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Why some people are happier than others?

We are all susceptible to feeling down every now and again, but we are all equipped with the necessary solutions that just have to be discovered.

The main philosophy employed by the happiest includes the idea that life’s simply too short: life is too short to let things get you down, to take things for granted, to pursue absolute and unrealistic perfection.

For some, employing these characteristics is a second nature – they do it without knowing. For others, a conscious effort must be put forth every now and again. Self-Awareness is key factor that plays major role in achieving happiness.

Here are some reasons why people are happy inside and out: 

1. They Manage Their Expectations

They’re not crushed when they don’t get what they want – or misled into expecting to get the most out of every situation. They approach every situation pragmatically, hoping for the best but being prepared for the worst.

2. They Do not Set Unrealistic Standards

Similar to the last point, they don’t live their lives in a constant pursuit towards impossible visions of perfection, only to always find themselves falling short of what they want.

3. They Do not Take Anything for Granted

Happiness rests with feeling fulfilled – those who fail to stop and appreciate what they have every now and again will never experience true fulfillment.

4. They are Not Materialistic

There are arguing viewpoints on whether or not money can really buy happiness; if it can, then we know from experience that we can never be satisfied because there will always be something newer or better that we want. Who has ever had enough money?

5. They Do not Dwell

They don’t sweat the small things or waste time worrying about things that don’t really matter at the end of the day. They don’t let negative thoughts latch onto them and drain them or distract them. Life’s too short to worry.

6. They Enjoy the Little Things

They stop to smell the roses. They’re accustomed to find serenity when it’s available, to welcome entertainment or a stimulating discussion with a stranger when it crosses their path. They don’t overlook the small things in life that can be just as important.

7. They Can Adapt

They’re not afraid of change and they work to make the most out of new circumstances, good or bad. They thrive under pressure, are not overwhelmed easily and always embrace a change of pace.

8. They Experiment

They try new things, experience new flavors and never shy away from something they have yet to experience. They never order twice from the same menu.

9. They Take Their Time

They do not unnecessarily rush through life. They work on their own schedule to the extent that they can and maneuver through life at their own relaxing pace.

10. They Employ Different Perspectives

They’re not stuck in one perspective; a loss can result in a new opportunity, hitting rock bottom can mean that there’s nowhere to go but up.

11. They Seek to Learn

Their constant pursuit of knowledge keeps them inspired and interested in life. They cherish information and are on a life-long quest to learn as much as they can.

12. They Always Have a Plan

They don’t find themselves drifting without purpose. When something doesn’t go as planned, they have a plan for every letter in the alphabet to fall back on.

13. They Give Respect to Get It

They are respectful and, in turn, are seen as respectable; the respect they exude earns them the respect they deserve.

14. They Consider Every Opportunity

They always have their eyes open for a new road, a new avenue worth exploring. They know how to recognize opportune moments and pounce on them to make the most of every situation. Success is inevitable for them.

15. They Always Seek to Improve

Perpetual self-improvement is the key towards their ongoing thirst for success. Whatever it is they do, they take pride in getting better and better, from social interactions to mundane tasks. Their pursuit at being the best eventually materializes.

16. They Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

They’re not ones to get offended easily over-analyze or complicate matters. They laugh at their own faults and misfortunes.

17. They Live in the Moment

They don’t live for tomorrow or dwell on what may have happened yesterday. Every day is a new opportunity, a new chapter. They live in the now, and in doing so, get the most out of every moment.

18. They Say Yes

Much more often than they say no. They don’t have to be badgered to go out, don’t shy away from new opportunities or anything that may seem inconvenient.

19. They are Self-Aware

Most important, they are wholly aware of themselves. They self-reflect and are conscious of their states of mind. If something bothering them, they fix it.

Lack of confidence, inability to feel fulfilled, and susceptibility to stress are all matters that can be controlled through the way we handle our lives and perceive our circumstances.

How one can achieve happiness?

Cultivate optimism: Winners have the ability to manufacture their own optimism. People who think optimistically see the world as a place packed with endless opportunities, especially in trying times..

