All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Raw guava mango salad

Raw Guava And Green Mango Salad

Guava and mango both are most loved fruits. Raw mango is used for making pickle, chutney, rasam and many other dishes. Unlike raw mango, raw guava is not much used in dishes. Ripened guava fruits are used for making juice, salad, jam etc. Raw guava has slightly sour taste and can be used for making a raw fruit salad with other fruits. Salads prepared using both raw guava and mango tastes good. You can add other salad vegetables to this.

This salad is good for weight loss program and diabetic friendly too. Click here to read how guava benefits our health. If you prefer you can eliminate raw mango from the ingredients and try guava and veggie salad! It tastes good too!!


  1. Raw guava – One big – grated or cut into small pieces
  2. Raw mango – one big- grated or cut into small pieces
  3. Carrot – grated – one small
  4. Green chili- one
  5. Red or  yellow capsicum – one – cut into small pieces
  6. Mustard – ¼ tsp
  7. Asafetida- pinch
  8. Oil – for seasoning
  9. Salt – as per taste
  10. Lemon juice- 1 tsp
  11. Coconut – ¼ cup (grated)
  12. Ginger – ¼ inch (grated)
  13. Cilantro – chopped ¼ cup
  14. Curry leaves – few


  1. Wash and grate or cut guava into small pieces. Do not grate seed portion.
  2. Wash and cut mango to small pieces. You can grate mango if it is hard. If mango is soft do not grate as it releases juice and salad becomes soggy.
  3. Cut or grate carrot and cut other vegetables to small thin pieces.
  4. Mix guava, mango and all cut vegetables
  5. On medium heat prepare seasoning with mustard, green chili, hing, curry leaves and grated ginger.
  6. Add seasoning to salad, add salt, grated coconut and chopped cilantro
  7. Mix well and serve fresh during lunch or dinner.

Image credit: &

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 15, 2023
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Happy Mother's Day

This Mother’s Day And Other Days Be There For Your Mom

There is a popular quote by Will Leamon ‘Because God Could Not Be Everywhere, Therefore He Made Mothers”

Every year in many parts of the world, the second Sunday of May month is celebrated as Mother’s Day. It is to honor, show respect and love to the woman who gave birth, stood strong, sacrificed, helped the children to shape life. How the Mother’s Day celebration started?

History of Mother’s Day:

In 1900s Anna Jarvis who was daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis in USA initiated Mother’s Day to honor the sacrifices her mother made for the children. In May 1908 Anna Jarvis, organized first Mother’s Day celebration in a Church in West Virginia. She was financially supported by a Philadelphia Departmental store owner namely John Wanamaker who also organized Mother’s Day in Philadelphia store. Thousands of people participated in the event and later followed by its success Mother’s Day International Association was formed to promote the cause.

Anna Jarvis persistence to establish Mother’s Day was paid off in 1914 when president Wilson signed a measure to establish second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day. Jarvis was unmarried and had no children in her life. She wanted to add Mother’s Day in National calendar. Her efforts resulted in the recognition of Mother’s Day.

In the coming years, Mother’s Day became highly commercialized and Anna Jarvis who started the Mother’s Day began openly campaigning against those who profited from Mother’s Day including florists, retailers, bakery, confectioners etc. She spent most of her inheritance on legal fees.

Do you know? Mother’s Day is clubbed with International Women’s Day in many countries. While many of the countries celebrate Mother’s Day on same day as US, there are few countries who celebrate Mother’s Day on different day.

Why Mother’s Day celebration is needed? In Hinduism there is prayer called Maathru Devo Bhava. In Sanskrit it means “ Mother is God”.

We all know how a mother makes our life easy and comfortable. Motherhood is not just raising children. It is also caring, protecting and showering love for her offspring. All countries who celebrate Mother’s day have one purpose to celebrate “to show love and respect to the lady who gave birth” . It is to honor the mothers and women who have brought love, affection, peace and improvement not only to families but also to the world. It is a day that reminds us what mothers do for us. It is to show the utmost gratitude to mother.

