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Nocturia Frequent urination problem at night

Are you suffering from Frequent Urination at Night or Nocturia

Frequent urination is a problem for adults and that to waking up at night could result in sleepless nights. Do you use bathroom at night between your sleep more than two times? You are not alone in this problem. Nocturia is a problem that one in three adults over the age of 30 will face at night. These people will use bathroom for urination more than twice every night.

According to Urologists, making trips to bathroom increases with age. However, if one feels tired of making trips to bathroom at night, then must address the issue. Your body might be trying to tell you something, some trouble that it is facing.

Reasons for nocturia:

Drinking too much fluid before going to bed is one of the main reasons for nocturia. Other reasons are illness, medication (for heart condition or sugar problem), reduced bladder capacity could also be the reasons.

  • Bladder problem: When bladder cannot hold too much urine, it needs to get rid of the urine
  • Nocturnal polyuria: When body makes too much urine at night. In this case urine volume will be reduced or normal during daytime. However, the fluid retention in the legs or feet will re-enter the veins and filtered through kidneys at night causing more urine volume. Edema, congestive heart failure, water pills, cardiac glycosides, drinking coffee or alcohol before going to bed are also reasons for nocturnal polyuria.
  • Polyuria: When body makes too much urine in 24 hours. High fluid intake, untreated diabetes, gestational diabetes are reasons for polyuria
  • Mixed nocturia or nocturnal urinary frequency: More than one of these problems could be causing to urinate more frequently at night. The total amount of urine will not be elevated. It is mostly the inability of the bladder to empty the contents. Reasons for this condition is bladder obstruction, bladder spasms, UTI, bladder inflammation, obstructive sleep apnea and pain in the bladder.


  • Urinating more than twice
  • Waking up more than once at night to use bathroom
  • Sleepiness, fatigue due to lack of sleep

Generally, adults should be able to sleep between six to eight hours without any interruption. Waking up to go to bathroom more than two times during sleep results in lack of sleep and will have negative impact on health. People who don’t sleep well at night, might not able to handle day life.

Diagnosis and treatment:

Diagnosis of nocturia is based on how many times one goes to bathroom at night and how much volume of urine passed. Recording or keeping a diary with this information along with any trouble with UTI, and medications will help to review the symptoms and causes of nocturia. Health care provider might investigate urine output and when the condition initiated and, how many times one uses the bathroom.

For diagnosis, physician might ask the person to undergo blood test, urine culture and urinalysis, bladder scan, cystoscopy (looking inside bladder), urodynamic testing (checking capacity of the bladder and examining nerves and muscle work)


Depending on underlying cause treatments are targeted. There are different ways nocturia condition is treated.

  1. Limit fluid intake: Drinking plenty of fluid during daytime is better. Limit fluid intake before going to bed. Reduce caffeine and alcohol
  2. Raising legs and using compression socks: This reduces edema and fluid flow to kidney
  3. Afternoon nap: This will help liquid to flow through bloodstream in addition to giving rest for the body.
  4. Diuretic pill management: Take diuretic pills six hours before going to sleep. It reduces bathroom visit.
  5. Medicines to treat bladder muscle and to help kidney to produce less urine.
  6. Treating any illness that is causing nocturia will help to reduce bathroom visit.

Talk to your health care provider or urologist regarding your condition.  Do not start any medications or treatments on your own if you have the nocturia symptoms. Talk to your doctor and then proceed with proper treatment.


Nocturia information: Urology Care Foundation of American urology association

Image credit: Image by 영훈 박 from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 27, 2023
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Black Eyed Peas Masala Recipe

Delicious Black Eyed Peas Masala Gravy For Chapati

Black eyed peas are bean seeds rich in protein. It is much desired ingredient for vegan cooking. These bean seeds contain flavonoids which are antioxidants and help body to fight free radicals. With these, it is also source of good amount of fiber and helps to feel full stomach for longer time. It is believed that these beans are good for heart health, can be incorporated in diet to maintain low sugar level. Moreover, adding masala and spices makes it delicious side dish for both chapati and rice items.


