All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Significance of OM (AUM)

Significance of OM (AUM)

oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ=Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!

If you attend a yoga class, it is very likely that the teacher starts the class by reciting the sound of OM three times. Most teachers like to chant OM at the end of the class as well. The natural question that comes up at the end of class after chanting OM is , “why chant OM and what is the significance of this sound?”.

Prayer or worship is considered to be an integral part of the Hindu religion. The chanting of mantras is the most popular form of worship in Hinduism. Yoga and meditation are also considered as a form of devotional service towards the Lord.  The Aum or OM, is a sound of peace. Om is the most important of all mantras. All mantras generally begin and often end with Om. Om is an ancient Sanskrit “word” that was first felt by rishis as they meditated. So what is the significance? “Om is a mantra, or vibration, that is traditionally chanted at the beginning and end of yoga sessions. Coming from Hinduism and Yoga, the mantra is considered to have high spiritual and creative power but despite this, it is a mantra that can be recited by anyone”. Everything in the universe is pulsating and vibrating – nothing is really standing still! The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature. As such AUM is the basic sound of the universe; so by chanting it we are symbolically and physically tuning in to that sound and acknowledging our connection to all other living beings, nature and the universe (ref: mind & body).

Meaning of OM

The Sanskrit word OM (also written as AUM) is a composite of three letters “A” (– like the first sound in ‘aware’ , “U” (-as in ‘foot’) and “M” ( as the last sound in ‘mum’). The three letters A, U and M represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states. The silence between successive repetitions of the mantra represents the fourth state called ‘turiya’ (literally the ‘fourth’ in Sanskrit), a state that transcends these three states. These three states correspond to the conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious states of the mind.

Here are 5 facts you may not know, to help deepen your knowledge and connect your heart to this ancient sacred syllable.

  1. The sound of OM encompasses all words, all sounds in human language

OM is a matrix of all sounds, when in its diversified form gives rise to all words used in language.

Linguistically, all audible sounds are produced in the space within the mouth beginning at the root of the tongue and ending at the lips. The throat sound is A, and M is the lip sound; and the sound U represents the rolling forward of speech articulation which starts at the root of the tongue, continuing until it ends in the lips. To pronounce OM correctly, remember, the sound vibration is pronounced “oom” as in home.

  1. AUM and OM

In Sanskrit, the sound “O” is a diphthong spelled “AU”. A diphthong is the blending of two vowel sounds where both are normally heard and make a gliding sound. As a result, the difference between OM and AUM is simply one of transliteration.

  1. AUM represents the 3 Fold Division of Time

A – is the waking state

U – is the dream state

M – is the state of deep sleep

At the end of AUM is a pause, a silence. This represents the state known as Turiya, or Infinite consciousness

  1. The visual symbol represents the meaning of AUM

The symbol OM visually consists of three curves, one semicircle, and a dot.

The large bottom curve symbolizes the waking state, A.

The middle curve signifies the dream state, U.

The upper curve denotes the state of deep sleep, M.

The dot signifies the fourth state of consciousness, Turiya.

The semi circle at the top represents Maya and separates the dot from the other three curves. It signals to us that it is the illusion of Maya that is an obstacle to realization of the Highest.

  1. OM is associated with Ganesha

The physical form of Lord Ganesha is said to be that of OM.  The upper curve, of OM, is identified with the head or the face of Ganesh. The Lower curve his belly. The twisted curve, on the right side of OM is the trunk.

In Vedas: The chapters in Vedas, and numerous hymns, chants and benedictions therein use the syllable Om. The Gayatri mantra from the Rig Veda, for example, begins with Om. The mantra is extracted from the 10th verse of Hymn 62 in Book III of the Rig Veda.  These recitations continue to be in use, and major incantations and ceremonial functions begin and end with Om.

ॐ भूर्भुवस्व: |

तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यम् |

भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि |

धियो यो न: प्रचोदयात् ||

Om. Earth, atmosphere, heaven.

Let us think on that desirable splendour

of Savitr, the Inspirer. May he stimulate

us to insightful thoughts.

—Rig Veda III.62.10,

oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ=Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 10, 2018
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US Health regulators approved marijuana based drug

US Health regulators approved marijuana based drug

This week US Health regulators approved marijuana based drug which is a prescription drug!

This approval is a milestone in drug research and could spur more research into a drug which remains illegal under federal law.

There is more pressure and demand for legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use in the country.

FDA approved: Yes (First approved June 25th, 2018)

Brand name: Epidiolex

Generic name: cannabidiol

Dosage form: Oral Solution

Company: GW Pharmaceuticals plc

Treatment for: Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Dravet Syndrome

FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) approved Epidiolex, medication to treat two rare forms of epilepsy. These two types of epilepsy begin in childhood.  GW Pharmaceuticals from Britain studied the drug in more than 500 children and adults with seizures while overcoming several hurdles. Epidiolex’s effectiveness was studied in patients with either Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome or Dravet Syndrome.

