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Where the chocolate milk comes from?

Where the chocolate milk comes from?

So what do you think? Where the chocolate milk comes from? If your answer is Brown cow then it shows how disconnected we are from the original food source and how poor our knowledge about our food and health is.  Sadly, seven percent of all American adults — roughly 16.4 million people — do not know that chocolate milk is made of milk, cocoa, and sugar, according to a new nationally representative survey by the Innovation Center for US Dairy. Instead, they reported it comes from brown cows. The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy says 7 percent of American adults believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows. The study is meant to demonstrate how disconnected we are from our food –

The fact that some people — 16.4 million, to be precise — believe chocolate milk comes directly from a cow’s teat is a problem.

Because consumers have the option of picking and choosing from a plethora of goods when they visit the supermarket, few consider where their food comes from. This is a conundrum, one that is leading to ignorance pertaining to food cultivation and its use. And, a new survey commissioned by the Innovation Center for US Dairy confirms this.

Reportedly, an astonishing 7 percent of American citizens believe chocolate milk comes directly from a brown cow. In fact, the question “Does chocolate milk come from brown cows?” is the most frequently asked question on the Center’s website. Fortunately, a polite response is offered: “Chocolate milk – or any flavored milk for that matter – is white cow’s milk with added flavoring and sweeteners,” reads the website.

The fact that some people — 16.4 million, to be precise — believe chocolate milk comes directly from a cow’s teat is a problem. And, ignorance concerning where food is sourced doesn’t end there. As Food and Wine reports, the nationally representative survey which took into account 1,000 adults’ answers found that 48 percent of respondents admitted they weren’t sure where chocolate milk comes from. That means approximately 154,272,000 potential voters aren’t confident enough to guess “cow,” as IFLScience points out.

As sad as this is, it isn’t the first time Americans have proven themselves to be uninformed about where food comes from. A study conducted in the early 1990s discovered that 20 percent of adults didn’t know hamburgers were made of meat from cows.

The additional findings from the Innovation Center for US Dairy’s study are actually quite humorous. On average, 37 percent of people secretly drink milk straight out of the container in the fridge, and another 29 percent use their children as an excuse to buy chocolate milk so they can drink it later/

The survey speaks volumes about present attitudes toward food — at least in the U.S., and drives home the need to educate consumers on not only the effects of eating certain foods but the necessity for every individual to grow a garden and develop a relationship with the Earth and its inhabitants.

Read More: Article  By Amanda Froelich in

Image credit: Photo by Min An from Pexels
(Free CC0)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 21, 2017
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What is special about these Popsicle?

What is special about these Popsicle? Art students from National Taiwan University concocted a line of frozen Popsicle treats! What is special about these Popsicle? They are not regular Popsicle – they are made out of highly polluted water from 100 water sources of Taiwan. Instead of focusing on the flavor these students focused on Environmental change (human made) that is causing pollution in water sources.  Students Hung I-chen, Guo Yi-hui, and Cheng Yu-ti created these “Polluted Water Popsicle”. The group collected polluted water from 100 locations in Taiwan, first freezing the collected sewage samples and then preserving their creations in polyester resin ! What is the purpose behind creating these polluted popsicles? Read article to understand..

Don’t be tempted to snack on these Popsicle — they are made from sewage found in the polluted waters of Taiwan.

At first glance, these popsicles look like artisanal organic treats one might purchase from a food truck. Don’t be tempted to consume them, however — unless you want to be very ill. They are made from sewage found in the polluted waters of Taiwan.

Bored Panda reports that three design students, Hung I-chen, Guo Yi-hui, and Cheng Yu-ti, for the Polluted Water Popsicles Project partnered to create the toxic frozen popsicles. The reason? To raise awareness about increasing water pollution due to rapid economic growth and urbanization.

After polluted water was sourced from 100 different bodies of water, the students from the National Taiwan University of Arts recreated them using transparent polyester resin. They even went as far as making wrappers for the Popsicle that reveal the different regions where the water samples were obtained.

Reportedly, about 90% of the trash in the water was plastic — which is a real travesty, considering the material takes hundreds of years to break down and is responsible for polluting the environment and adversely affecting wildlife.

The project raises awareness about using reusable containers, recycling when necessary, and adopting habits that lower one’s carbon footprint — such as consuming a plant based diet, shopping in bulk and bicycling to work or the store.