  1. Black eyed peas (beans)– 1 cup
  2. Onion (chopped)-2
  3. Tomato (chopped) -1
  4. Garam Masala – 1 Tbsp
  5. Red Chilli Powder -1 tsp
  6. Turmeric  – 1 tsp
  7. Fresh Coconut -1/4 cup
  8. Coriander powder-1 Tbsp
  9. Fennel Seeds – 1Tbsp (optional)
  10. Ginger (chopped) – 1 inch
  11. Cloves – 3
  12. Garlic – 2 cloves
  13. Curry leaves – few
  14. Chopped coriander leaves -1/4 cup


  1. Soak black eyed peas overnight (minimum 5 hours) and next day pressure cook by adding little salt. You need 3-4 whistles and turn it to low flame for three minutes before turning off the stove.
  2. Chop onion to small pieces, cut tomatoes to small pieces too.
  3. Chop ginger, garlic, coriander leaves
  4.  Place desired vessel on medium heat, add oil for sauteing. Add cumin, fennel seeds (optional) cloves, curry leaves to heated oil, followed by chopped onions. Once onion turns light golden brown, add ginger and tomatoes. Cook the contents till tomatoes turns mushy.
  5. Add turmeric, garam masala, chilli powder, coriander powder and little salt. Mix well.
  6. Now, add pressure-cooked black-eyed peas with water. Mix contents well. If you want gravy to be thick, smash little mount of cooked black-eyed peas, it gives thickness to gravy. Add salt, mix well and turn off the heat.
  7. Before serving garnish the dish with chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot black eyed peas masala with chapati, roti, bread or with jeera rice.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 19, 2023
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Health Awareness

Health Awareness Months, Weeks, and Days

National Health Observances (NHOs) are special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics.


Cervical Health Awareness Month

National Birth Defects Prevention

National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Thyroid Awareness Month

National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month

National Folic Acid Awareness Week (second week of January)


American Heart Month

AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month

National Children’s Dental Health Month

International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month

African Heritage & Health Week (first week of February)

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (February 7-14)

Condom Week (week of Valentine’s Day)

Eating Disorders Awareness Week (last week of February)

National “Wear Red” Day (first Friday of February) 


National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

National Endometriosis Awareness Month

National Kidney Month

Multiple Sclerosis Education Month

National Nutrition Month

Save Your Vision Month

Sleep Awareness Month (promoted by the National Sleep Foundation)

Patient Safety Awareness Week (first full week of March)

National Sleep Awareness Week (the week before daylight savings switch)

Brain Awareness Week (second full week of March)

National Poison Prevention Week (third full week of March)


Alcohol Awareness Month

National Autism Awareness Month

National Child Abuse Prevention Month

National Donate Life Month

National Facial Protection Month

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Month

National Minority Health Month

Occupational Therapy Month

National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month

STI Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month

Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month

National Public Health Week (first full week of April)

Minority Cancer Awareness Week (second full week of April)

National Infertility Awareness Week (last full week of April)

Every Kid Healthy Week (last full week of April)

World Immunization Week (last week of April)

National Infant Immunization Week (generally last week of April)

Air Quality Awareness Week (last week of April)


American Stroke Awareness Month (promoted by the National Stroke Association)

Arthritis Awareness Month

National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

Better Hearing and Speech Month

National Celiac Disease Awareness Month

Children’s Mental Health Week

Clean Air Month

Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

Healthy Vision Month

Hepatitis Awareness Month

National Mediterranean Diet Month

Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month

Mental Health Month

National High Blood Pressure Education Month

National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

Ultraviolet Awareness Month

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (first full week of May)

Food Allergy Awareness Week (second full week of May)

National Women’s Health Week (begins on Mother’s Day)

National Alcohol and Drug-Related Birth Defects Awareness Week (mother’s day beginning)

National Neuropathy Awareness Week (second full week of May)

National Senior Health Fitness Day (last Wednesday of May)


Cataract Awareness Month

Fireworks Safety Month (through July 4)

Hernia Awareness Month

Men’s Health Month

Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month

National Aphasia Awareness Month

National Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month

National Safety Month

National Scleroderma Awareness Month

Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week

Men’s Health Week (second week of June)

National Cancer Survivors Day (first Sunday of June)


Cord Blood Awareness Month

International Group B Strep Throat Awareness Month

Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month


Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

National Breastfeeding Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

Psoriasis Awareness Month

World Breastfeeding Week (first week of August)


National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

National Food Safety Education Month

Fruit and Veggies-More Matters Month

Healthy Aging Month

National ITP Awareness Month

Blood Cancer Awareness Month (promoted by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society)

National Cholesterol Education Month

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

National Recovery Month

National Sickle Cell Month

National Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month

National Yoga Awareness Month

Newborn Screening Awarenss Month

Whole Grains Month

World Alzheimer’s Month

Sepsis Awareness Month

National Suicide Prevention Week

World Suicide Prevention Day (10)

