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How Personality Types Affect the Chances of Career Success

How Personality Types Affect the Chances of Career Success

What keeps you interested in your job? Is it the job, the rewards, or a sense of community? While all of these are important factors in work happiness, research suggests that personality match is the most important. The more your personality qualities fit with your profession, the more productive and beneficial your work performance will be.

Consider introverts and extroverts: outgoing people flourish in a sociable, customer-oriented business, whereas introverts thrive in autonomous, analytical duties. These innate characteristics influence your performance in a position as well as your engagement with others.

Let’s go through some of the reasons why your personality plays a huge role in how good you will fit in a career.

Why You Should Know your Personality Type

If you don’t take the time now to discover out what keeps you happy and motivates you daily, you could be extremely unhappy later. But what is the significance of personality? Understanding your personality helps you to consider your emotions, habits, and modes of thought daily.

One of the most frequent techniques for reviewing personality tendencies is based on Myers-Briggs theoretical approach. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is often employed by major businesses and academic institutions to learn more about the mindsets of potential workers and students respectively.

The following sections of the article discuss some reasons why this can help you in career success.

1. Culture Fit

One of the most significant benefits of matching your personality to your profession is the ease with which you can interact with your colleagues and clients. Those that are talkative and vocal will most likely appreciate working with those who are similarly open.

Individuals who display a certain level of sensitivity and demonstrate empathy and compassion are more likely to like employment in a position where they may assist others. Those who prefer a more private and independent workplace culture may prefer to work in small teams or away from the attention of others.

You have a better chance of complimenting your future companions if you use your personality as a professional guide. This compatibility will help to improve team cohesiveness and overall efficiency.

2. Improved Work Performance

Your personality qualities, like those of your coworkers, affect interactions with clients, consumers, or patients. Individuals who are naturally kind, sensitive, and receptive to others are well-suited for professions in human services. The “leaders” among us will most likely seek

more management or entrepreneurial jobs, where they can coach and mentor people to help a firm flourish.

However, it is critical to go beyond the subject area of a possible job and into the real work itself. This can provide insight into your day-to-day chores and the social interactions necessary, as well as if your personality attributes align with these jobs.

For example, regardless of how enthusiastic you are about fashion, the extroverted, customer-focused work of a hairdresser or stylist might be exhausting if you are normally quiet or introverted.

Some people show empathy without necessarily adopting the feelings of others and those who are inclined to do so. Certain people-focused occupations may be more emotionally draining than others, depending on the direction you relate with.

3. Work Satisfaction

Having assignments and tests that best fit your capabilities and personality traits increases your confidence in your job abilities, allowing you to build a more positive attitude toward your profession. As a result, you will feel more valued as a worker.

Furthermore, when one’s values align with those of the organization, they frequently feel more at ease in the workplace and are more committed to their position. As a result, this is a win-win situation for both employees and the employer. Getting a job that is a good fit for your personality is also associated with more “innovativeness,” or your desire to try new ideas and techniques to improve your work efficiency.

4. Strengths and Weaknesses

Evaluating your personality qualities might assist you in determining your strengths and limitations. This reflection highlights not just your present technical talents, but also how you interact or conduct among others, and how to best integrate this with future work opportunities.

While your strengths will help you choose which job routes you’d be most suited for, recognizing your shortcomings will assist you to identify areas that need work. You may next devise a strategy to remedy these gaps in your talents.

Understanding your personality properly allows you to establish your limitations and how far you should push them. We cannot grasp how to navigate being out of our comfort bubble until we understand what attributes drive us.

The Bottom Line

Going to work requires that you strike a balance between looking presentable and being comfortable in your skin. If you’re into makeup and hairstyling try to find a balance where you do not look overly casual. For makeup products, look into makeup brush manufacturers, and order lashes in bulk to keep financials at bay.

For those working from home, look into investing in a productive work setup that is separate from your living area. Whether this is a corner in your studio apartment or an extra room in your house, it should be dedicated to working alone. Invest in an office desk, chair, and some led lights at a minimum. With that said, look into your personality and start the journey to find work that best suits you.

Feature Image:-

Feature Image Credit:- Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 7, 2022
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Herbal medicine

Advertisement of Herbal Medicine as Magic Remedies

Ministry of AYUSH has taken a note of misleading advertisements pertaining to Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (ASU&H) drugs, treatments and related services.

Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954 and Rules thereunder encompass the provisions for prohibition of misleading advertisements and exaggerated claims of drugs and medicinal substances including AYUSH medicines. As per Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules 1945 and the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954 the concerned State Government has the powers to enforce the provisions under the said Act and Rules. Accordingly, directives have been issued to the States/UTs for appointing Officers to enter, search any premises or examine or seize any record related to the alleged misleading or improper advertisements and initiate action against the cases of default.

Ministry of AYUSH is implementing a Central Sector Scheme of Pharmacovigilance of ASU&H Drugs, which aims at inculcating the reporting culture among the consumers as well as ASU&H practitioners. Besides monitoring and reporting adverse drug reactions; the present pharmacovigilance scheme also undertake surveillance and reporting of objectionable or misleading advertisements of ASU&H drugs for regulatory actions. During the period from August 2018 to June 2021, 14876 instances of misleading advertisements of ASU&H drugs have been reported by the Pharmacovigilance centres,  which were forwarded to the respective State/UT authorities, media channels and the manufacturers for taking prohibitive and regulatory action.

Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, maintains a Grievance Against Misleading Advertisement (GAMA) portal wherein anyone can register their complaints pertaining to misleading advertisements. Officer from Ministry of AYUSH is also assigned as nodal officer for handling the complaints related to AYUSH products and services registered under this portal. For the period from April, 2015 to January, 2018 about 809 such complaints pertaining to AYUSH (including herbal) products and services were registered on the portal. Total Complaints which have been resolved are about 274 and about 585 such complaints were forwarded by Ministry of AYUSH to concerned state authority for taking appropriate action. The misleading advertisements received on the GAMA portal of about 268 advertisements in the year 2019-20 and 339 advertisements in the year 2020-21 have been forwarded to the respective State Licensing Authorities for taking appropriate action as per extant rules.          

Further, in the year 2017-18 and 2018-19,Ministry of AYUSH in order to address the veracity of misleading advertisements with respect to ASU&H drugs had signed a MoU with Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) for suomoto monitoring of such advertisements made in print and electronic media and bring complaints and defaulters to the notice of State Government for necessary action.

Media regulators have also been approached to prevent the publication of inappropriate advertisements promoting sale of Ayurvedic and other such medicines in public interest. On this account, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting issued instructions/guidelines to all media channels to abstain from publishing and telecasting such misleading advertisements, which are in contravention of provisions of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954 and Rules thereunder.

Ministry of AYUSH issued an Advisory dated 31.08.2018 to the drug manufactures and the advertising agencies to refrain from using the name of Government Departments or Institutions in the advertisements of ASU & H Drugs. Also, Caution has been issued in November 2018 in leading newspapers for general public to not to fall prey to fake calls and advertisements of ASU & H Drugs. With the enforcement of these steps the advertisers have corrected or withdrawn the improper advertisements.

Press Release:

Image reference: (CC by 0)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 6, 2022
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Story of a Little Boy Namely Hope

Story of a Little Boy Namely Hope

“Today, he has had powers to sit up and smiling at us. He’s a strong little boy.”

“Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we’ve both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children.”

On January 31st, aid worker Anja Ringgren Loven came across a sick and weakly two-year-old boy. The malnourished child was been abandoned by his Nigerian family and had been wandering the streets for eight months.

Immediately, Loven bent down and offered the young boy water and some biscuits. She then wrapped him in a blanket and took him to a hospital to receive immediate medical attention.

The baby, named Hope, had been subsisting on the scraps of food thrown to him by strangers. He was riddled with worms and had never been comforted like all children should. Why? Because his family thinks he is a witch.

Apparently, the belief is common in some villages, where families and even community members will abandon – or kill – a child touched by unwelcome ‘magic’.

Years ago, when Loven was made aware of this, she founded the organization African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation to save the children affected by such primitive thought. Children at the center receive medical care, food, and schooling.

“Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we’ve both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children,” she wrote in Danish on Facebook.

Ms. Loven updated the public, writing that Hope had been given medication to remove the worms from his belly and daily blood transfusions to give him more red blood cells.

He is now making an incredible recovery. According to Anja, his “condition is stable now. He’s taking food for himself and he responds to the medicine he gets.”

Read More:

Credit: Anja Ringgren Loven

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: January 4, 2022
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Stain Removal

How to get rid of stains on fabrics?

