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Home Remedies For Dandruff

22 tips to control dandruff

The knowledge of several herbal medicines is very old and still useful. Our elders used to collect several herbs growing around the house to use them for various conditions. Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. It is a common condition, which is marked by itching. In some cases, it can be embarrassing and not easy to treat. Instead of using harsh chemicals, one can use several types of oils and herbs to control dandruff.

Causes for dandruff: Several reasons lead to dandruff in our scalp and hair. Unhygienic condition, puberty, lack of oil in scalp, depression and stress, diabetes, infection, poor diet, chlorinated water, winter season and dryness are the common factors.

Home remedies for dandruff:

  1. Apply coconut oil and massage: Take 2 to 3 teaspoons of coconut oil and massage on the scalp. Wash hair after an hour with warm water. Repeat this 2 to 3 times in a week or alternate days or till you see the result.
  2. Lemon and olive oil: Mix a tsp of lemon juice in two tsp of olive oil. Apply this on scalp. Leave it for an hour or two (or overnight) and then wash hair using warm water. Repeat this 2 to 3 times in a week.
  3. Neem leaves: Boil neem leaves with little water. After cooling make paste and apply on the scalp. Leave for half an hour to one hour. Wash using warm water. Repeat this 2 to 3 times in a week.
  4. Fenugreek seed: Soap a tablespoon of fenugreek seed overnight. Grind soaked seeds in the morning and apply on the scalp. Wash the hair after couple of hours using herbal shampoo. Repeat this 2 to 3 times in a week.
  5. Castor oil: Apply refined castor oil on scalp, massage for few minutes. Leave it overnight and wash hair using warmer water. It takes few minutes to remove all castor oil as it is thick and sticky oil. Repeat this twice a week.
  6. Henna and amla powder: Mix equal amount of henna and amla (Indian gooseberry) powder in water and prepare paste. Apply this on the scalp and hair. Wash hair after 3 hours.
  7. Henna and yogurt mix: Mix two tsp of henna powder with fresh yogurt. Apply this mix on hair and scalp. Leave for an hour and wash hair.
  8. Aloe vera gel: Take couple of good well developed Aloe vera leaves and cut open to remove the gel. Apply the gel well on the scalp and hair. Leave it for 2 hours and wash using slightly warm water.
  9. Aloe vera gel, coconut and sesame oil mix: Mix 4 tsp of Aloe vera gel with 2 tsp each of coconut and sesame oil. Apply this on scalp and hair. If the Sun is out sit in the sun for few minutes. Allow the mix to soak your scalp. Wash using mild shampoo.
  10. Amla and Tulsi leaves: Mix amla powder with Tulsi leaves and prepare paste using water. Apply this on scalp and leave for about 30 minutes. Wash using a herbal shampoo.
  11. Hibiscus leaves: Collect few young hibiscus leaves and boil for few minutes. Allow it to cool and squeeze the leaves to get slimy liquid. Apply this on hair as shampoo and wash with water. This gives shiny hair and removes dandruff too.
  12. Hibiscus flower and shikakai: Boil few hibiscus flower and allow it to cool. Squeeze and collect the slimy liquid. To this add shikakai powder ( a tsp). Mix well and use as shampoo. This nourishes hair and removes the dandruff and hair looks shiny.
  13. Indian gooseberry (amla): Take few gooseberries and grind them to a fine paste. Apply this paste on hair and scalp. Wash using warm water after an hour to get rid of dandruff.
  14. Tea tree oil: Mix few drops of tea tree oil with your shampoo. Apply this while washing hair and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. Wash hair using warm water.
  15. Centella asiatica leaves: Collect 20-25 Centella (gotukola) leaves and put these leaves in a bottle. Add 2 tbs each of coconut oil, sesame oil and olive oil. Mix well and leave it under sunlight or slightly warm this by transferring to a container. Apply this oil on the scalp and massage well. Wash hair using warm water.
  16. Bhangra (Bringraj) leaves in sesame oil: Add bringraj (Eclipta alba) leaves in sesame oil. You can mix Centella leaves with this. Warm it slightly so that leaves contents will seep into the oil. Apply this on scalp and leave for few hours. Wash hair using warm water.
  17. Sesame oil: Slightly warm sesame oil and apply on hair and scalp. Massage for few minutes and leave it for 2 to 3 hours. Wash hair using warm water.
  18. Take care of your combs: Do not and never share your combs and hair brushes. Wash them regularly by soaking in shampoo water and dry properly before combing your hair.
  19. Apply hair oil regularly: Do not stop applying hair oils. The misconception is that, our scalp and skin produces oil and is sufficient for our hair. Fact is that we expose to severe weather and hair will lose oil content. As our grandmothers did, we should continue to take care of our hair by massaging our scalp using hair oils.
  20. Do not remove oil totally from your hair: Hair need to keep in some moisture content. Oil acts as a protector for the hair and shields hair and scalp by keeping the moisture content which helps growth of hair healthy and shiny.
  21. Use hair cap if you are a swimmer: Use hair cap and protect your hair from chlorinated water. Chlorine causes dryness and dandruff in the scalp. Using hair cap helps to keep the chlorine away.
  22. Avoid using hair dryer as much as possible: Use natural sunlight to dry wet hair. Sunlight supplies vitamin D and keeps the hair shiny. Heat from hair dryer may damage your scalp and split your hair.

