used for packaged foods are made of recycled paper that may be contaminated with harmful chemicals like di-isobutyl phthalate and di-n-butyl phthalate which can cause digestive problems and also lead to severe toxicity.

A cereal company during 2010, had to recall an entire batch of boxes coated with paper lining. The material had an increased level of methylnaphthalene which leached into the cereal and consumers reported digestive problems after eating the contaminated cereal.

Women at risk: Recycled paper also has printing ink residues trapped from previous prints. These trapped residues have found to contain hormone disruptors like benzophenones and mineral oils. They can interfere with reproductive cycle, especially in women.

FSSAI drive against packing food in newspapers in Mysuru the cleanest city of India: According to FSSAI officers at Mysuru, Karnataka, FSSAI is planning a drive against food packing in newspaper.  This is to create awareness across the district. Mysuru is a beautiful place where public have access for more street foods.  FSSAI will make effort to reach over 1,500 roadside eateries and every vendor — either through their association or through other means —to educate them about the hazards of continuing the practice of wrapping food in newspapers.

License requirement: According to Mr. Suresh, FSSAI official at Mysuru,  It is important to for the roadside eateries to avail license under FSSAI. During the awareness, Mysuru officials are also bringing up the issue of vendors not renewing their license to practice.  Besides availing a trade license from the Myrusu City Corporation, it is mandatory for vendors to get a licence from FSSAI as well. This besides roadside eateries, restaurants and star hotels are supposed to have an FSSAI licence. A penalty ranging from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 3 lakh can be imposed on those flouting the norms. The FSSAI license fee starts from Rs. 100.



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 27, 2016
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Choose baby sitter wisely

Tips To Choose A Baby Sitter Wisely

Working parents with infants and young children often need baby sitters at home. If the parents wants to spend a night outside home or during work hours where they cannot take children along with them hire baby sitters to be at home with their child/children. We often here stories and see videos how we cannot trust a stranger to be with our children. Even though the baby sitters claim to have qualification there are certain qualities a sitter should have. Attitude, patience, dealing with children in a pleasant manner and more importantly trust is important. If you are planning to hire a baby sitter then understand what you should know about a baby sitter and what qualities a baby sitter should have. It is also important to understand what are parents role and how equally they should be prepared and ready to leave child with a  baby sitter.

What a qualification a Babysitter must have?

  1. Have legal eligibility for employment
  2. Have babysitting or child care experience
  3. Have a valid Driver’s License/ID and dependable transportation
  4. Have excellent communication skills
  5. Be 18 years of age or older
  6. Authorize a criminal background check
  7. Provide three references
  8. Be fun, energetic, creative, and patient

What you need to note?

  1.  Check references
  2. Review the interview notes
  3. See how your kids react and communicate to new sitter
  4. Trial test how she was with your kids
  5. Get feedback from kids
  6. Write down negative and positive aspects of the person
  7. See your pets reactions!

 If you are going out what you notes you need to leave for sitter?

Prepare a sheet of vital information for your sitter, and leave it in a convenient place such as directly over the telephone. The list should include:

  • Your name, home address, and phone number. This may seem unnecessary but, in an emergency, sitters have been known to “blank out” while trying to give this critical information over the phone.
  • The phone numbers of your doctor, the police department, and the fire department.
  • The name, address, and phone number where you can be reached.
  • The name and phone number of nearby neighbors to be contacted in an emergency. Take prior permission from your neighbor.
  • As a back-up, the phone number and name of a relative or close friend.
  • The time you expect to return. If there is any change in plans, and you find you are going to be late, be sure to let the sitter know. There may be people she will need to notify so they won’t            worry about her.

Family policies:

Prepare a sheet of vital information for your sitter, and leave it in a convenient place such as directly over the telephone. The list should include:

  • Your name, home address, and phone number. This may seem unnecessary but, in an emergency, sitters have been known to “blank out” while trying to give this critical information over the phone.
  • The phone numbers of your doctor, the police department, and the fire department.
  • The name, address, and phone number where you can be reached.
  • The name and phone number of nearby neighbors to be contacted in an emergency. (This should be cleared with the neighbors in advance.) As a back-up, the phone number and name of a relative or close friend.
  • The time you expect to return. If there is any change in plans, and you find you are going to be late, be sure to let the sitter know. There may be people she will need to notify so they will not worry about her.
  • If the baby sitter is going to feed your children – get ready with food and sancks. If children are allergic to certain food make a note of them and inform the sitter what symptom he/she should look for.
  • Enter baby sitter phone number in your favorite and make a note of it in your wallet.
  • If needed put couple of cameras in your home where the child sleeps and plays.

