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Tag: diabetes

Oat dosa for diabetes

Oats Dosa For Diabetes

This is good for diabetic people who are fond of dosa. Try this simple recipe for your loved ones.

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Grapefruits & Blue berries

Grapefruits & Blue berries

Grapefruit is slightly bitter and sweet is an excellent fruit for weight loss.

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Diabetes High blood sugar

Diabetes High blood sugar

One of the leading health conditions that is prevailing all over the world is diabetes. It is a condition that develops silently where body’s ability

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Three home remedies for prediabetic condition

Three home remedies for prediabetic condition

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Yoga for Diabetes Patients

Yoga for Diabetes Patients

Yoga can bring back the cortisol level to normal. Yoga helps us center ourselves, and centering calms us and can help keep blood sugar levels balanced.

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Alkaline foods

92 Foods that can fight Cancer, Diabetes, And Heart Disease!!

Alkaline foods have been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, both of which are huge contributing factors to cardiovascular diseases.

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Diabetis in kids

Diet Tips For Kids With Diabetes

To manage the sugar and energy level both, kids with Type 1 or Type II diabetes need to stay on healthy diet. When we say healthy diet it means balanced diet.

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Alfalfa Sprouts

Alfalfa Sprouts

Adult alfalfa plants are coarse and bitter to eat.

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