This article is publishes as appeared in Author:Amanda Froelich 

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 16, 2017
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Natural cure for excessive thirst

Natural cure for excessive thirst

We all feel thirsty for various reasons. When there is lot of fluid loss through sweating and heat we feel thirsty. Or after eating heavy oily and salty food we can expect to feel thirsty.

Apart from these the medical conditions such as gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea), diabetes makes one thirsty.

In diabetic patients a antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin is responsible for passing of copious amounts of urine and it results in excessive thirst.

Some people have a habit of drinking lot of water to keep body fluid in balance. Some do not drink water at all for reasons like – vomiting sensation or stomach fullness after drinking water or feeling of urinating often in a day.
Do you know the condition of excessive thirst is called “polydipsia”

Grandma has some suggestion here – natural cure for excessive thirst.

How to overcome excessive thirst?

1) Drinking water: Drink recommended amount of water per day.

2) Drink one to two glasses of freshly milked milk – without boiling. If your stomach does not agree with this then, boil and cool the milk and drink it.

3) Take half a cup of decoction prepared with equal parts of coriander seeds, amla fruits, dried ginger and dried grapes – three times a day.

4) Take powdered amla in honey and water – three times a day.

5) Drink fresh fruit juice of jamun with or without sugar.

6) Drink turmeric water in sugar and honey.

7) Tamarind water (syrup) helps too.

8) Coconut water with little sugar and a pinch of sandalwood powder is a very good drink for insatiable thirst (as per Ayurveda).

9) Sweet lemon juice with little cardamom powder and pinch of salt takes away thirst.

10) Drink watery butter milk with little amount of salt or no salt.

11) Drink 1 or 2 glasses of rice water (after washing the rice, collect the water) with jiggery and little cardamom powder.

12) Sugarcane juice with little lemon helps too ( not for diabetic patients).

13) Grind soaked green gram with water and filter it. Collect the green gram water and add jaggery and cardamom – drink 1 or 2 glasses.

14) Drink coffee – coffee many times helps in reducing the thirst.
More importantly keep yourself hydrated during summer. Avoid going out in hot sun. If need to walk in hot sun carry an umbrella or be in shade as much as possible!

Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Roasted Brussel Sprouts

Quick method to roast Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are not everyone’s favorite choice. However, because of its health benefits people eat Brussels sprouts. It supplies lots of fiber and clears the system easily.

Do you know – there is an easy way to roast Brussels sprouts? It is not only easy but is very tasty.

Try this method and you will definitely feel that delicious taste of Brussels sprouts.


1. Brussels sprouts – 1 Kg

2. Olive oil – 3 Tbs

3. Kosher salt – 1 tsp

4. Freshly ground pepper – 1 tsp


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).

2. Remove outer yellow leaves from sprouts.

3. Place trimmed Brussels sprouts, olive oil, kosher salt, and pepper in a large resalable plastic bag.

4. Seal the bag tightly, and shake to coat the ingredients.

5. Pour onto a baking sheet, and place on center oven rack.

6. Roast in the preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes, in between shake the pan every 5 to 7 minutes for even browning. To prevent burning reduce heat if necessary.

7. Brussels sprouts should be darkest brown, almost black, when done. Adjust seasoning with kosher salt, if necessary.

8. Serve hot seasoned Brussels sprouts with cumin rice and yogurt on side!

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 13, 2017
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Gift for grand children

Simple gifts for grandchildren

Gifts can be creative and fun for your grandchildren. Select something that you can be affordable for you and useful for your grandchild. Have a budget and do not hesitate to tell your grandchild how much budget you have. It is okay to share this information, they will learn.

1. What are your grand children talent? Observe and talk to your kids and understand what their interest is.  They may show interest in watching an event, going to sport, music instrument, attending a concert, magazine subscription, posters, painting, photography etc can be their choice.

2. Children now a day are back into radio, they may like to have a alarm clock, cameral, laptop desk, book case, bags for travel, for sports, or for travel.

3. If they want books – get a store gift card or buy books online.

4. Small children always like coloring books – buy and keep them when you see something attractive. Get color pens and pencils. Take them to children art work shop.

5. Fun games – Treasure hunt, ladder & snake, carrom board, chess, cross word puzzles, puzzles, bingo – all these  can be fun games that can play for few years and they will store them with lot of love.

