CoviSelf Home Testing Kit in India Helps to Test Coronavirus
Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India has approved the first home testing kit. Using Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) one can now test for Covid by receiving the CoviSelf home testing kit.
The self-use test can be used by symptomatic as well as immediate contact individuals as per ICMR guidelines without sample collection by healthcare workers. CoviSelf is available for Rs. 250 per pack. It is launched by Mylab Discovery solutions, a Pune based company. These test kits can be purchased at pharmacy stores without a prescription or online partners.
Test results will have to be uploaded by the users themselves through an app that is available both on Apple store and Google Play. The data will be capatured by secure server which is connected to ICMR Covid-19 testing portal. Data will be reviewed and stored in ICMR database. No retesting required if the person is confirmed positive. For those who are RAT negative symptomatic individuals must undergo isolation protocol while waiting for RTPCR test results. Coviself will help to save thousands of lives and available for less cost when compared to the kits in other countries.
What is in the kit? Instructions material, biohazard bage for safe disposal, nasal swab and test tube with testing solution and test device to show whether test is negative or positive. The result can be accessed through the Mylab CoviSelf App. An unique QR code will be generated to get the correct report.
These are the instructions given by ICMR to use Coviself.
1. Download the Mylab CoviSelf app
2. Wash your hands and let them dry. Now, open the CoviSelf kit
3. Open the Mylab CoviSelf app and enter your credentials. Now, scan the QR code on the test device to link the code with the credentials filled in
4. Tap the pre-filled buffer tube vertically and ensure that the extraction buffer solution settles at the bottom of the tube
5. Remove the cap and keep it upright so that there is no spillage
6. Take the nostril swab and insert it into the nose till you face some resistance. Roll it inside your nose at least five times so that enough cells are extracted. Repeat the process with the other nostril with the same swab
7. Now, dip this nasal swab into the pre-filled extraction tube and pinch its bottom. Swirl the swab 10 times before breaking it at its “break point”. Now, cover the tube with its attached nozzle cap
8. Add two drops of extracted antigen buffer mixture into the sample of the test device by pressing the tube
9. Wait for a few minutes. The result will be available on the app within 10-15 minutes. If results don’t appear within 20 minutes, your report must be negative. The result will be considered invalid if it appears after 20 minutes. Click a picture of the device with the phone app and wait for it to analyze the result
10. Dispose of the kit in the biohazard bag provided. If your result is positive, isolate yourself as per ICMR guidelines.
Watch video to understand how Coviself works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYv0jfxGZis
Image credit: ICMR, New Delhi
Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 25, 2021
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