Benefits of chrysanthemum

The Many Health Benefits Of Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum flowers are one of the popular and most desired flowers used in decorations and garlands. Generally, chrysanthemum flowers bloom during fall season. Varieties of chrysanthemum or mums bloom between February to October months. Attractive flowers come in different colors – white, yellow, peach, green, orange, pink, red, purple and many combinations of colors. All these varieties of chrysanthemum are not just used for decorative purposes, they are also used for traditional home remedies.  Particularly yellow mums are used for various health conditions.

One of the main benefits of chrysanthemum is because of its cooling and relaxing effect. It is used calming and relaxing purposes.

How to use Chrysanthemum flowers for various conditions?

Chrysanthemum flowers teas has multiple health benefits –

  1. For mental stress and insomnia: Boil half liter water, seep two yellow mum flower petals. Filter and drink tea once a day before going to bed.
  2. Drinking chrysanthemum tea reduces stomach ache
  3. For mouth ulcer – gargle and rinse mouth using mum’s tea.
  4. For irregular periods – Take about 20 grams of flowers and boil in 250 ml water. Filter and drink twice a day.
  5. For kidney stones – Boil 500 ml water, add 25 grams of flowers, Bring water to half. Filter the concentrated tea and drink twice a day.
  6. Cold symptoms- Having chrysanthemum tea during early stages of fever and sore throat reduces fever, headaches.
  7. Promoting metabolism – Chrysanthemum tea improves metabolism and promotes weight loss. Presence of vitamin B in these flowers helps to digest fat.
  8. For healthy heart – Potassium in chrysanthemum promotes heart and kidney health. It is known for its anti-hypertensive action. It lowers blood pressure. Tea is known to increase blood flow.
  9. For skin – Because of its cooling effect, chrysanthemum tea is recommended during skin care treatment. It prevents heat related inflammation, skin redness, itchiness and in some eczema.
  10. For vision – Presence of vitamin A and beta carotene in chrysanthemum flowers helps to improve eyesight and diabetic retinopathy. It is also helpful in reducing age related macular degeneration and reduces itchy dry eye condition!
  11. For diabetes – Chrysanthemum tea is recommended for high sugar condition as it helps to balance insulin and promotes metabolism.
  12. Immunity booster – Both vitamin A and C in these flowers helps in eliminating free radicals and promotes function of body’s natural defense mechanism. Drinking this tea once a day or three times a week (twice a day) helps to boost immune system. It also contains potassium, magnesium and calcium – all elements required for healthy immune system.

How to prepare chrysanthemum tea:

Some varieties of chrysanthemum may have little bitter or astringent taste. Some will have refreshing and sweet aroma. To prepare tea – Boil three cups of water. Steep 3-4 dried flowers for couple of minutes. Filter and drink.

Adjust seeping time according to your taste. If you want stronger taste, then seep for some more time.

If you prefer you can add brown sugar, honey, jaggery or agave syrup to tea.

Direct flower application:

  1. Collect petal juice by grinding flowers with minimal amount of water or no water. To two tsp of juice add 1 tsp honey. Take this once a day to get relief from stress and tension.
  2. For swellings in body – prepare paste of mum petals with dry ginger. Apply this on swollen area.
  3. For diarrhea – grind two flowers with rock sugar, add cumin powder (equal quantity). Have this mix once or twice a day to reduce diarrhea.
  4. Flower paste can be applied to face to reduce acne, rejuvenates skin by reducing wrinkles
  5. To reduce irritated, sun stroked mark apply mum flower mask. It has cooling effect and helps skin to glow back.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: June 5, 2023

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