Avoid over-thinking and social comparison: Comparing yourself to someone else can be poisonous. If we are somehow “better” than the person that we’re comparing ourselves to, it gives us an unhealthy sense of superiority.  Ego inflates.  If we are “worse” than the person that we’re comparing ourselves to, we usually discredit the hard work that we’ve done and dismiss all the progress that we’ve made. If you feel called to compare yourself to something, compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself.

Practice acts of kindness:   Performing an act of kindness releases serotonin in the brain. (Serotonin is a substance that has good health benefits, including making us feel more blissful.) Selflessly helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside. What is even cooler about this kindness kick is that not only will you feel better, but so will people watching the act of kindness.

Keep good relationships: The happiest people on the planet are the ones who have deep, meaningful relationships. Surround yourself with accomplished people and stay positive with your thoughts. Participating in healthy discussion, understanding various subjects and visiting places with friends and families bring happiness. We also feel connected and a part of something more meaningful than our lonesome existence.

Develop strategies for coping:  How you respond to the “craptastic” moments is what shapes your character. Sometimes crap happens — it  is inevitable. It can be hard to come up with creative solutions in the moment when manure is making its way up toward the fan. Talk to people whom you trust and understand what happened, why it happened and let it go.

Learn to forgive: Harboring feelings of hatred is horrible for your well-being.  Mind doesn’t know the difference between past and present emotion. When you “hate” someone, and you’re continuously thinking about it, those negative emotions are toxic for your well-being. If you cannot stand someone, don’t hate them but politely avoid them and maintain a distance. Do not rent your mind to someone who does not deserve it.

Increase flow experiences:  Flow is a state in which it feels like time stands still. It is when you’re so focused on what you’re doing that you become one with the task. Action and awareness are merged. You’re not hungry, sleepy, or emotional. You are just completely engaged in the activity that you’re doing. Nothing is distracting you or competing for your focus.

Commit to your goals: Being wholeheartedly dedicated to doing something comes fully-equipped with an ineffable force. Magical things start happening when we commit ourselves to doing whatever it takes to get somewhere. When you’re fully committed to doing something, you have no choice but to do that thing.

Practice spirituality:  When we practice spirituality or religion, we recognize that life is bigger than us. We surrender the silly idea that we are the mightiest thing ever. It enables us to connect to the source of all creation and embrace a connectedness with everything that exists.

Take care of your body:  Taking care of your body is crucial to being the happiest person you can be. If you don’t have your physical energy in good shape, then your mental energy (your focus), your emotional energy (your feelings), and your spiritual energy (your purpose) will all be negatively affected Did you know that studies conducted on people who were clinically depressed showed that consistent exercise raises happiness levels . Do zumba, yoga, Nritya and any other activities that helps to keep mind calm and happy.



Image courtesy: Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 8, 2021
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Will Scalp Micropigmentation Affect the Growth of My Hair?

Will Scalp Micropigmentation Affect the Growth of My Hair?

For those suffering from chronic hair loss, scalp micropigmentation is one of the most effective cosmetic treatments.

In this article, Dr. Gajanan Jadhao, who provides one of the excellent Hair Transplants from Kochi, Kerala, has discussed micropigmentation and will it affect your hair growth.

Many people prefer the method because it is convenient, safe, and long-lasting.

However, there are a lot of questions about the cosmetic procedure, especially about the long-term effects on hair follicles and hair growth.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation and How Does It Work?

Hair tattoos, also known as scalp micropigmentation, are a painless and straightforward tattooing technique for users.

This simple procedure uses microneedles to spray tattoos on the bald, hairless scalp, creating each hair meticulously and naturally.

According to Dr. Gajanan Jadhao, Kochi’s best hair transplant surgeon, like other permanent makeup cosmetic tattooing procedures, this technology uses tiny tattoo needles to inject ink into the epidermis of the scalp.

Tattoo ink will be drawn to simulate the shape of short hairs in various directions and positions to reduce baldness. Scalp micropigmentation is one of the effective methods for assisting those suffering from hair loss.

According to Dr. Gajanan Jadhao, scalp micropigmentation is suitable for men and women aged 18 and up, especially those with thin, sparse hair, a high forehead, or an exposed area of the scalp that needs to be improved.

