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Aloe vera for diabetes

Aloe vera Treatment For Diabetes

Aloe vera treatment for diabetes !: Researchers are now saying that Aloe vera, a common plant that many people keep in their backyard, should be investigated further for its effectiveness in treating diabetes.

Diabetes is a lifelong condition in which the body cannot produce any or enough insulin, causing blood sugar levels to be so high that they can damage other organs and tissue. Nearly 10% of people in the U.S. suffer from diabetes and 382 million people worldwide live with the disease, making it a force to be reckoned with.

Analysis of Aloe vera as an alternative treatment was done by researchers at the David Grant USAF Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base and was published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Aloe vera already has many uses for consumers looking to treat conditions in a nontraditional way. The plant is used as a skin application to treat seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis vulgaris, and genital herpes, and orally as a laxative. Aloe vera components used for treatments either contain the green rind of the leaves, the inner gel, or both.

According to the researchers,

The Aloe vera plant contains at least 75 active compounds, “which notably include vitamins, enzymes, minerals, anthraquinones, monosaccharide, polysaccharides, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, phytosterols, and amino acids.”

The authors also cited studies suggesting that some of these compounds play a role in improving blood glucose control, which is the main problem when you have diabetes. The plant also contains trace elements such as chromium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, known to be important for glucose metabolism by improving the effectiveness of insulin.

The analysis conducted by these particular researchers took a look at how many studies had been conducted about the effect of oral Aloe vera on blood sugar levels and found that only nine studies had appropriate data for meta-analyses.

Each study covered FBG (fasting blood glucose), which measures the blood glucose level during a period where a patient has not had anything to eat or drink, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c).

Results showed that Aloe vera decreased FBG by 46.6 mg/dl and HbA1c by 1.05 in the populations studied. Researchers noted that “the data suggest that patients with an FBG ≥200 mg/dl may see a greater benefit.”

Though this data is promising, it isn’t comprehensive or conclusive by any means. The researchers pointed out that there are inconsistencies that need to be tightened up in future studies, such as the formulation of Aloe vera used. The trial periods also had very different ranges, differences in controls, and lack of randomization.

It is for this reason that the medical center is calling for more research to be conducted on Aloe vera and its effectiveness as an alternative treatment for diabetes. Though there is likely hesitation from big pharmaceutical companies because Aloe vera would be less expensive and they aren’t able to form a monopoly over it.

However, patients with diabetes deserve to know if this somewhat simple salve could be used to more easily control their illness.

By Brianna Acuesta at :

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 18, 2016
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Mango rasam

Green mango (raw) rasam

Mango season is not over yet. You may find raw and sour mango in the market. Do not hesitate to buy couple of raw mangoes, because you can prepare a tasty rasam (saaru or soup) out of raw mango.

The juice of raw mangoes which is little spicy is good for health. It helps in digestion, increases appetite, rich in vitamin C and it is known to retain water in the body and helps during dehydration.  In Karnataka, India there is a special variety of raw mango is available namely Appekaayi. Rasam prepared out of this has a very good flavor. In case, you don’t get the appekayi use regular but sour mango for this preparation.

Try this healthy and tasty recipe at home.


  1. ¾ cup grated sour raw mango (IF available use appekayi)
  2. Salt as needed
  3. ½ tsp cumin seeds
  4. 2 green chillies
  5. 3 to 4 cups water
  6. ½ tsp ghee/clarified butter or oil
  7. ¼ tsp mustard seeds
  8. ½ tsp cumin seeds
  9. Pinch of asafetida
  10. Little turmeric
  11. 1/4 tsp urad daal (split black gram)
  12. 10 to 15 curry leaves


  • Wash and remove mango outer skin, grate the mango.
  • Grind the grated mango with cumin, green chillies and little water.
  • Strain the juice to a container and regrind the extract for three to four times by adding little water. This is to remove the juice from the mango as much as possible.
  • Once you extract all the juice from the pulp, discard the pulp.
  • To the juice add some more water and salt mix.
  • Taste the juice, if you feel that it is still lot more sour than you expected, then add some more water and salt.
  • In a pan heat the ghee on medium heat. Add mustard seeds, followed by cumin seeds and urad daal and asafetida. Add curry leaves, turmeric and fry for few seconds and turn off the heat.
  • Add this seasoning to the rasam/ saaru and mix it.
  • Serve this saaru for lunch or as a drink during summer.

Recipe by:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 16, 2016
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Benefits of Panchamrutha

Positive benefits of Panchamrutha

Panchamrutha (sanskrit) is a sacred mixture of five healthy ingredients. Use of panchamrutha is dated back to several centuries. It has been  in use to offer as a mixture of wellness to God.  Preparation and use of panchamrutha  brings positive benefits to humans  in terms of harmony, peace and strength to mind and body. It is a healthy tonic with various health benefits.

The ingredients used in panchamrutha are: A mixture of Honey, clarified butter (ghee from cow milk), sugar, yogurt (curd) and milk (from cow) is known as Panchamrutha.  In Hindu religion Panchamrutha is used for sacred bath called “abhishekam” of Gods and later given to devotees as prasadam.

These five ingredients represents following characters that one need to have to be happy. All these together gives a positive energy to a human body and mind. This is the belief.