It is important to wash hair and keep it out of unhygienic conditions. Always try to use shampoos that are derived from herbs and avoid harsh chemicals. Several of above tips are in use by many as all these are recommended by our grandmothers.  If your dandruff problem is persistent and not going away then contact a skin specialist or talk to your doctor.


Image credit:

Attribution: Hmochoa95 / CC BY-SA (

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 27, 2016
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Spiritual laws

The Seven spiritual Laws for Success

If one has to achieve success, they need to have certain laws in their life. The success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals. Success is the ability to fulfill ones desires with effortless ease. Success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability and sense of well being and peace of mind. When we begin to experience our life as the miraculous expression of divinity then we will know the true meaning of success. The seven spiritual laws for success is a book written by famous philosopher Deepak Chopra. The summary of 7 spiritual laws for success if briefed up here.  

1) The law of giving:

This law can also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Nothing is static in universe. Our body is in dynamic and constant exchange with the body of the universe. Giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives. Money is really a symbol of the life energy we exchange and the life energy we use because of the service we provide to universe. If we stop circulating money and if our only intention is to hold on to our money soon it will stop circulating back into our lives as well.  In order to keep the energy flowing and coming back to us we have to keep the energy (money) circulating – it is as simple as that.

2) The Law of Karma:

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind!, what we sow is what we reap. And, when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success. The operational software of our soul is karma, memory and desire. Karma is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Therefore, Karma implies the action of conscious choice making. The best way to understand and maximize the use of karic law is to become consciously aware of the choices we make in every moment. We need to realize that all our actions are karmic episodes. As long as karma is evolutionary for both self and everyone surrounded by the self- then the fruit of karma will be happiness and success.

“Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves” – Swami Vivekananda

 3) The law of pure potentiality:

The source of all creation is pure consciousness, pure potentiality seeking expression from the un-manifest to the manifest. And, when we realize that our true self is one of pure potentiality, we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.  Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity.  How to apply this law in our lives to achieve success? If one has to enjoy the benefits of pure potentiality then one has to to make full use of the creativity which is inherent in pure consciousness, then we can have access to it One way to access this is to practice of silence, meditation and being non-judgmental.  Spending time in nature will also give access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom and bliss.

4) The Law of least effort:

This law is based on the fact Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease, with carefreeness, harmony and love. When we harness the forces of harmony, joy and love we create success and good fortune with effortless ease. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, the principle of harmony and love. When we learn lesson from nature we easily fulfill our desires. When we see nature at work we see the least effort that is expended. Things happens without giving any reason. Sun shines, stars glitter and water flows – all these happens around us. In other words, nature’s intelligence functions effortlessly, spontaneously. It is holistic and nourishing.  Similar to nature, least effort is expended when our actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When we try to control with power, we waste energy for the sake of ego and results in unhappiness. When we have the exquisite combination of acceptance, responsibility and defenselessness,  then we experience life flowing with effortless ease.

5) The Law of intention and desire:

Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. Intention and desire in the field of pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. And when we introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite organizing power to work for us.

On the material level both tree and humans will be same- as we made of recycled materials (carbon, hydrogen etc). In the scheme of nature humans consider themselves as privileged species. The nervous system that is capable of recognizing the energy and informational content gives rise to a body that has a mind with all types of emotions including intention, instincts, desires and memories. Intention is the real power behind desire.  Desire alone is weak. When intention is attached to it, desire becomes powerful.  In this law of intention, one has to be cautious and use the intention for the benefit of mankind and not for the destruction of nature.

In the beginning there was desire, which was the first seed of mind: sages, having meditated in their hearts, have discovered by their wisdom the connection of the existent with the non-existent. – The Rig veda.

 6) The law of detachment:

In the detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty, in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom  from our past, from the known which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe. This does not mean that one has to give up their intention to desire. You give up your attachment to the result.

Attachment is based on the fear and insecurity and need for security is based on not knowing the true self.  The source of wealth and abundance is self and while seeking for security of self we get into an attachment.  This leads to the loss of fluidity, creativity and we lock ourselves into a rigid mindset.  To be detached means allow give freedom to others who are in our lives and not imposing our ideas on others. Participate in everything with detached involvement and that leads to success.

Like two golden birds perched on the selfsame tree, intimate friends, the ego and the self dwell in the same body. The former eats the sweet and sour fruits of the tree of life, while the latter looks on in detachment. -The Mundaka Upanishad.

 7) The law of Dharma or purpose in life:

Everyone has a purpose in life, a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And, when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals. According to the law of Dharma, there is something that everyone can do better than anyone else in the whole world – and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with talent expression that creates affluence. This expression of talent creates wealth and abundance. Use these talents to serve humanity and create abundance for yourself and to other fellow humans. This is law of Dharma. Help yourself to help others – find that unique talent of yours and serve others.

Reference: Deepak Chopra, 1994 “The seven Spiritual laws of success”  Page 115.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 26, 2016
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A vegetarian city in Italy

Turin – First Vegetarian City!

In Italy – Turin’s recently elected  new Five Star Movement mayor, Chiara Appendino, presented her new council’s five-year political program last Tuesday, which included plans to reduce the amount of animal products eaten in the Piedmont capital.

The new mayor of Turin has provoked much debate with her decision to make vegan diets a priority in the northern Italian city over the next five years. The new mayor of Turin has provoked much debate with her decision to make vegan diets a priority in the northern Italian city over the next five years.

Chiara Appendino, who defeated the incumbent Democrat Piero Fassino in June, belongs to anti-establishment party, Five Star Movement which was founded by Italian comic Beppe Grillo in 2009 and has come out of nowhere to become what appears to be a dominant force in Italian politics. Appendino became the city’s third female mayor following in the footsteps of Maria Magnani Noya, who was elected in 1987, and Giovanna Cattaneo Incisa, who became mayor in 1992.She a multilingual businesswoman, helps run her family’s laser equipment company and is married with a young daughter.

The mayor counts her interests as reading, travelling, visiting the mountains and sea and playing football. In an online profile she reveals how she can speak, English, Spanish and German and studied international economics and management at university.

  • Chiara Appendino wants to make vegan diets a priority over next five years and Turin is set to become  first vegetarian city
  • Children will also be educated on the dietary choice and culture of respect
  • But many Turin locals have accused the mayor of creating a nanny state

It is the first time the promotion of a plant-based diet has been included among the political aims of a local government in Italy.

“The promotion of vegan and vegetarian diets is a fundamental act in safeguarding our environment, the health of our citizens and the welfare of our animals,” the program stated. “Leading medical, nutritional and political experts will help promote a culture of respect in our schools, teaching children how to eat well while protecting the earth and animal rights”.

The council says it will spend the next five years educating the city’s children about the issues surrounding food in order to reduce the amount of animal products eaten by future generations.

But the plan has raised a few eyebrows in the city, where most restaurants still serve up traditional dishes made from the renowned local meats and cheeses that have been a staple for generations. There are numerous famous meat dishes in the Piedmont region such as brasato al Barolo, beef braised in the area’s most famous red wine and Carne Cruda – raw beef mixed with lemon juice and olive oil, and the public are unwilling to be dictated to.

How people of Turin is responding when their city is all set to become a first vegetarian city?

On Twitter Appendino has been accused of attempting to create a nanny state.

‘If you disobey [the mayor’s agenda] in Turin you’ll go to bed without dinner,’ one social media user wrote.

Turin resident Elena Coda told to an English-language news site The Local, ‘Great foods like wild boar ragu and Chianina steak are already disappearing from the menu once famed for its meats, wines and cheeses.’

But vegetarianism is undoubtedly on the rise in Turin with the city now boasting 30 vegetarian or vegan restaurants, most which have opened in the last few years.

