All posts by HealthyLife

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Bottle Gourd (Loki) Burfi

Loki (Bottle Gourd) Burfi

Recipe by: DEEPIKA MEHTA ( Diwali Recipe contest winner)

Bottle gourd belongs to cucumber family. In Hindi it is called Lauki. According to Ayurveda Lauki has many health benefits. People who suffer from Vata and pitta must consume this to reduce the effect of vata and pitta. Consumption of lauki helps to lose the stubborn weight. Lauki (bottle gourd) is less appreciated vegetable. It also replenishes the loss of water during diarrhea, maintains healthy heart and helps during indigestion. According to Ayurveda it also has cooling effect on the body.

Lauki burfi is an easy, light and simple dish and has three main, basic ingredients.

Ingredients: Gaurd/loki, clarified butter/ ghee and condense milk, Cardamom powder, almonds and silver leaf( optional) for garnishing.


Loki- 1 kg

Ghee – 2-3 tbs

Condense milk 300/ 400gms- ( 1 tin)

Cardamom powder-: 1/2 tsp

Almonds- 8–10.

Silver leaf -1 PC

Green color – 4 drops (optional)


1. Wash, peel and grate Loki. Use the thinner side.

2. Heat ghee and put Loki. Cook until all the water evaporates and the ghee gives a nice shine to the Loki.

3. Pour condensed milk. Adjust sweetness to taste. I used around 300 gms as I do not like it too sweet.

4. Keep stirring and let it form into a ball.

5. Sprinkle cardamom powder and mix well.

6. Grease a tray/ thali or a square plastic box and to set the burfi.

7. Empty the contents in the tray and spread it evenly with the help of a spatula.

8. Cut almond slivers and sprinkle on the top

9. Put silver leaf. Leave to set.

10. Once the mix set cut burfi into squares and serve.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 28, 2015
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Seed Patenting is banned in Venezuvela!

Seed Patenting is banned in Venezuvela!

The country recently approved a law that will ban the production, distribution, and importation of GM seeds.

To protect heirloom seeds and organic farmers, the country of Venezuela, through its National Assembly, recently approved a law that will ban the production, distribution, and importation of GM seeds.

According to the recently approved draft Seed Law, the state shall promote sustainable agriculture as the strategic basis for food security.

The victory is being celebrated across the world, with anti-GMO proponents viewing this as just one more sign activist efforts’ are working.

GM Watch reports that the law has taken years of collective grassroots effort to construct and has been through a public consultation.

The new law proposes the creation of a national seed institution, which will audit and control the seed supply in order to prevent, identify, and punish violators of the GMO ban. In addition, the institution will protect peasant seed, which has been part of the peoples’ culture for generations, and which is the product of natural cross-breeding.

Way to go, Venezuela!

Thankfully, the nation isn’t alone in its efforts to overcome the biotech industry. Earlier this month, President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia will become the world’s leading exporter of non-GMO foods. Big shifts are happening, to say the least.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 25, 2015
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Top Home Remedies for Acid Reflux/Acidity

Top Home Remedies for Acid Reflux/Acidity

Acid reflux is when stomach acid splashes up from the stomach into the esophagus. Whereas, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is severe or chronic acid reflux that can lead to complications, such as cancer. At the entrance to human stomach is a valve, which is a ring of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally, the LES closes as soon as food passes through it. If the LES does not close all the way or if it opens too often, acid produced by your stomach can move up into your esophagus. This can cause symptoms such as a burning chest pain called heartburn. If acid reflux symptoms happens often, contact your doctor to confirm it is acid reflux what you have.

Acidity is a term used for a set of symptoms caused by excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach. The stomach normally secretes hydrochloric acid which is required for the breakdown and digestion of food we eat. Acidity causes symptoms like dyspepsia, heartburn, gastric inflammation and ulcers in the stomach.


One common cause of acid reflux disease is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia. This occurs when the upper part of the stomach and LES move above the diaphragm, a muscle that separates stomach from the chest. Normally, the diaphragm helps keep acid in our stomach. However, if we have a hiatal hernia, acid can move up into your esophagus and cause symptoms of acid reflux disease.

