All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Downward dog pose or Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha svanasana)

Put baby in front of you. Stand in mountain pose.

Breath in and breath out. Slowly bend and forward bend.

Place your hands on the mat and walk legs back and get into downward dog pose. Let your hip face roof.

Bring your shoulder blade together and push yourself more towards thighs.

Look at baby, breath in and breath out.

Interact with baby. Give her a smile and relax in the pose.

Image credit: Image by AndiP from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 21, 2018
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Hearing loss symptoms and treatment

Hearing loss symptoms and treatment

Hearing loss is more common than we realize. Nearly 360 million people worldwide lack some or all of their ability to hear.

As we age we will have problem hearing. However, certain conditions also can affect anyone and result in loss of hearing.

How do we hear? Sound waves move through ear canal and pulse the ear drum and then moves tiny bones inside middle ear. They in turn tap the cochlea and cochlea converts mechanical signals to electrical. This signal passes through auditory nerve and transmits it to brain for further processing.

Why we suffer from hearing loss and what are the signs?

Signs of hearing loss:

  • Requirement of frequent repetition of words
  • Difficulty in following conversation with more than 2 people
  • Other person sounds like mumbling
  • Difficulty in hearing in noisy background – restaurants, malls, conferences
  • Trouble hearing children and women
  • Turning up TV and stereo to high volume
  • Inappropriate answer to questions
  • Ringing in years
  • Stressed about hearing and complaining
  • Annoyed at others for not talking properly
  • Withdraw from social activities and meetings

Medical conditions:

  • History of family with loss of hearing
  • Medications that can harm hearing
  • Diabetes, heart and thyroid problems
  • Exposed to loud sounds for longer period and exposed to explosive noise

The three types of hearing loss are: Sensorineural, conductive and mixed hearing loss.

Sensorineural: Majority have hearing loss of this type. This occurs when there is a problem in sensory and neural structures in the inner ear. A sensorineural hearing loss reduces the intensity of sound hearing and can distort what we heard. People who suffer from sensorineural hearing loss struggle to hear words clearly.  Aging, exposure to loud noise, medicines, illness such as meningitis, measales, genetics, trauma to head and inner ear malformation can lead to sensorineural hearing loss.

Conductive: It is more mechanical in nature – it is physical condition or disease that stops sound from being conducted from the outer to middle ear to inner ear where nerves are stimulated to carry sound to brain. Reason for conductive hearing loss can be treated. Wax buildup, fluid in middle ear, ear infection, foreign object lodged in, ruptured eardrum, trauma to ear.

Mixed hearing loss: In mixed hearing loss a sensorineural hearing loss along with conductive hearing loss. Inner ear, middle and outer ear will be affected making hearing loss worse. Treating conductive hearing loss helps to manage remaining sensorineural hearing loss.

Do you know noise levels are measured in decibels (dB)? Higher the number of noise the louder the noise. Any noise above 85dB is considered harmful. Some common sounds and decibels of sounds that we hear around are:

  • Whispering – 30dB
  • Conversation – 60dB
  • Busy traffic – 70 to 85dB
  • Motorbike – 90dB
  • Listening to music on full volume through headphones – 100 to 110dB
  • Plane taking off – 120dB

How to protect ears?

  • Turn down the volume
  • Avoid loud noise – if needed use ear plugs
  • Give a break to your ears from loud noises
  • Understand side effect of medications before consuming
  • Better not to use cotton swabs as they poke inner ear
  • Do not allow fluid to enter the ear
  • Do not put any liquid inside ear without consulting a doctor
  • Go for regular checkups
  • Managing stress level is important
  • Don’t be on phone for longtime

Hearing loss treatment:

Research shows that hearing aids help in improving social, emotional, psychological, physical well-being of people with hearing loss. Their earning power, communication, emotional stability, mental functioning, physical health all showed improvement with hearing aid and treatment.

Types of hearing aids: Apart from technological interventions other methods also help people to hear.

