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Ajwain Home remedies

Ajwain Home remedies

Ajwain (Karpooravalli or Doddapatre, Patharchur) is a medicinal herb (Coleus aromaticus) which has been in use in Ayurveda for many centuries.

It is also known as Indian borage. Leaf, stem and seeds of the plant have many medicinal properties. It is very useful for parents who have little children at home.


Cold, fever or respiratory issues:

  • Wash and chew couple of young leaves. If you don’t like the taste, then proceed with tea.
  • Tea: Boil Indian borage leaves, crushed dried ginger, crushed pepper, jaggery and holy basil leaves. Add ½ tsp honey and drink.
  • Heat the leaves on low flame in a pan to make them soft. Squeeze the juice (about 1 tsp), add ½ tsp honey and drink. Place the leaves on a hot pan to make them soft. Squeeze out the juice (1 tsp), add honey (1/2 tsp) and drink
  • Grind few leaves and apply the paste on head to reduce cold

Skin allergy and insect bites:

  • Squeeze leaves from leaves and young branches and apply on the affected area. This reduces itchiness and irritation.
  • From bug bites to eczema and psoriasis leaves can be used.

For congestion:

  • Take one or two garlic cloves and chop them to smaller pieces. Roast chopped garlic cloves with ajwain leaves from few minutes. Wrap it in a soft cloth and keep it on the chest for few minutes as a compress.
  • For blocked nose rub few leaves in palms and inhale the vapor!

Relief from stress and anxiety:

  • Indian borage tea helps in stress relief. Boil couple of young leaves in water, add honey or sugar and drink. It reduces chronic stress too.


  • For 10 days add Indian borage leaves in your food and it will reduce jaundice

For lethargy and weakness:

  • The content of Indian borage helps in boosting energy. It contains some amount of Vitamin A and C -both help in boosting immune system.

Acts as a diuretic:

  • Including leaves in the diet in various forms (dishes) helps in removal of toxins from the body and thus balances the kidney.

Bowel movement:

  • Brewing Tea from Indian borage leaves also helps in movement of bowel and one must take one or two cups a day.
  • Eat couple of leaves with salt to increase digestion

Milk production:

  • For new mothers, leaves can be included in the soup to enhance milk production

One can prepare many varieties of dishes using lndian Borage leaves and young, tender stem.

See two such recipes here:


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 31, 2017
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Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle hygiene

Menstrual cycle length vary in women and also the amount of bleeding.

Women undergo lot of stress, body pain and sometimes depression during this time of the month.

Personal hygiene can also contribute for this. If we don’t follow proper hygiene method then it leads to irritation and anger as it feels very uncomfortable in private parts.

Here are instructions and tips to follow personal hygiene during period time.

1. Select your careful way of sanitation: Talk to your doctor, sister, mother and friends. Understand which sanitary protection is better and which brand. Try a best brand one month and if you are not satisfied then go to next brand. It takes couple of months to get acquainted to the new brand. It is important to select a brand that is comfortable for you because to avoid stain, irritation, rashes and more importantly comfortable.

2. Change pads or tampons regularly: Blood can be easily contaminated and menstrual blood is more prone for contamination. Changing sanitary pads are very important. If not changed regularly the warm blood sitting in the pad can get infected by microbes and it leads to vaginal infection. For tampons*, every 2 hours and sanitary pads every 5 to 6 hours (normal flow) is recommended.

*Toxic shock syndrome: If the tampons are not changed regularly, it can cause infection and results in fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches, rash and weakness. This is called toxic shock syndrome. It happens rarely. However, to avoid TSS, change the tampons every 2 hours.

3. Washing: Menstrual blood when it comes in contact with air leads to strong odor. We may not feel it ourselves. But, the odor can reach the person next to you! Clean genital area using warm water and don’t use harsh soap and other form of cleaning liquid inside. Such products break the natural bacterial balance in the vagina and it can lead to infection. Wash using warm water and if you feel that you should use soap, then make sure it does not go inside parts. Better to avoid deodorant and soap use. Washing is recommended after each use of toilet and urination.

4. Take care of a pad rash : Rash means you are not practicing a good hygiene. Generally, it happens when one over uses the pad causing chaff due to extra friction on the inner skin. To avoid this change the pads regularly and keep the area between the legs dry. Otherwise it may result in chafing. Apply antiseptic cream like boroline to avoid development of rashes.

