All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Zumba fitness

Zumba Fitness : A fun filled exercise for all age groups

Zumba Fitness is a Latin-inspired cardio-dance workout that uses music and choreographed steps to form a fitness party atmosphere. While many of the types of dance and music featured in the program are Latin American inspired, classes can also contain everything from jazz to African beats to country to hip-hop and pop. Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms — and resistance training.

An aerobic activity, Zumba can count toward the 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity recommended for most healthy adults. Aerobic exercise reduces health risks, keeps excess pounds at bay, strengthens your heart and boosts your mood. If you enjoy Zumba, you are also more likely to do it regularly — and experience its benefits as an aerobic exercise.

Where did Zumba originated?

The story of Zumba begins with an accident that seems too good to be true. Back in the ’90s in Colombia, dancer and choreographer Alberto Perez was teaching an aerobics class and he forgot his regular music. So he reached into his backpack and pulled out tapes of salsa and merengue. After finding initial success in Colombia, he moved to the United States in 2001, where he teamed up with cofounder Alberto Perlman and a childhood friend, COO Alberto Aghion. The trio produced a demo reel, and the concept was discovered and licensed by a company, Fitness Quest  to create a direct marketing campaign and a line of home videos.

Zumba combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow the Zumba participants to dance away their worries. It is based on the principle that a workout should be ‘fun and enjoyable’ in order for Zumba participants to stick to the Zumba fitness program to achieve long-term health benefits. Zumba is not only great for the body, but it is also great for the mind. It is a ‘feel happy’ workout.

Benfefits of Zumba workout:

  1. It is a workout using dance steps that are easy to follow in a truly fun and party-like atmosphere. It can leave a person with a “feel good” sensation.
  2. It is a fantastic core workout. Zumba uses moves during the workout that target the abs and back to increase agility and strength as well as to tone & sculpt the torso.
  3. Zumba also has the potential to reshape all parts of the body, including the arms, hips, heart, and mind.
  4. Zumba is a great fat burning workout. Calories burned will differ from person to person depending on their fitness level and the intensity put forth. Calories burned during one hour of Zumba have been estimated to be anywhere from 500 to 850.
  5. This workout provides for a great sweat without even realizing you are exercising.
  6. People have reported losing weight doing Zumba, combined with a sensible and well-balanced nutrition plan; this combination can have astonishing results.
  7. Zumba also provides for great interval training.
  8. One can customize the dance moves.
  9. One need not to know the moves, move with group.

Some of the basic dance steps you will find in Zumba classes are:

Merengue : The Dominican Republic is usually credited as the origin of Merengue although Haiti and Santo Domingo fall in that category as well. It is faster pace rhythm. Common instruments are congo drums, accordion, and guiro. The most common move for the Merengue is the “basic march”.

Salsa: Salsa is a blend of many Carribean cultures and strongly influenced by Cuba, but made popular in New York and Florida as it is known today. Salsa had a very distinct beat and is usually a faster tempo.

Cumbia :The Cumbia is known as a rhythm from Columbia, South America, but holds influences from Africa and Europe. Cumbia is often associated with a tropical or creole flavor to the music.

Reggaeton: Reggaeton has Jamaican influences and was made popular in Puerto Rico and Panama. The music contains a heavy bass drum beat, with a primary instrument being a Reggae style drum. The most common move is the “ZUMBA hit” otherwise known as “crumping”.

Flamenco: Currently known as the rhythm from Andalusia in southern Spain with influences from Gypsy, Muslim and Jewish cultures. Flamenco is known fo the sounds of handclapping, finger snapping, tongue clicking, knuckle gashing, etc… In ZUMBA, some of the moves are related to the “picking of the grapes” for wine production. Much attitude is projected in the upper body movements.

Samba: Samba originates in Brazil. Samba is known for its sexy hip moving moves.It was and is danced as a festival dance during the street festivals and celebrations. First introduced in the U.S. in a Broadway play called “Street Carnival” in the late twenties. The festive style and mood of the dance has kept it alive and popular to this day. Samba is a fun dance that fits most of today’s popular music.