6. Buy a simple karaoke machine and do karaoke with grand children, sing with them.

7. Get a binocular and watch birds and wild animals with them.

8. Buy a small microscope and show them how wonderful life is.

9. Buy an inexpensive camera, which helps them to look at nature in a different way.

10. Give money, but don’t give it to buy love. Give money as an admiration for the help and work they do. Don’t commit to give an amount that you cannot afford.

11. If you are into knitting then knit socks, gloves or a simple design sweater. Before doing so, understand their liking and disliking.

12. Give time – play with your grandchildren. Listen to them and take care of them. Take them for a movie, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, art work class and listen to them. This will be a big gift as it boosts their moral.

13. Invite your grandchildren for weekend camp out at your backyard and cook for them.

14. Make a scrapbook for your grandchild.

15. Take them to local attractions like zoo, art gallery, ice skating, playground, musical play, science centers, parks, national park, farm, sanctuary – this will help them to get exposed.

Remember if needed you can always talk to their parents. Do not buy something that will require extra work or special commitment, such as a trip, a pet, or a big project, without permission from children parents. More importantly, get to know your grandchildren. Because the more you know about their likes and interests, the easier it will be to choose a gift.



Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 11, 2017
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Party Planning Tips

Planning For A Party

Many parties are celebrations of events such as wedding anniversary, birthday, graduation, inviting new friends etc. Whatever the occasion it is most important to have a clear outline of the party theme before beginning to work or plan for a party. The goal is to be a good host and make it memorable for the guests.

Grandma’s experience and tips will help you to establish a structure for planning all the party details.

Plan on spending: Depending on the type of party and number of people plan your party. Snacks, lunch/dinner items, drinks and miscellaneous items are all should be part  of your budget. The style of celebration will also dictate whether you need outside help.

Make a list: Guest list, items needed for the party,  dishes, all tasks that need to be completed – put everything in a note book and review the list.

Guests: Bringing people together for small parties such as dinner is not always easy. Make a list of people who you want to attend the party. If these people are strangers to one another it is important to mix individuals who are likely to get on well together or at least to express an interest in one another. This makes the party fun and interesting.

Food and drink: Whether party is small or big, decide on refreshments – snacks, finger food, buffet or proper sit-down and serving to eat. Make sure that the food and drink you serve are suited to the occasion and there should be adequate amount of food. Plan the menu as needed. If there are children then look into some foods that are suitable for kids. Kids are allergic to some foods and avoid any allergy causing foods in your menu.  In case your menu has something that can cause allergy, put a note near the food.

Invitation: Printed or handwritten invitations should convey certain important information clearly to the recipients. Date, time, venue, address, direction, phone number, occasion, gift or no gift and your name along with RSVP – these specific information avoids any confusion for the guest.

Line up help: You can handle everything alone. Assign work to your family members and if needed, tap into other resources – friends or someone who is willing to work for some bucks!

Serving vessels and linens: If you are planning to serve using your own China, silver, crystals and cups – wash and dry. If it is a small party and you are using linens – laundry the linens if needed.  Make sure you have all the platters and serving pieces you will need.

Shopping: From garbage bags to soft drinks – list all the items and finish shopping 2-3 days before. This will give you time to think and review the items you bought. Miscellaneous items – Ice, Ice cubes, space in refrigerator, drinks, extra napkins, coffee, tea bags, cream, sugar, salt & pepper, butter, lemon etc. that are essential for your party.

Music: Use soft music in the background for dinner kind of parties. Depending on the event select the music. If it is kids birthday music should be bit upbeat and playful.

Cookware and serving utensils: In case you do not have enough utensils and cookware then consider buying inexpensive pieces from a discount store. Label each dish to remember what you are plan to use it for during the event day.

House cleaning: One or two days before the party take a look at house and clean things. Remove stuffs that are on the way and make space for people.  Do whatever touch ups that are needed. Clean the bathrooms, keep fresh towels, toilet papers, fill soap bottles and remove any medicines that are kept in the bathroom cabinets.

Decoration: If the party is simple then, decoration need not be grand. If not, plan the decoration based on the theme.

Pets: If you have pets – Take care of them. Many pets are afraid of crowds and get scared. Make proper arrangements so that, pets will stay away from the crowd.