5. Use one method of sanitization: Some people use tampons, pads and piece of cloth or double pads when they have fear of staining with over flow. This might not be a good thing for your health. If both pad or one of the sanitary tool is not totally used, there is a tendency to throw the one that is used up and retain the unabsorbed pad/tool. This leads to infection and rashes. It is always better to change the sanitary tool frequently.

6. Have a bath regularly: Have regular bath, once every day – during menstrual cycle taking bath two times a day is good. When you wash your lower parts, start cleaning vagina and move towards anus. This way bacteria will not enter from anal part to front. This is the correct way to wash your private parts.

7. Use clean undergarments and change them regularly: All women face the problem of leaking and getting undergarments stained. Keep a set of undergarments separate for menstrual cycle use. Wash undergarments every day and if needed change twice during period time.

8. Wear proper clothing: It is better to avoid wearing tight fitting clothes that cling to the vaginal area as they increase the heat causing irritation. Wear comfortable cotton cloths and undergarments. Body must need to breath in the cloth and this helps you to avoid any discomfort. Wear clean and dry clothes.

9. Menstrual cups: Menstrual cups collects the liquid instead of absorbing it like tampons or pads. Few brands are disposable and many are reusable. If you use a reusable menstrual cups, then follow the instructions about emptying the cup and cleaning the cups.

10. Dispose sanitary pads/tools properly: It is essential to dispose the pads in a proper manner to avoid spreading of infections. Learn how to dispose the sanitary pads and other tools that you might use in a proper way.  Fold the used pads into half exposing the adhesive side. Wrap a few layers of toilet paper or old newspaper. Put a “X” mark on the top. Throw them in the designated bin or area.  Make sure pets and other animals cannot reach the pads.  Empty the bin and trash cans that contains used sanitary napkins. Never flush sanitary tools in the toilet as it will cause blockage and damage.

11. Give your body rest: During menstrual cycle, it is normal to experience tiredness, stress, pain and lethargy. Take plenty of rest if you can. Drink water and juice to keep yourself hydrated.

12. Always be ready: During period time carry tampons, pads or cups that are needed for your use. Along with it carry a paper bag/used paper to dispose the used tool, soft towel, paper tissues, a small roll of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, antibacterial cream, pain killers and drinking water to help you hydrate throughout the day.

Hygiene comes by practice. Understand what happens if don’t follow personal hygiene. If you have doubts talk to your close friends, family doctor or your sister.

Protect yourself from infections and uncomfortable situations following good hygiene practice during your period time.

Image credit: Photo by Annika Gordon on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Laghu vajrasana

Little Thunderbolt Pose

Little thunderbolt pose is an advanced back bend yoga pose. It is included in Ashtanga yoga’s second series. If you are familiar with camel pose, then getting into thunderbolt pose is bit easy.

However, care should be taken when we perform this pose as it is totally a back bend pose. Important to remember is while performing this pose to avoid crunching of lower back, keep the chest moving up and the glutes soft to lengthen the spine.

Moving up the chest and lowering back gives flexibility to thigs. Advantage and benefit of doing this pose is: it opens throat, quadriceps, chest and  strengthens the spinal and abdominal muscle strength.

Another benefit is it increases spinal mobility. It is an intense pose and needs back bend practice.

If you are new to this pose, perform this pose under guidance of an instructor till you feel comfortable doing it on your own.

Sanskrit: Laghu Vajrasana (lah-guu vahj-RAHS-anna) laghu = little, small ; vajra = thunderbolt


  • Strengthens the legs
  • Increases spinal flexibility
  • Tones the spinal nerves
  • Stretches the abdominal muscles


  • Knee, neck, or low back injuries
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Insomnia


  1. Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-distance wide and thighs perpendicular to the ground. Place your hands on your thighs.
  2. Slowly lean back while pushing your hips and thighs forward. Come into a deep backbend and rest the crown of your head on the soles of your feet.
  3. Slide your hands down to hold onto your knees.
  4. Stay in the pose for several breaths. To come out of Little Thunderbolt pose, strongly press the tops of your feet into the floor, and activate your core and legs. Push your pelvis forward and rise up, letting the head be the last to rise.



  • Ustrasana (Camel pose)
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose)


  • Come only halfway down and hold for a few breaths.
  • Place a block under the head for support.