Bollywood moves: After the success of movie “Slumdog millionaire” world also realized that Bollywood moves are very effective for reducing  the weight. Zumba instructors often include bollywood songs and moves in Zumba classes. Some of the popular songs include : Jai ho, chamak challo, banggra moves and just our Indian drum beats ! Sometime one can see “namaste” gestures in the dance moves.





 Image credit: Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 4, 2017
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PM Modi hails UN decision on Yoga

Yoga Poses From Ancient Hindu Scriptures

Image: Countries that are supporting International Yoga day on June 21st

Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex ways, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul.

The science of Yoga imbibe itself the complete essence of the Way of Life, including – Gyan Yoga or philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or path of devotional bliss, Karma Yoga or path of blissful action, and Raja Yoga or path of mind control. Raja Yoga is further divided into eight parts. At the heart of the Raja Yoga system, balancing and unifying these various approaches, is the practice of Yoga Asana.” (

References to yoga are found throughout Hindu scripture. The Katha Upanishad, dating back to 800 – 600 BCE4, states:  tām yogam iti manyante sthirām indriya-dhāraṇām, apramattas tadā bhavati, yogo hi prabhavāpyayau.

Yama: The firm control of the senses, they regard as Yoga. At that time one gets careful, for, Yoga is acquired and lost.

-Katha Upanishad 2.3.11 

And the Svetasvatara Upanishad, 600 – 500 BCE, explains the results or outcomes for one who is steeped in the practice of yoga:

 2.12. When the five fold qualities of yoga consisting of the earth, water, fire, air and ether are firmly established in the body, then in that body strengthened by the fire of yoga, there is no place for sickness, old age and death.

2.13 Lightness of being, health, steadiness, improvement in the complexion of the body, perfection in the voice, sweetness of the body odor, slight excretions are said to be the first results of the progress of yoga.

2.14 Just as a mirror shines brightly after it has been cleaned, so does the yogi who has realized the true nature of his soul becomes integrated as one in his body, attains sense of fulfillment and remains free from sorrow.

2.15 Through the real nature of his own soul, as if by a lamp held on the nature of Brahman, when he sees, his own real nature as one who is unborn and completely pure, He is freed from all the fetters at once.

The slightly more recent Dhyanabindu Upanishad explains yoga as having six limbs – asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi – and goes on to provide postural detail:

There are as many postures as there are living creatures; and Maheśvara (the great Lord) knows their distinguishing features. Siḍḍha, bhaḍra, simha and paḍma are the four (chief) postures.

Today, the most commonly referenced text on yoga is Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, dating between 200 BCE – 200 CE, which lays out the definition of yoga in the second sutra:

 yogas citta vritti nirodhah

Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind

-Yoga Sutras 1.2

While Patanjali codified the many existing teachings on yoga at his time, some of which are seen in Buddhism and Jainism, it cannot be ignored that yoga and references to its practice existed within Hindu scripture long before the Yoga Sutras (VHP, USA).

Legendary guru B.K.S. Iyengar confirms this in his book, Light on Yoga, where he says that yoga positions “are also called after gods of the Hindu pantheon and some recall the Avataras, or incarnation of Divine Power.”

 See more Yoga poses of sages and heros of Hindu Mythology.

Twist pose of Lord Shiva The Yoga Lord
Twist pose of Lord Shiva The Yoga Lord

 Marichasana : Twist pose of Lord Shiva The Yoga Lord: Sit on the floor and stretch the legs forward.   Bend the left knee and heel should touch the back of the thigh.  It should be perpendicular to the ground.  Move the shoulder and stretch the arms back and hold the hands.  Turn slowly to the left and take a few breaths.

