Regular physical activity and nutritious food intake is important to all to keep fit and healthy. This applies to people who have chronic conditions like diabetes. Daily exercise and balanced diet keeps body fit, fine and immune system active. While many countries are opening up gyms, sports centers and parks for walks, countries like India which is still under lockdown making it hard for people to step out and do regular activities. A series of daily exercises are recommended for Diabetic people from ANIAD, the Italian National association of Athletes with Diabetes. These activities will help to burn good amount of calories to stay fit.
Recommended exercises:
Treadmill: One hour brisk waling which can be split into three 20 minutes sessions. Based on age, energy level and preferences, individual can adapt to uphill walk, increase speed etc.
Stationary bicycle: 15-minutes, two sessions at variable intensity, if the equipment has recliner option, then session can be increased a bit as the backrest gives support during exercise.
Bodyweight exercises: Push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, sit-ups, forward bends, weight lifts will help tone the muscle and increases energy level.
Stretching and increasing flexibility: Yoga, Pilates, will help to increase flexibility, and keeps mind calm.
Walking inside home: If you have staircase walk up and down for 8 sets of stairs for 6 floors. Or simply do brisk walk inside home covering entire house for half an hour to one hour.
Jumping jacks and total body exercise: Use small weights, ankle weights or wrist weights to perform total body exercises. This can be done at home easily.
- Two series of 20 Jumping Jacks (on-site jumps with synchronized leg and arm spreading and closing)
- Two series of 15 crunches (abdomen strengthening)
- Two series of 15 forward flexes (lower back muscle strengthening)
- Two series of 10 rowing exercises using dumbbells and slight forward flexion (back muscle strengthening)
- Two series of 8 push-ups (pectoral muscle strengthening – knees to floor for beginners)
- Two series of 8 sitting/standing hand-weight lifts (shoulder muscle strengthening)
- Five minutes of treadmill training or stationary/reclined bicycle
- Three series x 15 squats (lower limb strengthening)
- 20 minutes treadmill training
- Final stretching and relaxation.
Plan your meals and record what you eat :
While at home, take time to plan on your meals for the entire week including the important meal of the day – Breakfast. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Eat balanced, fresh, and unprocessed food
- Eat fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), nuts and whole grains. Include milk and yogurt.
- For snacks, choose raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Cut down on sugar, fat and salt.
- To reduce loss of important vitamins and nutrients do not overcook vegetables and fruit.
- Avoid canned food as much as possible. If you must then while using canned or dried vegetables and fruit, choose varieties without added salt or sugar.
Eat moderate amount of fat and sugar:
- Consume unsaturated fats over saturated fats.
- Use low-fat or reduced-fat versions of milk and dairy products.
- Avoid industrially produced trans fats. Avoid processed fast food, snack food, fried food, frozen pizza, pies, cookies, margarines and spreads.
- Limit the amount of salt and high sodium condiments (soy and fish sauce, hard cheese).
- Limit your daily salt intake to less than 5 g (approximately 1 teaspoon), use iodized salt
- Limit or say no to your intake of soft drinks or sodas and other drinks that are high in sugar.
- Choose fresh fruits instead of sweet snacks such as cookies, cakes and chocolate.
Portion control: Focus on portion control. Listen to your brian what it says – need more food or your stomach is full?
Prepare home cooked meals: Rather than eating outside and premade food, cook simple meals at home. If you prefer delivery of home cooked meals, order it from sources that follow hygiene rules.
Drink plenty of fluids: Water is the best drink. Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. Drink fresh smoothie, fruit juice that are suitable for your condition.
Practice mindful eating: Avoid any distraction (like watching phone, TV etc) during your meals.
In summary:
- Adopt to proper exercising habits by knowing your ability. Monitor your health before, during and after exercise.
- Focus on nutrient, calorie intake. Select healthy foods that are rich in nutrients and control on sugar, salt and fat.
- Take good rest, get good sleep.
For further information on how to take care of Diabetes in this pandemic please visit: