Tips for parents to fight flu
The flu, also called influenza, is a viral respiratory illness. It is contagious and generally children who attend school will get flu from peers. And, people who go to work or in public contact will also get flu from various sources and will transfer to family members.
For parents – how to take care of kids at home?
1. Make sure your child gets this season’s flu vaccine: As per CDC even though the vaccine cannot completely prevent children from getting the flu (it’s about 62% effective ) it can shorten the illness and makes it milder flu season.
2. Social Distancing: Do you know that flu germs can spread up to 6 feet through sneeze and cough. Tell your child to cover mouth and nose. Use tissue to clean running nose. Make sure to collect and throw the tissues. Wash your hands afterwards.
3. Discourage your children visiting their friends, schools and neighbors when they have flu.
4. Quarantine children without symptoms to keep away from the flu virus by not allowing them to go near his/her sick siblings.
5. Hygiene: Make hygiene a priority. Keep rooms clean, shared objects clean, surfaces clean. If Sun is out open window and door at least few minutes to get fresh air from outside. To clean hands place hand sanitizer bottles in each room.
6. Hand washing: Tell your kids to wash hands thoroughly. Let them follow hand-washing instructions. Stay healthy.
7. Food: Ask and help kids to follow good nutrition, moderate exercise and adequate rest to boost their immune system. Offer them well balanced diet including hot soup, cooked vegetables, warm milk, water and plenty of rest – recommended :at least 10 hours of sleep for school going children and 12 hours for toddler. Include plenty of fluids in their diet.
8. If you are looking for home remedies make sure it suits your child. Give them plenty of warm fluid. You can use medicated chest rubs for cough and congestion, a humidifier and vaporizer for easy breathing, and saline nose drops to get rid of congestion.
What your kids should know? Tell your children to:
- Wash your hands frequently, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, being with ill people and especially before you eat
- Avoid sharing objects
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
- Get enough sleep and avoid getting “run down”
- Reduce stress – things can wait.
- Use tissues for coughs and sneezes and dispose of them immediately and appropriately
- Eat right and get regular exercise
- Avoid crowds and keep your distance from people whom you know are ill
- If you are sick, avoid contact with the frail, very young and elderly
- If you are sick, stay home from work or school
Be in a watch for worsening fever or cough, as this may be a sign of a complication such as pneumonia. Talk to your pediatrician and family doctor before giving any medicines to child.
- https://Healthylife.werindia.com
- https://www.cdc.gov
- Image credit: https://www.cdc.gov/
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 11, 2017
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