All posts by HealthyLife

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Is it time to change your pillow?

Is it time to change your pillow

There are thousands of people who sleep and good rest without pillow. If you use pillow and cannot sleep without pillow then you should also know which type of pillow is better for your sleep and how to take care of pillow.

Why pillow selection is important? To get good sleep selection of good pillow is critical. Our sleeping posture is a key reason to get good sleep. Pillow helps to get into healthy sleep posture. Body alignment from toes to head, knees and hips posture and spine, chest and shoulder, neck and head – all alignment should be proper. If not, disturbance in sleep will take severe troll on our health. Key is to get good and proper support on neck and shoulder. If it is not – twisting, craning, propped in an angle it puts strain on spine leading to discomfort on entire body including the back.

While selecting good mattress focus on right pillow too. The best pillow supports entire body and makes you comfortable to sleep and you feel refreshed with more energy when you wake up in the morning.

Which pillow is better?

Size, shape, quality of pillow – these should be perfect while picking up the right pillow.

  1. Filling: Depending on your needs and preferences you can select pillows that have fillings of various types.
  • Down: Light and soft made from goose and duck fibers. Goose feather tend to be softer than down and expensive. If you are allergic to feathers then you should be careful. There are pillows called “hypodown: which is blend of down and syriaca a substance that helps bolster the allergy free properties of down. These pillows are good for stomach sleepers too !
  • Buckwheat pillows: To eliminate headaches, neck and back pain buckwheat pillows are becoming popular. It removes stress from spine. Buckwheat hull fill allows pillow to breath and avoids over heating of pillows. Depending on the thickness we need, buckwheat pillows can be used for most sleeping postures.
  • Synthetic down? Less expensive than natural. These are filled with polyester fibers and need replacement once in a year. Medium soft and will flatten with time.
  • Wool: These are naturally hypo -allergenic, resistant to dust mites and mold. Wool filled pillows helps to regulate temperature and keeps body warm during winter. These are firm and have more longevity.
  • Cotton: Natural and hypo-allergenic. Flat and firm and are choice of those who does not like chemicals and want to keep away from allergens.
  • Latex: These are more firm and very comfortable pillows. Knows to hold shape and designed to give extra support to neck and head.
  • Memory foam: Popular pillow in recent years is memory foam. These pillows conform to our shape based on our weight and body heat. Foam pillows have right balance of softness and loft to keep head supported at night. It softens and contours to the line of head, neck and shoulders. People who have neck and head pain prefer these pillows.

2. Fill weight: What should be the pillow weight depends on personal choice. Memory foam and latex pillows are heavier compared to down and synthetic. If your head and body moves while resting and you want to snuggle pillows then light weight pillow could be your choice.

3. Quality: If you are looking for good quality pillows then you should remember following points – Support, comfort, allergen free, chemical free and longevity are points to remember while choosing pillow.

4. Size: Standard size is large. A pillow should enable you to sleep with shoulder, neck and head aligned with spine. Pillow should be able to comfort you and give good sleep. Use proper pillow cover.

5. Mattress: Your pillow choice also depends on your mattress type. If your mattress is soft then consider firm pillow to keep head and neck aligned. If you have a firm mattress consider buying softer pillow. Depending on the posture you sleep you may consider following types of pillows.

Depending on your sleeping position you can chose pillows:

  • Stomach sleeper: Soft pillow or no pillow – to prevent back pain, place a pillow under stomach
  • Side sleeper: Firmer and thicker pillow. Select one that is as thick as distance between your shoulder and ear.
  • Back sleeper: Flat pillow to keep neck and head in alignment with spine.

When to change the pillows? Consider changing pillow:

  • If your pillow is more than 18 months old
  • If your spine is hurting
  • If you have constant neck pain
  • If you have constant shoulder pain
  • If you are not getting good sleep and tossing around
  • If your pillow is worn out, crushed and sunken

Check your pillows today and if you feel for above reasons you need to change pillows then, go for it!


Image credit : Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 21, 2021
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Keep Ajwain Seeds Handy

Keep Ajwain Seeds In The Kitchen

Carom also known as ajwain, omu has several home remedy characters.  Keep a bottle of ajwain seeds and it will come handy with various benefits. These seeds resemble cumin or jeera, smaller in size.

1) For hiccups: Dry roast and powder carom seeds. To one tsp of carom powder, add one tsp of honey and mix in hot water and drink. Hiccups will disappear!

