All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Going Gluten Free Doesn't Stop Type 2 Diabetes

Going gluten free does not stop diabetes

A new analysis suggests that going gluten free does not stop developing diabetic condition. Instead, it may increase the chance of acquiring Type 2 diabetes condition.

What is gluten anyway? Gluten refers to the proteins found in cereal grain’s endosperm (a type of tissue produced in seeds that are ground to make flour). Gluten both nourishes plant embryos during germination and later affects the elasticity of dough, which in turn affects the chewiness of baked products.

According to National Institute of Celiac Awareness: Gluten is only bad for certain people. These people are gluten-sensitive or gluten-intolerant, which means their bodies produce an abnormal immune response when breaking down gluten during digestion. The most common condition that people develop because of gluten allergy is called Celiac disease*.

However, some people who do not have Celiac disease or an intolerance to gluten believe that gluten-free diets are healthier than those that include gluten products. Researchers at Harvard University’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston wanted to see whether this belief might have any scientific merit. In the study, the researchers looked at surveys conducted every 2 to 4 years in which nearly 200,000 people reported what they ate. The researchers estimated the participants’ gluten intake based on this information, and then looked at which participants went on to develop type 2 diabetes over the 30-year study period!

As per Zong who leads the research group we all know during the 1980s the low-gluten fad did not exist when the study period began. But participants’ gluten intake naturally varied, based on how often they ate foods like bread, cereal and pasta.

According to their findings, nearly 16,000 people in the study had developed type 2 diabetes. Most people in the study ate less than 12 grams of gluten per day. When the researchers examined the relationship between gluten consumption and the people’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes, they found that the people who ate the most gluten had a 13-percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes during the study period than the people who ate the least gluten.

This finding suggests that there might be a link between people’s gluten consumption and their risk of diabetes. However, it is not clear why the people who consumed more gluten were less likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than the people who ate less gluten, the researchers said. One explanation is, people who consumed more gluten containing food also ended up consuming more fibrous food, that helps in reducing the chance of getting diabetes Type 2.

Did you know? According to Packaged Facts, a market research company, although many people continue to buy gluten-free foods at grocery stores and restaurants, it appears the gluten-free trend is waning for those looking to lose weight or gain energy.

Well, talk to you doctor if you are planning to go on gluten-free diet.

* About 1% of the total population has celiac disease. However, it is more common in people with type 1 diabetes. An estimated 10% of people with type 1 have celiac disease.




Image credit: Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 16, 2017
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How to age backwardly

How to age backwards

Grandma has already suggested home remedies to take of your skin to look young.

However, if you want to look young and energetic with age you also need to bring changes in your lifestyle. What are the life style changes one can redeem to look and feel younger and great again?