  • Honey – togetherness – live in harmony with family, friends and society
  • Ghee – knowledge and wellness
  • Sugar – Sweetness – being nice to others and bliss
  • Curd – love, prosperity and progeny
  • Milk – The purity of mind and piousness – Our lives, characters and actions should be pure.

The ingredients that are used in the panchamrutha preparation are not in equal proportion.  The proportion is the sequence of 1,2,4,8 and 16.

1. One teaspoon of Honey

2. Two teaspoon of Ghee

3. Four tea spoon of sugar

4. Eight tea spoon of Yogurt

5. Sixteen teas spoon of milk.

These ingredients have to be added in the above order in a clean container. Here the numbers 1,2,4,8, 16 are in the power of two. What it indicates is:

Honey is a heavy viscosity liquid and milk is less viscous.  Honey is added first, then the clarified butter or ghee, which is little less dense than honey followed by sugar, which will dissolve in yogurt.  This is where the solid meets liquid. The last addition is milk, which is a liquid in which all the other four ingredients dissolve. Addition of milk gives panchamrutha liquid form and is used in the auspicious offerings and given to devotees. This mixture has a unique flavor because of complementary nature of five incredible ingredients.

As per Ayurveda when ghee and honey is combined in equal quantity it becomes toxic .The proportion of honey and ghee should be 1:2 this proportion is healthy and works really well.

While modifying the traditional panchamrutha devotees add ripened banana, dry fruits to panchamrutha.  However, this is not the real panchamrutha. Because, panchamrutha means – pancha =”five” amrutha =”Immortal” or ” nector of God”.  By adding fruits it becomes “phala-panchamrutha” where phala means fruits.

Panchamrutha is also called ‘Charnamrutha’ in some parts of India. Often Basil (Tulasi) leaves and dry fruits are also added in Panchamrutha.

What benefits we get by consuming panchamrutha everyday?

According to Ayurveda, the most benefit one can get only by consuming traditional panchamrutha which is designed with proper proportions of five healthy ingredients.

Boosts physical strength

  • Improves potency
  • Improves immunity
  • Vitalizes the brain-It enhances the brain power (IQ), memory, grasping power, creative abilities.
  • Improves complexion as it is considered as skin cleanser.
  • Consuming this every morning brings strong immunity and increases general strength during pregnancy. It gives good health to both mother and fetus.
  • It is a good energy booster after the delivery of the baby.

*People who have diabetic conditions should consult their physician before consuming panchamruth.

While we know that traditionally we use panchamrutha for religious purposes, it is good to understand the deep meanings behind all these symbols and practice. The ingredients and making of panchamrutha is for well being of an individual, family, community, country and the whole world. When we remember what these ingredients represents and when the mind recognizes the significance, positive thoughts will follow us with positive energy that gives strength to the body.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Maryland will ban pesticides that kill Honey bees

Maryland will ban pesticides that kill Honey bees

Maryland will become the first U.S. state to ban neonicotinoid-containing pesticides to help revive honey bee populations.

By: Amanda Froehlich at

In 2015, honey bee populations in the state of Maryland declined by 61%, according to the USDA. That startling statistic is two times higher than the national average, which is why beekeepers are celebrating the state’s recent decision to ban neonicotinoids, pesticides which have been linked with Colony Collapse Disorder.

ThinkProgress reports that in April, the Maryland House and Senate agreed upon and jointly passed a final version of the Maryland Pollinator Protection Act. If passed, the legislation will virtually eliminate consumer use of the widely-used pesticide that has been shown to negatively impact honey bee populations. In effect, Maryland will become the first state in the U.S. to codify such protection for the bumbling insects.

While scientists haven’t pinpointed a single cause behind the mass honey bee deaths, most agree that pesticides are an important contributor. The reason a ban on neonicotinoids hasn’t been passed nationwide is because the USDA has failed to declare a link between neonics and bee deaths. Reportedly, the widely-used pesticides are a key part of expanding the global insecticide market projected at around $15 billion in revenues.

The EPA is reviewing the link between several varieties of the insecticides and the bee deaths, however. Those findings will be shared with the public in 2018, the same year Maryland’s ban on neonicotinoid-containing pesticides goes into effect.

Concerning the legislation, Tiffany Finck-Haynes, a campaigner at Friends of the Earth, commented that “Maryland’s [pollinator] losses are really staggering.” She also noted that “sustainable” bee losses are considered to be around 10 to 15 percent of a colony – significantly less than what Maryland has been experiencing.

Over the past few years, scientists have found several links between neonicotinoids and poor pollinator health. For example, one study found that exposure to neonicotinoids impacted a bee’s brain. This, in result, made it forget the scent of food. Other studies have shown that pesticide exposure might weaken a honeybee’s immune system, making it more difficult to fend off viruses. Of course, bees’ populations are also threatened by dwindling food sources and the varroa mite – both which have been implicated in Colony Collapse Disorder.

The new law would “be a landmark, and it would set a standard that maybe other states would follow,” commented Del. Anne Healey, D-Prince George’s County, who authored the House version of the bill.

“Our honey bees are in serious trouble, and if we lose our bees, and other pollinators, one-third of our food supply is in danger, it will take more than good intentions to preserve and protect bees and other pollinators,” she added.

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