Greet guests: On the day of party get ready at least an hour before. Check the house and arrangements. Finally receive guests as they arrive. Acknowledge the guests and be a pleasant and good host.

After the parties, keep a note of expenditure, food items served and what was good, not good etc. This will be a big help in terms of savings when you plan your next gathering. These notes will be a reference to look back on when you are trying to remember the best part of the party was and what you need to do in the next event or next time.


Image: Pinterest

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 10, 2017
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21 Home Remedies For Kitchen Cabinet

21 Home Remedy Stuffs In The Kitchen Cabinet

Every now and then we get sick in small or big way.

Do you know the common and inexpensive home remedy stuffs that are sitting in our kitchen cabinets can help us during common sickness?

See yourself.

1. Ginger for cramps: Friendly ginger can improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the muscles, including those in the uterus where cramps originate.

2. Cranberries for urinary tract health: Drinking one to two glasses of cranberry juice a day of will help prevent recurrence of urinary tract infection.

3. Turmeric: “holy healing powder” : Foods with curcumin have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties so they can help with cleansing and healing,

4. Oatmeal for itching: Grind 1/3 cup of plain oatmeal into a fine powder using your blender. Pour the powder into lukewarm water and stir in evenly with hands until the water is a milky color and take bath. Another way is to take 1/4 cup of oatmeal and enough water to make a paste and apply directly to the skin for 10 minutes and wash.

5. For fluffy eyes: Cucumber slices perfectly fit to the contours of your eyes to help reduce swelling,

6. Prunes for constipation: Eat prunes. Prunes  are rich in insoluble fiber, a key nutrient to help fight constipation.

7. Eat apple for heartburn: Apples have pectin, a soluble fiber that’s really great at absorbing stomach acid.

8. Sugar: Fool body to stop hiccups by putting a teaspoon of sugar underneath your tongue. Hiccups are gone by hiding sugar underneath tongue.

9. Almond for PMS: Most middle aged menstruating women experience PMS symptom each month. Apart from dairy products are rich in calcium consume almonds to come out from PMS.

10. Honey: Honey offers antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also an ideal solution for sore throats, burns, wounds, coughs and much more.

11. Lemons: Skin care to digestion to prevent cancer – lemons needed for all. Use good amount of lemon in your food.

12. Garlic: Suffering from arthritis pain and cholesterol? – Start eating garlic every day morning – consuming one clove of garlic creates wonder.

13. Cinnamon: Want to reduce weight and fight cholesterol? Drink cinnamon tea. Cholesterol will reduce in the body.

14. Baking soda helps in headache: A headache can be treated with a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a cup of warm water with 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

15. Nutmeg for diarrhea and insomnia: Grated nutmeg soothes diarrhea and upset tummies. Use a nutmeg grater to grate a small amount (about 1/8 teaspoon) into warm milk. Grind nutmeg and add it to warm water or milk and drink before going to bed to get good night sleep!

16. Coriander seeds: Boil coriander seeds (2 tsp) in 2 cups water and drink to keep your weight under control!

17. Cumin seeds: Powder cumin seeds and add it to yogurt/curd and eat to reduce bloating and weight gain.

18. Asafoetida: Add pinch of asafetida to buttermilk and drink. This remedy reduces gas. For taste add little salt.

19. Clove: Suffering from bad breath or toothache? Eat one clove for bad breath and place a crushed clove in cotton and keep it inside near aching tooth.

20. Black pepper: Cold, cough and throat infection – prepare Indian rasam (soup) using black pepper and drink to soothe the system.

21. Cardamom: Bad breath – eat one or two cardamom to come out from that breath.

Source: Grandma remedies,

Image credit: Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 8, 2017
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Ghee(Clarified Butter) And Its Importance

Yoga and Ayurveda has lot to offer and the roots of these both amazing subjects goes back beyond 5000 years. We know more about Ayurveda and we know that Ayurvedic medicines use ghee as one of the ingredients. However very less has been mentioned about importance of ghee in any text or nutrition contents. In India, with the modern knowledge use of ghee is falling behind. Everything or anything that has used ghee as one of the important ingredient is considered as unhealthy, fatty food and high in cholesterol. In modern era ghee is replaced by vegetable oils and fats.