How to age backwards ? Listen to grandma…

  • Spend time with people who feel and act young both inside out. Avoid spending time with those who complain about their life and how old they feel. To look great, you need to uplift your energy and not the other way around.
  • Watch yourself closely and monitor what you eat. Do not starve but go with proper nutritious food.
  • Avoid visiting fast food restaurants. Instead, cook and eat. Some traditional foods with less fat are really good for your figure. Eat more plants not meat.
  • Consume fat in moderate quantity. You should not avoid fat at all. Ghee and butter helps your skin to glow. Some oil in your body is essential for wrinkle free skin.
  • Don’t skip exercise – exercise helps your body to get out of tiredness. Exercise buddies will help you to keep up with routine. Swimming, jogging, dance classes, walking, cycling etc with friends helps you to energize.
  • Travel and explore the world. Seeing the places and discovering how the world lives adds life, love and lucidity to your years.
  • Always look for something creative to do. Art class, gardening, music, knitting, reading, volunteering, visiting library etc. helps you to discover your inner self and your will help you to live peacefully.
  • Be funny and explore life. Try different restaurants and varieties of good foods. Try wearing nice and beautiful dresses. Try zumba and classical dances!
  • Surround yourself with lively, fun loving and smart people. Discuss about various topics. Internet helps- search for topics, join a book club. Be spontaneous to do things. Get out of your comfortable zone to try something new every day.
  • You cannot live in your past all the time. Life has to move on. Enjoy every bit of your life instead of feeling sorry. Don’t waste your time by expecting sympathy from others. Don’t complain about your life and feel sad about it.
  • Try different make-ups. Get your hair done, visit spas and massage centers. Use light perfumes and try simple and elegant jewelry. Take time to look beautiful. Apply moisturizer, use oils, turmeric – try good things on your skin. Keeping your eyebrows well-groomed and shaped helps provide a frame for your face and draws attention to your eyes. To avoid dryness – apply oil to hair 2 to 3 times a week and wash your hair.
  • Treat yourself with little wonderful things. Buy bangles, hats, sweaters, shoes, books, nail polish – as long as they don’t go waste – treat yourself with something that makes your happy. Go out with girls and enjoy dinner, lunch or breakfast. Watch a movie in a theater.
  • Read inspiring stories and try to be inspired. Don’t think you are too old to do anything. Always think that you are young and you can achieve anything in life. Do something that makes you feel youthful.
  • When a negative thought comes to your mind, brush off the thought or replace it with some good jokes that brings smile on your face. Watch a feel good movie or call a friend who shares positive vibe.
  • Do not spend time in sleeping, sitting and not doing anything. Get dressed and go out – visit shops for nothing, walk around and watch people. Spend time with children or watch them playing- they are carefree and fun loving little humans. Learn from a child’s smile.
  • Laugh, smile and have fun – laughing and smiling helps to keep heart in good condition and keeps you energetic.
  • Love is perpetual youth – do not stop loving your life partner. It helps you to keep young and happy.

Every morning when you wake up – tell yourself how young, energetic, beautiful and wonderful person you are. Our body will age but if we treat it right it will look young. The advantage of looking young is – it helps you to look forward for life and removes any loneliness that one might be suffering from. It attracts more people and helps in achieving good relationship. Think young and stay healthy to look young! Remember: Just when the caterpillar thought world is over, it became a butterfly!!




Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 15, 2017
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Help kids to read

Help your child to read

Home environment, innate ability and parents not getting involved in helping children to read are few reasons for a child having difficulty in reading.

The main reasons for reading problems are:

  • Ineffective reading instruction
  • Auditory perception difficulties
  • Visual perception difficulties
  • Language processing difficulties.

Parents can recognize their child’s poor reading from some of the following symptoms:

  1. poor pencil grip
  2. penmanship
  3. attention problems
  4. anxiety in reading
  5. task avoidance
  6. lack of impulse control
  7. easily distracted
  8. problems with comprehension of spoken language
  9. don’t like school

Other signs of reading disability are more closely to the act and process of reading. Signs of a reading disability may include the following:

  • consistent difficulty sounding out words and recognizing words out of context
  • confusion between letters and the sounds they represent
  • slow reading rate when reading aloud (reading word-by-word)
  • lack of expression while reading
  • ignoring punctuation while reading
  • confusion about the meaning of words and sentences
  • inability to connect concepts and ideas within a passage
  • omission of, or glossing over, detail
  • difficulty identifying significant information from details
  • high distractibility during reading
  • trouble remembering or summarizing what is read
  • difficulty connecting what is read to prior knowledge
  • difficulty applying content of a text to personal experiences
  • inability to view content from different of new perspectives
  • What to Do if You Suspect a Reading Disability

If you have gone through the checklist and feel like your child may have a reading disorder, here’s what to do next.

  • Learn about the symptoms of reading disorders.
  • Keep a journal of behaviors associated with said symptoms and their frequency.
  • Follow school’s protocol for learning concerns.
  • Discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher and pediatrician.
  • Get a formal evaluation.
  • Explore more ways to help the child learn to read.
  • Daily training in linguistic and oral skills to build awareness of speech sounds or phonemes

Help your child with reading: Reading problems in young children may be influenced by a combination of both neurological and environmental factors, according to a study. Help your child in various ways to read.