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is characterized by multiple types of seizures. People with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome begin having frequent seizures in early childhood, usually between ages 3 and 5.

FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb said in his statement“This approval serves as a reminder that advancing sound development programs that properly evaluate active ingredients contained in marijuana can lead to important medical therapies”… “Because of the adequate and well-controlled clinical studies that supported this approval, prescribes can have confidence in the drug’s uniform strength and consistent delivery”.

The strawberry flavored syrup is a purified form of chemical ingredients found and extracted from cannabis plant. This chemical is not that one which gets consumers /users high or intoxicated (euphoria). The ingredient called cannabidiol or CBD obtained from Cannabis sativa.  According to FDA officials this drug reduced seizures when combined with older epilepsy drugs. Epidiolex is a pharmaceutical grade of CBD oil and it does not contain THC the primary psychoactive compound that gives marijuana mind altering effect.

Side effect of the drug could be: vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and sleep problems.

Previously synthetic versions of a cannabis ingredients were used in medicine. One application was to treat HIV patients for weight loss. According to FDA, CBD producers previously claimed that their product could treat specific diseases like Alzheimer’s or cancer and have not received FDA approval because there are no clinical trials to prove that CBD can act on these conditions. Such unproven medical claims, Marketing unapproved products, with uncertain dosages and formulations can keep patients from accessing appropriate, recognized therapies to treat serious and even fatal diseases.

CBD oil is currently sold online and in specialty shops. Epidiolex will become available in the fall.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 6, 2018
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Different ways to use basil seeds

Different ways to use basil seeds

Basil seeds has many properties and are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory contents.

Basil seeds are popular ingredients of Ayurveda.

Basil seeds are also part of unani, Persian and Chinese medicines and are used in home remedies.

There are different ways to use basil seeds.

1. Add ¼ tsp basil seeds to one glass water and drink: This has multiple benefits.

  • Reduces hunger
  • Acts as coolant
  • Reduces constipation
  • Boosts oral health
  • Boosts immunity
  • Reduces gut inflammation
  • Reduces arthritic swelling


2. Crush make powder of one tsp of basil seeds and mix with warm coconut oil: Strain and apply this mix on skin half an hour prior to bath. This application reduces inflammation and itching of skin surface.

3. Milk and basil seed mix: To cold boiled milk add half tsp of basil seeds and mix well. Drink this before going to bed- this mix reduces acidity and good to control diabetes. This also helps in hair growth!


4. Soak 1 tsp basil seed in a glass coconut water and drink: Drinking this mix reduces acidity and constipation. This mix is also a good detoxifying drink. It is diuretic too.

5. Mix 1.5 tsp basil seed in a glass of lemon water – add a tsp of grated or fine cut ginger, couple of chopped mint leaves and jaggery for taste: Drinking this liquid not only reduces thirst, boosts energy and reduces heat related body pain.


6. Add basil seeds to falooda drink containing rose syrup, vermicelli, milk and choice of ice cream – Consume this to keep body cool and hydrated. Falooda is a popular summer days drink/dessert of India.

7. Just keep a pinch of basil seeds on your tongue and allow it to swell: Slowly swallow swollen basil seeds – this helps you to relax, relieves mental fatigue and stress. It has calming effect on nervous system.

8. Include basil seeds in your meal or snack: It keeps us full and stops us going overboard about food. Means, basil seeds helps in weight loss. It does contain dietary fiber. It also provides few calories and one should be careful about consuming too much basil seeds.

If you are pregnant do not use basil seeds – reports say basil seeds can increase estrogen levels and can have negative effect.

Image credit: Image by pisauikan from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Easy to prepare Rice puri recipe

Easy to prepare Rice puri recipe

Puri is one of the popular breakfast or evening snack item in India.

Puri – saagu combination is a popular choice of many and it is easy to prepare. Generally, plain puri’s are prepared using wheat flour.

Here we are presenting rice puri recipe. It is as delicious as wheat puri.

It can be a breakfast or evening snack item.