Other points to remember:

  • No visitors for baby sitters in your absence
  • Do not post on social media or selfies with children
  • Gentle playing
  • No physical discipline for kids
  • Watching only appropriate TV shows
  • Reading or narrative children stories
  • Keeping cell phone use very minimal
  • Appropriate dressing sense

Communicate to your baby sitter often and get feedback about their day with child. Giving the responsibility of your child to a third person needs extra care and caution. Following and remembering these above mentioned points would be helpful in hiring a good baby sitter/nanny.


Image credit: Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Free Cancer Treating Vaidya

Free Cancer Treating Vaidya (Doctor)

Naryanamurthy, a 60 year old simple living farmer from Narasipura village, Shimoga District, Karnataka a herbalist also popularly known as Vaidya (Sanskrit =Doctor) Narayanamurthy (Narasipura Subbaiah Narayanamurthy). He is popular because he is helping people suffering from various conditions including heart, cancer and kidney diseases.  People who had tried allopathic medicines and has not got positive results has been approaching Murthy. Murthy is practicing Ayurveda medicne to help people from 25 years.

Narayanamurthy follows Ayurveda and herbal medicine to cure various conditions. About 15 NGOS are supporting his efforts and everyday his family also joins him in treating various patients who come to see him from all over India and world. Early in the morning a long line of people will form in front of his farm house to get treated. About 600-700 people visit him everyday for the medicines.

Murthy’s day starts listening to people who come to see him. He will give medicines for 15 to 30 days depending on the prevailing condition a person is going through. His medince prescriptions is free of charge. Sometimes he will asks patients for the lab report.  The source of medicines that Murthy gives is collected from surrounding tropical forest. The source of his medicines is from different kinds of plants and herbs which he personally collects from forest during particulars days of the week , He needs approximately 50-60 kg of roots, stems and barks for the medicine he gives to the patients per day, The patient needs to take these medicines with specific dietary instructions, it may take typically 90 days to 180 days to cure. unlike Chemotheraphy and laser treatment which are not a permanent solution or happy ending always his natural medicines relieve the patients successfully. Terminally ill patients also approach Murthy for the medicines. There are cases where terminally ill patients recovered from the illness. Murthy has given hopes for people with his expertise in cancer, respiratory, heart and kidney stones. Cancer patients has to to take 6-8 months of cancer medicines  and it has shown positive results on  cancer patients.

It is easy to approach Vaidya Murthy as the appointment is not required to visit him. On first come first service basis people can see Murthy to get cured by the natural medicines that he prescribes. No appointment is required to see Murthy. Service is provided on a first-come-first-served basis, starting at 7 AM every Sunday and Thursday.

Vaidya Murthy can be contacted at: 08183-250833

Watch this video to see Vaidya Murthy’s selfless service to all.

How to reach Shimoga?

You can take a train from Bangalore there are 2 express trains and 2 passenger trains

Bangalore-Shimoga Express  (Train no 16227) & SBEC SMET Express (Train no 16201)



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 24, 2016
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Constipation Problem

Constipation Problem? Try These Natural Tips

There is nothing to get embarrassed if one has constipation problem. To keep up good health one need to have proper food that supports system to take out toxic substances from the body.   If the problem persists, it can cause headache, no hunger, insomnia, bloating etc. Instead of relying on suppository, it is better to take care of our food and other habits that are causing constipation. If you know what type of food your body needs then the constipation problem can be easily solved.

Reasons for constipation:

  • Reduced sleep and rest
  • Consumption of highly processed foods and fast foods
  • Consumption of laxatives for no reasons
  • Daily medications
  • Influence of seasons
  • Not drinking enough water or no liquid food diet
  • Too much of sitting work
  • No regularity in food intake – time and quality of food
  • Improper diet – not understanding what your body needs
  • Emotional stress

What habits and foods are essential to get relief from constipation?

1) Drink plenty of water and consuming liquid food.

2) If you consume liquid food – don’t forget to take nutrient rich liquid food like carrot juice, buttermilk, yogurt, lemon juice, spinach soup  types of food.

3) Increase quantity of fiber in your food. – Consume fruits and vegetables. Oranges, apple, banana are best fruits. Radish, carrot, cucumber, fenugreek leaves, spinach, palak, cilantro – all these vegetables are rich in fiber and light on the system.

4) Instead of consuming bottled and preserved juice,eat fresh fruits.  Apple, oranges and papaya increases the bowl movement. Try green apple to reduce daily constipation.

5) Other sources for fiber include:  Bran and other whole grains found in cereals, breads, and brown rice, Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, carrots, and asparagus,  fresh fruits, or dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, and prunes and beans. Drumsticks, egg plant, cabbage, okra curries helps too !!