  • Read to your child. No matter what age your child happens to be, he will benefit from listening to you read aloud.
  • Discuss the books you read to your child.
  • Be a good reading model by letting your child see you read.
  • Introduce your child to books that discuss his hobby, interests, or new experiences.
  • Buy books as presents for your child and he’ll learn to value books.
  • Make sure your child has a library card.
  • Download Reading or Flash Card Apps

Have hopes and don’t give up on your child: Never get frustrated, angry and anxious with your child. No matter what your child’s developmental level when you begin working together, remember to stay patient and calm. Even if your child seems to be learning at a slow pace, remember that one day, everything will click.




Image credit: Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 8, 2017
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Gambling addiction

Gambling Addiction

March is “Problem Gambling Awareness Month”.  The 2017 PGAM theme is “Have the Conversation” – this is to  increase public awareness of  gambling addiction and the availability of prevention, treatment & recovery services.

Gambling addiction is a serious public health issue demanding a comprehensive solution involving not only federal programs but also efforts on the part of states, counties, cities, communities, families, civic groups, the gambling industry, the non-profit sector, professions such as medicine, law, and finance, and other organizations.

Gambling addiction too often is not seen as a public policy issue but rather as a personal or individual problem. New research on gambling addiction has increased awareness about this disorder and the impact it has on our society. Inner cities, suburbs and rural communities – all corners are touched by gambling in these decades. People whom are employed gamble and elders who saved hard earn money are spending in gambling. Gambling problem also occurring amongst youngsters and often rates exceeding that of adults.

What impact gambling has on overall health?

Gambling and smoking: Gamblers have high rates of tobacco use and there is a linear relationship between gambling severity and both smoking frequency and nicotine dependency. Gamblers who smoked daily gambled more days and spent more money than non-daily smokers. They craved gambling more and had lower perceived control over gambling.

Did you know?  Smoking is powerful reinforcement for the trance-inducing rituals associated with gambling.

Gambling and domestic violence:  Domestic violence takes many forms: physical violence, sexual abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, social abuse, financial abuse, harassment and stalking. Survey of 144 spouses of compulsive gamblers found 50% were physically and verbally abused by spouse and 12% had attempted suicide. For many women gambling venues are refuge from violence and gambling becomes a method of escape.

Did you know?  Child neglect is a form of domestic violence. In Indiana 72 children were found abandoned in casino premises in 14 month period (in 2000 alone).

Signs of gambling in youth: Gambling has severe effect on youth’s mental behaviors.

  • Unexplained absences from school
  • Dropping grades
  • Increased family conflict
  • The family suspects alcohol or other drug abuse
  • Asking/taking/stealing money from family friends and strangers
  • Large amounts of money in teen’s possession
  • Gambling language and gambling an important conversational topic
  • Showing off money, clothing, and other possessions
  • Spending an unusual amount of time on the computer (out of parents sight), closing down programs when adults walk into the room, reading newspapers (sports page and stats), magazines, an/or periodicals having to do with sports or online poker sites.
  • Selling personal belongings (theirs and families)
  • Bragging about winnings, Lying, cheating, or stealing in school
  • Exhaustion from lack of sleep
  • Overly invested in performance

Adults gambling facts:  Seniors gamble for social interaction, emotional escape, excitement of living on edge, independence, self esteem and monetary winning episodes (Arizona Compulsive Gambling Council).  Older adults are considered at increased risk due to factors unique to that population, such as loneliness, isolation, physical or mental illness; additionally , in one study of older adults, the most likely  reported motivations to gamble were relaxation, boredom, passing time and getting away for the day (McNeilly & Burke, 2000).

Did you know? Many older adults may not understand addiction, making them less likely to identify a gambling problem; additionally, older adults appear less willing to seek assistance for a gambling problem than younger adults

Family issues: Trust is often the first casualty in the family of the problem gambler. Change in the behavior of the family member is often attributed to many other possible problems before gambling is identified as the problem.