  1. Rice flour – 2 cups
  2. Grated fresh coconut – ½ cup
  3. Clarified butter – 1 Tbsp
  4. Chilli powder – 1 tsp
  5. Salt – as per taste
  6. Onion – 1 small
  7. Green chillis – 2-3
  8. Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
  9. Turmeric powder – 1tsp


  1. Grind onion, green chillis, cumin, chilli powder with coconut and little water and salt. Make a paste
  2. In a bowl add rice flour, liquid clarified butter and turmeric powder. Mix well.
  3. Now add masala paste and mix the flour. Add little water if needed while mixing and prepare dought.
  4. Heat oil for frying on medium heat.
  5. Take a small lemon size dough and roll it. You can get ready with several of them and place it on a plate or flat surface.
  6. One by one slowly release rolled dough into heated oil and prepare puri. Turn both side to get slight golden-brown color
  7. Transfer puri on paper towel. Let it absorb extra oil.
  8. Serve hot puris with saagu or curry or coconut chutney.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: July 2, 2018
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Prevent infections during pregnancy

Prevent infections during pregnancy

It is important to prevent any type of infection during pregnancy.  Pregnant women will have hormonal changes and body parts will be sensitive due to immune system function.

It creates risks for unborn child and risk for the mother.

During pregnancy immune stem changes to protect both mother and child. In pregnancy immune system should work harder to support two lives. This makes mother more susceptible for infections.

Risks for mother & baby:

In mother some of the infections can occur including urinary tract infections, vaginitis, and postpartum infection. Certain infections are highly risk for baby.

This include cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis and parvovirus. All these viruses can be transmitted from mother to baby and can result in serious consequences.

How to avoid and be safe from getting infected?

  1. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, follow 20 second rule.
  2. Do not share forks, cups, and food with young children.
  3. Avoid unpasteurized (raw) milk and foods from raw milk.
  4. Do not touch or change cat litter as they carry Toxoplasma gondii parasite and can be transmitted to baby.
  5. Check for Group B Streptococcus and learn how to protect baby during labor
  6. Talk to your OBGYN about vaccination
  7. Stay away from wild or pet rodents and their droppings as it contains viruses.
  8. Talk to your doctor or nurse about vaccinations, group B strep, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  9. Avoid people who have an infection, such as chickenpox or rubella.
  10. Get yourself tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  11. Protect and stay away from insects that known to carry diseases
  12. Stay away from pet rodents, lizards, turtles and their droppings
  13. Do not sit in wet bathing suit or sweaty panties. Always put on clean pair of underwear after finishing working out and swimming
  14. Avoid any type of contact of blood fluid from others
  15. Avoid eating raw meat
  16. Wash all vegetables and fruits before consuming them

If you are pregnant and have any sort of infection, see your OBGYN immediately.

Image credit: “24 weeks” by saralunaa is licensed under CC BY 2.0 (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 28, 2018
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How to take care dry skin in kids?

How to take care dry skin in kids?

If your child has dry skin, keeping skin clean and moisturized is important.

This will help child to be healthy and irritant free.

Here are tips to take care of dry skin in kids:

1. Baths: Child should bathe once a day. It will introduce moisture into skin and removes any toxic irritants and helps to prevent infections.

  • Use lukewarm water not too hot water.
  • Use mild and unscented soap and use it to the body parts that are visibly dirty and armpits and genital area.
  • Allow your child to play in bathing water fore few minutes so that water soaks body.
  • Pat dry the skin with a soft towel.
  • If your child’s age is suitable to use moisturizer, then apply moisturizing lotion or ointment.

2. Moisturizer: When you apply moisturizer child will feel less itchy. Best time to apply moisturizer is right after bath as it seals the skin for entire day. Creams and ointments are better for child as both products are thicker. Select unscented, natural creams.

3. Medication cream: If your child is prescribed with skin medication, then apply medication first and then use moisturizer (talk to doctor about this).

4. Dress: Use cotton clothing. Wool or synthetic fabrics will cause itching and irritation and may result in rashes. To avoid and prevent itching dress your child with one-piece pajamas at night. If you can afford then there are many  therapeutic clothing products are available for kids who suffer from dermatitis, eczema and other allergic conditions.

5. Avoid nickel: Nickle is present in many products including jeans, jewelry, razors etc. Stop using such products. Check labels before buying any such things that touches your child’s body. Nickle increases child’s eczema.

6. Fingernails: Keep child’s fingernails short to prevent itching and skin breaks

7. Laundry detergents: Do not use scented laundry detergents and fabric softener while laundering child’s clothes and sheets.

Talk to your child’s pediatrician if you see rashes despite being taken care of kids skin.


Visit for more information on kids health.

Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 27, 2018
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Herbal remedies for sleep apnea

Herbal remedies for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea condition has negative impact on our health. A person who suffers from sleep apnea stops breathing for short period while sleeping and are unable to take enough oxygen.

This also results in snoring, gasping and does not feel like having slept at all.

It triggers mental health issue, weight gain, memory loss, risk of heart failure, weak immune system etc.

There are many ways to reduce sleep apnea. Change in diet, reducing weight, good exercise, breathing devices, meditation with breathing and yoga practice helps.

