WBC and Immune system boosters

Improve White Blood Cells & Boost Your Immune System

While the pandemic is continuing its impact on the globe, winter with flu season is setting in too. We must take care of our health by keeping immune system in good shape, healthy and active to fight both Covid-19 and flu. Our White Blood Cells (WBC) also need attention to keep immune system in good condition. A change in WBC (high or low) can have several impacts on our body.

A low WBC count means – viral infections, immune disorders, fatigue, shortness of breath, weakness and other type of sickness. High WBC can result in microbial infection, stress, immune system disorders, thyroid problem, inflammation, lymphoma, leukemia etc.

In order to keep both WBC and immune system in good condition we sometime need help from food and other sources such as supplements

To Improve White Blood Cells generally one can, try:

  • To lose extra pounds.
  • Flush toxins by drinking healthy drinks like water.
  • Cut down or say no to unhealthy fats and sugar.
  • Get good and recommended amount of quality sleeps as per your age group.
  • Consume antioxidants that neutralizes free radical molecules.
  • Add good nutrients that help to balance WBC number and quality of WBC.

Which nutrients and foods will help us to improve WBC and make immune system stronger? See next few slides







Image credit: https://pixy.org/151887/ (CC by 0 Free for commercial use)

Vitamin C, WBC and Immune system:

Vitamin C, WBC and Immune system

Zinc, WBC and Immune system:

Zinc, WBC and Immune system

Vitamin E, WBC and Immune system:

Vitamin E, WBC and Immune system

Folate, WBC and Immune system:

Folate, WBC and Immune system

Omega 3 fatty acids, WBC and Immune system:

Omega fatty acid, wbc and immune system

Ginger Garlic WBC and Immune System:

Ginger garlic WBC and immune system

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: November 18, 2020

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