Acidity is generally a consequence of several external factors like eating habits, fad diets, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, irregularity in eating pattern. The incidence of acidity is higher in countries where individuals eat more of non-vegetarian, oily and spicy foods.

Reasons for acidity or acid reflux:

  • Eating large meals or lying down right after a meal. Eating a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the waist.
  • Being overweight or obsessed and over eating.
  • Snacking close to bedtime -eating spicy chips, chips, popcorn, salty foods etc.
  • Constantly munching on certain foods- such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy or fatty foods.
  • Drinking certain beverages- such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea.
  • Smoking habit and drinking alcohol.
  • Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications.
  • The onset of menopause.
  • Extreme stress.
  • A history of colitis or ulcers.
  • Constipation and less bowl movement.


  • Burning in the stomach
  • Burning in the throat
  • Restlessness
  • Belching
  • Nausea
  • Sour taste
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation

Here are Top Home Remedies for acidity that actually work;

1. Eat and drink slowly. Do not gulp in large amounts of water at once.

2. Boil ginger in water and add honey to the strained liquid and drink to reduce acid and gas formation in stomach.

3. Chewing ginger soaked in lime juice also prevents burps.

4. Buttermilk mixed with fenugreek powder and ginger helps remove gas.

5. Boil few cloves of garlic with cumin seeds in water and add milk and sugar to it.

6. Add cardamom or citrus peels or cloves to tea and boil for 10 minutes before drinking it.

7. Eating papaya regularly prevents gases to form in the stomach.

8. Mix baking soda and lemon juice in water and drink to avoid burps.

9. Soak peppermint leaves in water and drink the mixture. Mint has calming effect on stomach lining.

10. Crush garlic and ginger and add it to milk before consuming it.

11. Do not drink carbonated drinks and avoid using straws for any drinks.

12. Quit smoking – smoking causes acidity and increases ulcer.

13. Avoid those foods that create gas – like cabbage, broccoli, besan powder etc.

14. Drink cold milk: Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps it prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acid produced, thereby reducing the symptoms of acidity.

15. Cumin seeds: According to Ayurvedic doctors chewing cumin seeds (jeera) has a calming effect on irritated stomach nerves and helps heal ulcers.

16. Cloves: Bite one clove- the pungent taste in the mouth secretes excess saliva, which in turn aids digestion and beats the symptoms of acidity.

17. Indian gooseberry or Amla: Apart from high content of vitamin C, amla is also kapha and pitta pacifier. Consuming raw or dry powder of amlas helps in healing the injured stomach lining and oesophagus.

18. Centella leaves: Indian centella (Hydrocotyl javanica) or Indian pennywort leaves (3-4) can be chewed every morning or if you are familiar with preparing yogurt dishes or chutney using these leaves – then it also helps to reduce acidity.

19. Holy Tulsi: Tulsi leaves known to induce mucous in the stomach and has antiulcer properties. Drink Tulsi and ginger tea once or twice a day to reduce acidity.

20. Eat banana: Banana is rich source of potassium and helps to keep the acid production under control. It also helps in easy digestion and reduces constipation, which is one of the reason for acidity and acid reflux.

21. Yoga: Four yoga poses helps to overcome acid reflux. Bridge pose, plough pose, diamond pose and reclined bound angle pose -all these four poses are highly recommended to overcome acid reflux symptoms.



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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 21, 2015
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Taiwan Bans GMOs In School Meals-Healthylife -WeRIndia

Taiwan Bans GMOs In School Meals

By Amanda Froelich

The government of Taiwan recently approved legislation to effectively prohibit any food containing genetically modified ingredients from being served to children in school meals.

Taiwan’s government recently passed legislation to effectively prohibit any food containing genetically modified ingredients from being served to children in school meals.

According to Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin Shu-fen, one of the amendments’ sponsors, the decision was made primarily due to potential health and environmental hazards revolving around genetically modified foods.

Focus Taiwan reports that every year, the country imports nearly 2.3 million tons of soybeans, 90% being genetically engineered. Though the GM crop is primarily used as animal feed in Taiwan, many fear that if the soybeans were used in meals for school children, they could have a negative impact on children’s’ physical and psychological health.

“If young students consume foods that are made from genetically modified primary ingredients, it is tantamount to a hidden food safety crisis because they are exposed to unnecessary risks,” said Legislator Shiow-yen of the Kuomintang.