  • Assistive listening devices (ALDs) or hearing assistance technology (HAT) – for all degrees of hearing loss. The cochlear implant helps millions of people.
  • Hearing loss treatment professionals: Audiologists, hearing aid specialists and otolaryngologists – based on type of hearing loss
  • Audiological advances for hearing loss treatment: Technical advancement to improve the quality of hearing aids are possible by audiological advance technology
  • Hearing loss counselling: Speaking with a qualified professional helps to cope up with hearing loss. Counselling helps to understand the hearing loss and how to manage life with help of other hearing aids
  • Medical advances for hearing loss treatment: At present sensorineural hearing loss is treated with hearing aids or cochlear implants. The other methods include (not restricted to) speech reading, auditory training, custom designed personal hearing aids, tinnitus maskers, assistance in specific listening situation – like telephone, TV or group listening devices.

If you think you or your loved ones have a hearing loss, go through test and talk to doctor. Both diagnostic testing and rehabilitation services are available in many countries.

Image credit:

Attribution: / CC0

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 19, 2018
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Gurdwaras implemented Food safety in LangarGurdwaras implemented Food safety in Langar

Gurdwaras implemented Food safety in Langar

Recently 10 community kitchens Langar of New Delhi Gurdwaras implemented the Food Safety and Hygiene Standards set by FSSAI of India.

This decision of implementation of standards was made to guarantee supply of healthy food to all individuals who seed meals from Langars.

Langars are famous and popular community kitchens in a Gurdwara that serve free meals to public. They serve free food like rice, lentils, potato curry, vegetable curry, Indian breads, pudding to entire community.

This free kitchen was started by First Sikh Guru Guru Nanak Dev in 1481 ! Langar was designed to uphold the principle of equality between all people regardless of religion.

In Delhi Gurdwaras operate on above principals and bring people together to provide nutritious food. According to President of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) their organization has cleared the stringent targets set by the Health Ministry under FSSAI’s project BHOG (Blissful and Hygienic Offering to God).

This ensures that devotees were served safe, hygienic and nutritious langar at all 10 historic Gurudwaras in the Capital of India too.

All together around one lakh devotees attend langar to take meal during week days in Delhi. More than 5 lakh on weekends and during festival times – Holi, Baishaki, Gurpurb. They provide nutritious diet to devotes and food consists of chapatis, dal sabzi (curry), kheer which is considered as prasaad – food offered to God first.  Committee also tests Desi ghee (clarified butter) and edible oils that are used for langar food preparation in Government laboratories. In addition, they supply clean, safe water from reverse osmosis plant. This water is used for cooking too and prevents contamination of food. Langar area is cleaned twice a day as directed by the Food safety standard.

All staffs who work in the kitchen are also under supervision and they must wear yellow aprons, gloves and head should be covered with turban. Training session and workshop on food safety and meal security were organized for those who distribute and handle prasad with help of a nonprofit group.

Project BHOG was launched by FSSAI in late 2016 to ensure good quality food for devotes who visit Indian temples. Project was launched to ensure all places of worship in India to serve quality prasaad while maintaining hygiene of food for safe consumption.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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List of things you must have in utility drawer

List of things you must have in utility drawer

Tool box, tool kit or utility drawer at home must have several things that are helpful and comes handy.

It makes life easy and better.