  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)
  • Balasana (Child’s pose)
  • Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


  1. Push your thighs and buttocks forward.
  2. Keep your head back as you come out of the pose.



  • Weight bearing on the head

Image and description of Little thunderbolt pose is republished with permission from Visit for more such poses.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 27, 2017
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Water is freedom

Water is freedom

Slovenia is a small beautiful country situated in Central Europe. It is economically advanced than its neighboring countries. Slovenian’s are very proud of their culture and are much protective about their nation. For this country’s citizen now drinking water is freedom!

Many developed and developing countries commercialized the drinking water and selling water especially for drinking purpose is a huge business and natural resources are tapped for personal gain.

Slovenia has gone in opposite direction and has taken a bold step to protect its citizens. Few months back, Slovenia’s has amended its constitution to make access for drinkable water a fundamental right for all citizens and to stop drinking water commercialization.

While US is trying to push to build more pipelines under freshwater and spoiling the natural water resources for profit, Slovenia’s step is very admirable.

This amendment was passed in Slovenian Parliament with a vote of 64-0. The 90-seat parliament added an article to the constitution saying “everyone has the right to drinkable water”.

Slovenian fantastic water quality is one of the reason for this amendment. Per Prime Minister Miro Cerar “Because of its value, in the future it will certainly be the target of foreign countries and international corporations’ appetites. As it will gradually become a more valuable commodity in the future, pressure over it will increase and we must not give in,”

“Everyone has the right to drinkable water and water is not a market commodity!”

‘Without taste, without color and without an owner – water is freedom’.

Slovenia’s constitution now reads. “Water resources represent a public good that is managed by the state. Water resources are primary and durably used to supply citizens with potable water and households with water and, in this sense, are not a market commodity.”

“As it will gradually become a more valuable commodity in the future, pressure over it will increase and we must not give in,” Cerar said in one of his statement.

Did you know? In Slovenia, tap water is often served to you even at the catering establishments, like order a cup of coffee, with wine, food and similar. On warm and hot days, there are also public drinking fountains with natural drinking water available in many Slovenian towns.

Well, there is someone must oppose the good move. The members of Slovenian democratic party (SDS) abstained from the vote saying the amendment was not necessary and only aimed at increasing public support. Per Amnesty International of the two million citizens of Slovenia, about 10,000 to 12,000 people still lack access to drinkable water and the government needs to do more by ensuring access to clean drinking water for all their citizens rather than settling for this amendment. The organization expressed concern and hoped that the law would extend to those in need of clean water.

Says Fotis Filippou, Amnesty International’s Deputy Europe Director “Enshrining access to drinking water as a constitutional human right is an important legal step forward for Slovenia, but Roma communities need more than legal changes. Action is now needed to ensure the changes flow down to all those without water and sanitation,”

There are 15 other countries across the world that have included drinking water right in their constitution. Slovenia is the first European country to include water in the constitution and is role model for other neighbouring countries.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 26, 2017
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Roasted EggplantMosaru Bajji

Roasted Eggplant mosaru bajji

While providing recipe for “stuffed baby eggplant curry” we talked about the benefits of eggplant. Another eggplant recipe is here for eggplant lovers.

Roasted eggplant mosaru bajji is another traditional dish from Karnataka, India.

Eggplant is considered as one of the healthiest fruit. It contains phytonutrients like phenolic compounds, such as caffeic and chlorogenic acid, and flavonoids such as nasunin.

Nasunin helps in preventing free radical damage. Eggplant is also a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B1, and copper. It also contains good amount of manganese, vitamin B6, niacin, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.


  1. Eggplant- 1 big
  2. Curd -1 to 1 & 1/2 cup
  3. Salt – 1/2 tsp
  4. Asafoetida – a pinch
  5. Mustard -1/2 tsp
  6. Urad daal -1 tsp
  7. Red chilli -1
  8. Curry leaves – 1 string
  9. Oil/clarified butter (ghee) – 1Tbs


1. On low flame char the eggplant skin – it should turn tender and charred outside. Using a knife check whether eggplant turned soft inside.

2. Allow eggplant to cool and remove the outer charred skin and mash the eggplant using your fingers or with help of a spoon. Eggplant will give smoked flavor.

3. In a bowl take curd and whisk it till it becomes smooth.

4. Add whisked curd to roasted, mashed eggplant.

5. Heat oil in a ladle and prepare seasoning using mustard, red chilli, urad daal, curry leaves and asafoetida.

6. Add seasoning and salt to eggplant – yogurt mix and mix well.

7. Before serving add few chopped coriander leaves and chopped onions (option) and serve.

One can mix this dish with white rice or have with tamarind rice, chapatti, bread, roti, lemon rice etc.




Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 24, 2017
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Health benefits of banyan tree

Health benefits of Banyan tree

Banyan tree is a common tree found in many parts of India. Banyan trees are assets of our environment. It is good have knowledge why these plants are important for us.

Generally, they create a larger canopy with their branches and aerial roots and provides shade to all. For many home remedies and in Ayurveda, parts of this tree is one of the main ingredient.

Almost all parts of the plant –  bark, leaves, aerial roots, buds, milky exudes, flowers and fruits are medicinal and has several health benefits.

  1. Piles: If someone has bleeding pile, consuming few drops of the milky sap daily for few weeks helps.
  2. Fever: Heat and burning sensation of fever can be controlled by the kahashayam prepared with hanging roots. Decoction should be mixed with ghee and consume twice a day.
  3. Diarrhea: Grind pieces of aerial roots with butter milk prepared using cow’s milk and drink.
  4. Join pain: Collect milky sap and massage on joint in circular fashion. It helps to reduce the pain.
  5. Tooth care: Young and tender aerial roots should be chewed to strengthen gum and teeth
  6. For bad breath: Collect the milky exudate from young leaves or young branches. Mix this with honey. Apply the mix on gums. Keep this for ten minutes then wash mouth twice.
  7. Boils: Apply sesame oil on the leaves and warm it on a heat source. Keep these leaves as poultice on the boils – it promotes early breaking of boils and healing process fast.
  8. Heel crack: Apply milky sap to crack daily night
  9. Hair care: Dry aerial roots and prepare powder. Mix the powder with lemon peel and coconut oil. Apply this to hair. This reduces baldness.
  10. Acne and pimples: Apply aerial root paste on acne and pimples to reduce the pain, spreading.
  11. Reducing freckles: Grind tender coconut pulp with tender leaves of banyan tree. Apply the paste on the freckle areas.
  12. Fruits: Fruit paste externally can be applied on cuts, bruises, sores and ulcers.
  13. Hemorrhage: For certain type of hemorrhage (intrinsic) banyan and durva leaves are helpful. Grind the tender leaves of both in equal proportion, mix with honey and consume.
  14. Immune boosting: Drinking khashayam made of of banyan bark helps in boosting immune system
  15. Infertility cure: Extract of bark and leaves helps to increase sperm count and reduces infertility in women.
  16. Vaginal infections: One table spoon of dried leaf powder, boiled in one liter of water until it reduces to half and cooled should be taken to reduce the infection.
  17. Fat reduction: Bark decoction also helps in reducing fat accumulation in the system.
  18. Warts: Applying milky sap on warts helps
  19. Reducing sugar level: The decoction and infusion from leaves and bark helps in reducing sugar level (not for high sugar level)

(The above medicinal information of banyan tree is to give a glimpse of the benefits of this wonderful tree. The remedies should be tried only under the supervision and guidance of a experienced doctor)

Collection from Grandma @ healthylife,

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 21, 2017
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Canada Food Guide

Canada is revising Food Guide

Canada’s Food guide is in news for all right reasons! Recently Canada’s Food Guide is getting a much needed make over and is focusing mainly on plant based foods!! It is shifting away from meat and dairy industry. Dairy products are no longer will be a separate group.

Considering many from present generation is shifting (positively) to vegan and vegetarian diet this news is encouraging!

“The recommendation is regular intake of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and protein-rich foods, especially plant-based sources of protein” (Huffigtonpost)

Canadian Government is listening to the public opinion on the review and is less Industry driven!! The new food guide so far is focusing mainly on diet and health of family and schools.  Recently Health Canada released a detailed Food guide draft, based on an input from more than 20,000 Canadians, and is now in a second round of public consultation.

These revised guidelines are based on both quality and source of the information of health of Canadians and actual information about Canadians’ eating habits. In revised guidelines, they have not considered Industry-commissioned reports.