For this reason, say the lawmakers, it is essential schools get rid of GM foods.

The progressive move bans GMOs from school meals and promotes the consumption of locally-grown, fresh farm produce, as well as other ingredients.

103 of the city’s 235 schools have already omitted GMOs, so the clearly the transition can be done.

According to the Ministry of Education, when the new requirements take place – by next semester at the earliest – the cost of school meals could increase by NT$5 each ($0.15 USD). That small investment is worth it, many think, though it will add NT$235.8 million (US$7.17 million) to the ministry’s budget for subsidizing school meals for 262,000 disadvantaged elementary and junior school students.

This positive news comes shortly after Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, announced that Russia would be the world’s #1 exporter of non-GMO foods. In a recent address to the Russian Parliament, he proudly outlined his plan to supply the world with ‘ecologically clean’ production and organic crops.

Such is a stark contrast from the United States, where glyphosate is still rampantly sprayed on GM crops (corn and soy being predominantly GM foods) and states are fighting for the basic right to label GMO-containing foods.

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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 18, 2015
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Twelve Diet And Fitness Tips

Twelve Diet And Fitness Tips

Sometimes we need inspiration and motivation to do our routine exercises. If you are dieting and exercising, but not feeling uplifted- then here are few simple tips to keep yourself on track. This list says what to do and not to do while you are dieting and trying to keep yourself fit.

  1. Do not skip breakfast:

Do not forget or skip your important meal of the day. Eat something rich with both carbohydrates and protein. This good food helps you to keep up your energy. If you are practicing Yoga then do it early morning before breakfast and after yoga have breakfast. But never skip your breakfast.

  1. Find a friend for workout:

Find a person who likes to work out and inspires you. Carefully chose such person and develop a exercise routine. Often people discourage exercising by negative comments. It is important to find a good friend who talks positively, encourages, and inspires you to work out. Once you find that person, keep up good relationship. Three factors – Keeping up workout routine, encouraging each other and keep up with you and pushes to the limits in key workouts – these factors will help you to find out such friends in gym. You can discuss about fitness, diet, nutrition and all subjects related to fitness and can enjoy your workout!

  1. Get rid of soreness:

It is important to come out from the soreness after the workout. Many athlets after their workout will take a bath in cold-water 50:50 temperature water. People pace ice cubes on sore area of the body and will get ready for next day exercise.

  1. Drink H2O:

Everybody knows how important water for the body is. It is important to stay hydrated and energize the body. Remember electrolyte loaded drinks can be loaded with calories, if you chose to drink energy drink make sure to drink something that has no sugar.  Your best bet is always water. To get some flavor you can always add one or two lime pieces, couple of mint leaves in your water.

  1. Control your portion:

Watch you eat. Eat only recommended calories. Beware of what and how much calories you are consuming.  Consume fibers – veggies, fruits and fresh fruits. If you want some carbohydrate make sure you know the calories and accordingly decide your portion.

  1. Comfy shoes:

Buy a better shoe for your workout. Many branded shoes are available for lesser prize. If you can afford keep two pairs of sneakers for workout.  When you take first step with new sneaker, you should feel comfortable. If you are running make sure your sneakers supports your feet and leg. In case, you are practicing zumba then by a flat soul sneaker or shoe to avoid, heal and ankle injury.

  1. Proper clothing:

While you are exercising, it is better to wear proper clothing. For yoga and Pilates, ladies prefer wearing tops that hold their structure properly. For body works and weight lifts it is better to wear sports bras that expands ribs and diaphragm – this also helps in easy flexing of muscle. Similarly, if one feels comfortable to wear sports pants, yoga pants – all these are available online and in stores. Make sure they are comfortable to wear.

  1. Weight check:

Best time to check your weight it is better to it in the morning before drinking and eating. This way you can continue with your activity for the rest of the day.  It is better to check the weight on consistent time of the days or week.

  1. Do not starve:

If you feel and noticed that in a day you have consumed too much calories by eating fatty foods, do not starve next day. Instead, put some extra calorie burning activity in your daily regime. Eat fresh fruits and include fibrous food in your diet. Starving does not help your body, because after your starvation, body asks for more food and generally, people tend to eat more junk food after starving for a day.

