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Tag: healthy lifestyle

Breast cancer Emotional support

Breast Cancer Can Happen And It Is Not Your Fault

Managing emotions while dealing with breast cancer can be challenging, as it is a diagnosis that can bring about a wide range of feelings, including fear, sadness, anger, guilt and anxiety. However, it’s important to acknowledge and address these emotions to maintain your overall well-being.

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Do you know these Benefits of Salt ?

Salt can be used in a better way for many other purposes including prolonging shelf life of milk !

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5 Effective Weight Loss Tips

Click here to see the video on Weight Loss Tips- presented to you by HealthyLife…

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What Can I Do To Lower My Risk Of Heart Disease?

What Can I Do To Lower My Risk Of Heart Disease?

Apart from following Healthy lifestyle, once a year get one of the tests that are described in the slides. Talk to your doctor about the tests. It helps to prevent and take action to keep your heart healthy.

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Community Supported Agriculture

Community Supported Agriculture is Surging During Pandemic

Community-supported Agriculture is raising amid pandemic. People are more concerned about the food and health in this pandemic time. The fear of suffering from the Covid-19 has made everyone make changes

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Large changes in food intake and activity levels are needed to produce weight loss

  • True
  • False
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Sago [Sabudana-Rice Rava Idli]

Sago-Rice Rava Idli

Sabudana or Sago is a healthy food as it supplies protein, iron and calcium.

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