  • Isolation between the gambler and their family generally occurs as their behavior changes.
  • Family Dynamic is dependent on each family member meeting the needs of the others. Problem gambling can destroy the ability of the gambler to do this.
  • Employment can be affected in various ways. The gambler will often neglect responsibilities at work and/or develop an attendance problem as they begin to have less control over their need to gamble
  • Financial security for the family is often lost as the gambler seeks more and more resources with which to gamble.
  • Reputations are difficult to protect as the gambling problem affects more and more aspects of the gambler’s life.
  • Stress is a certain occurrence for all of the family members of the gambler.
  • Neglect of dependents occurs as the gambler losses more and more control of their behavior.
  • Distrust occurs between other family members as the extent of the problem and the extent of financial loss and the ramifications of this become known.
  • Domestic violence may result in a family affected by a member with an addiction problem.
  • Co-occurring disorders such as depression, substance abuse, and other compulsive behaviors often occur as a result of or along with the gambling problem.
  • Children of problem gamblers have a higher probability of developing a gambling problem than those with parents who do not gamble.

Self-help for gambling problems: The biggest step to overcoming a gambling addiction is realizing that you have a problem.

  • Seek help for underlying mood disorders. Depression, stress, substance abuse, or anxiety can both trigger gambling problems and be made worse by compulsive gambling. Even when gambling is no longer a part of your life, these problems will still remain, so it’s important to address them.
  • Learn to relieve unpleasant feelings in healthier ways. When do you gamble -when you are lonely, bored, stressful, arguments? Note down.
  • Strengthen your support network. It’s tough to battle any addiction without support, so reach out to friends and family.
  • Join a support group. Gamblers Anonymous, for example, is a twelve-step recovery program patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous.

How to stop gambling for good?

  • Surround yourself with people to whom you’re accountable
  • Avoid tempting environments and websites
  • Give up control of your finances (at least at first)
  • Find healthier activities to replace gambling
  • Making healthier choices

One way to stop gambling is to remove the elements necessary for gambling to occur in your life and replace them with healthier choices. The four elements needed for gambling to continue are:

  • A decision to gamble: Stop the urge of going for gambling. Refuse gambling.
  • Need money for gambling: Gambling cannot occur without money. Get rid of your credit cards, let someone else be in charge of your money and close online gambling accounts.
  • Giving time for gambling: Don’t give time for gambling!Schedule enjoyable recreational time for yourself that has nothing to do with gambling.
  • Gambling a game: Say No, Tell gambling establishments you frequent that you have a gambling problem and ask them to restrict you from entering. Remove gambling apps from your smart phone and computers.


  • Image credit: Photo by Kay on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 7, 2017
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How to make your child eat breakfast?

How to make your child eat breakfast?

Does your school going child resist to eat breakfast?

Take action now. For school going children breakfast helps in maintaining overall health of both body and mind. It helps them to fight against diseases by boosting immune system.

As a parent take necessary action to feed your child before he steps out of the house in the morning.

Why breakfast is important for your child? Listen…

  • Better behavior: Children who regularly eat a morning meal have more energy, are less likely to exhibit aggressive behavior, and have a better attitude toward school.
  • Higher test scores: Research has clearly shown that children who consistently eat breakfast test higher in most academic areas.
  • Better class attendance: Children who eat breakfast are absent from school fewer days. Children who claim they don’t eat breakfast due to a lack of time in the morning are tardy more often than those who take time for a morning meal.
  • More nutrition: Breakfast eaters generally meet vitamin and mineral requirements for prevention of deficiencies. They consume more fiber, vitamin C, calcium and folic acid.
  • Weight control: Eating breakfast helps to establish a normal eating pattern. Increasing childhood obesity is in part attributed to the disappearance of normal eating patterns in many of today’s households.

What foods you should give? Traditional breakfasts are good for children always. Children need 1240 to 1690 calories every day. This include 22 to 30 grams protein, 25 gram of fat and 25 grams of carbohydrates, 400 mg of calcium, 12 to 18 mg of iron.

1. Traditional rice porridge with ghee is one of the best breakfast as it controls the thirst. Similarly oats with fruits and juice is good too.

2. Indian Idlis are considered as the best breakfast in the world because it supplies lots of nutrients and supplies balanced amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat amount.