Ghee preparation: Take the butter in a thick-bottomed large bowl. Wash the butter several times. Drain the water completely. Switch on the stove and keep it at medium flame. The butter will melt in no time and starts boiling with thick, white foam at the surface. As the bubbling increases, you will notice that the foam will become thinner and the bubbles will become bigger and clearer. Bubbles will get more translucent and the foam will eventually disappear. Milk solids, which are now at the bottom, begin to turn brown. At this stage switches off the stove. Wait for 10 minutes. Strain it into a dry glass jar. Left milk solid brown or slightly black is very tasty and can be applied on bread or rotis.

From Ayurvedic perspective ghee is viewed as more potent than milk due to it being transformed by fire. It is also much more stable, and can be kept for long periods without going bad. In Thrissur, Kerala the idol of Shiva, which is not visible, is covered under a mountain of ghee, formed by the daily abhisheka (ablution) with ghee over the years. After abhisheka a portion of the ghee is returned to the devotees and they take it home as the ghee has miraculous powers to cure all diseases. A devotee looking at the sanctum now sees a thirteen-foot high mount of ghee embellished with thirteen cascading crescents of gold and three serpent hoods at top. According to traditional belief, this represents the snow-clad Mount Kailas, the abode of Parvathy and Parameswara.

Ghee has its place in Indian Vedic culture in the form of medicine as healing and promoting good health.

Ghee is perceived as the essence of milk, with the cow’s first milk for the calf being comparable to the general teachings from Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Similarly in Buddhism also it is said that (Chavalath Sutta/ Anguttara Nikaya IV.95) Buddha used same analogy, In his teachings Buddha says ” from a cow comes milk; from milk, curd; from curd, butter; from butter, ghee; from ghee, the skimming of ghee, and that is reckoned the best; even so, monks, among these four individuals the person who is engaged in promoting his own good and also the good of another is the foremost, the chief, the principal, the best and the supreme.” The remaining milk, cream and butter are analogous to the next three levels of teaching, each more subtle than the last. Ghee represents the most subtle teachings of all.

In Yogic practice it is said that for the concentration of the mind and to keep body in alert yogis were suppose to practice sitting and staring in front of ghee lamps. Through such purification, where ghee symbolizes the burning away of illness, ignorance and mental afflictions – it is said that one will be able to understand and realize that everything is made of God.

It is believed that Ghee is Satvik (pure) food and it is purifying the mind, awakening knowledge and developing intuition. Ancient Yogis used ghee to helps move towards Yoga’s aim of stilling the mind, via the promotion of both physical and mental purification. Ancient texts give dietary guidelines for the Yogi, with ghee coming first in lists of ‘do’s’. It is advised”sweet and nourishing food should be mixed with ghee and milk, nourishing all dhatus [tissues] and be pleasing and suitable.” (Hatha Yoga Pradipika, C1/62-63). There are certain foods that prohibited while consuming ghee. Foods those taste bitter, pungent, sour, salty were considered to interfere with ghee. In fact, yogis develop a kind of sensitivity to these foods including onion, garlic and chillis. (

For yogis, ghee with a light soup is very helpful in rekindling the digestive fire. It is said that after fasting one should consume light soup with ghee to bring back digestive tract action.

Ghee’s ability to purify the mind has been mentioned in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda the tonic that is needed for mind is present in ghee. Ghee taken daily in the diet will help practicing Yogis in strengthening the mind and purifying intellect (=bhuddhi).

While practiicng various types of breathing exercises and yoga poses it is known fact that body creates heat. This heat is more than physical heat as it is a pranic, mental, or spiritual heat and related to mind or psychic in nature. This of course, leads to purification of mind. However, too much heat can also cause strain on both body and mind. As mentioned in “Science of Pranayama” drinking milk mixed with ghee reduces this type of heat. They also neutralize acidity and heat in the stomach, created by these practices.

By being the essence of the sacred cow, Ghee is itself sacred. Sages, yogis, saints and our ancestors used ghee for sacred purposes, rituals and as nutritious food. Our ancestors used to leave the milk for calf first and then whatever the amount of milk was left in cow’s udder was used for making ghee and other sacred purposes. With modern technology, cows are injected with hormones and other medicines to get large amount of (thick) milk and calves are forcibly separated from mother at the birth itself. These actions brings doubt in the mind of people who love animals and poses questions about usage of milk and sacred ghee.

Read more at:
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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 2, 2017
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