Lord shiva's tandavanritya is Natarajasana
Lord shiva’s tandavanritya is Natarajasana

Parivratta Natarajasana: Lord shiva’s tandavanritya is Natarajasana : This is a balance asana that strengthens the legs. It also is a full body stretch, which engages the shoulders, chest and abdomen, strengthens the thigh and calf muscles, knees and ankles, hips and spine, and develops concentration and grace.

Lord Shiva in Dhyana mudra
Lord Shiva in Dhyana mudra

Lord Shiva in Dhyana mudra : The Dhyāna mudrā (“meditation mudra”) is the gesture of meditation and the concentration of the good. The two hands are placed on the lap, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched (four fingers resting on each other and the thumbs facing upwards towards one another diagonally), palms facing upwards; in this manner, the hands and fingers form the shape of a triangle, which is symbolic of the spiritual fire or the Triratna (the three jewels)

Vrikshasana of Lord Shiva & Parvathi
Vrikshasana of Lord Shiva & Parvathi

Vrikshasana of Lord Shiva & Parvathi: The asana is pronounced as VRIK-shAH-sana

This posture replicates the graceful, steady stance of a tree. Unlike most yoga poses, the Tree Pose requires keeping our eyes open in order to maintain body balance.

Chin mudra of Lord Shiva
Chin mudra of Lord Shiva

Chin mudra  of Lord Shiva: Form a circle by joining your thumb and your forefinger, Place the nail of your index finger against the soft pad of the thumb, Extend the last three fingers of your hands, the palm-side facing upwards, It is important that the palm-side of your hands should face upwards in the receiving pose. If the palm-side faces downward, the gesture becomes the jnana mudra. When you are meditating, form the Chin Mudra and place your hands on your knees to stimulate the “Nadi”.

Half lotus tree pose of Lord Dakshinamurthy
Half lotus tree pose of Lord Dakshinamurthy

Half lotus tree pose of Lord Dakshinamurthy : Here Lord Shiva is exhibiting vyakhyanamudra in left hand and Gnyana mudra in right hand both representing knowledge and removing evil through knowledge. In this pose one has to concentrate the mind and breathe while slowly inhaling and exhaling.

Side plank pose of sage Vashishta and Vishwamitrasana of King Koushik
Side plank pose of sage Vashishta and Vishwamitrasana of King Koushik

Vasishthasana Side plank pose of sage Vashishta and Vishwamitrasana of King Koushik (Vishwamitra) : It’s not difficult to see the connection between the poses Vasisthasana and Vishvamitrasana and the attributes of the legendary sages—one a priest, the other a king—for whom the asanas are named. Both poses are advanced arm balance poses.

Hanumanasana 1
Hanumanasana 1

Hanumanasana 1: Lord Hanuman crossing the Ocean : The yogi pushes one leg forward and one leg backwards until they are in the splits position. Once the yogi has moved the legs into position, there are several variations of arm and upper body position. One arm is stretched front, one leg bent.

Hanumanasana 2
Hanumanasana 2

Hanumanasana 2: Lord Hanuman takes a giant leap to cross the ocean while praying Lord Rama: The yogi pushes one leg forward and one leg backwards until they are in the splits position. Once the yogi has moved the legs into position, there are several variations of arm and upper body position including Añjali Mudrā.

Anjali Mudra of Lord Hanuman
Anjali Mudra of Lord Hanuman

Anjali Mudra of Lord Hanuman: Añjali Mudrā or praṇāmāsanais a hand gesture which is practiced throughout Asia and beyond. It is used as a sign of respect and a greeting in India and Sri Lanka and amongst yoga practitioners and adherents of similar traditions. The gesture is incorporated into many yoga asanas. At the end of Yoga class one will say Namaste while performing Anjali mudra. 


Ashtavakrasana: In most cultures, any evidence of a son’s arrogance can get the son into deep trouble with his father. What makes Astavakra remarkable is that he crossed the line with his father, and was punished, before he even left the womb. While still in his mother’s belly, he corrected his father’s recitation of verses from the Rig Veda, a collection of India’s oldest and most sacred hymns. Enraged, Astavakra’s father cursed him, and the boy was born deformed. Astavakra’s name refers to the eight (asta) crooked (vakra) angles of his limbs; the many angles of the pose Astavakrasana evoke the curse of crooked limbs that Astavakra triumphed over by dint of his persistence, piety, and intelligence.

Ananda balasana (Child pose) of Bala Krishna
Ananda balasana (Child pose) of Bala Krishna

Ananda balasana (Child pose) of Bala Krishna: Lie on your back. With an exhale, bend your knees into your belly. Inhale, grip the outsides of your feet with your hands (if you have difficulty holding the feet directly with your hands, hold onto a belt looped over each sole.) Open your knees slightly wider than your torso, then bring them up toward your armpits.


Kurmasana: Lord Vishnu’s one of the incarnation is used in this pose. Sit on the floor and stretch the legs forward.   Widen the legs about a foot and a half.   By bending the knees, insert both the arms and stretch them straight outside. Rest the shoulders on the floor and keep the palms on the ground.   Exhale slowly and bend the trunk so that the chin should touch the floor.  The legs, arms and back should be straight.   Stay in this position for about 30 to 40  seconds.  Inhale slowly, lift the head, release the hands and feet and then come back to the normal position.


Virabhadrasana Warrior 1 Pose is an asana commemorating the exploits of a mythical warrior. Stand straight with your legs wide apart by a distance of at least 3-4 feet. Turn your right foot out by 90 degrees and left foot in by about 15 degrees. Stretch your both hand on opposite directions with palm facing down, When we practice one of the three versions of Virabhadrasana, Vernon notes, we cultivate the mind of the warrior, who must go into battle unattached to the fruits of his actions—one who has 360-degree vision and can see all things. “You look to all sides in the poses, but you try to hold to your center and not be pulled every which way,” she says. “Virabhadrasana teaches us to go into the field of life and stay in the center of our being.” If you can imagine yourself as a fearless warrior sent on a divine mission, you just might find renewed strength and vigor in the poses as well as the courage and determination to face life’s challenging moments.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 3, 2017
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Reasons for weight increase

Why your weight is increasing?

Despite being on diet and working hard why we struggle to lose weight ?  After certain age, our metabolism slows down. To increase the metabolism we need to work out – exercise and take proper care of our diet. I have listed some of the common mistakes that we all make while dieting and working out that can result in slower metabolic rate and gain in weight.

1. Not eating enough!

When you eat less, your basic physiological/biological function gets disturbed. Mind recieves a message about starvation and metabolism slows down as a defense against starvation. Do you know – consuming 300 to 400 calories every four hours helps in keeping good weight!

2. Do you avoid coffee/tea?

These two are nervous system stimulants and helps in increasing metabolic rate. Have one cup of tea/coffee. Do not drink too much to have a sleepless night.

3. Just eating white carbs ?

Everybody likes white carbs. They can slow down metabolism. Include good amount of fiber and other good stuffs along with small portion of your favorite carb and you will be fine.

4. Drinking water temperature

It matters. You will be surprised – cold water helps in raising resting metabolism. When your drink cold water, body has to work harder to heat the water to body temperature!

5. No protein in your diet

Protein is essential for proper metabolism. It helps in keeping lean muscle and proper metabolic rate.

6. Couch potato or sitting job?

Well then you are going to have slow metabolism. If you have a sitting job – then make sure to walk 10,000 steps every day. If you are home, keep moving in the house – do your home work. This helps in increasing metabolism.

7. Vegetables sprayed with pesticides

Give a close look to your fruits and vegetables. There toxins can interfere in your energy burning process and trigger weight gain.

8. Not getting enough vitamin D and vitamin B or iron?

Learn about these supplements and what they can do to your body. It is well known fact that not getting enough of these supplements can make you gain weight by sagging your energy and reducing metabolism.

9. No calcium in your diet

Not eating enough calcium due to your improper diet can result in slower metabolism.