Few home remedies also help to reduce sleep apnea…

1. Dill leaves: Boil a cup of dill leaves. Breath steam for couple of minutes before going to bed.

2. Poppy seeds: Grind 1 tsp of poppy seeds with 1 Tbsp. fresh coconut. Add this paste to a glass of warm milk before going to bed. This helps to stop snoring and gives good sleep.

3. Cucumber: Cut cucumber and take out central soft portion with seeds. Remove seeds and massage under the feet using rest of the central soft portion of cucumber fruit. This reduces body heat and helps to sleep without any disturbance.

4. Almond: Grind 4 to 5 almonds with a tsp of poppy seeds and add to milk. Drink before going to bed.

5. Onion: Fry one medium size red onion in little clarified butter. Mix with rice and have for dinner. This helps for easy breathing.

6. Cumin: Fry one tsp of cumin and prepare powder. Add little asafetida and mix with rice by adding a tsp of clarified butter. Smelling the aroma of cumin while frying also helps to get sleep.

7. Cinnamon powder: To one cup water add ½ tsp cinnamon powder and boil for three minutes. Add a tsp of honey and drink before going to bed.

8. Fenugreek: Dry fry fenugreek seeds and prepare powder. Add 1 tsp of fenugreek powder to a glass warm water and add 1 tsp of honey. Drink this half an hour before going to bed.

9. Garlic: Fry few garlic cloves with clarified butter. Have this during dinner. Garlic helps to open the airways and breathing becomes easy.

10. Chamomile: Chamomile tea helps to get good amount of sleep. Have hot chamomile tea before going to bed. It increases sleepiness by relaxing muscles.

11. Turmeric milk: Milk and turmeric powder helps to reduce inflammation of respiratory system and makes it easy for breathing. Add one tsp of turmeric powder to one cup milk. Boil and allow it to cool. Drink half an hour before going to bed.

If the problem prolongs and you are lethargic, suffering from no sleep and low energy for longer period it is better to consult your physician.

Image credit: Photo by Shane on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 26, 2018
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15 ways to beat summer heat

15 ways to beat summer heat

Summer means outdoor activities, hot temperature and sweating.

Sometimes we stay back indoor at home or office and allow body to cool down.

All does not have privilege of AC and there are people who work hard in bright Sun.

When we expose to hot weather we know what happens to the body.

To beat summer heat whether indoor or outdoor here are tips from grandma…

1. Use Sun blockers: Hang a damp sheet on the open window when the outside air is dry and cooler than inside. Block the Sun by closing curtain and blinds. Use white shades to cover window to reduce heat absorption.

2. Ventilation: Give enough ventilation to all rooms. Run fans or AC if you have. This will keep body cool. If you need run humidifier especially at night. Keeping temperature around 23 to 25C will give good sleep.

3. Close fireplace: Open fireplace pulls hot air into house. Close fire place damper and close windows and doors closed if outside temperature crossed 75°F.

4. Wear cotton clothes: Cotton clothes keeps you cool at summer. Synthetic material makes it hotter for the body.

5. Stay hydrated: Perspiration and sweating reduces water in body causing dehydration. Drink cool water and avoid alcohol and sugary drinks. Keep excessive sweat at bay. Infuse water with lime, mint, citrus or cut ripe fruits. Drinking coconut water helps to reduce heat.

6. Look for cool places: If you don’t have AC at home, see out cool places – restaurants, malls, library. Taking a break from heat gives lot of relief.

7. Go easy on exercise: Too much exercise in hot summer can increase body pain and inflammation. Evening and early morning are best time to exercise during summer. Drink more water if you go for walk or outdoor activities.

8. Eat light: Heavy meals will overload stomach. Instead, have liquid foods – cold soup, salads, fruits and raw vegetables will help body to be cool.

9. Shower: Have quick shower in between. It does not have to be a long water wasting shower. A quick rinse in cold water/ a splash will help. Or wet a towel and wipe your body with cold water.

10. Apply oil: If your body feels tired because of heat, apply coconut oil on legs and hands.

11. Swimming: Take a dip on swimming pool. Many gyms have swimming facility.

12. Wear hat: Whenever you step out wear a hat and if you feel like wear sunglasses. Hat keeps head somewhat cool and sunglasses protects from hot sun, dust and radiation.

13. Use cucumber: Place cut cucumbers in fridge and place them on eyes to beat heat effect on eyes. It removes dark circles and puffiness around eyes.

14. Cool sheets: If your body is too hot and bed feels hot too then it won’t be comfortable to sleep. Try this – keep sheets in a plastic bag and store in freezer for half an hour or so. Spread sheets on bed and go to sleep!

15. Aromatherapy: Use essential oils diffuser – rose or lavender before going to bed to relax and cool down.

Grandma’s tips from

Image by Adriano Gadini from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 22, 2018
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