Lavender (Lavandula)
Though most varieties of lavender can be used in cooking, some varieties are more widely used, including Lavandula angustifolia, particularly the “Munstead” cultivar. These lavenders have the sweetest fragrance among all species of lavender, which creates flavor in cooking. Blooms accentuate sweet and savory dishes with a sweet mingling of floral, fresh pine and rosemary with citrus notes. English lavender varieties (L. angustifolia) have the best culinary flavor.
How to cook with lavender?
Lavender can be used to add flavor and color to culinary recipes in either fresh or dried form. To dry lavender for culinary use, snip the stems off the plant just after the flowers have opened and hang the stems upside down or lay them flat to dry. Wash the buds well, then dry-roast them to remove some of the floral taste or grind them in a coffee grinder to improve the texture. One can also make lavender-infused sugar for baking and swap it out for regular sugar in favorite recipes (Katherine Barrington in http://homeguides.sfgate.com/)
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 8, 2016
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