World Sepsis Day (13)


National Breast Cancer Awareness

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Eye Injury Prevention Month

Health Literacy Month

Healthy Lung Month

Home Eye Safety Month

National Physical Therapy Month

SIDS Awareness Month

Spina Bifida Awareness Month (promoted by the Spina Bifida Association)

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Mental Illness Awareness Week (first full week of October)

Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week (12-20)

National Health Education Week (third full week of October)

International Infection Prevention Week (third full week of October)

Respiratory Care Week (last full week of October)

Red Ribbon Week (last week of October)

World Mental Health Day (10)

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day (15)


National Alzheimer’s disease Awareness Month

COPD Awareness Month

Diabetic Eye Disease Month

National Family Caregivers Month

National Healthy Skin Month

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month

Prematurity Awareness Month

GERD Awareness Week (Thanksgiving week)

Great American Smokeout (third Thursday of November)

World Prematurity Day (17)


Safe Toys and Gifts Month

National Influenza Vaccination Week (first full week of December)

World AIDS Day (1)


Image credit: Photo by Garrett Jackson on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: April 3, 2023
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Basic hand on toys for kids

Encourage child to Play With Basic Hand on Toys

According to Aleeya Healey, MD of AAP “Toys have evolved over the years, and advertisements may leave parents with the impression that toys with a virtual  or digital based platform are more educational”.

Using electronic gadgets and digital media as replacements to basic, traditional hand on toys and games interferes in kids healthy development. Using digital media gadgets vs. toys reduces the development of imagination skills and slows their social skills. There are many reasons’ for parents to consider and encourage child to play with basic hand on toys.

Which are ideal toys for children?

Toys that help children developmental abilities and improves growth and skills are best toys to play with. Toys will help to develop problem solving skills, social interactions, physical activities, language interactions and overall motor skills. Toys should help children to play and enjoy same time. Children when interact with toys their imagination skill develops.

Whereas, electronic digital toys do not provide children the critical health environment needed for normal development. Some electronic gadgets that are specially developed for children who need special care (like autism) are useful. Regular video games, smart phones with game apps will not help children to develop social skills instead these gadgets can isolate them more.

According to American association of pediatricians parents should consider providing hand on toys that are beneficial for child’s growth. While selecting toys:

  1. Recognize one most important purpose of play with toys. For infants a toy that facilitate warm, supportive interaction is necessary. It helps them to develop relationship skills.
  2. The most educational toys is the one that fosters interaction between child and parents or caregivers that is both unconditional play and supportive.
  3. Do not choose toys that are overstimulating and creates confusion.
  4. Do not buy toys that promote race or gender-based stereotypes.
  5. Limit video and computer games by infants and young children. Reduce total screen time to less than an hour. Better to avoid use of flashing screen for infants (18-24 months old). If it is appropriate, then children between 3-5 ears should paly with video games or computer for half an hour and in parents presence.

Other points to keep in mind while considering toys:

  • For toddlers buy toys that are soft and nobly parts that will help baby’s sore gums
  • Easy to hold and easy to grip with small hands
  • Squeaky toys stimulate baby’s hearing
  • Bright colors print on the toys provide visual stimulation for babies
  • Use children books for pretend play along with suitable toy – mimicking and playing simultaneously improves child’s thinking and imagination skills.
  • Consider buying toys with natural food paint.
  • Building, construction toys, Lego bricks and gears for example will help children to visualize and imagine
  • Puzzle sets – vegetable, fruit, car, house sets improve their learning skills and will be able to recognize items.
  • Imagine how the toy will benefit child’s overall skills and growth

Not enough toys at home? Consider giving child materials that build child’s imagination and interactive skills like –

  • Hats, backpacks, children books
  • Cooking utensils, small food containers, dishes
  • Blankets, old sheets, empty boxes, cardboard blocks
  • Used plane tickets from vacation trip
  • Writing materials – pen, note book, shopping list

There is no such video or computer game or an app the replaces relationship built over toys” says Dr. Healey. Basic hand on toys give warmth, helps in physical and early mental development. Children while enjoy playing with toys cherish the memories of their favorite toy forever and it brings smiles on their face.  


  • Image credit: Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 31, 2023
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Stop unhygienic practice and habits today

Unhygienic and unhealthy habits

Unhygienic and unhealthy habits that can lead to diseases that could be contagious and may result in deaths like COVID-19 outbreak!