10. Eating processed foods to lose weight

There you go… you have a culprit in your diet. Eating so called diet food that are highly processed can only harm you!

11. Not getting enough sleep

Sleeping less than five or six hours a night, can slow your metabolism and cause hormonal changes that hurt your weight-loss efforts.

12. Eating only salads?

Salads may not contain enough carbohydrates to help control hunger hormones. Moreover they may contain high-calorie salad bar additions like blue cheese and candied walnuts.

13. Nuts as snack item?

If you think nuts is healthy food and can eat a lot – then you are wrong. They also supply lots of calories. Understand how many calories the provide and how some nuts slows down the metabolic rate.

14. Skipping breakfast and not drinking water?

These two are deadly combination! Yes, if you skip breakfast and not drinking enough water throughout the day can result in weight increase – body sends wrong signals to brain regarding the absence of these two factors. Generally, skipping meals can lead to food cravings and overeating later in the day — reaching for whatever food is available and making up for the missed calories by eating more.

15. You do not eat diary

Muscle is essential for keeping the metabolism active. If you consume 3-7 servings of dairy per day it helps in burning more fat and gives more lean muscle mass.


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Image credit: Photo by Li Sun from Pexels (Free CC0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 27, 2017
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Eggless Herb Biscuit

Eggless Herb Biscuit Recipe

Herbs always provide flavor for any type of cooking. Herbs like rosemary, cilantro, oregano, dried parsley, dill, mint all give different flavor when you add it to snacks or other dishes.

They have medicinal property too and eating them raw may not be tasteful for some.

Here is a way to add various types of herbs in moderation to eggless biscuits and make biscuit taste more delicious.

Eggless Herb Biscuit Recipe

1. 2 ½ cups all purpose flour

2. 4 tsp baking powder

3. ¾ tsp salt

4. 1 teaspoon sugar

5. ½ cup cold salted butter, cubed

6. ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley

7. ¼ cup chopped fresh chives

8. 1 cup milk

9. In place of egg: Add one of these ingredients ¼ cup unsweetened apple sauce OR ½ cup smashed banana OR ½ cup vegetable oil


1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

2. Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

3. In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, egg replacement (of your choice) and herbs. Whisk until mixed.

4. Add butter to the mix. Using finger or pastry cutter cut butter into pea sizes

5. Add milk and mix well – form a dough.

6. Roll dough ¾ inches and cut the biscuits to the size you want.

7. Transfer to baking sheet/pan and bake.

8. Bake for 12 minutes or until a toothpick can be inserted and come out clean.



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 22, 2017
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Pollen Attack

Pollen Allergy in Kids

Seasonal allergy also known as “hay fever” in children can be very irritable and can be very severe.

If you’re allergic to pollen, your body sees it as a threat. So, any time you’re exposed to pollen (or another trigger), your immune system gets ready for a fight.

Once an allergen enters your body, your immune system makes proteins called antibodies. They help look for and then get rid of the allergen.

When antibodies find an allergen, they alert blood cells called mast cells. They, in turn, release chemicals like histamine. That’s what causes inflammation. Tissue around small blood vessels tightens. Fluid escapes. That’s how you end up with a runny nose, swollen nasal passages, and congestion.

Pollen Allergy in Kids

What is the best way to combat pollen allergy?

  • During pollen season wear mask when you step out to play
  • Wash your face and hands 3-4 times a day
  • Wear fresh cloths once you come home
  • If you which are the plants might be having effect on you – stay away from those plants

Precautions for Parents:

  • If there are flowering indoor plants – remove them
  • Talk to your child’s caregivers – teachers, babysitters, coaches, parents of their friends – and bring them up to speed on your child’s allergies and their triggers.
  • Hanging laundry outside can attract pollen, causing your child’s allergies to flare up. Use dryer or dry clothes inside the house instead.
  • If you know your kids are allergic to pollen, then listen or beware of the pollen count in your area.
  • Talk to your pediatrician and seek suggestion regarding any tests that are required for your child for pollen allergy.
  • Reduce outdoor activities during high pollen levels times such as between 05:00 – 10:00 am. Pollen levels also drop after heavy rains.
  • Keep windows closed and use air conditioners because windows and attic fans can attract pollen.




