All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Sweet Potato And Greens

Sweet Potatoes and Greens

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato is rich with dietary fiber and has less calorie content. When you eat sweet potato with skin it helps to lose weight. Fiber absorbs water and makes us feel full after meal. Sweet potato contains fiber that is “resistant starch” that helps to reduce obesity. It also supplies Vit C, Beta carotene and Potassium.

Pre- green lunch item

Low calorie greens help to reduce weight steadily. Add green salad in every meal and that extra weight will melt off. Eat greens with cooked chick pea or beans, avocado and cherry tomatoes to make it tasty. You will be surprised by the result!

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Image by Bernadette Wurzinger from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Image by RitaE from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 16, 2018
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Coffee and Green Tea: Click here to read more

Coffee and Green Tea


A good cup of coffee helps to reduce belly fat! Just like green tea it has fat burning qualities. One cup of coffee boost calories burning by aobut 4 percent in over two to three hours. Don’t forget to use no sugar and cream. Try black coffee. It revises metabolism and helps to lose weight.

Green Tea

Green tea has fat burning effect. It promotes weight loss by stimulating the body to burn the accumulated fat. Thanks to phytochemical content present in the green tea that promotes metabolism and helps to get rid of the fat.  Try drinking hot tea, it is soothing too!

Image by dungthuyvunguyen from Pixabay  (Cc by 0)

Image by Christoph from Pixabay (Cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Teach your Toddler to talk

Teach your Toddler to talk

Babies can hear the voice soon after their birth. They start to learn the art of conversation looking at lips and by hearing voices. By the time the toddler, reach 2 years old, vocabulary should have evolved with the help of, especially from mother, father and grandparents.

Teaching a baby to talk is significant. A child learn to talk and communicate which helps child to express the feelings. Speaking naturally comes to babies and parents will be well on the way to develop an able communicator, who can express and interact with people in future. By two years, most babies have a large vocabulary and can put words together to express their needs and ideas. Sometimes parents worry about their child unable talk at proper age. Watch and observe carefully – if you think it is a problem contact your pediatrician for a speech therapy.

Here are few tips for parents to teach their child  how to talk.

1) Talk to your toddler as much as you can. Look at her face carefully and respond when toddler tries to talk or smile.

2) If the child tries to say something or try to show something focus on understanding what child tries to say. Don’t focus on how clear the pronunciation is.

3) When the toddler communicates successfully give an encouraging smile and respond positively.

4) While bathing your child or feeding talk about what you are doing with small communications. Say this is soap, shoes, hair, arm, teeth and name the food that you are feeding the child. Tell child, it is lunch time now or supper time. While feeding say the words like spoon, rice, apple, yogurt etc.

5) To get your toddler’s attention call by name before you talk and talk to your child with a smile on your face. Do not get angry or scare your child.

6) Ask a question and encourage child to answer. Give few seconds to answer, during that pause time toddler will observe, think and recognize.

7) Show children books, animals and objects that are for daily use. Look at books with your toddler often. Even if you do not read the story as it happens, child will learn by listening to you talking about the pictures. Child will remember this and will get introduced to more words to speak.

8) If your toddler says “nana” when she wants a banana, you could say “Yes, here is a banana.”

9) Do not expose child to high volume of radio, TV noises. This will disturb their focus. TV does not interact with child. It is you who will. TV is only to show some concept. Language and communication are – by definition – interactive.

10) Play with toddler on the floor. Allow toddler to pick up the toy and play with her. Make it a fun event and enjoy talking to your child. Include the favorite toy in everyday activities like eating, sleeping etc.

11) Sing nursery rhymes with actions. This helps child to understand objects. Sing rhymes like “twinkle twinkle” or “row, row, row your boat”. The more you make it fun, toddler will giggle and join you while singing.

12) Ask toddler to repeat animal sounds. Get those animal toys that make sound.

13) If you have pets, show the pets to child and ask what it is or where it is? Questions like, where is the doggie grabs attention and child will answer.

14) When the child starts walking or around with you in kitchen or during laundry talk to child and give small job like give me socks, give me spoon etc.