2) For bloating: After heavy meals and during bloating of stomach chew few dry roasted seeds of carom  or mix powder in hot water and drink three times a day.

3) For stomach worms: Mix 2 betel leaf juice with a tsp of carom powder and take 2 times a day. It is a good vermifuge!

4) For indigestion: Mix 1 tsp ajwain powder and 1/2 tsp rock salt in a cup of warm water and drink twice a day.

5) For throat problems: If you feel irritation in the throat and has problem talking then mix ajwain powder with honey and consume.

6) Increase metabolism: Prepare a mixed powder of three wonderful herbal seeds. Take fenugreek seeds 250 gram, ajwain seed 100 gram and kali Jerri 50 gram – dry roast three types of seeds separately and allow them to cool. Prepare powder of three seeds and mix them. Every night consume 1 or 2 tsp of this mix and drink warm water.

Did you know? Carom is also helps in reducing weight by increasing metabolism!

7) Add to fried foods: For easy digestion of fatty foods add one or two tsp of carom seeds when you mix the dough. When you prepare fried items using besan flour (gram flour) or all purpose flour add carom seeds and it will help to digest the food by making it easy on stomach.

8) Good carminative: To release gas from the intestine during indigestion or after heavy food intakes chew few seeds of carom.

9) Effective breathing: If you feel heavy breathing or irregular- breathing chew seeds of roasted carom.

10) Bloating during menstruation: To reduce bloating and to remove excess water from the body carom seeds intake helps.

11) Menstrual cramps:  Carom seeds acts as a nerve tonic, hence it can lower menstrual cramps during menses.

12) For lactating mothers: To increase lactation boil water and add a tsp of ajwani seeds and little jaggery.  Strain and drink the water.

13) For inflammation: To reduce body inflammation drink ajwani seeds water – boil water and add a tsp of ajwani seeds and continue boiling fore few more minutes. Strain and drink water. It  is helpful in providing muscle relaxation.

14) For acidity: Mix one tsp of carom seeds with one tsp of cumin seeds. Consume them on a daily basis with some ginger powder.

Carom or ajwain has several such good reasons to store in the kitchen. You can add carom seeds when you prepare curry or roti or chapati. This gives a little different taste for the regular foods.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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A Blood Test that can indicate a Heart Attack within 5 Years

A Blood Test that can indicate a Heart Attack within 5 Years

By: Amanda Froelich at

If people learned their chances of having a heart attack within 5 years, they’d likely muster the will power needed to live a healthier life.

Are you aware that every day in America, 2,150 people die from cardiovascular-related diseases, such as heart attack and stroke? One would think this is because the developed nation has an infatuation with high-fat, high sugar refined foods, but such is the case elsewhere, too. In fact, coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.

Luckily, a new test may clue a patient into their chances of suffering an episode within 5 years – spurring them to change their habits and reduce those odds.

The Telegraph reports that researchers from the Imperial College London and University College London found that “high levels of antibodies – molecules produced by the immune system – are linked to a low risk of heart problems.” Such is the case even for individuals who have other risk factors.

Knowing this information, the team developed a new test which monitors the levels of protective immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. The antibodies appear to guard against a heart attack even when a patient already suffers from high cholesterol and hypertension – two precursors to atherosclerosis.

The test’s importance cannot be overstated. After all, everyone hears that they need to adopt healthier eating choices and lifestyle habits to ward off unwanted illnesses down the road, but few act until they HAVE to. If someone took the test and learned that they might be deceased within five years, they’d probably muster the will power to live better so they can live on Earth for a longer period of time.

1,700 people participated in the Anglo Scandinavian Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) which ran 5.5 years. During that time, 470 participants had a heart attack or stroke. This information allowed the team to compare the results with a control group of 1,283 people to determine what was different.

It was discovered that people with the highest number of antibodies had a 58% lower risk of coronary heart disease or heart disease. They also had a 38% lower risk of having a stroke other other heart event during the trial’s test period.

Dr. Ramzi Khami, consultant cardiologist at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, stated:

“Linking a stronger, more robust immune system to protection from heart attacks is a really exciting finding.

As well as improving the way we tell who is at the highest risk of a heart attack so that we can give them appropriate treatments, we now have a new avenue to follow in future work.