  1. Flashlight: Small or big one should always have a flashlight.  If you don’t have space, go for small LED flashlight and it comes in handy. It might be small but gives powerful bright light.
  2. Tape measure: You will need it if you are into building something or bringing new furniture to home or for putting up pictures.
  3. Extra batteries: Have few sizes assorted batteries for flashlight, remotes, garage door opener, home security system, alarm, clocks etc.
  4. Lighter: You might need it to light lamps, gas stove, candles or for outdoor barbecue or a picnic. Don’t forget fire place needs one too if you have wood burning fire place.
  5. Match box: Keep one or two match boxes always at home. If power goes off to light candles, lamps or to light fire place etc it is helpful.
  6. Candles: Few candles should be stored in tool drawer. Keep candles in a Ziploc bag and during emergency, when there is no power or for dinner you might need it.
  7. Sewing kit: You need it always. When you lose a button or repair jeans, blouse – you definitely need one.
  8. Safety pins: Well, safety pins can save you from embarrassment from wardrobe malfunction. Keep few assorted sizes of safety pins always. It helps to drag cloth string too!
  9. Hammer: Keep two different size hammers. To hang pictures and sometimes to break things and nuts.
  10. String /twine: You might need string to close bag, to tie plants, or to keep things together.
  11. Cutting pliers: Toolboxes will have one, but have couple of different size pliers. They always come in handy – in emergencies. To fix fixtures, to tighten or loosen nuts etc.
  12. Screw driver: Need for fixing many things at home. To loosen or to tighten the bolts, to remove tin cover, for furniture assembly etc.
  13. Scotch tape: Keep extra scotch tapes. Once the scotch tape dispenser is empty, you know where to find them.
  14. Duct tape: Very useful for many things – to keep things in place, for boxes, to bind materials, remove pet hair to hold things etc.
  15. Box cutter: Having a box cutter is good, you don’t need to touch kitchen knives for opening boxes or to cut paper or plastic.
  16. Rubber bands: Always useful for many purposes.  If you open a vegetable bag, to close use rubber band. Rubber band can be used to keep things tidy.
  17.  Clips: Different types of clips – for chips bag, for papers you need them. Binder clips are helpful for paper organization.
  18. Glue: Super glue, paper glue, art glue – all you need for different purposes.
  19. Pens and pencils – Both should be in drawer as you need them always.
  20. Pins – Push pins, simple pins are essential too. If you have habit of painting, into art, using display board then you will need push pins and thumbtacks both.
  21. Scissor: Keep a pair of scissors for everyday use.


Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 14, 2018
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Obesity linked to 12 types of cancers study says

Obesity linked to 12 types of cancers study says

Obesity rates skyrocketing and there is a growing number of obese people in the world.

Worldwide an estimated 1.97 billion adults and 338 million children including teenagers are either overweight or obese, reveals a report from 2016.

Obesity is one of the main problem that results in various types of conditions. Being active, healthy diet, reducing and limiting consumption of red meats and saying know to processed and fast foods are highly recommended by World Cancer Research Fund organization. The reason is research studies show that obesity is linked to 12 types of cancers.

According to Dr. Kate Allen Executive Director of Science and public affairs at WCRF, “it is unlikely that there are magic bullet specific foods or nutrients that in themselves cause or protect against cancer”. Different combination of patterns and types of diet with physical activity will create a metabolic state that makes us more or less susceptible to cancer.

Excess weight gain and obesity have been linked to many diseases. It includes diabetes, heart conditions, body inflammation and metabolic disorders. Excess body fat also causes number of chronic conditions and reduces life expectancy. Cancer is similarly linked to obesity, poor diet and poor activities.

The other factors that is reason for cancer is binge drinking or consuming more than 2 drinks per day daily increases risk for liver and esophageal cancer. Obesity is the reason for rise in colon and rectal cancer in younger and middle-aged people.

Following cancers are cited to link to obesity, poor diet and weight gain:

  1. Mouth, pharynx and larynx cancers
  2. Oseophageal cancer
  3. Stomach cancer
  4. Pancreatic cancer
  5. Gallbladder cancer
  6. Liver cancer
  7. Colorectal cancer
  8. Breast cancer (postmenopausal)
  9. Ovarian cancer
  10. Endometrial cancer
  11. Prostate cancer
  12. Kidney cancer

The more weight gain in adults means higher the risk of certain cancer. More weight gain in adults means higher the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Maintaining healthy weight throughout all stages of life is critical to avoid cancer.

How body weight and body fat linked to cancer? See the image below


Image credit: “Figure 5” by Libertas Academica is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 8, 2018
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Reduce water weight

10 simple tips to reduce water weight

Losing water weight is tough and people use water pills.

Here are some natural tips to reduce water weight.


