Health benefits: Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps to boost immunity, metabolism and prevents infections, including cold and cough. This cooling drink is useful in acid peptic disorders, constipation, anemia, and eye strain.


  1. Amla (Indian gooseberry) pulp – 1 kg
  2. Candy sugar – 2 kg
  3. Rock salt – 10 gm
  4. Roasted cumin seed powder – 10 gm
  5. Black pepper powder – 5 gm
  6. Black salt – 5 gm
  7. Water – 1 liter

Servings: 3 liters

3 times water to be added for serving, may adjust the quantity of water as per the required taste. Method of preparation

Boil amla and de-seed. Keep it aside until cools and make pulp by grinding. In a large vessel, take sugar, and add equal quantity of water, heat it so that sugar dissolves completely. Sugar syrup should be made double- or 2.5-times quantity of Alma Pulp. Take the pulp in a big vessel, slowly add sugar syrup, and mix it well. When the pulp and syrup are properly mixed, take a little bit mixture in a small bowl to mix spices. Add roasted jeera powder, rock salt, black pepper, and black Salt. Mix contents of both bowls well and keep it in glass jar. If you put in fridge than no need of preservatives otherwise add 0.75 gm Potassium metabisulfite (K.M.S.)/per kg.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 17, 2021

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