We hope that we can use this new finding to study the factors that lead some people to have an immune system that helps protect from heart attacks, while others don’t. We also hope to explore ways of strengthening the immune system to aid in protecting from heart disease.”

The IgG measurement test is relatively inexpensive, which means that it could be employed by more physicians in the near future. Its ability to predict one’s likelihood of suffering a heart attack within 5 years could save thousands of lives. Of course, those who learn that their health is not in the best condition will have to take action to reduce their chances of suffering a heart attack, but knowing beforehand could be the incentive needed to lessen the prevalence of disease around the world.

Read More:

Image credit: Image by Pexels from Pixabay (Free for CC0)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 17, 2021
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Coke can be a good helper

25 different ways to use Coke

Once the coke, Pepsi and other drinks came to market drinking soda became a fashion. Did you know drinking soda or coke is not suitable for human body?  Drinking carbonated drinks can only cause damage to your health.

Decades ago to conquer thirst, people used to drink coconut water, lemon juice, butter milk, sweetened rice water, Borassus water, fruit juices and plain water.

If you have coke bottles at home,  you can use the coke different ways to clean the house.

Try using coke for other purposes!  Coke can replace many cleaning supplies. See yourself…

1. Removes grease stains from clothing and fabric

2. Removes rust; methods include using fabric dipped in Coke, a sponge or even aluminum foil. Also loosens rusty bolts

3. Removes bloodstains from clothing and fabric.

4. Cleans oil stains from a garage floor; let the stain soak, hose off.

5. Kills slugs and snails; the acids kills them.

6. Cleans burnt pans; let the pan soak in the Coke, then rinse.

7. De scales a kettle (same method as with burnt pans)

8. Cleans car battery terminals by pouring a small amount of Coke over each one.

9. Cleans your engine; Coke distributors have been using this technique for decades.

10. Makes pennies shine; soaking old pennies in Coke will remove the tarnish.

11. Cleans tile grout; pour onto kitchen floor, leave for a few minutes, wipe up.

12. Dissolves a tooth; Use a sealed container…takes a while but it does work.

13. Removes gum from hair; dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave a few minutes. Gum will wipe off.

14. Removes stains from vitreous china.

15. Got a dirty pool? Adding two 2-liter bottles of Coke clears up rust.

16. You can remove (or fade) dye from hair by pouring diet Coke over it.

17. Remove marker stains from carpet. Applying Coke, scrubbing and then clean with soapy water will remove marker stains.

18. Cleans a toilet; pour around bowl, leave for a while, flush clean.

19. Coke and aluminum foil will bring Chrome to a high shine.

20. Strips paint off metal furniture. Soak a towel in Coke and lay it on the paint surface.

21. Cleans tarnished copper! Coke also helps in removing tarnish from old copper objects. The acid in the beverage helps in dissolving the stain from the metal.

22. Removes Lime Scale: The acid content in Coca Cola also helps in dissolving lime scale present in bathtubs. It is safe to use on both tiles and granite surface!

23. Silver utensils: Soak silver in Coca Cola for several minutes before rinsing them.

24. Removes chewing gum from seats: Pour some Coke on the gum, leave for few minutes and then gently scrape it with a blunt knife.

25. It acts as a pesticide: Spraying coke on vegetable plants reduces pests!


Grandma found this in:  Credit goest to

Image credit: Image by Simona Ri from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Ayurveda Nutri Garden

NUTRI GARDEN at All India Institute of Ayurveda

To improve the overall nutrition quality of the country India is taking remarkable steps. Recently, Nutri garden was inaugurated at All India Institute of Ayurveda by Union Minister Smriti Zubin. Nutri Garden initiated under the direction of Ayush Ministry. Ayurveda is in limelight not just in India but across the world due to its multiple health benefits and its practices for achieving better health. Adding Nutri Garden is another step to combat anemia and malnutrition that is still prevalent in the country. In addition, Ayurveda focuses on well being of body and mind. Plants are the major sources of Ayurveda medicine and introducing scientific studies and accumulating data will further help the future generation- Healthy Life

Initiating series of programs under month long Poshan Maah 2021, the Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smriti Zubin Irani said that the need of hour is to provide the knowledge about how the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda intervention can be effectively utilized to address the nutrition requirement of the nation. WCD Minister inaugurated NUTRI GARDEN to mark the beginning of Poshan Maah – 2021 today at All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA). Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Minister of State for Ayush and WCD was also present on this occasion. Plantation of Shigru (Sahijan) and Amla, saplings were also carried out by the both Ministers. All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi (AIIA) under the direction of the Ministry of Ayush initiated the celebration of Poshan Maah – 2021.

