All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Listen to your body

Listen to your body to keep fit

There are many diet programs are available. Many of these diet programs will keep you away from normal, daily, staple food. Why can’t we eat normal food that makes us happy and still lose weight? Grandma has some suggestions for you… Listen to your body to keep fit

  1. Wake up early, brush and drink a glass of warm water – Getting up early (say 6 am) gives you lot of light, positive thoughts and drinking warm water in empty stomach helps your bowl movement.
  2. Within two hours of waking up, have your breakfast as breakfast gives energy. Eat traditional breakfast items prepared from scratch or have quick cereal or bread. Breakfast helps you to focus on entire day task and keeps you healthy.
  3. When should be your lunch? Lunch at noon. But in between breakfast and lunch have a glass of fresh juice and water.
  4. Don’t keep snacking throughout the day – wait until you really feel hungry. Your system tells you when you are hungry and ready to eat. Don’t resist hunger, instead get ready to eat something that is less fat, healthier item.
  5. Eat slowly – don’t rush eating. You should feel the hunger go away and stomach should feel the food intake. Control excess eating, control your portion. Your body tells you how much it needs and when to stop.
  6. Watch what you eat – Let half of the plate consist salad with good vegetables and fruits. Consume complex carbohydrate – brown rice or sweet potato or roti. Select protein food and water. Moderation is key, nothing should be excess!
  7. Eat home cooked food – you can find out what makes your stomach happy by trying different types of food. Some foods make you feel heavy, bloated, uneasy, lethargic and full soon. Some food really makes stomach happy – find out which items are preferred for your body. For some eating yogurt or yogurt based items helps to keep intestine in good condition.
  8. When you eat, make sure you are not distracted or disturbed. Eating with heavy head can result in over eating or under eating. Both are not good for your mind and body health.
  9. Snack – Understand which types of snacks does not make you uneasy and uncomfortable. If you feel like eating samosa – restrict the quantity. Likewise, eating potato chips or chocolate or any oily items – Take control on your mind and eat half the quantity of what you wanted to eat.  Practice control on eating oily items.
  10. Sleep: Get enough sleep that your body needs. Going to bed early or on proper time and sleeping without any sort of disturbance helps to lose weight. All body pain and stress goes away with good sleep. Getting good sleep helps control sugar and salt intake.
  11. One more suggestion – don’t be ideal and keep watching TV, smart phone. Find out how you can help with house tasks, go for walk or gym and be active. Your body tells you what activity is good for you. This helps you a lot in reducing that extra weight.

Instead of dieting listen to your body – Eat when you are truly hungry. Eat what appeals to you. Stop eating when you feel full.  With these simple techniques, you will maintain a healthy body and healthy weight.

Listen to grandma –

Image credit: Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 5, 2018
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Tomato has more genome than humans

Tomato has more genome than humans

Tomatoes are most used fruits in the world and the most famous fruit for various reasons.

  • Do you know? Tomato has more genomes than humans – 31760 genes! Scientists made this discovery when they sequenced tomato genomes with a variety Heinz 1706 from Peru.
  • Peru is the place where tomato’s ancestors are originated.
  • Tomato is a fruit as per botanists. However, it was declared as a vegetable as its uses are more like vegetables. Unites Supreme Court decreed this many years back. Potato and tomato both belong to same family and the joke is “potato is happy because tomato is also a vegetable” Moreover both plants have 92% of common DNA.
  • China is the largest producer of tomatoes followed by USA and India. More than 7500 varieties of tomatoes available in the world
  • We have seen mostly red color tomatoes. Tomatoes are available in green, yellow, orange, pink, black, brown, white, and purple
  • Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is good for health. Compared to raw cooked tomatoes are better. They also contain vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium.
  • Tomato skin is not good for everyone. People who suffer from diverticulitis should avoid tomato skin. People who suffer from gastritis should also avoid consumption of tomato.


Image credit: Image by LoggaWiggler from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: January 4, 2018
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Which one is Cantaloupe?

Which one is Cantaloupe?

  • Cantaloupe of United States are actually the reticulated muskmelon. They have netted skin and strong sent.
  • European counterpart is considered as true cantaloupe! They have smooth gray green skin.
  • Cantaloupe originated in India and Africa and entered Europe eventually.
  • The name is given after papal gardens of Armenia, as some historians belief that it is first grown in Papal Garden.
  • Columbus introduced Cantaloupe to North America in 1494 and since the it is one of the popular melon in the United States.
  • An average sized cantaloupe has 100 calories and still is sweet!
  • Cantaloupe contains beta carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. It gives protection from cancer for the organs- colon, prostate, breast, lung, endometrium and pancreas.

Image credit: Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Fruit Salad Tree

Fruit Salad Tree

Imagine six different types of fruits all on one tree! Yes, it is possible and existing. These trees are multi grafted trees of different fruit types from the same botanical family on one tree.

All the fruits retain their own characters like flavor, taste, appearance and ripening time. These trees can be grown in pot or in the ground.

They can be grown in balcony or backyard too and suited for all climates.

James and Kerry West grow in Australia, sell three different types of fruit salad trees. Each of these trees bears several different types of fruits.