3. Set dosa, masala dose, rice rotti, with less spicy chutney and glass of milk helps them to keep the energy flowing.

4. Chapatti with little ghee and jam is good too. Puri- sagu combination supplies good nutrition too.

5. Whole wheat bread is always good as it supplies many nutrients – make it attractive with cheese, butter and jam. Toast the bread and apply ghee (clarified butter) which tastes better than butter!

Did you know that – children who consume whole grains have significantly higher intakes of fibre and magnesium compared to children who do not consume whole grains.

6. Upama or beaten rice – Indian upama or lightly spiced beaten rice are other good breakfast items. These keeps stomach filled for longtime.

7. Pongal (khichadi) supplies lot of nutrients too. Give pongal with little yogurt and chutney.

8. Include seasonally avaialble fruit in your child’s breakfast – half banana, oranges, cherries, strawberries, jackfruit etc

9. Do not feed your child ready to eat food. Instead, give them home made, cooked foods like the one mentioned above.

Remember – if your child shows no interest in having breakfast it is your duty to convince them to have breakfast. Children who do not have daily breakfast or improper breakfast will become fatigue, less energy and no interest in studies or activities. Convince child to eat breakfast with lots of love and patience.

How to convince your child to eat breakfast ?

  • Say songs and divert their attention
  • Tell them stories while eating – interesting stories always attracts them. Make it a habit to tell a story.
  • Try to decorate the breakfast foods or give food different shapes.
  • Allow child to eat using his own hand. They will get used to the texture and taste of the food.
  • Do not force child to eat too much. If you force too much, child may develop hatredness towards food.
  • Provide child some distraction if they start fussing about food.
  • Do not argue or fight in front of your child. Keep your arguments away from the child.

A mother knows best for her child. Take care of the child in best possible ways.


Image credit: Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 6, 2017
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Interesting and Crazy Food Facts

Interesting and Crazy Food Facts!

From centuries human beings are into food – growing and cooking both. We try various types of food and if we like something then, we go out of way to learn more about the food.

Food is one item that binds the hearts! We try with new ingredients to get better taste or new taste. Sometimes we go with ready to eat food too.

In the process we come across many types or food – bakery, mushroom, microwavable foods, fruits, vegetables, drinks etc.

But, do you know that there are several facts which are hidden behind many foods. Next few slides talk about various foods and some facts related to them.

Image credit of all slides in this article:,,, (CC by 4.0) (Free for commercial use). Thanks to,,,,,

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Huitalacoche - Corn Smut



Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 3, 2017
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Huitalacoche - Corn Smut

Huitlacoche – The Mexican Corn Truffle

Huitlacoche, or Ustilago maydis, is a fungus, but not a mushroom. Specifically, it is a pathogenic fungus that grows on corn. For American farmers this is “smut” or “devil’s corn” and they consider it a disease to be eradicated.

In Mexico and American Hopi people consider this fungus as delicacy and use the fungus for cooking.

Huitlacoche is rather easy to cook with, sautés easily, and when it is a little dry, it absorbs liquid well.

It shares the earthy flavor of mushrooms, making it a more exotic mushroom replacement.

The earthy and somewhat smoky fungus is used to flavor quesadillas, tamales, soups and other specialty dishes.

Huitlacoche was used by Aztecs in many staple dishes such as stews and tamales, and today it’s very common in succotashes and quesadillas, or as a filling in any meal that might have mushrooms.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Rapeseed Oil Became Canola Oil

Rapeseed Oil Became Canola Oil

We all know most of the oils are named after their source plants. But did you know that canola oil name has come from a different source? Canola oil is extracted rape seeds.

Here rape refers to Latin word turnip which belongs to brassicaceae (cabbage) family.

Many years ago in 1956 when consumers were convinced that the rapeseed oil is not safe to consume because of high acid toxicity, rapeseed oil was banned and the trademark was eventually abandoned.

Later after many years, Canadian farmers bred a new variety of rapeseed that has lower erucic acid content.

They called it Canola which means “Canadian oil, low in acid”.

Canola became the default term worldwide for low acid content rapeseed oil.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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