15) Encourage your child to talk to friends and family. Tell child to talk about new toy or something like flower, dog, cat etc.

All these activities helps child to talk and pronounce properly. If you feel that, your child needs help to talk contact a pediatrician and seek advice. Some children will take time to talk. If they already have siblings, it becomes easy as they follow the children easily. If there is only one child then it becomes parent’s responsibility to keep the child active, engaged and expose to the words so that they can learn talking at proper age.


Image credit: Image by Nirav Jani from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 15, 2018
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Basics of Healthy Dating

Basics of Healthy Dating

Valentine’s day is behind us and many relationships are formed and may be broken too! What we need to realize is irrespective of a broken or formed – a relationship should be healthy and safe.  Love has many definitions but, the one word that does not give meaning to love is “abuse”. Where there is an abusive relationship there is neither respect nor love.  Before falling into an abusive relationship, it is wise to understand the behavior of the person whom you are going to date or already dating. Understand what is healthy dating is-,

As they say love is blind and it is confusing too.  There is a chance that one may like and attracted to the abusive behavior of the person with whom you are going on date and might have not realized. Here are some suggestions to understand abusive behavior (or not) of the person you are dating at present (ref:

Relationships exist on a spectrum, from healthy to unhealthy to abusive — and everywhere in between. It can be hard to determine where your relationship falls, especially if you haven’t dated a lot.  One need to understand the basics of dating, healthy relationships and to draw the line before abuse starts.

So, Are We Dating?

It’s important that both you and your partner agree on a definition for your relationship. Whether you call it “dating” or something else, both people should agree on the same ground rules.

Keep these questions in mind:

  • Do you have romantic feelings for this person?
  • Are you and the person you’re interested in both looking for a committed relationship?
  • Do you hang out or go on dates without a group of friends?
  • Is the status of your relationship something you’ve shared online, like on Facebook?
  • Do both people in the relationship agree that it’s exclusive?

 Is My Relationship Healthy?

In a healthy relationship:

  • Your partner respects you and your individuality.
  • You are both open and honest.
  • Your partner supports you and your choices even when they disagree with you.
  • Both of you have equal say and respected boundaries.
  • Your partner understands that you need to study or hang out with friends or family.
  • You can communicate your feelings without being afraid of negative consequences.
  • Both of you feel safe being open and honest.

A good partner is not excessively jealous and does not make you feel guilty when you spend time with family and friends.

A good partner also compliments you, encourages you to achieve your goals and does not resent your accomplishments.

My Partner Doesn’t Physically Hurt Me

Just because there is no physical abuse in your relationship doesn’t mean it’s healthy. It’s not healthy if your partner:

  • Is inconsiderate, disrespectful or distrustful.
  • Doesn’t communicate their feelings.
  • Tries to emotionally or financially control you by placing your money in their banking account.
  • Keeps you from getting a job or gets you fired.
  • Humiliates you on Facebook or in front of your friends.
  • Threatens to out you to your family.

So, Is My Relationship Unhealthy?

Everybody deserves to be in a healthy relationship free from violence. Drawing the line between unhealthy and abusive can be hard. If you think your relationship is going in the wrong direction, check out the warning signs of abuse at

Remember, there are many types of abuse and while you may think some of them are normal — they are not. Even though teen and 20-something relationships may be different from adult ones, young people do experience the same types of physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse that adults do. You should take violence in your relationship seriously.

These are all understandable reasons to feel nervous about leaving your partner, but staying in the abusive relationship isn’t your only option.

It is better to be safe than sorry!

Image credit: mage by pasja1000 from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

For more visit:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 13, 2018
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How to handle a heart break ?

How to handle a heart break?

Every year on February 14th there are many makeups and breakups happens in the world. Those who propose and find their love will feel happy.

For some, those who carry a rose or a gift thinking that the person who he/she loved is going to reciprocate there might be a bit shock when the person does not reciprocate and reject.

Yes, seriously it hurts and pains. The pain of losing, shame of rejection and losing self-confidence because one person denied can hurt someone’s feelings more than a physical pain.

Well… think you are not alone in this game of love. There are many such people who undergo denial and rejection.