It is very essential for us to show our affection to our mothers who fulfill duties in bringing us up. Our parents sacrifice a lot for our happiness and to fulfill dreams. As we grow, we should reciprocate and be responsible humans by showing affection and taking care of parents. A kid is mother’s child always even if he is 50 or 60, a leader, entrepreneur, business tycoon, actor. Mother has the capacity to shower unconditional love at all circumstances.  This distinguished quality makes her unique in a child’s life. Mother’s love is also emotional, she is first person who recognizes when we are sick, she understands our emotions, recognizes our problems without we even telling her. She knows how to comfort her child and make child feel better.

Mother has a much difficult task in a family. She is the bridge between children and father. She is the strength of the family and she works hard to keep family happy and safe. Mother’s Day was established and celebrated on Sunday to give mother rest and happiness.

Those gifts that we give sure matter to mothers and they will happily accept anything that we give. However, they will be happier if we be there for her and show how much we care, love and respect their selfless act. In fact, if we should think that each day is Mother’s Day and we should be there for her when she needs us. As children we should be grateful and thankful for Mother’s efforts in our upbringing, for her unconditional love and support that she keeps providing us throughout her lifetime.

This Mother’s Day Let us celebrate motherhood, mother, sisters, respect aunts and all those motherly personalities who are part of our lives.

Image credit: Imagen de Mollyroselee en Pixabay (CC BY 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 11, 2023
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Baby Formula feeding

Baby Formula Feeding -What Parents Should Know

For babies breastfeeding is the best nutrition source. However, with working mothers and schedules or due to situations – medical or any other personal reasons if mother is not able to breast feed, then the next option is going with formula or formula milk. If parents are relying on formula feed then understanding how to prepare formula and what are the do’s and don’ts – this is a must know for the parents as it is critical for baby’s health and proper development reasons.

  • Talk to your pediatrician about the best formula that is available for baby.
  • After picking up the formula examine for any type of contamination – mold, fungus or odd odor.
  • Check the manufacturing date and best before or expiry date.
  • Make sure there is no leak, rust on the can or bottle.
  • Make sure it is not for the toddlers. Babies younger than age 12 months should be fed infant formulas specifically designed to meet their nutritional needs. They should not be fed toddler milks, drinks, or formulas labeled for toddlers.

These steps are critical as any contaminated food can be life threatening for infant. Once you bring formula follow hygiene practice to prepare and feed the baby.

Preparation tips and storing methods of baby’s formula (CDC)


  1. Wash your hands well before preparing bottles or feeding your baby. Clean and sanitize the workspace where you will be preparing the infant formula.
  2. Bottles need to be clean and sanitized. To learn more about how to properly clean your baby’s bottles and other feeding supplies, visit the CDC webpage How to Clean, Sanitize, and Store Infant Feeding Items.
  3. Baby’s milk or infant formula does not need to be warmed before feeding, but some people like to warm their baby’s bottle.
  4. If you do decide to warm the bottle, never use a microwave. Microwaves heat milk and food unevenly, resulting in “hot spots” that can burn your baby’s mouth and throat.
  5. To warm a bottle: Place the bottle under running warm water, taking care to keep the water from getting into the bottle or on the nipple.  Put a couple drops of infant formula on the back of your hand to see if it is too hot.

If you use powdered infant formula:

  • Use water from a safe source to mix your infant formula. If you are not sure if your tap water is safe to use for preparing infant formula, contact your local health department.
  • Use the amount of water listed on the instructions of the infant formula container. Always measure the water first and then add the powder.
  • Too much water may not meet the nutritional needs of your baby.
  • Too little water may cause your baby’s kidneys and digestive system to work too hard and may cause your baby to become dehydrated.
  • If your baby is very young (younger than 2 months old), was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune system, you may want to take extra precautions in preparing your infant’s formula to protect against Cronobacter.

