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Tag: breast feeding

Baby Formula feeding

Baby Formula Feeding -What Parents Should Know

For babies breastfeeding is the best nutrition source. However, with working mothers and schedules or due to situations – medical or any other personal reasons if mother is not able to breast feed, then the next option is going with formula or formula milk. If parents are relying on formula feed then understanding how to prepare formula and what are the do’s and don’ts – this is a must know for the parents as it is critical for baby’s health and proper development reasons.

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Managing life post delivery

Managing life post delivery

enjoy life without much stress while raising child. Managing life post delivery is easy with these tips

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When to wean baby

When to wean a baby

Weaning is a personal choice. But when to wean a baby – this every mother need to understand.

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Safe medicine use

Use medicines safely

Medicines can help you feel better and get well when you are sick. But if you don’t follow the directions, medicines can hurt you. Use medicines safely !

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