There is no need to curse your luck or sit and cry thinking about what happened. World is big enough to give you another person who might be better.

Still.. it might take some time for you to come out from the sadness. Because real feeling does not go away easily – isn’t it? Then how to handle this heart break?

  1. Whatever happens, happens for good – This old saying always correct and helpful. Don’t you think it gives your confidence back and puts you back in right direction? Things happens for certain reason. If you think carefully about what happened, you might find that there is some positive news in it. Or you may not see the positivity during your sorrow. Later, definitely time will say it happened for good.
  2. Think it as their loss: When the person makes it clear that they don’t want the relationship, it does not mean that it is your loss. Rather focus on your positive attitude and how much courage you had to love a person who just rejected you. It means, it is really their loss and not yours. Why to worry about what we are missing. More than you, the person who walked away missed a lot…from you. Feel bad for them and not for yourself. Remember, just because someone don’t want you does not mean you are unlovable or unworthy. Their loss is someone else’s gain!
  3. You don’t have control over outcomes: To change the outcome you may try to do something. You may try to change yourself to attract and win the person again. You may dress or act like the person whom they find more attractive. You may even go to an extent to buy the love. None of these won’t work, rather you look desperate and unattractive. Instead of trying to convince yourself and the person, accept that you don’t have control on how other feels about you. Some may find you attractive and reciprocate your feelings. Some may not… the only thing you can control is yourself, your thoughts and your actions.
  4. Don’t compare your life to others: Comparing your darkest moments with others happiness is like stabbing yourself. You should not encourage yourself with such thoughts. You are wearing your shoes, not theirs. You may think how life is unfair to you, but you don’t know what the other person went through. Don’t assume and compare your life to others. It is waste of your time and cost you your happiness.
  5. Nothing to be embarrassed: At that point, you may feel you are an unlovable person and a loser. You may feel pathetic. There is absolutely no need to feel this way. You had the courage to approach a person to express your love and you did not expect the outcome. So, what? Be it… there is no guarantee that you will get what you want in your whole life. It is a small set back. All that matter is, you are brave and had the courage to express yourself which most does not. For this reason, you should not feel embarrassed and you should not distance yourself from the world.
  6. Distraction: For many, it is not that easy to come out from heartbreak. The best thing to do is finding a way to distract yourself. Get back to your hobby, spend time with folks who care for you and bring joy to you. Go to places, go for adventures. Watch comedy movies. Best antidote for the heartbreak is laughter and it will set you free! Try it out!! Don’t dwell in your past. Live in the present moment and look for positivity in present and future.
  7. Always be cool: This is called ABC! Mean, you must be cool and care less about what happened. Even though it feels impossible, try it out. Practice it in a positive attitude. When you don’t give up your self-confidence, naturally that “I couldn’t care less” attitude will come to you. You don’t need to chase the person, show them, you are okay and your life is fine without them. Go with your day to day life happily and always be cool.
  8. Don’t feel sorry for yourself: There is nothing wrong if you feel sad. You are a human and the rejection incident might sit in your heart and mind sometime. It is okay to feel sad sometime. It is okay to cry and shed tears! But, what is not okay is you feeling sorry for yourself. What makes you feels sorry for yourself is, continuous dwelling in that feeling and sadness for a longer time. To come out from the sorrow, spend time with those who lifts your spirits, who is willing to spend time with you. Spending time with family helps. Or take a trip with good friends and come out from sadness soon.
  9. What is yours will come to you: Not always things might work “eventually” even if you try many times. No one knows what happens in future. Having hopes is fine, however, while holding onto such hope you might lose out on other walks of your life. Bring back normalcy in life. In the future the person might realize and come back. But you should not give up happiness in your present life. Without waiting for the person to come back… go live your life.

Bottom line is “forgive, forget and move on”. Keep faith in finding another soul mate. Till then enjoy the life because life offers many beautiful things!

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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 12, 2018
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Ear infection in children, why?

Ear infection in children, why?

Most young children and toddlers suffer from ear infection. If not given immediate attention this might result in loss of hearing and other problems.

Ear infection is one of the most common reason of parents visit with child to doctor! Children suffer from ear infection often than adults.