Use Quickly or Store Safely

  • Prepared infant formula can spoil if it is left out at room temperature.
  • Use prepared infant formula within 2 hours of preparation and within one hour from when feeding begins.
  • If you do not start to use the prepared infant formula within 2 hours, immediately store the bottle in the fridge and use it within 24 hours.
  • Throw out any infant formula that is left in the bottle after feeding your baby. The combination of infant formula and your baby’s saliva can cause bacteria to grow. Be sure to clean and sanitize the bottle before its next use.
  • Store unopened infant formula containers in a cool, dry, indoor place—not in vehicles, garages, or outdoors.
  • Once a container of infant formula is opened, store in a cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. Do not store it in the refrigerator.
  • Most infant formulas need to be used within 1 month of opening the container (check the label).  When you first open the container, write the date on the lid to help you remember.
  • Never use formula after theUse By” date on the container.

How much formula to feed?

First Days

If you have questions about your baby’s growth or how much infant formula he or she is taking, talk with your child’s doctor or nurse.

  • Your newborn baby’s belly is tiny. He or she does not need a lot of infant formula with each feeding to be full.
  • You can start by offering your baby 1 to 2 ounces of infant formula every 2 to 3 hours in the first days of life if your baby is only getting infant formula and no breast milk. Give your baby more if he or she is showing signs of hunger.
  • Most infant formula-fed newborns will feed 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. Talk with your child’s doctor or nurse about how much infant formula is right for your baby.
  • As your baby grows, his or her belly grows too. Your baby will be able to drink more infant formula at each feeding, and the time between feedings will get longer.

First Weeks and Months

  • Some babies need additional Vitamin D- Babies who are fed breast milk exclusively or who receive both breast milk and infant formula need extra vitamin D, starting shortly after birth. They can get this through over-the-counter vitamin D drops. Babies receiving only infant formula do not need vitamin D drops. Infant formula is fortified with vitamin D.
  • Over the first few weeks and months, the time between feedings will get longer—about every 3 to 4 hours for most infant formula-fed babies. This means you may need to wake your baby to feed. You can try patting, stroking, undressing, or changing the diaper to help wake your baby to feed.
  • Some feeding sessions may be long, and other feedings short. That is okay. Babies will generally take what they need at each feeding and stop eating when they are full.

6 to 12 Months Old

  • Continue feeding your baby when he or she shows signs of hunger. Most 6 to 12 month olds will need infant formula or solid foods about 5 to 6 times in 24 hours.
  • As your baby gradually starts eating more solid foods, the amount of infant formula he or she needs each day will likely start to decrease.

12 to 24 Months Old

  • When your toddler is 12 months old, you can switch from infant formula to plain whole cow’s milk or fortified unsweetened soy beverage. You can do this gradually. You may want to start by replacing one infant formula feeding with cow’s milk to help your child transition.

For more information on Baby’s formula and concerns that you might have please visit

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 8, 2023
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Fresh floral bouquet

Tips To Extend Life Of Fresh Flowers And Bouquet

Fresh cut flowers arrangement and keeping them fresh for longer time is a technique itself. If you are frustrated and not able to keep your beautiful flower bouquet for many days then follow these tips-,

Cutting the stem: Before placing the floral stem in the water, cut or trim the stem one to two inches at bottom. Cut in an angle using a garden shear or sharp scissor. Cutting stem in an angle helps the stem to absorb and carry water up to the flower. After 2-3 days you can cut the stem half an inch again to keep flowers fresh.

Removing leaves: Before immersing stem in the water, remove those leaves that are below water line. Immersing the leaves in water results in decaying of leaves and growth of microbes that impact stem and flower freshness. Daily check and remove any fallen petals or leaf in water.

Avoid direct sunlight and heat: Place the vase in a spot where there is no direct sunlight hits the flower. Avoid exposing to heat or cool vent as it leads to dehydration of flowers.