  • Habits of chewing and spitting
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Going for defecation outside
  • Eating street food
  • Not washing vegetables & fruits
  • Nail biting
  • Cooking with untied hair
  • Picking nose
  • Sharing toothbrush, razor, hairbrush etc.
  • Not flushing toilet
  • Not changing undergarments
  • Eating outside oily food
  • People eating from same plate at same time
  • Not cleaning running nose
  • Coughing and sneezing without covering (face/mouth)

According to CDC, such unhealthy habits could lead to conditions such as – Food poisoning, diarrhea, skin rash, obesity, asthma, bad breath (Halitosis), urinary infections, acne, acidity, flu and other epidemic and pandemic diseases.

Take care of your health by practicing and developing good habits starting today!

Image credit:, Attribution: Anna Frodesiak / CC0 &

Nail biting: Photo by Rafael Serafim from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 30, 2023
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Brushing and bathing why we need to

Why to brush teeth & take bath

Brushing teeth after getting up from bed: If you are one of those people, who would like to have breakfast on bed, then you must reconsider your habit. People may say it is personal preference, but it is a good practice to brush before breakfast.

We know breakfast is important meal of the day. This is the reason we should not skip breakfast. Likewise, we should not skip brushing teeth before breakfast. This helps to reset the mouth and gets it ready for the foods of the day by removing the bacteria that grows in the mouth overnight. During our night sleep, bacteria in the mouth multiplies causing bad breath by turning sugar into acid. This acidic environment is not good for our health. If we consume food without brushing teeth or cleaning mouth, can ruin our health and cause decay of teeth. To remove bacteria that is sitting on teeth, tongue and oral cavity it is a good practice to brush teeth and then have breakfast. If you feel the smell of toothpaste interfering in your breakfast, then have half a glass of warm water after brushing your teeth.

Oral hygiene is important for health because it is linked to our total health.

Why we should take bath daily? Bathing is essential for human body for many reasons. Regular bathing helps in cleansing of body and organs. According to literature “the toxic compounds that are sitting on our skin should be expelled regularly in order to prevent the disease”.

The toxic components referred here is for microbes, sweat and other foreign particles sitting on the body. Most people shower for other reasons too, like concern about body odor, it helps to wake up, bathing reduces body pain and it is relaxing. Whatever might be the reason, bathing using warm water with skin friendly soap, helps to get rid of microbes, dirt and dead skin. Bacteria can grow on body and feed on dead skin cells eventually causing rash, irritation, inflammation. Dermatatis neglecta is a condition that  results in thick brown plaque on skin leading to secondary infections. It prevents spreading of skin diseases and keeps skin moisturized.

You don’t need to take multiple showers every day, one shower per day is enough to keep your body clean and healthy.

Image credit : Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
(Free for commercial use)

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Bath after hair cut & why we should trim nails

Shower after hair cut & why we need to trim nails

Mandatory to take shower after a hair cut :We often see people going out for haircut and then go for shopping or attend to other works. This is forbidden in many cultures especially in India.

Scientific explanation for this is- everyday there are many people visit barbers or hair salon for haircut, hair styling, hair coloring, shaving, for shampooing etc. There is a chance that someone might have severe dandruff or skin conditions that could be contagious. If proper precautions not taken and saloon person uses same tools (scissors, comb, brush etc) between his/her customers, it could result in transfer of germs. Contagious diseases can thus transfer from one person to another. This could also result in hair loss. After visiting a salon make sure to go back home put clothes for washing (as it might contain hair strands) and take a shower. Shampoo your hair and wash.

Cutting and cleaning fingernails and toenails: Often you may hear your mom saying cut your finger nails or toe nails. It is a good practice because of health reasons. Parents may insists to cut your nails morning after bath. Reason for this is, the nails get softer after bath and it is easy to trim soft nails. Not cutting nails is a sign of poor hygiene and it could results in:

  • Bacterial infection: When we don’t trim nails bacteria and other germs will start growing and cause infection in fingers and toes
  • Fungal infection: Like athlete’s foot happens because of hidden fungi in toenails. Accumulated dirt in nails is food for fungi and eventually they come out infect your skin
  • Injury to body: Keeping long nails is a risk not just for you, for others as well. It can cause serious injury or even may hurt the eye causing damage to eye and severe infection.
  • Results in inward growth of nail
  • Food poisoning: When we eat by hand with dirty nails, infectious microbes enter our stomach causing food poisoning. This is also one of the reasons we must wash our hands before consuming food

Image credit: Photo by Thgusstavo Santana from Pexels
(Free for commercial use)

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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