Image credit: Image by Sally Wynn from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 19, 2017
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How to prepare for opportunities that you will get?

How to prepare for opportunities

“The biggest obstacle in our lives are the one that mind creates”

Every opportunity that we get in our one life can take us towards our goal. One opportunity that we get can make a difference between an extraordinary life and mediocre one.

We all get many opportunities life, we miss some and can take some. Sometimes it depends on the circumstances in our life to pick or not to pick an opportunity. Most times we hesitate to take advantage of an opportunity that is staring at us.

What we always don’t think or realize is – we all have one life and if we miss opportunities then we may not get another one. Yes, it is hard to make decisions that can change our lives for better as we don’t know where it takes us. However, if we don’t pick an opportunity we may regret for not taking a decision.

How to prepare to exploit opportunities?

1. Look for an opportunity: Opportunities don’t last forever. When there is one, take steps to make sure you don’t miss out on something that can change your life for good. Or at least give it a try and see how you feel.

2. Saying yes often: When opportunities come around say yes and give it a try. When you get a chance to exhibit your talent grab it. Give it a try, negotiate & if you don’t like the experience you can always look for something else. It is not easy, but who knows – you may achieve success!

Instead of sitting and worrying on day to day to life – if you get an opportunity to travel and if you can afford why not? You may not get a chance to travel again to same place. Explore new places, try new things & find your inner peace!

3. Try new thingsBe open to new ideas and be open to it. It is like trying new food. You may initially hesitate but once you know how good the food and what benefit you get then you won’t hesitate to try it again.

4. Risk and opportunity: Always remember – opportunities and risk always go hand in hand, they go together. The best opportunity is always the riskiest one. Starting a business is not everyone’s cup of tea. But if you have insight, goal and hardworking and, if an opportunity is waiting for you then take some risk in your life. It is a combination of risk and opportunity where, don’t forget money is also involved. We have examples of people opted for such risks and made it a success in life.

5. Meet and talk to people: Develop a friendly attitude that boosts your people circle. When you develop your network, it gives exposure to more and more opportunities. When you talk to people they may share their vision, ideas or may become your guide/mentor for a successful and happy life.

6. Don’t be afraid and don’t hesitate: Opportunities don’t come often in your way. One need to be very fast to grab it before it goes to someone else. Discuss with your friends, partners, family members and decide. Don’t forget that there are other people who wait for ‘that kind of opportunity’ and you may lose out.

7. A positive attitude helps: Don’t imagine negative or setbacks before you proceed. If so, you won’t be able to take risk and go nowhere in life. Success often depends on positive attitude and energy with which you can win heart of many people. Positive attitude gives confidence to you as well as to the people (in you) who provide opportunity for you!

8. Focusing and sticking to goal: When you are not focused, or don’t know what is your focus in life, then you will not recognize the opportunity in your hand. Understand what you want to do in life and take it to that direction. If you know your goal, then stick to it. Focus, determination and sticking to the goal always will give more opportunities and, you will feel that opportunities are created for you when you start seeing them in many numbers. If you know what you want out of life, your mind will focus in on that and be on the lookout when an opportunity arises.

Don’t be passive in life. Be creative and curious that helps you to understand the opportunities of life for better. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in life. Getting scared to do anything is a step to failure in life. Remember by doing mistakes one will learn and gain experience. Whether it is right or wrong, looking for an opportunity and exploring new things in life helps you to grow and be a better person. Opportunity comes for prepared mind as it can recognize it.




Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Social media and online safety

Social media and Online Safety of Kids

Kids would love to own social media and especially teens would love to have at least one social media account. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry there are nearly 60% of teens are on social media (in US alone). And while being online is a good way to keep in touch with friends, it’s important for parents to be proactive about Internet safety.