Scalp Micropigmentation

The Perks of Scalp Micropigmentation

The procedure has many advantages in comparison to other currently available solutions in the market, namely:

  • You don’t need to use a wig.
  • The treatment process is quick and does not take as much time as using hair growth stimulants.
  • It does not affect the user’s health.
  • It does not cost cream like the conventional hair transplant method.
  • Create natural hair color that is identical to your real hair, making it hard to detect.
  • Capability to edit the bald section tattoo spray as per aesthetics and preferences.
  • It can be applied on a large area of ​​men’s skin, shaping the forehead for people with too high forehead defects.

Basic Scalp Micropigmentation Procedures

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao, an excellent hair transplant from Kochi, Kerala, says,” Scalp micropigmentation, like other forms of permanent makeup such as lip tattoos, eye tattoos, eyebrow tattoos, or tattoos, is a simple procedure. It occurs quickly and does not necessitate hospitalization.”

The following is a typical procedure for scalp micropigmentation:

  1. Consultation and examination: First, the experts examine the baldness condition and the customer’s wishes. After that, choose a reasonable treatment method and shape the hair to complement the face.
  2. To clean and shape the hair mold, follow these steps: The specialist then begins to disinfect, and clean the scalp that will be treated while also shaping the hair.
  3. Topical and local anesthesia: Customers will be sedated to ensure that they do not experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  4. Conduct scalp micropigmentation: The specialist will use a clean sterilized micro-needle to meticulously and precisely spray tattoo ink in various sizes on the previously determined position to simulate the fiber. Short hair grows in a beautiful, natural way that does not irritate the scalp.

Will my scalp’s hair follicles be affected by scalp micropigmentation?

There is a common misconception about scalp micropigmentation, which is that it will harm your hair follicles and therefore affect your hair growth.

This is a complete myth, as scalp micropigmentation will not harm your hair follicles. During the procedure, a tattoo is utilized on the scalp.

It’s sometimes used to fill in rifts within follicles and increase density.

A structure surrounds a hair follicle made up of cells and tissue called a hair follicle. It’s found in the skin’s epidermal layer. The hair root emerges from the follicle’s very bottom, deep beneath the skin’s dermis layer.

At the hair’s root, blood veins produce protein cells. Hair follicles are much deeper within the skin, so they will be safe and unaffected even if the tattoo is applied directly above them.

What Happens If My Hair Growth Slows Down After Scalp Micropigmentation?

Hair growth goes through stages of acceleration and deceleration. If someone who has had scalp micropigmentation notices less hair growth, it is not related to the procedure.

It’s just a natural part of the hair growth process.

Each hair will permeate and fall out during its lifetime, but it will go through four cycles:

  • Anagen: This is the period of extensive growth, which can last from three to seven years.
  • Catagen: This is known as the transition period, which can last up to a few months.
  • Telogen: This consists of several months of resting.
  • Exogen: The period in which new hair increases continuously.

Is it possible to continue with regrowth procedures following Scalp Micropigmentation?

Without a doubt! If you still want to use regrowth products or arrange hair transplantations following your scalp micropigmentation procedure, you can.

The effectiveness of other medications is unaffected by scalp micropigmentation. However, if you have recently had a scalp micropigmentation treatment, we recommend that you wait at least 6-12 months before getting a hair transplant surgery, and vice versa.


It’s understandable to be concerned about scalp micropigmentation’s potentially harmful effects on your body.

Now that you’ve gotten that out of the way, you should try scalp micropigmentation! Don’t be concerned that the procedure will prevent hair from growing or harm hair follicles. They’re not going to go through with it.

It’s practical, attractive, and has few to no adverse side effects. This is the ideal solution for those experiencing hair loss who want to regain their confidence and self-love.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 3, 2021
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6 Reasons You Should See a Neurosurgeon

6 Reasons You Should See a Neurosurgeon

Neurosurgeons are medical professionals who specialise in performing complex operations on the brain. Interestingly, brain surgery constitutes only a small portion of the work performed by neurosurgeons.

They are concerned with the entire nervous system, and they treat every part of the body that has been affected by nerve problems.

In this article, Dr Gurneet Shawney who is one of the best neurosurgeons in India shared his expertise on when you should consult a neurosurgeon.