Ear infection is inflammation caused by bacteria in the middle ear. Bacteria infect the fluid behind the eardrum.

Symptoms of ear infection:

  • Crankiness and crying
  • Fever
  • Yellow or white fluid draining from ear
  • Clumsiness or balancing problem
  • Trouble in hearing or problem hearing quiet sounds
  • Itching and pulling of the ear
  • Reduced appetite
  • Unpleasant smell from ear
  • Difficulty in sleeping

Scientific name of ear infection “otitis media or OM”. There are 3 different types of ear infection.

  1. Acute otitis media (AOM): One of the most common ear infection. It is commonly called earache. Child might also get fever. Infected middle ear swells, turns red and fluid traps behind ear drum
  2. Otitis media with infusion (OME): When fluid stays trapped behind after ear infection. Cold, sore throat or upper respiratory infection might happen. Doctor will be able to see the trapped liquid.
  3. Chronic otitis media with effusion (COME): When the fluid remains in the middle ear for longer time children’s hearing gets affected.

Reasons for ear infection in children:

Bacteria are main reasons for ear infection. Both bacteria and viruses are responsible too.

Normally any fluid that enters the eardrum area drains quickly through tubes called eustachian tubes.. Eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to back of nose and throat. These tubes are short and horizontal in babies compared to adult ears and babies are more prone to get infected.  It eustachian tubes blocked (during cold, throat infection, allergies, sinus) then the fluid gets trapped in the middle ear. Microbes like to grow in dark and wet area. Bacteria takes this place and causes inflammation behind eardrums.

Research studies also say using pacifier can increase infection risk. One should take proper precaution of cleaning pacifier.


In many cases infections clear up on their own. Pediatricians recommend before starting antibiotics it always better to wait and see whether the symptom reduces on its own.

Consult your doctor if you feel symptoms are severe and child is not happy. Doctors check child’s eardrums movement. If the movement of eardrum not there, it means fluid is collected and infected.

If baby is 6 months old, doctor might give mild infant pain killers to relieve pain. Don’t give any medicine to baby until you contact your pediatrician.

If your child is not doing better after 48 to 72 hours, doctor might suggest antibiotics. If so, complete the full course. If not, infection will not reduce and you won’t know how the medicine worked for your child.

Before trying any home remedies please consult your doctor.

Prevention of ear infection

  • Ear infection is not contagious, but respiratory infections can lead to ear infection.
  • Wash your hands and child’s hands
  • Clean nose during cold
  • Change diapers at proper time to avoid any additional infection
  • Clean pacifier: Unhygienic pacifier can result in throat infection through which bacteria enters ear fluid.
  • Encourage child to drink more liquid as swallowing helps to drain the middle ear fluid.
  • Keep baby’s vaccination current- Immunization helps to prevent several illness that can lead to ear infection.
  • Breastfeeding: If you are new mother, breastfeeding the baby at least for six months helps to boost their immune system.
  • Keep child away from tobacco smoke : Smoking only suppresses child’s immune system and increases breathing problem. It also makes it difficult for child to fight against infections
  • Ear tubes insertion: Otolaryngologist helps to insert small ear tubes to releases pressure that also acts a vent, letting air in and fluid out in the ear. This is a common surgical procedure in practice in many countries. Talk to your doctor if your child has frequent ear infection and needs an ear tube.

For more information on ear infections visit:

Image credit: (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 8, 2018
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Cleaning stainless steel is easy with these tips

Cleaning stainless steel is easy with these tips

Cleaning stainless steel surfaces is easy with grandma’s below tips.

Refrigerator, washer, dryer, cooking surface, oven, microwave, sink and some of the  stainless steel utensils can be cleaned using below tips.

  1. Cotton fabric: Use soft cloth made of 100 percent cotton. After rinsing in water, use cotton to wipe the surface.
  2. Lime and salt: Sprinkle some salt and use half lime to scrub the salt into stainless steel. Wash and wipe off using clean rag.
  3. Baking soda and water: Scrub the food away using baking soda and warm water.
  4. KISS method: Keep it simple stupid, means use warm water and gentle dish soap and clean stainless steel. Rinse using water and wipe off water with clean fabric
  5. Vinegar and olive oil: To remove fingerprints from stainless steel refrigerator and microwave, spray vinegar and set it for couple of minutes. Wipe vinegar and buff with olive oil.
  6. Use flour: This method is little messy. To remove haziness from stainless steel use flour. After washing and cleaning with water and soup, coat surface with a layer of flour and allow it to dry. Use soft cloth and buff away any marks to get shining surface
  7. White vinegar: Spray vinegar liberally on fridge surface and wipe off liquid using clean, dry cloth in one direction.
  8. Orange peel: Once a week, polish the surface using orange peel. Essential oil present in the orange peel gives fresh, clean surface on stainless steel. Fresher the orange peel, better it works!
  9. Lemon oil: Use few drops of lemon oil – put few drops of on clean cloth and rub it on the surface to good shine
  10. Go with grain – Like wood, stainless steel equipment will also have grain surface. Always wipe along the grain.
  11. To remove water spots: Warm white vinegar and soak a towel in vinegar. Place this warm towel on water spots for few minutes and wipe using clean cloth.
  • Clean and wipe the stainless surface two to three times a week. It will help to keep away fingerprints, grease and dirt.
  • While cleaning do not use abrasive cleaners and sponges as they might scratch the surface.
  • Do not use any chlorine based cleaners as it will damage surface

Grandma’s tips:

Image credit: Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay(Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 7, 2018
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Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms

Do not ignore Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms

Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the common vitamin deficiency that is affecting millions of vegetarians and elderly people. It is naturally present in non-vegetarian foods.

Dairy products also have some amount of vitamin B12. Many food products are fortified with B12 vitamins (bread, plant based milk etc).

However, both vegetarians and vegans does generally will have less amount of Vitamin B12. As we age, our body’s ability to absorb  B12 slows down.

Cobalamin is name of Vitamin B12.  People who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia also known to suffer from B12 deficiency!

Symptoms of Vit B12 deficiency:

  • Fatigue and cannot stay awake: Fatigues from cellular level causes a person sleepy all the time. Fatigue can be due to B12 deficiency
  • Weak muscles: Not enough RBC results in less oxygen supply to muscle causing weak muscle
  • Memory loss: Brain also needs oxygen and when there is less RBC less oxygen will carry to brain cells causing memory loss
  • Pale skin: Less RBC production can result in less iron content and a condition called megaloblastic anemia. When this happens RBC become large and fragile. This results in less circulation of RBC and skin appears pale. Fragility of RBC results in excess bilirubin resulting in jaundice and white eye color develops yellow tint.
  • Sensation of pin and needles: Nerve damage is another side effects of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Myelin that surrounds nervous system will function improperly resulting pins and needle sensation of hands and feet. This is called paresthesia.
  • Changes in mobility: Balance and coordination gets disturbed making a person fall due to Vitamin B12 deficiency. It happens more in elderly.
  • Mouth ulcers and glossitis: Oral symptoms such as mouth ulcers is another symptom. Glossitis is color and shape change of tongue. It turns red and swollen due to inflammation – this can happen because of B12 deficiency.
  • Breathlessness and dizziness: Lack of enough RBC and oxygen supply to cells results in unusual breathless especially when someone try to exert to do more and it might result in dizziness.
  • Mood changes: Mood and brain disorders like depression and demential are two other symptoms happens because of low level of Vitamin B12.
  • Disturbed vision: Optic nerve damage as a part of improper nervous system function results in poor vision.

How to overcome Vitamin B12 deficiency?

For optimal health B12 levels should be between 650-900 pg/mL. The Laboratory range in serum is 211-946 pg/mL.  Getting enough Vitamin B12 in the diet is critical when we start developing these above or any symptoms. Talk to your doctor.

If you don’t eat animal products, consider taking Vitamin B12 supplements and foods fortified with B12. Eating and drinking dairy products such as – raw milk, cheese, feta cheese, yogurt and kefir helps.

Improving digestive function with natural probiotics helps to absorb and process Vitamin B12 in the food faster and more efficient. 

Image credit: Photo by Manki Kim on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 6, 2018
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