6) Including clarified butter, oil and butter – about 20 grams helps in providing fats that are needed for easy bowl movement.

7) Avoid or stop bakery items – puffs, samosa, cakes etc. Avoid all purpose flour as much as possible. It does not supply any fiber to the body and increases constipation.

8) Eat whole grain breads, crackers – add sliced vegetables and prepare veg sandwiches whenever you consume bread or crackers.

9) Include – jowar, millet, quinoa, maize in your daily food in different forms. Flax seeds are best source of fiber and known to reduce constipation. One can prepare chutney powder and add this to bread, rotis, idli and other breakfast items. Add roasted flax seeds to salad. Seeds and nuts such as pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, or flax seeds, as well as almonds, walnuts and pecans – all are good!.

10) Include molasses in your food – jaggery helps in easy digestion!

11) Drink green tea, herbal tea in your diet. Reduce carbonated and caffeinated drinks.

  • Exercise and establish a routine: Exercise regularly. Bending and doing house hold works helps. Try yoga asanas – malasana, squatting, child pose, twisting poses to increase bowl movement.  Daily walk for half an hour helps stomach to be active and healthy.
  • Establish a routine or try potty training yourself – stick to you a time, practice it. If you drink warm water in empty stomach first thing in the morning your chances of going to toilet in the morning is more.

When to see a doctor? If the constipation problem continues for more than 2 weeks consult your doctor.

Image credit: Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 5, 2016
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Older Driver Safety

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

Have you worried about your aged parents driving ability and staying safe on busy roads? Yes, it can be scary. What used to be upper limit for driving speed is now minimum driving speed in most highways. With age elderly people find it hard to drive around. If we do not have time to spare, then we need to make sure they drive safe and they should be safe on the road. If they want to be active and wish to be independent, and would like to go for shopping, dining and visiting friends we cannot stop them. With increasing age come changes in physical, mental and sensory abilities that can challenge a person’s continued ability to drive safely. But there are a variety of safe travel options for people of all ages. The real need is a broader awareness of the solutions, rather than a narrow focus on the problem.

If you see elderly person driving a vehicle at any time have patience – do not tailgate and scare them. Be respectful and allow them to drive comfortably.

Between December 5–9, 2016, The American Occupational Therapy Association aims to promote understanding of the importance of mobility and transportation to ensuring older adults remain active in the community—shopping, working or volunteering—with the confidence that transportation will not be the barrier to strand them at home.

We should get ready for change in age: Older Driver Safety Awareness Week seeks to raise awareness and increase education about the aging driver’s options. Each day of the week, AOTA spotlights a different aspect of older driver safety.  This Older Driver Safety Awareness Week highlights five topics that impact mature drivers, kicking off with anticipating the physical and mental changes that can affect driving. As people age they experience physical, sensory and cognitive changes.

According to AARP, these are some of the changes older drivers might experience:

*Changes in vision including reduced field of vision, diminished night vision and sensitivity to glare, and common conditions like glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts

  • Hearing loss
  • Increasing fragility, diminished strength
  • Arthritis
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Medical conditions and medications
  • Changes in cognition

By anticipating those changes, older drivers can investigate solutions that may keep them on the road longer.  Occupational therapists, especially those who specialize in driver rehab, can help drivers find answers to challenges caused by medical or physical issues.

Monday: Anticipating Changes That Can Affect Driving

Whether we want to admit it or not, aging is inevitable. The ability to drive safely can be affected by changes in our physical, emotional, and cognitive health. Although changes are a part of normal aging, they occur individually and at different rates and times. Just as one plans for retirement, it’s important to plan for transportation needs. Proactive, early planning is paramount to continued independence and safety. Occupational therapy practitioners address driving as an essential activity of daily living, and they can help older adults maintain their driving safety and community mobility despite age-related changes.

Tuesday: Family Conversations

AOTA’s Older Driver Safety Awareness Week is intentionally held each year in December because this is the time of year when families often come together for the holidays. One of the first steps in addressing older driver safety is having a nonthreatening conversation with our loved ones. Family and friends play a major role in discussions about older driver safety, and it is better to start the conversation early, allowing time for planning and the exploration of options long before the crisis or accident.

Wednesday: Screening and Evaluations With an Occupational Therapist

An older driver may decide that it is time to get a check-up on his or her driving fitness. The services described as “Driving fitness evaluations” may seem confusing, as they range from self-assessments (useful education tools to help identify potential challenges) to a professional comprehensive driving evaluation from an occupational therapy driving rehabilitation specialist. It is important for older drivers and their family members to understand the driving service they are getting, so they can act on the results in a meaningful way.

