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Tag: weight loss


How to reduce last few pounds?

After working hard and shedding many pounds you want to look slim and fit and you want to reach your goal as soon as possible. But, there is a problem? You got to the dreaded last five pounds, and it is proving to be difficult to lose that weight even after trying hard. Isn’t it?

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Amaranth Sprouts

Amaranth Sprouts

Amaranth grains are particularly high in lysine..

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Lentil Sprouts

Lentil Sprouts

Like other beans lentils are hard to digest..

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5 Effective Weight Loss Tips

Click here to see the video on Weight Loss Tips- presented to you by HealthyLife…

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Keep Ajwain Seeds Handy

Keep Ajwain Seeds In The Kitchen

Carom or ajwain has several such good reasons to store in the kitchen.

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Weight loss Fat Patch is trialled in US

Weight loss Fat Patch is trialled in US

Scientists have come up with a new invention “ needle covered patch”, weight loss fat patch that dissolves body fat wherever we stick it!

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Food recommendation to reduce belly fat, inflammation & weight

Food recommendation to reduce belly fat, inflammation & weight

Reducing belly fat is important to be healthy. It is not that difficult to reduce belly fat with proper exercises and good choice of healthy food.

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LGD-4033 Ligandrol Review - Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

LGD-4033 Ligandrol Review – Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

It is time to face some facts. I’m a bodybuilder. That said, I realize that it takes a lot of hard work, passion, and drive to get to where you want to be physically.

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