In her address the WCD Minister lauded the efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Ayush in reducing the incidence of anemia through a collaborative venture with ICMR. She stressed on the need to come out with publications of scientific data so that the world can acknowledge the contribution of Ayurveda. Nutrition has two main components, i.e. affordable and readily available for holistic wellbeing. This is where Ayurveda can prove to be very beneficial. She also considered popularization of Ayush calendar for healthy progeny and simple classical recipes through Ministry of WCD.

Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai highlighted the nutritional and medicinal importance of few Ayurvedic herbs like Shigru, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Amala, Tulasi, Haldi and importance of promoting evidence-based Ayurveda nutrition practices for holistic wellbeing of mother and child. He also underlined the importance of nutrition in the life of a mother for bearing healthy progeny and how Ayurveda interventions can help.

Shri Indevar Pandey, Secretary, Ministry of WCD and Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of Ayush also grace the occasion. During this month-long celebration, various activities like patient awareness lectures, quiz competition, essay competition, guest lectures and workshops on the theme are being organized by AIIA.

In her address the WCD Minister lauded the efforts undertaken by the Ministry of Ayush in reducing the incidence of anemia through a collaborative venture with ICMR. She stressed on the need to come out with publications of scientific data so that the world can acknowledge the contribution of Ayurveda. Nutrition has two main components, i.e. affordable and readily available for holistic wellbeing. This is where Ayurveda can prove to be very beneficial. She also considered popularization of Ayush calendar for healthy progeny and simple classical recipes through Ministry of WCD.

Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai highlighted the nutritional and medicinal importance of few Ayurvedic herbs like Shigru, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Amala, Tulasi, Haldi and importance of promoting evidence-based Ayurveda nutrition practices for holistic wellbeing of mother and child. He also underlined the importance of nutrition in the life of a mother for bearing healthy progeny and how Ayurveda interventions can help.

Shri Indevar Pandey, Secretary, Ministry of WCD and Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of Ayush also grace the occasion. During this month-long celebration, various activities like patient awareness lectures, quiz competition, essay competition, guest lectures and workshops on the theme are being organized by AIIA.

Press release:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 8, 2021
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Listeria foodborne pathogen

Food Scientists Create National Atlas for Deadly Listeria

Food borne pathogens can be fatal. One of the most common food contaminating pathogens is Listeria monocytogenes. Every year this food infecting pathogen causes death of hundreds of people. The infection is most likely to sicken pregnant women and the newborns as well as the older adults with weakened immune system. The infection caused by Listeria is known as Listeriosis that could be life threatening. In many countries Food safety organization recall products and produces that are contaminated with Listeria. Recently Food scientists from Cornell University, USA  have mapped the genomic and geological location of Listeria that could help to trace the sources of Listeria found in not only in food processing facilities. also in finished products and ingredients. This is an important study that could help to map and study the other food borne pathogens – Healthy Life

Among the deadliest of foodborne pathogens, Listeria monocytogenes soon may become easier to track down in food recalls and other investigations, thanks to a new genomic and geological mapping tool created by Cornell food scientists.

The national atlas will tell scientists where listeria and other related species reside within the contiguous United States, which could help them trace and pinpoint sources of listeria found in ingredients, food processing facilities and finished products, according to research published July 15 in Nature Microbiology.

“As we’re trying to figure out the risk of getting listeria from soil and different locations, our group created a more systematic way of assessing how frequently different listeria are found in different locations,” said senior author Martin Wiedmann, Ph.D. ’97, the Gellert Family Professor in Food Safety and Food Science in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. “We’ve studied listeria in places as diverse as New York, Colorado and California, but before this atlas, [it] was difficult to make comparisons and assess listeria diversity in different locations.”

Listeria mononcytogenes in foods can make people extremely sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that each year 1,600 people in the U.S. get listeriosis; of those, about 260 die.

Knowing that listeria occurs naturally in soil, the Cornell group asked hundreds of other scientists across the country to scoop up soil samples from generally undisturbed places in the natural world, such as the off-trail areas of state and national parks.

From these samples, the group developed a nationwide atlas of 1,854 listeria isolates, representing 594 strains and 12 families of the bacteria called phylogroups.