Thursday: Interventions That Can Empower Drivers

Driving intervention is based on a plan that is drawn up between the client and therapist. The goal of intervention is to explore ways for individuals to drive safely for as long as possible. Occupational therapy practitioners trained in driving rehabilitation can suggest a broad range of solutions, tailored to the individual driver. These suggestions sometimes include adaptive equipment. Occupational therapy practitioners can work with older drivers in their vehicles to see which types of equipment, if any, are necessary to help them remain comfortable and safe on the road.

Friday: Staying Engaged in the Community

When an older driver discovers the need to make adjustments to drive safely or can no longer do so, families and friends can help him or her take these changes in stride. But to do so, the older driver and the family need to know about resources for independent community mobility before driving cessation occurs. Losing one’s ability to drive, limiting the amount of driving, or changing the way one drives does not have to mean losing independence, and older adults have options to continue to stay involved in their communities.

The week started in 2009 as an initiative of the American Occupational Therapy Association. Its goal, is to “raise awareness that there really are a lot of steps between realizing there’s a problem or a challenge that’s arisen with driving to giving up the keys.”



Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: December 3, 2016
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Office Hygiene & Your Health

Work Place Hygiene and Your Health

If we are working outside then we spend most time at work place and it is important to keep the work place clean and healthy.  Maintaining a clean working environment involves getting rid of the germs by preventing your work place from a host of illnesses. Many of us use public transport as a method of transportation between home and office and may carry several hundreds of germs in hands.  It is also possible and natural that colleagues who might be ill working with us. We use common toilets/restrooms in the office. It is important to wash hands before going back to work place, as there will be germs that can contaminate work areas. Keeping all these in mind, companies give certain guidelines as precautions to keep the employees healthy.

Good personal hygiene will ensure that employees are less likely to pass on harmful germs and bacteria to one another, which in turn means a healthier, happier and more productive office and workforce.

Guidelines for clean work place:

Clean your desk everyday: Before starting your work every morning make sure to clean your work area. Using mild sprays clean the desk surface and chair handles. Clean computer screens and keyboard using proper methods. Remove any coffee cups, teacups and wash them. Refill fresh water in your water bottles and make sure to cover with lid.

Make sure your office maintenance staff routinely cleans door handles, counter tops, keyboards and doorknobs with anti-bacterial solution to remove the germs.

Instead of using the office pantry carry your own coffee and tea mugs and wash them at least twice a day.

Did you know? Researchers at the University of Arizona found that an average desk at the office harbors about 100 times more bacteria than an average kitchen table [source: Weissman].

Do not eat at your desk: Take a break from your work and eat at designated area. Or have a dedicated area where you can go to get out of your own environment and have lunch, preferably with other people, so you can truly get that break during the day. This is good for you to refresh your mind and get to know your colleagues.  This keeps your desk clean and germ free.

Using restroom: If your company does not provide hand soap, carry your own soap and wash your hands thoroughly after using the common restroom. Use a paper towel to handle the doorknobs and if you notice unhygienic activities and if restrooms are not clean inform concerned person.  The germs which are present in these areas can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other serious illness.

Avoid touch as much as possible: While at work we touch the desktops, keyboards, telephones, doorknobs and workstation, we deposit a lot of dirt inside nails. With same dirty hands, we touch mouth, eyes and cheeks. Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your handbag, keep a spare hand sanitizer at your desk, or use antibacterial wipes to clean your hands.

Dealing with sick colleague: Avoid contact with sick colleague. When one person in the office gets cold or a stomach bug it feels inevitable that anyone sitting within close proximity will also get ill. Politely tell them to not to touch the areas where you feel that germs can release.  According to Infection Control Today about 44 percent might go to work despite having a fever, and watch out for the 32 percent who plan on going to work no matter how sick they may be!

Practice good respiratory hygiene making sure hankies or tissues are around for anyone else to pick up and then immediately wash your hands.

Clean air:  Clean and fresh air is important for healthy breathing. Ensure that your office has a proper exhaust system in place as it helps in fighting the infectious airborne viruses, making sure that you are breathing clean and germ-free air.

Keep your body odor minimum: Personal hygiene is also important at work. Everyday wear proper and clean clothes. Daily showers and freshly laundered clothing will help keep body odor to a minimum. Daily wear fresh clothes, socks and don’t forget to wash sneakers (if you are wearing them to office).

Maintenance of hygiene at work place is critical. You cannot rely on other people in the office to practice good hygiene. For the most part, practicing good, sensible personal hygiene at work should prevent you from getting sick – and others as a result. As an individual, you can stop germs spreading by being hygienic in the times and places that matter. Practice good toilet hygiene and wash hands thoroughly. Follow proper guidelines and take proper precautions not only to keep you healthy but others too!


Image credit: Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 27, 2016
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