Homemade natural stuffs are sometimes as effective as store bought chemicals. Using simple solutions, we can remove fabric stains at home. If you do not like to use chemicals then try some of the following methods to remove tough stains at home.

It is important to remove stains as soon as it gets on the fabric. Do not allow stains to sink in.

Some of the common stains are: yellow stain, ink, fruit jam, blood stain and chocolate stains.

Yellow stain:

1. Baking Soda, Peroxide, and Water

  • Mix equal parts of baking soda, peroxide, and water in a small container.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and use a bristle brush to rub the mixture in to the fabric.
  • Allow it to sit for thirty minutes to an hour depending on the severity of the stain and wash as normal.

2. White Vinegar and Salt

  • Mix a half a cup of white vinegar and half cup of salt in a bucket of water.
  • Place the clothing inside the mixture and stir for at least thirty minutes.
  • Remove the clothing and wash as normal.

3. Toothpaste

  • Rub the toothpaste over the entire stained area with a bristle brush until the stain is lifted.
  • Once the stain is removed, wash the clothing to remove the toothpaste.

4. Lemon Juice

  • Apply lemon juice to the entire stained area and let the clothing sit in the sun for a day.
  • As soon as you bring the clothing inside, wash as normal by hand or in a washing machine to remove the lemon juice.

5. Denture tablet:

  • Dissolve denture tablets (1 to 3) in a bucket full of warm water.
  • Soak the  fabric in this water for about  30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Rinse the cloth and give a normal wash.

Chocolate Stains :

  1. Remove excess chocolate by putting the garment in the freezer and scrape the hardened chocolate off.
  2. Hold the fabric in hot water down the back of the chocolate stain to melt it and push it through to the front.
  3. Apply detergent on the stain and soak the garment in little milk for 30 minutes to an hour.
  4. Give a normal wash.

Berry Stains :

  1. Rub lemon juice over the top, or lay a slice of lemon on the stain.
  2. Rinse the fabric in regular water, dry and repeat if necessary.

 Tomato Stain :

  1. Soak stained cloth for 30 minutes in clear vinegar.
  2. Rinse, and apply detergent and run through washing machine.

Ink Stains :

1. Soak stained cloth in alcohol based product like hairspray. This will dissolve the ink.

2. Dab the stained area using an absorbent cloth until ink comes out.

3. Repeat the steps 1 & 2 if necessary and the wash the cloth using detergent.

Oil Stains :

1. Apply dishwashing liquid or washing detergent on oil stains. Soak in for few minutes.

2. Use hot cycle, and repeat if necessary.

Blood Stains :

1. Prepare salt paste using cold water.

2. Rub the salt paste on the stain and leave it for half an hour.

3. Rinse cloth using cold water.

Remember: If it is blood stain – do not allow stain to settle down on the fabric. Quick action is necessary to remove the bloodstain.

Wine stains :

1. Blot or dab the excess liquid on fabric.

2. To stop steeping wine stain into fabric, apply salt to soak excess liquid

3. Neutralize stain by applying white wine.

4. Prepare baking soda paste using little water and apply on the stain.

5. Wash using mighty detergent.

Unlike store brands, homemade stain removers will not have regulated formula. You might have to repeat the steps once or twice more depending on the intensity of the stains on fabric.

Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 30, 2021
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Pregnant Governers

These Governors are Pregnant (Wo)men!

This experiment was conducted in Japan to help and support economy and bring educated women to into the workforce as a top priority to fix the economy, heeding calls to make better use of a highly educated but underemployed labor pool.

A woman while working inside home and outside at a job to earn money for the family has to do lot of chores. In Japan, studies revealed that men only did approximately one hour of chores everyday while women engaged in about five hours of chores.

Japanese men are not very helpful husbands when it comes to housework: they do just one hour of unpaid work daily compared to five hours for their wives, according to a 2014 study by the 35-nation Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Watch Men in pregnancy video here:

To encourage Japan’s salary men to help out at home, the Kyushu Yamaguchi Work Life Promotion Campaign created a video that showed three male governors in Japan experiencing a day in the life of a pregnant woman.

In response to these studies, the governors of the Saga, Miyazaki, and Yamaguchi prefectures put on pregnancy suits to attempt to understand what women endure when they’re expecting.

