What questions to ask your doctor during health check up?
Whenever you have an appointment with your doctor or primary care physician or a specialist do not hesitate to ask question or discuss about your health issues. It is important because you should get educated not only for yourself, also for your family sake. It is important to understand health issues and what the checkup and tests reveals. It is your chance to strengthen a vital partnership with your healthcare provider and assess your medical outlook till your next visit or beyond that. Always think of your physical test as two-part process. One is the exam or tests itself. Second part is to understand the health. Ask your doctor questions during whenever you visit him/her for health reasons. In addition, do not forget to list the questions and to get the answer.
What to ask your doctor during your visit?
- What is causing my pain or sickness?
- What do I need to do to feel better?
- Why it is important for me to do this?
- Is the medication that I take is still relevant?
- If it is an annual visit ask your doctor -considering my family history, am I at risk for certain diseases?
- Annual visit: considering my age and gender, do you recommend any annual screenings?
- Should I be seeing a specialist for any reason?
- What new therapies or changes in treatment since my last checkup should I know about?
- Should I get a flu shot?
- Am I at healthy weight? What do my BP readings indicate?
What to tell your doctor
- If there is any pain – where it hurts and what are the symptoms.
- If you are suffering from something – what are the symptoms and how many days it is going on
- Your health and personal history – as clear as possible – Mention everything, even if it seems trivial.
- If you are taking any medication, supplements, herbal supplements or doing home remedies – tell doctor about it.
- Dietary intake to be sure you’re avoiding high-fat, high-calorie meals and aren’t overdoing alcohol
- All those symptoms that you are having.
- About your sleep issues
- your family medical history, which shows if grandparents, parents or siblings had heart attacks, strokes, breast or prostate cancers and other illnesses
Any concerns that you might have – like
- whether the drug causes side effect that I need to be aware of?
- Can I go to work ?
- can I do house work – lifting, cleaning, washing, cooking etc.
- can I exercise?
- Is my health better, the same or worse since my last checkup?
- What is the test for?
- How many times have you done this procedure?
- When will I get the results?
- Why do I need this treatment?
- Are there any alternatives?
- What are the possible complications?
- Which hospital is best for my needs?
- How do you spell the name of that drug?
- Will this medicine interact with medicines that I’m already taking?
Doctors are trained to handle all your medical concerns—and you won’t be the first patient with a sensitive issue. So, be sure to mention any symptoms or unusual feelings—physical or emotional—that you might have. Never let embarrassment, fear or shame keep you from telling your doctor about a problem
What you can do to help
- Take someone with you to understand what doctor is asking you to do
- Ask questions when you don’t understand something
- Obtain educational and support resources from health care professional
- Follow the instructions regarding your medicines, therapy as directed by your doctor.
- Carry a note book with you and note down the instructions and check with your doctor or nurse before you leave.
- When do I actually need to see you again?
- When should I return to work?
- Do I need prescription renewed?
- Ask a note from doctor =If you need a note to return to work or school.
Communicating with your doctor is very important: Keep your doctor office phone number handy. Contact your doctor’s office any time you have a question about your health or are having trouble adhering to his or her instructions. Understanding the medicine and following doctor’s instructions for your recovery is very important.
- oprah.com
- huffingtonpost.com
- http://www.ahrq.gov/
- Image credit: Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 21, 2016
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