Lead author Jingqiu Liao, Ph.D. ’20, who worked in Wiedmann’s laboratory as a graduate student, is now a post-doctoral researcher at Columbia University. She had supplemented the research by acquiring soil samples in her own travels and found listeria present across a wide range of environmental circumstances. This bacterium is controlled mainly by soil moisture, salinity concentrations and molybdenum – a trace mineral found in milk, cheese, grains, legumes, leafy vegetables and organ meats.

“The goal of this work was to systematically collect soil samples across the United States,” said Liao, “and to capture the true large-scale spatial distribution, genomic diversity and population structure of listeria species in the natural environment.

“With whole genome sequencing and comprehensive population genomics analyses,” Liao said, “we provided answers to the ecological and evolutionary drivers of bacterial genome flexibility – an important open question in the field of microbiology.”

Liao explained that this work can serve as a reference for future population genomics studies and will likely benefit the food industry by locating listeria contaminations that may have a natural origin.

If listeria is found in a processing facility in the western U.S., for example, and that facility had used ingredients from a distant state, Wiedmann said, “knowing the genomic information of listeria isolates and their possible locations across the U.S., we can better narrow the origins to a specific region. You can use this information almost like a traceback. It’s not always proof, but it leads you to evidence.”

In addition to Wiedmann and Liao, the other authors on “Nationwide Genomic Atlas of Soil-Dwelling Listeria Reveals Effects of Selection and Population Ecology on Pangenome Evolution,” are Daniel Buckley, professor of microbial ecology in the School of Integrative Plant Science Soil and Crop Sciences Section; Otto Cordero, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Shaul Pollak, postdoctoral researcher, MIT; Daniel Weller, Ph.D. ’18, researcher, CDC; and Sean (Xiaodong) Guo, Cornell research technician.

The research was funded by the Center for Produce Safety in Woodland, California.

For more read:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 18, 2021
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Unblock TikTok & Protect Your Privacy via iTop VPN

Unblock TikTok & Protect Your Privacy via iTop VPN

TikTok, a famous video-sharing app, has gained popularity in a number of nations. While its material may have the potential to viral, TikTok is banned in some locations or limited. The privacy, national security, cultural values and the integrity of nations are all threatened by the app.

As a consequence, consumers may select a TikTok VPN that not only gives them access to the videos but also ensures that their data is safe. In this post we will discuss why we need and how to setup a free VPN for TikTok.

Why do you need VPN from TikTok?

Social media platforms are extremely important in everyone’s life today. On the other hand, TikTok allows users to spend their free time producing or viewing humorous or dancing videos. Many TikTok users who have started using a VPN for TikTok have expressed their concerns however.

Here are a few more compelling reasons why we need a TikTok VPN.

  • Anonymity and Privacy

TikTok is used to spy on the residents according to reports. You’ll need privacy and an anonymous identity to utilize the software.

You need to use a VPN for Windows to protect your physical location and mask the IP address for. It improves smartphone security by allowing you to safely use the app.

  • Overarching Unblocking

Some countries, such as Russia, have legislation mandating people to follow specific rules and regulations as well as monitor their internet activities.

You may access these restricted or forbidden applications from anywhere in the globe with a free VPN service for TikTok while protecting your network, location, and data.

  • Travel with caution

Traveling, there are lots of odd networks of WiFi and cyber – To be aware of the threats. You should be sure to secure your data and device if you use a vulnerable app.

The worst scenario is that you accidentally connect to a free WiFi network. Fortunately for TikTok, a VPN secures your data, so you don’t need to be concerned about security if you use it.

  • Wi-Fi is unrestricted

You could run out of data, but you will be able to choose a perfect location for your TikTok video. In this situation, you connect to free and unknown WiFi hotspots that pose the greatest risk to your data and device.

The result is that the best way to protect sensitive data from anonymous attacks is using a secure VPN.

With iTop VPN, you can get past the TikTok prohibition

TikTok was one of the first social media apps that millions of people use to make videos and view them. However, due to a few restrictions, many people in different countries are not able to access the programme. This section shows how to use the TikTok app without restrictions or bans.

If you’re searching for a VPN for Windows that focuses on security, iTop VPN should be your first choice for TikTok. It will allow you free and unrestricted access to your favorite material from any location on earth. Using iTop VPN can improve privacy and also secure your device and data from hackers. This TikTok VPN provides a free global server and does not sell the information to third parties.