  1. Limit your salt intake. Don’t add additional salt to food and reduce eating pickle.
  2. Eat one or two bananas everyday. Potassium in banana helps to reduce water retention. Same with pomegranate fruit.
  3. Drink cranberry juice to shed water.
  4. Drink good amount of water and let your body know that you are supplying water and there is not need to store water in cells.
  5. Consume Vitamin C and A – both supplements will help reduce water retention.
  6. Do not sit for prolonged time. Allow blood to circulate. Stretch legs and avoid edema.
  7. Keep ice packs on body parts – thighs, tummy, calves, to reduce water retention.
  8. Exercise regularly to keep circulatory system in good condition. Blood circulation helps in shedding water weight.
  9. Keep body cool, avoid sauna and excess Sun light exposure. Sweating is good for body up to some extent. Once the body dehydrates, signals send message to retain water.
  10. Do not wear tight clothing. Tight clothes tend to regulate blood circulation

Grandma’s tips:

Image credit: Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Lupus symptoms and treatment

Lupus symptoms and treatment

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake and damage many parts of the body.

Lupus often diagnosed in young women (ages 15 to 44).

About 9 out of 10 adults who suffer from lupus are women.

And is a serious auto immune disease can affect anyone.


  • Muscle and joint pain: Stiffness, swelling. Swelling in neck, thighs, shoulders and upper arms
  • Fever: Higher than 100 F, caused by inflammation and infection.
  • Rashes: On any part of the body that is exposed to sun – face, arms and hands
  • Chest pain: Inflammation of lining of the lungs causes chest pain
  • Hair loss: Bald and patchy spots
  • Sun or light sensitivity: Exposure to sun light can cause fever, fatigue, joint pain, rashes in some people
  • Kidney problem: Half of the people with lupus develop kidney problemLupus nephritis and the will gain weight, swollen ankles, high BP and decreased kidney function
  • Mouth sores: Ulcers, sores on roof of the mouth, sometimes in gums, cheeks and on lips
  • Extreme fatigue: Feeling exhausted even after enough sleep
  • Memory problems: Forgetfulness or confusion
  • Blood clotting: Higher risk of blood clotting, in legs, lungs, stroke, heart attack or repeated miscarriages in women
  • Eye disease: Dry eyes, eye inflammation and rashes in eyelids

Lupus in women:

In women lupus can raise the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney disease. Genes play important role in getting lupus. However, researchers are studying possible causes of lupus in women – Environment, stress, sunlight, smoking, viruses, hormones such as estrogen and of course the problem with immune system.

Lupus is more common in women during childbearing years when the estrogen levels are highest. All women with lupus who get pregnant are at high risk pregnancy and might may face problem during pregnancy. If someone has lupus, it should be under control or in remission for 6 months before getting pregnant. If not, it might result in miscarriage, still birth or can affect baby’s health. Some who has lupus might even develop high blood pressure, lung disease, heart failure, chronic kidney failure in pregnancy.

Lupus diagnosis and treatment:

Lupus diagnosis is based on medical history, family history, physical exam, blood and urine test, skin or kidney biopsy. Analysis of list of above mentioned symptoms will help to diagnose the condition.

As mentioned, it is a chronic disease and there is no cure. One can manage lupus with treatment but it will not go away. Treatments will help to improve symptoms, prevents some health problems and flares.

The goals of treatment include: preventing flares, treating symptoms when it occurs, reducing organ damage. Treatment depends on the organs involved.

Lupus in kidneys or and brain is the most serious form. One should carefully plan in getting pregnant when they know they have lupus. Lupus can flare during pregnancy and the affect is more to bear.

Medicines might be prescribed for:

  • Reducing swelling and pain
  • To calm immune system to prevent attack on organs and tissue of patients body
  • Prevent damage on joints
  • Reducing and preventing organ damage.

There are different medications physicians may prescribe.

Some people try creams for rashes, ointments, fish oil or supplements. Seeing chiropractor for joint problems and homeopathy for inflammation related pain is an option.

Before proceeding with your own medication talk to your doctor or rheumatologists and understand what might be good for you.

How to live with lupus?

Initial step is to get good doctor and support from family and friends. With support one can face the chronic pain and unpredictable illness of lupus. Understand about lupus and stay active as much as possible. Do not give up. Avoid excess sun exposure and sunlight can both cause and increase rash to flare and trigger serious flare of the disease itself. Wear protective clothing – ling sleeves, wide hats and use good sunscreen.

For more information on lupus please visit:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 6, 2018
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