Avoid keeping near ripened fruits: Ripened fruits produce small amount of ethylene gas that could cause withering of flowers. Fruits like banana, tomatoes and apples produce ethylene gas while ripening that interfere in blooming and freshness of flowers.

Vase selection: Choosing a wrong size or wrong shape vase results in crushing or falling of stems. If the stem fits and sits nicely in the vase mouth then it is going to be good arrangement. Or chose a vase that is half size of the floral stem. Always use a clean vase for floral arrangement.

Fresh floral bouquet tips

Remove wilted flower and stem: Some flowers lost longer than others. Removing browned stem and wilted flowers helps to keep other stems and flowers fresh and long. Brown stem releases phenolic compound that is not good for floral arrangement.

Types of solution mixes to keep flowers longer: Water source plays an important role in keeping flowers fresh. If your tap water contains higher levels of chlorine then avoid tap water and use filtered water.

-Water and plant food: Most bouquets come with pocket of plant food. Mix the plant food with room temperature water or lukewarm water. This will dissolve food properly. Don’t make it too concentrated solution. You can change the water every 2 days.

-Apple cider vinegar and sugar: Mix these two ingredients in water 1:1 combination.

Tips for cut flower freshness

-Aspirin: Crush one aspirin and add it to vase. Aspirin helps to lower pH level that prevents wilting of both leaves and flowers.

-Soda and water: Add 2 Tablespoon soda to water and mix well. Then place the flower stems. Best soda is lemon or lime soda!

-Keeping in fridge: some recommended keeping bouquet wrapped in a wet paper towel or newspaper and placing it overnight in fridge. This keeps flowers fresh and long.

Some people mix few drops of bleach or vodka in the water. Bleach keeps bacteria away. However if you have children or pets we don’t recommend using these as solutions. 

Image credit:

Imagen de vargazs en Pixabay, Imagen de Monika en Pixabay & Imagen de Johanna Pakkala en Pixabay (all 3 images cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 3, 2023
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Benefits of soaked almonds

Why Should We Consider Eating Soaked Almonds

Almond trees are native of Mediterranean region. As an egomaniacally important tree crop it is grown in United States, Spain, Australia, Italy, Morocco and many other countries. Almond taste is earthy and nut. One can eat almonds raw by breaking the ripened fruit shell or in soaked, cooked form. Almonds are used in snacks, desserts, cookies. Almond milk is a replacement for dairy milk in vegan plant-based diet.

Soaking almond is a traditional practice and soaked almonds are given to expectant mothers to improve their health and baby’s growth. By soaking almonds one can easily digest and absorb the beneficial nutrients present in almond. Soaked almond is source of Vitamin E, minerals, protein, Omega 3 fatty acid and dietary fiber.

Soaking almonds:

  • Every day one need about 7-8 almonds
  • Wash and soak 7-8 almonds in a bowl
  • Only if you want add little salt, if not just soak plain almonds
  • Morning drain the water and peel the almond skin
  • To get full benefits of soaked almonds, consume soaked almonds in empty stomach 15-20 minutes before your coffee and breakfast.

Benefits of eating soaked almonds:

  1. Improves digestion: Soaking almonds makes it easy on digestive system. The dietary fiber helps to improve health of digestive tract and reduces bloating.
  2. Good for weight management: It is good source protein and contains enzyme lipase and magnesium that help in metabolism and weight loss. One can also add soaked almonds in salad.
  3. For brain health: Vitamin E present is almond helps to improve memory and health of brain. Easily available protein from soaked almond makes it an important brainfood. Phenylalanine in almonds reduces cognitive decline. It is good nutrition source for elderly.
  4. Immune and energy booster: For overall energy level increase almond is one of the best solutions. Healthy fats, protein and vitamins B and E are reason for this. As it also controls blood sugar level, it will keep immune system healthy.
  5. Good for heart health: Omega 3 fatty acid, potassium and protein along with magnesium makes heart healthy. All these ingredients are present in soaked almonds at necessary level.
  6. Can be included in diabetic diet: Those who have high sugar complaint, can also include almonds in diet. It helps to balance magnesium level and regulates blood sugar by slowing absorption of sugar in blood stream.
  7. Regulates blood pressure levels: Because of potassium and omega 3 fatty acids, almonds controls blood flow and makes it easy on heart by reducing the chances of having congestion in artery.
  8. Fights cholesterol: To reduce bad or LDL cholesterol make sure to include almond in your morning diet. Good fiber, magnesium and protein support easy blood flow by reducing bad cholesterol.
  9. Good for hair health: Almond oil is highly recommended for hair health because of vitamin E and protein. Soaked almond provides both of these nutrients in daily diet and reduces hair fall, improves scalp health and improves hair growth.
  10. Best skin remedy: Vitamin E in soaked almonds helps to keep skin moisturized and protects skin. Antioxidants will help to remove free radicals that damages skin. It helps in skin rejuvenation and makes skin smoother and healthier.
  11. Good for pregnancy: Consuming soaked almonds is a traditional practice for expectant mother from first month itself. It helps to grow nervous system and brain of the fetus properly and keeps mother health in good condition. Folate, riboflavin, magnesium in almonds support proper development of the nervous system.

Image credit: Imagen de Oana Durican en Pixabay (CC by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: May 2, 2023
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These three minerals are essential for children

These three minerals are essential for children

Three minerals constitute 98% of body’s weight and are critical for children growth and development are calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Apart from being component of human skeleton, both calcium and phosphorus are involved in many biochemical reactions at cellular level.

Without magnesium there are many metabolic functions that cannot happen.

Which are the foods that supply these three mineral nutrients for the young body?

Phosphorus: Present in both vegetables and animal foods. If your child is vegan or vegetarian some of the sources where you can find phosphorus are: Plant foods like beans, soybeans, potato with skin, mushroom (portabellow), rice bran, wheat bran, cooked oatmeal, cheddar, cheese, sunflower seeds without shell, almonds, cashew – contain high amount of phosphorus.

Phosphorus helps to maintain normal acid/base balance and it is also involved in storage and use of energy for various body functions.

Calcium: Calcium is present in turnip greens, spinach, buttermilk, soy beverage, cheese, yogurt tofu, sesame, almonds, beans goats’ milk, cashew etc. Calcium is rich in milk and dairy products, dark green and leafy vegetables. Calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones, teeth, prevents osteoporosis and helps muscles to work.

Magnesium: Present in many plant vegetables. It is present in tamarind, cooked – potato with skin, okra, spinach, swiss chard , cereals, quinoa, soy milk and cheese, legumes, peas, tofu, beans, pumpkin and squash seeds, pine nuts, almonds, cashew etc. Magnesium is essential for every day metabolism, to produce protein and to keep nerves and muscle healthy.

These minerals absorptions influenced by different factors. Hormones and vitamin levels in the body influences absorption of all three minerals. Young healthy children generally are not under nourished with phosphorus and magnesium because these minerals are easily absorbed. It is unlikely that children need phosphorous supplementation because of relatively high usual dietary phosphorus intake. Magnesium supplementation on daily basis or routinely is not needed. Calcium absorption in infants is easy and the rate of calcium absorption is more when there is lactose, lysine, arginine and vitamin C is around. However, calcium intake is generally low in children. Reason for this is, avoiding dairy foods. Young girls who are afraid of consuming fat are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis before they reach middle age. Calcium absorption decreases by high dietary level of phosphate and oxalate that is present in high fiber food. Too much protein in the diet increases excretion of calcium through urine thus making less available for bone growth and development.

To determine whether your child needs dietary supplements of calcium or any other nutrients talk to your pediatrician. Doctors will evaluate the necessary amount of calcium and will suggest the dosage of supplements.


Image credit : Food photo created by freepik – (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 27, 2023
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