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Tag: One must watch

8 Food & Nutrition movies one must watch

8 Food & Nutrition movies one must watch

Why can’t we combine both to get to know what could be happening to our food industry or where the food comes from or what happens when we over eat or when we go for healthy food diet?

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Food Matters

Food Matters

In this 2008 movie, nutritionist, dieticians, naturopaths, including an investigative journalist – all talk about the influence of raw food, organic food, food safety and nutritional therapy to improve health!

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Fat, sick & nearly dead

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

What obesity, illness and steroids can do to our body? – watch this documentary to find out. The main character Joe Cross with 100-pound overweight, an autoimmune disease and in addition steroids in the body decides to act on his health improvement.

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Food, Inc.

Food, Inc.

A must watch movie! In this Oscar nominated documentary truth unfolds in front of our eyes and makes us think about where we get our food from.

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Forks Over Knives

Forks Over Knives

A movie directed by Lee Fulkerson, with a concept similar to super size me by Morgan Spurlock. The difference is here in this documentary Lee explores only plant based food.

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Cowspiracy, The sustainability secret

Cowspiracy, The sustainability secret

Produced by Academy award winner actor Leonardo De Caprio, this movie (2014) is all for far veganism. The movie explores the threat from animal agriculture to environment and to fossil fuels.

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More than honey

More than honey

A documentary (2012) by Markus Imhoof who is a decedent of beekeeper family focuses on importance of honey bee and the fear of their extinction that can cause change in our food system.

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Super-Size Me

Super Size Me

In this movie, Director Morgan Spurlock personally explores the consequences of eating nothing but McDonald’s food for about month.

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