31-year-old Giacomo Gambone, who hails from Turin, sees Appendino’s plan as a positive thing. ‘I like it,’ he said,’ it’s raising awareness among a crowd that is used to uniform thinking.’ He also points out that many of the traditional meat dishes in the region are kept for special occasions and Sundays, so doesn’t believe the move will make a major impact. I think people will still be encouraged in eating the odd meat specialty,’ he admits.

Stefania Giannuzzi, a new councillor for the environment appointed by Appendino, has been a vegetarian for 20 years and maintains that promotion of a plant-based diet is not meant offend Piedmontese meat producers.

‘I would not want to create a contrast with the meat industry. We do not want to close the small shops or ruin the people who have worked for years to develop the Piedmontese food and wine heritage,’ Giannuzzi told.



Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 25, 2016
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Potato manchurian

Potato (Aloo) Manchurian

An important staple food potato or varieties of potatoes are highly nutritious and are rich in fibers. Potatoes have the ability to reduce blood pressure. This ability of potato is due to a compound namely kukoamines. Potatoes are one of the cheapest universal crops to produce and are available year-round. With all the low carb diet and high protein diet etc, potatoes have gained low priority in the vegetable list. What many people do not realize is that this nutrient-dense tuber contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytochemical that wards off disease and benefit human health.  Moreover, it is easy to prepare dishes using potatoes and these tubers can be a substitute for many costly vegetables. For example manchurian is a popular dish made of either  cauliflower or baby corns. Instead of these two vegetables one can use easily available potatoes and make delicious potato manchurian.

Try yourself this simple recipe.


1. 1 Large Potato

2. 1/2 Capsicum

3. 1 Cup Maida

4. 1/2 Cup Rice Flour

5. 1/2 tsp chili powder

6. Salt to taste

7. 2-3 Chopped green chilies

8. 2-3 Cloves of Garlic

9. 1 Large onion chopped

10. Finely Chopped Coriander Leaves

11. 3 tsp Soya Sauce

12. 4 tsp Tomato Ketchup/tomato sauce

13. Oil


1. Mix maida, rice flour, chilli powder and salt using water.

2. Peel the potato and cut into small pieces. Dip the Potato pieces in the mixture and deep fry till golden brown.

3. Keep aside on a tissue paper.

4. Heat oil in another pan and add onion and garlic let it saute for two minutes till light reddish brown. Add green chillis and saute for few minutes.

5. Add capsicum, 2 tsp soya sauce, 3 tsp tomato sauce or tomato ketchup and little salt.

6. Add fried Potato and mix well.

7. Let it cook for 5 minutes and garnish it with coriander leaves.

8.  Aloo Manchurian is ready to eat.

Recipe by: Mamatha Anil @

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Which of these provides enough vitamin C to meet the daily RDA?

  • an ounce of Cheddar cheese
  • a cup of orange juice
  • a cup of broccoli
  • a medium-size baked potato with its skin

The answer is: b & c= a cup of orange juice and cup of broccoli

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 21, 2016
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Silence is golden

Why silence is golden sometimes?

Silence is absence of sound. Physical silence refers to the absence of sound around us. Mental silence is the absence of wasteful thinking. When we say it is wasteful thinking it means absence of negative thoughts. Positive thinking refers to thoughts that benefit the self as well as others.

“Speech is silver; silence is golden”

In the present era, everybody communicates one or the other way. And, communication happens through not only by normal talking (face to face) but also by means of phone, texting, facebook, instagram, twitter and other types of social media. In fact, all communications that happens can create a positive or negative thinking in our mind. The way we receive the comments also determines whether we are silent (mentally) or not.  Silence does not mean absence of life or social life. It means achieving serenity and developing a comfort zone inside oneself to all types of negative talk and thinking.

Why silence is golden sometimes? Sometimes because- wise men are not always silent. They know when to be.