Step-by-step guide for unblock TikTok using iTop VPN

In this section we show you the VPN setup process for the tiktok download.

Step 1: After downloading the app, install it on your smartphone.

Step 2: The server connection is established. Open the VPN App and press the ‘connect’ button and the server automatically selects for you.

Step 3: Open TikTok.

Now your device should be connected and the iTop VPN should be running in the background. To have unlimited access and secure connections, go to the TikTok App.

Today, TikTok is the most widely used app, although it can be used in limited areas. A VPN can be a good option to gain unlimited access to TikTok videos. The VPN is high of iTop – The security and best free VPN for Windows allows you to connect immediately to servers across the globe. You can protect the security and privacy of your data with the TikTok App.

Image credit:- Image by iXimus from Pixabay

Image Reference:-

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 16, 2021
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How to Make Yourself Attractive on Instagram in 2021

How to Make Yourself Attractive on Instagram in 2021

You may get yourself well-know on Instagram and make money in a variety of ways, depending on your particular brand of Instagram content, your audience, and your degree of commitment:

1.Partnering with more Instagram users to be an influencer

2.To produce more video content

3.Figure out the frequency of publishing

4.Add a call-to-action in your captions

So let’s start with the most popular method to Instagram monetization: Partnering with more Instagram users to be an influencer.

1.Partnering with more Instagram users to be an influencer

Try GetInsta if you’re seeking for the finest program to acquire Instagram followers without following for free. It’s a free Instagram follower app and the finest Instagram followers app that offers a secure platform for users to gain genuine and active Instagram followers and likes.

You can earn some coins after registering and installing GetInsta and using them to buy Instagram followers or likes. If you want to earn additional coins, simply touch “like” on the postings you want to like. You may spend these money to buy additional followers once you’ve done this for a bit.

You may share the app with your pals if you don’t want to like others but still want to earn extra money. After someone installs GetInsta, additional coins will be added to your account. Of course, if you don’t want to purchase Instagram followers with coins, you may pay for them directly. It’s compatible with iPhone, Android, and PC.

GetInsta is the greatest software for getting free Instagram followers without having to follow anyone.

  • It’s simple to use and has a beautiful look.
  • With this software, you may quickly gain Instagram followers.
  • It gives you an infinite number of Instagram followers for free.
  • All of the followers you receive are genuine Instagram users that are active on the platform.
  • It’s also a fantastic Instagram likes apk for getting free Instagram likes on your posts indefinitely.

2.To produce more video content

Although stories are king when it comes to content, videos aren’t far behind.

The need to produce the video across all social networks is universal and Instagram is no exception.

The good news? It is easier to do this than ever thanks to the slew of Instagram apps that serve as your pocket studio.

Native apps like Boomerang and Hyperlapse enable straightforward editing of video. Indeed, even large brands like krispy Kreme rely on bite-sized Boomerang videos as part of their feed.

Instagram’s all about compelling visual content. Videos are a prime way to increase the entertainment value of your feed immediately.

3.Figure out the frequency of publishing

If you’re looking for tips on Instagram to expand your reach, start by examining how you time your posts. In other words, how often you post and when your content is live.

Do you stick with the schedule? Are you pretty much posting random? Do not sweat it if your answer is a resounding “no”. But keep in mind that there are some optimal times on social media to post.

Although trends fluctuate and this does not guarantee a flood of free followers for Instagram, everything you can do to increase interaction is a good thing. Here’s a brief rundown of Sprout’s own post-timing results.

2021 Instagram best times to post:

Instagram Global Engagement

Consider the fact that most companies post at least once a day on Instagram, this allows companies plenty of time to plan out what they want to promote and fine-tune their messages.

Beyond Sprout’s own Instagram scheduling, features like Viralpost can help you find the best times for your brand based on audience behavior.

4.Add a call-to-action in your captions

Like your bio, there is more to each Instagram caption than meets the eye. Instead of simply publishing, captions may be used to show off your creative side while also encouraging engagement.

Below are some instances of how you may use captions to motivate fans and followers to take action:

  • Asking questions
  • Encourage sharing over hashtags & regrams
  • Publish “tag-a-friend” posts that encourage conversation between users
  • Point people to your bio link
  • Playful captions do the double duty of encouraging action and presenting the personality of the brand.

In short, putting some extra effort into your captions can help drive up your engagement rate.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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