10.  Select good snack:

When you feel hungry during working hours or at office, try to munch something that is health. Do not buy and eat high carb food. Instead, snack on organic carrots, cucumbers, pita bread, pita chips, hummus dip, vegetable dip, granola bar, dry fruits, fruit yogurt. All these contain less or no calories and help you to keep going till supper or dinner.

11.  Fruits, smoothies and green tea:

Include seasonal fruits in your diet.  Watermelon is best for summer heat. It contains more water and helps to balance the water in the body. Oranges helps to gain the energy. Cucumber is also rich in water and helps to maintain the body weight. Make smoothies out of various fruits to boost your immune system. Drink green tea that is full of antioxidant and boost metabolism.

12. Get enough rest and sleep:

After working out body needs rest. Sleep requirement for each individual varies. The over worked and tired muscles need rest. Take a break and give rest for the body. Do not hesitate to take rest. Try to get enough sleep and feel energized after a good night of sleep.


Image credit: Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 17, 2015
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Benefits of being nice to others

Being nice means “being able to spread the joy” or “give pleasure or joy”. It also means being kind, affectionate, loving and caring. Nobody is perfect in this word. Some characters are inherited and some are borrowed from the society where we grow. As we grow up, we learn values and morals that help us become nice people, whether it be proper manners, compassion, consideration or a combination of them all.
Human mind tries to adapt to various habits and surroundings. The actions we take and the response we show that definitely influences the happiness of our mind and body. All good intentions that we practice will bring joy, calmness and happiness in our life. Some of the positive thoughts and actions that can make a person happy in life listed below.

  • Think, speak, and act with kindness.
  • Encourage others and motivate. If you criticize – be constructive and kind.
  • Listen to people be open-minded. If you cannot solve the problems, it is okay, but try to understand the problems.
  • Develop love for kindness. Kindness is way to be happy in life.
  • Help others to help yourself. Ask people what can I do for you?
  • As Bhagavadgeetha says, everything happens for a reason. Try to understand the good side of the reason.
  • All are born with some talent and uniqueness. Use your talent and uniqueness in a positive way and help society.
  • Everyday do something good for others; do not expect anything in return.
  • Think and act kind – this spreads the kindness in the community and eventually reaches the world.
  • Phrase your words carefully so that you avoid hurting yourself and others.
  • Leave a note or phone message to your co-workers, family members and friends with kind and loving thoughts. This will bring smiles on their face.
  • Use your experiences in a positive way and share it in a positive note. If it is a lesson that you learnt do not share to hesitate.
  • If you cannot help a person, it is okay, but do not bring down the confidence of the person. Encourage them with kind words.
  • Try to give suggestions only if the person wants it.
  • Every person has their own reasons for their action, do not neglect anybody’s background and do not be judgemental unless you understand and convinced with the reason.
  • Pray for well-beings of others. Ignore bad thoughts and intentions of your own mind.
  • Watch your attitude, be kind, be grateful, and be humble.
  • Start the day with a positive thought and end the day with positive thought.
  • Nobody is perfect; in a relationship, little imperfections can be adjustable. At the end you want to be happy and so the other person.
  • Nurture your mind with good thoughts and good deeds. Do not hold back in saying thank you or sorry!
  • Do not hold anything against anybody – “keep calm and let karma do the work”.



Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 16, 2015
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Ishtu Recipe

White Vegetable Stew Recipe (ISHTU RECIPE)

Lately coconut is gaining lot of attention and it is all for good reasons. Use of coconut is recommended moderately in our daily food to boost our memory and also to avoid old age memory loss. Coconut oil usage is highly recommended for various medicinal purposes.  In southern states of India – Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh – use of coconut is very common in daily food.  Here is a coconut curry recipe from Kerala – Ishtu or in English “white vegetable stew”.