Dr Gurneet Singh Sawhney is a neurosurgeon who is a member of India’s new generation of ultra-modern neurosurgeons. He is widely regarded as having exceptional expertise in the treatment of complex and critical brain and spinal cord disorders in India.


Neurosurgeons spend the majority of their time diagnosing patients’ symptoms and developing progressive, minimally invasive treatment plans for their patients.

Neurosurgeons only perform surgery when there are no other effective treatment options available. When it comes to illness, they prefer to take a conservative approach whenever it is possible.

Despite popular belief, neurosurgeons can also treat “common” diseases such as back pain, migraine headaches as well as more serious conditions such as cancer.

When any of the symptoms listed below are present, you should consult with a neurologist immediately.


It is common for people with sensory nerve damage to experience persistent numbness, particularly in the extremities.

Sensory nerves can be found under the skin as well as in the muscles of the body. They are responsible for returning information to the brain. Numbness, burning, tingling, or pain can result if the nerves are unable to perform their functions properly.


It is possible for the hand to lose its ability to grasp objects as a result of pain or loss of sensation. Typically, this occurs as a result of swelling in the wrist as a result of an injury or illness.

As the wrist swells, it compresses the median nerve, resulting in pain, tingling, and/or loss of sensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the medical term for this condition.

Carpal tunnel syndrome emerges gradually. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after noticing even the smallest of symptoms in order to avoid further worsening of the condition.


Dr Gurneet, one of the top doctors from India notes that the time to see a neurosurgeon is when the head hurts for several hours or days at a stretch. In addition to nausea and light sensitivity, persistent headaches or migraines are frequently associated with other symptoms.

They occur when over-excited nerves incorrectly cause veins and arteries to narrow, resulting in the release of chemicals that cause discomfort.

A neurosurgeon will work with the patient to determine the source of the migraine headaches and develop a treatment plan to help manage or eliminate the headaches completely.




Inability to move smoothly, tremors, shuffling, and uncontrollable bodily movements are all symptoms of impaired movement.

There are several possible causes for these symptoms, including a malfunction of the central nervous system, a side effect of medication, or head trauma, among others.

A neurosurgeon is the most qualified professional to determine whether or not a serious underlying condition exists.


Seizures are typically associated with violent convulsions and loss of consciousness in most people’s minds. Frequently, they are softer and more subtle in nature. A seizure can occur even while a person is sitting perfectly still.

A person who has suddenly begun having seizures should seek medical attention and treatment as soon as possible to avoid further complications.


Being dizzy or lightheaded can happen to anyone at any time, and it’s perfectly normal. However, if this appears to be happening on a regular basis, it is not a positive sign.

In the event that you are walking around and feel dizzy on a regular basis, or even lose your balance and fall, it is likely that you need to see a neurosurgeon.


You should not downplay symptoms that keep coming back. Visit a neurosurgeon to find out and treat the root cause of any discomfort you may feel. The sooner you find out what is going on, the sooner you can get the care you need, says Dr Gurneet, one of the leading Doctors from India.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Foxtail Millet Idli

Delicious foxtail millet idli

Foxtail millet also known as Italian millet, German millet, Siberian millet, foxtail bristle grass is gluten free grain. Kagni, navane, thinai, korra, thina are Indian names for the this millet.

It is world’s one of the oldest grain, known for its health benefits in various ways. It is diabetic friendly as it releases glucose in a very controlled manner.

In addition, it contains dietary fibers iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium  and copper.

It is low in fat content and hence good for weight loss!

Try this healthy, delicious foxtail millet idli recipe with sambar and chutney at home.


  1. Urad dal (split blackgram) – ½ cup
  2. Foxtail millet (navane) – 1 Cup
  3. Fenugreek (methi) seeds – 1/4
  4. Beaten rice (poha) – 2 to 3 Tbs
  5. Salt – ½ tsp.
  6. Water – 3 cups


  1. Wash and soak urad dal in water for 6 hours.
  2. In a separate container wash and soak millet and fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for 3 to 4 hours.
  3. Grind soaked urad dal to a paste.
  4. Drain water from soaked millet and fenugreek, grind well along with beaten rice. This grinded mix will be slightly coarse.
  5. Mix Urad dal paste and grinded millet well. Add little water to get Idli consistency. Prepare a batter by adding required amount of salt.
  6. Keep the batter for fermentation overnight.
  7. Remove fermented batter next day and mix again. Apply little oil or ghee on idli cups/plates and pour idli batter.
  8. Steam cook idli for 10-15 mins.
  9. Remove idlis and serve hot with your choice of chutney or sambar or both!



Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 25, 2021
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Silver dragees sprinkles are unsafe to eat - FDA

Silver dragees sprinkles are unsafe to eat – FDA

You must be familiar with cakes and cookies that are decorated with silver sparkles. Cookies look attractive and crunchy to eat. Silver beads gives a great look to cake. Because it is with a food item, without thinking much we crunch on them and eat those silver beads.

Do you know that these widely used silver sprinkles are not safe to eat? According to FDA it is unsafe to eat those silver sparkles.

Silver sparkles are officially known as “silver dragees”. Silver was banned from food items in the year 1906. These mineral substances were considered as unsafe and also silver was banned from confectionary use. FDA guidelines say that the silver dragees can be bused for decoration but they are considered unsafe for human consumption.

These dragees have a sugar center which gives sweet taste. But the metal coating that is outside that makes dragees inedible. Before consumption beads should be removed.

In the late 1970’s this material gained popularity and led FDA to declare that the silver dragees should be used only for decoration and not to be served as a food item due to its metal coating! Still bakers, amateur and professional alike use these sprinkles especially during holiday seasons.  Currently in 49 states in US, silver dragees are sold and in California it cannot be purchased due to a 2003 lawsuit which declared ingestion of silver dragees is harmful. In many countries silver beads are still consumed.

When small silver balls known as “silver dragees” are sold exclusively for decorating cakes and are used under conditions which preclude their consumption as confectionery, they are not considered to be in the category of a food or confectionery – FDA guidelines states.

While mentioning about silver colored almonds, further FDA policy says “ Silver colored almonds have been offered for cake decoration. In this regard, the *Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition* has stated: “Although, the articles (silver colored almonds) may be intended for cake decoration, we do not agree that they are dragees; further, we see no compelling information that the articles are to be used for decorative purposes only and thus would not be eaten. There is no authority under the color additive regulations which permits silver to be used as a color. Neither is there a food additive regulation (or exemption) authorizing silver as a food coating.

Silver dragees are very popular during holiday seasons and are included in graduation party, birthday party cakes and decorations. Instead of using silver dragees, go for known icing or drops that are safe to consume. If you come across silver coating and dragees, remove them from decoration before consuming the actual food.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Mayurasana - Peacock pose

Mayurasana – Peacock Pose

The colorful feathers of peacock show us how divine and beautiful is the nature.  Peacock’s look itself brings joy and harmony to our mind. Peacock symbolizes the love and immortality. Mayura is  sanskrit name for peacock. The majestic pose of peacock is incorporated in yoga. This pose brings strength for forearms and wrists, reduces belly fat, strengthens abdominal organs, improves metabolism. It helps in focusing and balancing of mind and body -Healthylife

 Level: Advanced, Intermediate, Pose Type: Arm Balance

Sanskrit: Mayurasana (my-yur-AHS-anna), mayura = peacock


  • Strengthens the forearms, wrists, and elbows
  • Massages the abdominal organs
  • Improves digestion
  • Stimulates the elimination of toxins
  • Develops mental and physical balance
  • Brings the three Ayurvedic doshas into harmony


  • Wrist or elbow injuries
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Hernia
  • Peptic or duodenal ulcer
  • Pregnancy


1. Kneel on the floor with your knees wide, and sit back on your heels. Place your palms on the floor, fingers pointing toward your feet.

2. Bend your elbows slightly and press your pinky fingers and forearms together. Lean forward and rest your torso on your upper arms. Your elbows should press into your belly at or below your navel.

3. Rest your forehead on the ground. Stretch your legs behind you, keeping your feet together.

4. Activate your legs and buttocks. Shift your weight slightly more forward and, with an exhale, lift your feet from the floor. Bring your legs and torso parallel to the ground.