  • Fruits in Stone fruit: Peaches, Plums Apricots, Nectarines and Peachcots. These trees are available for all climates.
  • Fruits in dwarf Citrus range include: Lemons, Limes, Mandarins, Oranges, Tangelos, Pomelos, Grapefruits, Lemonades.
  • Fruits in apple range include: Red, green, yellow apples. These trees are available for both warm and cold climates.
  • How these fruit salad trees are made? Grafting is a plant propagation technique that unites the tissues of two or more plants. These tissues grow and act as one single plant. Root stock & scion are these parts. Scion bears fruits, flowers and leaves. In Florida, most oranges trees have lemon root stock and in California lemon trees have orange roots. One citrus salad tree can have lemons, limes, grapefruit, tangerines, kumquats and oranges all ripening on its branches at the same time. For more information on our Stone fruit trees, click on the tree below.

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Miracle fruits makes everything sweet

Miracle fruits makes everything sweet

Miracle fruits are botanically known as Synsepalum dulcificum.

It is a small red berry fruit.

  • It is called miracle fruit because it is known to help cancer patients treated with chemotherapy to taste and enjoy the flavor of foods again.
  • It is native to Ghana, Africa. It has less or low sugar content and mildly sweet.
  • It contains unique glycoprotein called miraculin that binds to the taste receptor and alters the natural flavor of foods in a good way. It masks the overwhelming metallic taste of the food that a cancer patient experience after chemotherapy. Chemotherapy causes extreme nausea and patient can develop aversion toward eating and result in weight loss. Eating miracle fruit helps them to get taste bud back and they can enjoy food. It reverses weight loss and boost immune system and helps to recover.
  • Miracle fruit can improve insulin sensitivity and might use as an adjuvant for treating diabetic patients with insulin resistance. It naturally reduces sugar intake.
  • In 1970s miracle fruit was classified as food additive by FDA!
  • It binds the tastes receptor and enhances the experience of eating sour fruits or items. The duration of this taste bud effect will vary by individual and the quantity of the fruit they consumed. It lasts about an hour.
  • Berries, freeze dried granules and tablets are the different forms of miracle fruits available in market. One berry or 1 gram of granules or one tablet – all these have similar effect. After consuming the miracle fruit in any of these form sour foods and bitter foods tastes sweet!

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Fond of ripened banana?

Fond of ripened banana?

Bananas are considered as the fruit of wise men.

More than 100 billion bananas are eaten throughout the world in a year!

  • In botanical terms bananas are berries. This popular edible variety cannot be grown by seeds.
  • A cluster of banana is called hand and single on is finger.
  • Bananas get artificially ripened after shipping to distributions to get one of seven banana shades. Bananas are too delicate to ship ripened. For this reason, distribution facilities use extremely precise storage technology to ripen the bananas before sending to market. The most popular shades depend on retailer’s size and target market. In Western markets people does not like fully ripened bananas and they like it be greener and half ripened. Whereas Latin Americans and Asians like full yellow color bananas. Depending on consumers presence and demand in the store bananas would be ripened and sold.
  • Americans eat an average of 27 pound bananas per person per year. Nearly 51% of bananas are eaten for breakfast.
  • Report says because of potassium content banana can be radioactive to small extent!
  • Bananas are low in calories and supply potassium, digestive fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, tryptophan.

Image Courtesy: Gulfnews

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Grapefruit cannot be taken with certain medications

Grapefruit cannot be taken with certain medications

Did you know? Grapefruit can cause dangerous reactions with some prescription medications.

Grapefruits are sub-tropical fruits and are semi sweet.

  • Grapefruit is one of the best food to eat at breakfast. It is portable and makes a great snack with less calories and high in water content.
  • People who take prescription medications should take extra caution if consuming this fruit in diet. Grapefruit can inhibit an enzyme in our intestine. The enzyme CYP3A4 that plays a key role in breaking down certain medications in our body. Consumption of grapefruit can be life threatening as it inactivates the enzymes that is necessary for drugs to release and absorb in the body if taken along with these drugs. Reason for this is grapefruit contains chemicals called furanocoumarins/ naringenin that inhibit this enzyme without which human gut cannot control medicine absorption and drug level in blood can increase.
  • Grapefruit also contains lycopene that is present in tomato. Lycopene is responsible for its pink color.

Image credit: Photo by Rayia Soderberg on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Delicious Pineapple - The most loved fruit

Delicious Pineapple – The most loved fruit

Pineapples are one of the most loved fruit in the world.

Tropical pictures always will have pineapple representing the weather condition to make a place more attractive.

Back in 1700s pineapples used be very expensive and American colonists would rent a pineapple and carry it around a party to show their wealth!

Did you know these facts about pineapple?

  • Pineapple is one of the beautiful fruit plant in the world. It has spikes and thorns and outer structure of the fruit resembles pine cone, hence Europeans called them “pineapples”.
  • Pineapple is a bunch of fruitlets and is a berry. Young, baby fruit has amazing texture and pretty.
  • Flowers of pineapple is very pretty and plants can be grown as ornamental plant. Purple and pink combination makes it very attractive.
  • Eating pineapple with salt makes it to taste much sweeter. It reduces the sourness and bitterness of the fruit.
  • Once harvested growth of pineapple stops or it stops ripening. Only the color of fruit outside might change.
  • The sweetest part of pineapple is its outermost flesh that is close to the skin.
  • Color of pineapple varies depending on the location of its growth. A green pineapple can be as sweet and as delicious as yellow pineapple.
  • Bromelain is the compound that is present in pineapple and it is also rich in Vitamin C.

Image credit; (Tropical delight pineapple powder)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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