The revision / draft of new Food guide so far has all good points in it;

  • More emphasis on plant based foods than processed foods
  • Foods that provide rich protein are in one group – no separate meat and dairy group.
  • A variety of nutritious foods and beverages are base for healthy diet
  • Those foods that are high in sodium, sugar and saturated fat are undermined
  • It encourages people to consume proteins from plant food – soybean, legumes etc.
  • Eating low fat yogurt and drinking low fat milk for adults and, full fat milk for children is one of the recommendation. However, there is no separate dairy group
  • It encourages people to drink more water for hydration rather than sugary juices
  • Encouraging public to consider preparing food from scratch and eaten in company as much as possible – eating together as a family – putting diet in a social context.
  • School lunch: More whole food and less processed food for children. There will be a up to date nutrition information for kids for understanding better food for their age. No more focus on processed food industry products
  • Supporting benefits for the environment by shifting to healthy eating: it means eating food higher in plant-based foods and less meat means, more positive impact on environment
  • It helps our planet and future generation: Reducing food waste to protect the planet by reducing processed food, greenhouse gas emission, food distribution, encouraging people to grow their food, water quality improvement and helping our future generation

Once it is complete, it will be interesting to see how the Canadian Food Guide will focus on age group diet, how will they inspire Canadians to cook home food,

The Food Guide is not complete yet. Canadian Govt is continuing getting inputs he public for revising Canada’s Food Guide to strengthen its recommendations for healthy eating. If you are interested in participating, click here:


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 19, 2017
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12 aromatic plants that should be part of our home garden

Twelve aromatic plants that should be part of our home garden

If you want to have an aromatic herbal garden consider these 12 plants that are not only attractive but also colorful and sends out the relaxing fragrance inside and outside your house.

Many of these plants – rosemary, geranium, tulsi, lemon balm will release their aromas better when brushed against each other – based on this factor have a proper plan when you plant them.

If you plant them in pots, you can transfer them keep indoor during winter time.

  1. Gardenia: Partial shade and well-drained soil (acidic in nature) is good for gardenia. Scented flowers spreads its fragrance around the house. They don’t like cold weather; however potted plant can be bought inside the house during cold weather.
  2. Jasmine: There are many varieties of jasmine and all like moderate temperature. Morning or evening sun is good for jasmine for flowering. Whether you leave it in plant or pluck the flowers and put it in water – fragrance spreads and musky scent remains for many days.
  3. Dianthus: There are as many as 300 varieties of dianthus. It has bit spicy smell and flowers are attractive too. Dianthus likes full sun and well-drained soil.
  4. Calendula: Beautiful plant and flower blooms throughout the flowering season. Flowers has sweet, resin -like aroma. Full Sun is good for calendula.
  5. Lavender: Preferred fragrance is lavender with many. It has beautiful blue- violet color flowers. Fragrance of flowers has bit of a sedative effect and very soothing. Dry lavender flowers can be stored in bottle. Moderate sun is good for lavender.
  6. Roses: Beautiful roses comes in several varieties. Sweet scented flowers varieties spread the fragrance when the wind blows. Fragrance blows from lower petal region. Rosa damacaena is one category one should consider. Rose does not need very hot Sun. Good sun light exposure is enough for their growth.
  7. Scented geraniums: Fantastic scent from these geranium varieties makes them one of the most desired fragrant flowers. They grow well in borders, along hedge and can be potted. Leaves releases enchanting fragrance when are wounded or brushed. They love full sun and grow in almost all types of soil.
  8. Juniper: Among gymnosperms this fragrant bearing hedge plant is popular. Fragrance is fresh, spicy, slightly pungent and desirable.
  9. Lemon balm: Refreshing garden scent can be obtained by lemon balm. It is a low maintenance herb that grows in little shade and sun. Well drained soil with bit of sand will help them to grow luxuriously. Bit of a drought condition keeps them producing more aroma.
  10. Eucalyptus: Small to larger trees, eucalyptus smells like a blended mixture of sage and menthol. It grows well in warmer climates and survives in moist, well drained soil. They can grow as potted plants but should be bought inside home during winter. Dry leaves, bark, fruits and flowers – all sends out fragrance that helps in healing.
  11. Rosemary: An evergreen herb with blue flowers that sends out fragrance with multiple effects – reduces anxiety, enhances clarity and decreases stress hormone level. Rosemary can be planted near vegetable plants and is a friendly plant, companion plants of many.
  12. Holy basil: The fresh air and the fragrance that comes from these holy plant is very soothing and highly medicinal. There are many varieties of basil – all of them are good to have in home garden. Bit of sun, well-drained soil helps them to grow well. Tulsi is the name and the air from the plant is said to be healing.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 18, 2017
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