5. Lift your head from the floor and gaze forward.

6. Stay in Peacock pose for several breaths. To release, inhale and lower your feet and knees to the floor.



  • Ardha Matsyandrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes)
  • Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff pose)


  • Place a cushion under the head to eliminate the fear of falling too far forward.
  • Rest the head on the ground and lift the legs only—until you feel ready to lift both.
  • Use a strap to bind the elbows together.



  • All yoga poses, including inversions; Mayurasana should be performed at the end of an asana practice


  • Savasana (Corpse pose)


  1. Bring the torso and legs parallel to the floor.
  2. Keep the elbows together.
  3. Lengthen from the crown of your head to the heels of your feet.


  • Padma Mayurasana (Lotus Peacock pose)
  • Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock pose)


  • Body weight supported on the chest rather than the abdomen
  • Elbows sliding apart

Source: This article and image is republished with permission from  For more yoga poses

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 24, 2021
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What Can I Do To Lower My Risk Of Heart Disease?

What Can I Do To Lower My Risk Of Heart Disease?

Apart from following Healthy lifestyle, once a year get one of the tests that are described in the slides. Talk to your doctor about the tests. It helps to prevent and take action to keep your heart healthy.

Control blood pressure: Lifestyle changes, exercise and diet are helping to control high blood pressure

Drink water: Keep your body hydrated. Dehydration thickens blood and causes hypertension. Overtime it could cause plaque in arteries.   If you are an athlete, hydrate 2-3 hours before your activity, drink water during activity, eat well, consume fresh and nutritious food.

Cholesterol and triglyceride level control: To avoid having clogged arteries and heart attack, reduce fat intake, consume fats that are heart friendly. Healthy eating habits and exercises help to reduce high level cholesterol.

Regular exercise: Heart friendly yoga, Pilates, and other form exercises improve blood circulation to heart and other body parts. Reduce weight and keep healthy weight that is appropriate for your age group. Controlling weight gain helps heart. 

Do not smoke: Smoking is injurious to health, don’t smoke. If you are not smoking, keep your lifestyle that way. Smoking increases blood pressure and is one of the leading causes of stroke and heart attack.

Alcohol consumption: Let your alcohol consumption be moderate. Too much alcohol increases blood pressure, adds extra calories and one can gain weight. What is moderate alcohol consumption? Learn here.

Healthy diet: Reduce sodium, sugar, and fats. Add vegetables, fruits, cereals, and whole grain in your food. Reduce fat and stick to DASH diet that helps to keep blood pressure low.

Getting good sleep: Risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes is high if you don’t get enough sleep and rest. People who do not get enough rest and sleep after heavy exercise or hard work are more often tend to get heart attack. If you have any sleep related problems including sleep apnea, insomnia, snoring – talk to your doctor for solution.

Stress management: Stress can only cause harm to your body. Stress can trigger heart attack. People who cannot manage stress properly often end up consuming more calories by overeating, drinking, and smoking. Learn to manage stress by meditating, by adopting to activities that brings peace to your mind.

Blood sugar: High blood sugar or diabetes can damage blood vessels and body nerves that control heart and blood vessels. Learn to manage diabetes with foods and lifestyle.   

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 2, 2021
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What are the tests that help us to determine our heart health?

What are the tests that help us to determine our heart health?

Echocardiogram And Transesophageal Echocardiography For Heart

1. Echocardiogram: ECHO -Uses sound waves to produce images of your heart. This common test allows your physician to see how your heart is beating and how blood is moving through your heart. Images from an echocardiogram are used to identify various abnormalities in the heart muscle and valves. This test can be done while you’re at rest or with exercise to elevate your heart rate.

Reasons for the test:

  • Determine the cause of a heart murmur
  • Check the function of heart valves
  • Assess the overall function of the heart

2. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE): Uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to make detailed pictures of your heart and the arteries that lead to and from it. The echo transducer that produces the sound waves for TEE is attached to a thin tube that passes through  mouth, down throat and into your esophagus, which is very close to the upper chambers of the heart.

Reasons for the test:

  • Assess the function of heart valves
  • Follow heart valve disease
  • Look for blood clots inside the heart


Image credit:

  • :Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator, CC BY 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons
  • • Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator, CC BY 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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