  • Getting involved in serious discussion and arguments and speaking loud raises blood pressure and listening lowers it. It is not just, because you are making sounds that is reason for it -reading aloud alone does not raise blood pressure, but reading aloud to someone does.
  • If we are committed to stay calm and serene and have the definite and firm mind to be calmer then, listening to others will help us to be more serene. When we express ourselves once a while, we will notice that our opinion may matter or may not. It may not help to create tranquility in oneself but eventually it will help to achieve the serenity.
  • To achieve calmness sometimes it is better to be on silent mode. People may drag you to meaningless discussion, chitchat, gossip or talk that does not make sense. It is better to listen to people than being part of the unnecessary sound. One has to keep in mind to be tranquil rather than mindful to get disturbed with small talks.  If you don’t feel like getting involved in discussion that disturbs you either keep quite or politely move away.
  • The power of silence is like a fragrant flower that fills the room. Constant positive thinking creates the virtue of serenity and helps to stabilize oneself and others around.
  • By being silent, you will do yourself a favor – not getting into unnecessary and no productive talks. What that means is, instead of getting hurt one can gain deep comfort and joy without being part of disturbing talks and discussions.
  • If you don’t like a subject which is part of a group discussion -like religion or food, then just listen to the talk and make sure your inner peace and positive thinking is not disturbed.
  • To live in tranquility one has to stop arguing and trying to make oneself right for silly reasons and arguments. One should give a thought to what is happening around and then should decide whether to react or not. If it feels that you will be disturbed mentally, then take advantage of silence.
  • If someone is expressing their unhappiness and complaining continuously, listening to the person sometime helps. The moment you start expressing it results in disturbance in the mind. Remember by giving suggestions to a person who does not want to reform and you were part of this conversation many times then again you will burn your energy and ruin peace of mind. If you share your enthusiasm for truth, spiritual insights, or beliefs to a person who won’t get it, they will unconsciously put you down.
  • Do not feel that if you do not talk in a group and express yourself only occasionally people think you are a dunce. People may think opposite – they may likely to think you are wiser too. Stay calm and listen – it helps in helping others because when you listen, think and then respond you may be a solution for someone’s problem.
  • Silence frees us from what people think of us, how they judge us, and what they say to us. By being silent with our personal practices to people who do not align with us vibrationally, it will make us much more free of needless words that do not help.

As they say, “sometimes not saying anything is the best answer. Because silence never can be misquoted” Silence is also golden when you cannot think of a good answer! So, express your opinion only when it is more valuable than silence. Once we are at ease with silence, we find that silence welcomes reflection in ourselves. And healing comes when we can reflect within our deeper selves.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 20, 2016
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Basmati ghee rice

Basmati Ghee Rice

Basmati rice is a variety of rice with slender, long look and has a good aroma.  India is leading the export of Basmati (means fragrant in sanskrit) rice and it is preferred rice in restaurants and houses.  It is used in making various varieties of rice dishes -pulav, tomato bath, vegetable rice, lemon rice, coconut rice etc. Varieties of rice pudding are also popular that can be prepared using Basmati rice. Basmati rice is believed to have been cultivated in the Indian Subcontinent for centuries and now many countries grow Basmati for its fragrance.

Nutritional facts: Basmati is gluten-free and low in fat. It contains all eight essential amino acids, folic acid, and is very low in sodium and has no cholesterol. Basmati has a low to medium glycaemic index, meaning that energy is released at a slower, steadier rate leading to a more balanced level of energy.

Ghee rice is popular South Indian traditional rice which contains Basmati rice as the main ingredient. Try this delicious and easy recipe for lunch, dinner or for a party.


1. 1 cup basmati rice

2. 3 tablespoons ghee/clarified butter

3. 15 to 18 cashews

4. 1 tablespoon raisins

5. 50 grams onion sliced thin

6. Two cups water

7. Salt as per your taste

8. Whole spices or Indian garam masala

9. 5 inches cinnamon

10. 3 cardamoms

11. 3 cloves

12. 4 to 5 black peppers

13. One bay leaf (tej patta )

14. 1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro

15. Grated carrot , finely chopped tomato- 1/4 cup


1. Rinse basmati rice and soak for 15 minutes

2. Heat ghee (clarified butter) under low flame.

3. Add cashews and saute it till it turns light brown. Add raisins and saute till the puff up

4. Now, add whole spice (gharam masala) and add the sliced onion. Stir it till it turns golden brown. Add cardamom, cloves, black peppers.

5. Add soaked rice to the above seasoning and stir it so that ghee coats the rice.

6. Add water and salt. If bay leaf is available, add that too. Cover the lid.

7. Simmer the rice until it cooks and gives aroma. In between check to make sure rice is cooking and enough water is there in the pan.

8. Once rice is cooked, remove it from the stove.

9. Garnish with chopped cilantro, grated carrot and tomato, and serve hot with Indian dal (lentil soup) or any other vegetable curry of your choice.


  • Recipe:
  • Basmati information:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 19, 2016
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