Unfortunately, there are people who can use your child’s personal information to steal identities, bully them or begin an inappropriate relationship. The family meeting now involves discussions on Internet safety for kids — what parents expect from their children in terms of responsible Internet usage, and discussions about common-sense precautions that will keep kids safe online.

What goes online, stays online: Children often get drawn into peer drama, blowing up the social media sphere with arguments and snarky commentary. Bully behavior may crop up, leaving kids feeling vulnerable and alone. Kids may be quick to take a video and post it online without thinking through the consequences. Parents can do a lot to explain that what goes online stays online.

For parents: Did you know?

  • 17% of teens say they’ve been contacted online by someone they didn’t know in a way that made them feel scared or uncomfortable
  • 30% of teens say they’ve received online advertising that was inappropriate for their age
  • 39% of teens admitted to lying about their age to gain access to websites.

Help protect children from online dangers by following these safety tips:

  1. Keep your child’s profile private so that only family and people you know see photos, important dates and other information.
  2. Make sure they’re not posting personal details, including phone numbers, home address, and the name of their school or other types of identity.
  3. Only allow them to publish photos and videos that do not jeopardize their safety or their integrity.
  4. Make sure they choose a strong password that cannot be guessed, and that it gets changed every three months.
  5. Never allow them to accept friend requests from people they do not know.
  6. Keep an open dialogue with your children. Ask them to let you know if they’ve received private messages from a stranger, or from someone at school who is teasing, harassing or threatening them. Those could be signs of cyber-bullying or even a sexual predator.
  7. Kids should post only what they’re comfortable with others seeing.
  8.  Social media services and websites change their privacy policy and settings from time to time. You need to keep up to date, and it is a good idea to check each of these every few months to see if there have been major changes. If there are changes go to your child’s account and make necessary changes or help them to make changes.
  9. Remind kids that once they post it, they can’t take it back. Even if you delete the information from a site, you have little control over older versions that may exist on other people’s computers and may circulate online.
  10. Tell your kids not to impersonate someone else : Let your kids know that it’s wrong to create sites, pages, or posts that seem to come from someone else, like a teacher, a classmate, or someone they made up.

Mobile Safety and Social Media: Internet safety for kids includes mobile. More children have access to the Internet from their phones, tablets and handheld gadgets than ever before. Mobile access also means that kids have the ability to very quickly move to new social media sites before you will ever see the evidence on the family computer. Setting firm rules about joining new sites is key, as is keeping communication open. Ask why your child may feel the need to jump into a new social media site, whether it is to get away from bullying behavior or simply to be a part of a newer, kinder, gentler online community.

Social networking sites, chat rooms, virtual worlds, and blogs are how teens and tweens socialize online; it’s important to help your child learn how to navigate these spaces safely. Among the pitfalls that come with online socializing are sharing too much information or posting comments, photos, or videos that can damage a reputation or hurt someone’s feelings.


Image credit: 

Image credit: Children at school CC BY-SA 2.0

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 18, 2017
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Benefits of Indian Martial Arts

Benefits of Indian Martial Arts

Here are few benefits of Indian Martial Arts:

1. Cardiovascular Health: One of the most important exercise benefits associated with martial arts is an improvement in your cardiovascular health.

2. Weight Loss: Weight loss is another great benefit associated with martial arts.

3. Increased Muscle Tone: By participating in martial arts, you can greatly improve the amount of muscle mass you have in your body.

4. Improved Reflexes: In order to be a good martial artist, you must have very fast reflexes. Research has found that by participating in martial arts, you not only improve you reflexes.

5. Improved Mood: Researchers have found that participating in a regular exercise routine is one of the best ways to improve your mood. Performing martial arts is not only a good way to relieve stress and frustration, but may actually help to make you happier.

6. Concentration and focus: Martial arts focus on opponent and self defense mechanism. Practicing ancient art only increases brains activity, boost memory, helps in concentrating, focusing and learning.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 12, 2017
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