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Tag: Home remedies

Reduce Period Pain

How to Reduce Period Pain at Home?

Aunt Flo shows up every month, coming along with a lot of pain, and discomfort. Although it's a natural process that signifie

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Three home remedies for prediabetic condition

Three home remedies for prediabetic condition

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Remedies for Nausea and Acid Reflux

Checkout the natural and simple grandma’s remedies to reduce nausea & for acid reflux…

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Home remedies for phlegm

Home remedies for phlegm

To control and reduce phlegm some herbal and home remedies one can try.

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Treatment for Chilblain

Exposure to harsh winter and repeated cold causes chilblains in many.

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You are what you eat

You are what you eat: Chakra way

There are so many different ways to eat,But do you really know how to eat?

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Dhana Dal - Split Cilantro

Dhana Dal – Split Cilantro

Coriander seeds give multiple health benefits. Apart from traditional medicines like Ayurveda, in India people use coriander herb and seeds in many home remedies as well.

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Homemade Kashaya Varieties and Benefits

Homemade Kashaya Varieties and Benefits

Kashayam also known as Kashaya is herbal drink from Ayurvedic and home remedies for various conditions. The contents will be boiled in water, strained and served hot with or without milk.

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