A trio of male Japanese politicians- the governors of the Saga, Miyazaki, and Yamaguchi prefectures  has gamely strapped on “pregnancy vests” that simulate swollen bellies in a lighthearted campaign for men to pick up the slack in a nation where women do most of the housework. These politicians strap on a 16-pound vest to simulate pregnancy. Though it doesn’t simulate any of the side effects of pregnancy, the sheer weight of the suit has caused 97% of men to agree that men need to be involved more in the home and with child-rearing after wearing the suit. Very quickly, they learn how even simple household tasks can be a major pain when carrying around that extra weight.

The three-minute spot, which started running last week, shows the hapless lawmakers being outfitted with seven kilogramme (16 pound) vests that mimic the belly of a woman who is about seven months pregnant. Then it is time to clumsily navigate stairs, carry groceries, or wait for someone to give up their seat on the bus. One politician struggles to put on socks, while another wipes sweat from his brow after hanging a load of laundry, as an upbeat tune plays in the background.

“I really didn’t understand,” admitted one of the participants, Yamaguchi governor Tsugumasa Muraoka. “Now that I understand what my wife put up with for so many months, I’m full of gratitude.”

“I can see how hard it is to be carrying a child and do house chores,” says 52-year-old Shunji Kono, the governor of Miyazaki prefecture. “I think I have to be much kinder,” the father of three adds in the above video.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made drawing more women into the workforce a top priority to fix the economy, heeding calls to make better use of a highly educated but underemployed labor pool.



Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 23, 2021
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Quinoa Pulav

Quinoa Pulav

Quinoa (KEEN-wah) is one of the healthiest food recommended by nutrition experts. It is gluten free and high in protein. It contains nine essential amino acids and supplies high amount of fiber, magnesium, B-vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants. All these good benefits made quinoa to add in the list of “super foods”.  For Inca empire Quinoa was an important crop. Inca people referred to it as the “mother of all grains” and believed it to be sacred. There are three main types of quinoa available in market – white, red and black.  Even though technically it is not a grain, it still counts as a whole grain food. All varieties of quinoa have similar values. One cup of quinoa gives 222 calories, with 39 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fat. It also contains a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Try the gluten-free Quinoa pulav today for a change.


  • Quinoa 1 cup
  • White rice ½ cup (sona masoori or basmati)
  • Beans, Carrot, Brocoli, fresh/frozen corn ( ¼ cup each)
  • Fresh/Frozen Green peas ½ cup
  • Onion 1 medium size
  • Ginger minced 1 tsp
  • Garlic minced 1tsp
  • Green chillies 4
  • Mint chopped 1 cup
  • Cilantro chopped 1 cup
  • Cloves 2
  • Cinnamon small piece
  • Peppercorns 4-5
  • Cardamom 1
  • Black cardamom 1
  • Black cumin ½ tsp
  • Aniseed small piece
  • Bay leaf 1
  • Powdered black cardamom and cloves ¼ tsp (home made)
  • Badshah Biryani Pulav masala ½ tsp
  • Yogurt/ Curd 1-2 tsp
  • Lemon juice 3-4 tsp
  • Water 3 cups
  • Oil
  • Salt


1. Wash and cut the vegetables. Keep aside.

2. Wash the quinoa and rice 2 times and soak for 30 minutes in 3 cups water.

3. Heat oil in a pressure cooker, add cloves, cinnamon, peppercorns, cardamom, black cardamom, aniseed, black cumin and bay leaf. Fry them.

4. Add green chillies fry, add chopped onions fry, add minced ginger and garlic fry.

5. Add mint and some cilantro fry. Add cut vegetables and salt. Cook for few minutes. Add green peas and cook for 2 minutes.

6. Add soaked quinoa, rice and the water in which it is soaked. Add yogurt, mix well. Add balck cardamom and clove powder, add biryani pulav masala mix well.

7. Add lemon juice, remaining cilantro and salt. Cook for few minutes in low to medium heat then cover the lid and cook in medium heat till 1 or 2 whistle.

8. Quinoa pulav is ready to serve. Serve with Raita.

Recipe by: Mamatha Anil @

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 22, 2021
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After a hair transplant, what can you do?

After a hair transplant, what can you do?

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular and common. Many people struggle with thinning hair for a variety of reasons.