Ingredients: (Cooking for four people)

  • Carrot -1
  • Beans – 8
  • Cauliflower- 5-6 florets
  • Potatoes- 2 small
  • Green peas, fresh – 1/4 cup
  • Oil- 3 teaspoons
  • Cinnamon- 1 inch
  • Cloves-4
  • Cardamom-2
  • Onion- 1
  • Green chilies, slit- 4
  • Ginger, chopped- 1 inch
  • Garlic, chopped – 2 big cloves
  • Coconut, grated – 1 cup to prepare thick and thin coconut milk
  • Curry leaves- 1 strand
  • Salt- to taste

Preparation Method:

  1. Cut all vegetables to desired length. Potato can be cooked in a pressure cooker of can be cooked in a microwave under potato option.
  2. Heat oil in a pan and add cinnamon, chopped cloves and cardamom and fry for couple of minutes.
  3. Add onion and green chilies. Fry for few more seconds followed by ginger and garlic. Continue frying for few more seconds, until the onion becomes translucent
  4. Add all cut vegetables to the pan, add little salt, mix well, and roast in oil for fifteen seconds.
  5. Add water to vegetables (let water cover the vegetables), close the lid, and cook until vegetables becomes soft.
  6. Meanwhile grind coconut with 1/2 to 3/4 cup of water. Take out little portion of thick coconut paste (milk) and put it in the pan. Grind rest of the coconut by adding another 1/2 cup water so that consistency of this portion of coconut milk becomes thin.
  7. Bring curry to boil by adding rest of the grinded coconut thin paste. To keep consistency of the mix DO NOT boil the mix. Just warm it for couple of minutes.
  8. Season the curry with mustard, curry leaves and a red chili.
  9. Serve this curry with traditional rice noodles, roti, chapatti, white rice, pulav, uttappam etc.


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Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 15, 2015
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Helping Others While Helping Yourself

Helping Others While Helping Yourself

Image: Youth volunteers cleaning traditional pond (Kalyani) in Bengaluru, Karnataka

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth” -Mohammad Ali

Volunteering is giving your time to help others free, without expecting anything in return.  We all have our priorities in life but making time to volunteer in various organizations -hospital, animal shelter, temples, library, gardens, schools, colleges, elderly homes or taking care of people who are in need is a great thing and gives satisfaction. The benefits of volunteering are enormous. Volunteering helps to protect our physical and mental health.

Benefits of volunteering for good life

Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. It boosts your social skills and makes you a better person. It expands your network and helps to make new friends. Even helping with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. When you share your activity with others the existing relationships strengthens.

People who have hesitation in mingling and talking to people or outgoing will find it very useful to overcome their hesitation of meeting new people.

Volunteering increases self-confidence by boosting self -esteem and gives satisfaction while we develop more confidence while doing good work. It gives a sense of pride and an identity.

Volunteering helps to develop positive thoughts about life. When we understand how people are coping with their problems, our involvement as helpers in their life brings positivity in people life as well as in ours.

When we volunteer with our family, our children will become better humans and their social life will shape up well. While giving back to community children will learn to love people, animals, nature and to live the life with gratitude and happiness.

When the retired people volunteer, they feel that life still has purpose and full of activities. Their time will be well spent. It also helps to take their mind off their worries, keeps them mentally stimulated and adds more zest to their life.

Social isolation is a key factor for depression. Volunteering helps to combat depression. It helps to keep us in regular contact with social activities, which is supported by good system. It protects us from stress and depression.

Volunteering in pet shelters helps to improve mood, and reduces anxiety and stress. Health of people takes a turning point towards good.

Volunteering in parks, garden, farms or in temples will help people to improve physical strength. Studies shows that those who volunteer have a lower mortality than others do. Volunteering lessens symptoms of chronic pain or cardiac diseases or diabetes.
Many studies suggest that helping others kindles happiness. People who volunteer will develop a habit of smiling and laughing when they service others. They use kind words when they are servicing. This keeps their life well balanced and happy both at home as well as in society.

Volunteering helps to advance in our career. For example many colleges and research institutes will help you to learn various techniques while volunteering in lab,, museum or departments of your interest. Many a times you can publish papers and articles along with faculty. This gives more visibility to your academic career. For students who volunteer in various organizations will add more value to their bio data and helps to settle down in good schools and colleges. Volunteering teaches us valuable job skills too.

Volunteering is fun and easy to explore once interests and passions. To escape and energize ourselves from day-to-day routine of work, school and family commitments/ worries volunteering services are the great option. Enjoy yourself.  When you volunteer make sure you are having fun! The best volunteer experiences benefit not only the volunteer but also the organization and the community.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 11, 2015
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