How To Keep your Children Healthy – Few Tips
It is practically inevitable to keep children away from cold, cough and some little health problems. Here are some tips that you can try teaching your kids to keep them as healthy as possible.
1) Washing hands: Tell your kids to wash hands to fight BAC (fight bacteria!). Tell kids to wash hands –
- With soap and warm water.
- Before eating a snack or meal, after playing with pets, and after using the bathroom.
- After playing or at friend’s house
- After coming back from school
- Before and after your breakfast, lunch and supper or dinner at home
Hands before lunch at school.
Do not forget to ask your toddler’s baby sitter or day care person about hand wash policy.
2) Day care policy:
- Check with day care about how they take care of sick kids and policy regarding sick kids
- It is a requirement that kids who are suffering from eye infections, fever/flu, vomiting, diarrhea and severe cold should be home
3) Get flu shot or vaccination:
Be up to date on the vaccination of your toddler and young ones. It helps their immune system to fight back any germs, viruses and bacteria.
4) Good amount of sleep:
Make sure your kids get good amount of sleep. They should go to bed early. Babies and toddlers need 11 to 14 hours sleep. This helps their immune system to recover and brain will be rested.
5) Being active:
Regular exercise and outdoor activities with moderate exercise helps children to fight germs -this is what study shows. Do not introduce kids to video games at early stage. Breathing fresh air and exposing to sun light and outdoor activities helps them to be prepared for future allergies that their body might have to fight.
6) Drinking water:
Instead of soda and diet soda, give your kids good amount of drinking water – warm or room temperature. This cleanses their system and flushes any unwanted germs from the body. Children also loosed their body liquid very fast. Make sure to give them plenty of fluid in the form of water or juice to keep their body hydrating.
While most germs like winter viruses clear up on their own within few days, some can turn into more serious conditions that require medical attention. See the prevailing symptoms in your child and see your family doctor or paediatrician.
Image courtesy: Puneeth KR Sringeri
Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 13, 2015
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