“Thinning hair can affect someone’s self-esteem, whether it’s caused by age or other underlying conditions. Hair transplants are performed for cosmetic reasons by some people, which is perfectly acceptable,” says Dr. Ankur Singhal, who has among the leading hair transplant centers in India.

Regrow Hair Clinic’s Medical Director, Dr. Ankur Singhal, specializes in two advanced cosmetic and hair transplant procedures FUE and Dense Hair Implantation.

There are some effective treatments for hair loss, but nothing beats hair transplants for speed and effectiveness.

The procedure can be painless and straightforward with today’s technology. The importance of aftercare, on the other hand, cannot be overstated.

Many plastic surgeons will provide post-surgery instructions, which you should carefully follow. For more information on hair transplants, continue reading.

Procedure for hair transplantation

According to Dr. Ankur Singhal, the expert hair transplant surgeon from India, the most prevalent and requested hair rejuvenation procedures are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).

These procedures entail removing healthy specific hair follicles from a donor area on the scalp with thick hair development and transplanting them to bald spots or pattern baldness areas (recipient area).

The specialist will pierce minute cuts within the scalp for natural-looking results and implant the follicular grafts with special consideration and precision.

The grafted skin strip may have a linear scar, but this will be hidden when more hair grows naturally around the area.

Aftercare for hair transplants

After you’ve had your hair transplant surgery, you’ll need to take care of yourself.

“Taking hair from the same scalp and transferring it to another area is one thing. However, because it is still surgery, there will be some side effects, even minimally invasive,” says Dr. Ankur Singhal.

It can take 2 to 3 months for new hair follicles to accept and grow new hair after the transplant fully.

The new hair growth may be uneven at first, but it will eventually fill in. Most patients see their desired results in 10 to 12 months, though this can vary depending on the amount of hair transplanted and the patient.

According to Dr. Ankur Singhal, the excellent hair transplant surgeon, you can only get a full head of newly grown hair if you’re willing to put in the effort for the aftercare.

Do not wash your hair right away.

Do not wash your hair right away.

Let your hair air dry for a few days before washing it. Because your scalp may still be sensitive, use the gentlest strokes possible when washing your hair, especially on the newly grafted areas.

Don’t be alarmed if a few hair strands fall out. This is normal as long as the amount of hair fall is within your normal range.

Use only gentle shampoos and conditioners on your hair.

Shampoos are essential, especially those designed to address specific hair issues such as dandruff and hair loss.

Whenever possible, use organic and gentle shampoos. You could also try baby shampoos, which are specially formulated for sensitive baby skin.

You can still comb your hair if you want to. When brushing out tangles, don’t go at it with your usual zeal.

It’s best to use your fingers to untangle the knots. If you need a brush or comb, make gentle strokes rather than pressing them into your scalp.

For long periods, avoid direct sunlight.

Because of the sensitivity of your scalp, exposing it to the sun for an extended period can easily result in sunburn.

That isn’t to say you won’t be able to go to the beach after your procedure. Protective hats can be worn, but make sure they are loose and the right type for your head shape.

Are there any repercussions from a hair transplant?

“Although hair transplant is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure, it can still have unfavorable side effects if the patient is not informed,” says Dr. Ankur Singhal.

Because the procedure may cause pain, your doctor may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers. Swelling is to be expected not only around the grafted area but also across your entire scalp.

Itching is also a possibility. When this happens, keep your fingernails away from your scalp to avoid irritating it and causing bleeding or broken skin.

These are fairly common and expected side effects, and they should subside in a week or so. If they persist, make an appointment with your surgeon for a checkup.

When wearing a headpiece, what precautions should be taken?

Patients who have had hair transplants are usually advised to wait for a minimum of ten days before wearing headpieces such as hats, headbands, hoodies, and other accessories.

Consult your doctor first if you want to wear one. The consensus is that a loose, easily adjustable cap can be worn, but this depends on the type of hat.

To allow your scalp to breathe, don’t wear it for more than 6 hours at a time.

You can also change your wardrobe to avoid coming into contact with your scalp.

Choose button-downs or tops with wide necklines so you can easily slip your head in. Remember to take care of your accessories and clothing the way you did when you put them on.

During the healing process, your best words are gentleness and caution.

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Featured image credit:- Medical photo created by freepik –

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Content image Credit:- Lines vector created by macrovector –

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 16, 2021
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