All posts by Sumana Rao

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Smartphone App to detect food poisoning

Smartphone App to detect food poisoning

Are you afraid of eating out or traveling because of food poisoning? A new App developed at University of Massachusetts, Amherst by food scientists soon will solve this issue as they have come up with a technique that can help us avoid food poisoning!

Smartphone App to detect food poisoning !

What is this technique? Smartphone is the solution. How it is done? By finding presence of bacteria using chips covered with microbes and using smartphone camera! Now, smartphones are becoming more smart and helpful too!

At present, to identify microbes like bacteria that can make us sick, especially the ones’ like E. coli or Salmonella food scientists are using DNA testing. Generally, in the food labs, to find out which bacteria is causing problem scientists to collect the samples from the food like spinach, chicken skin or by rinsing egg etc. They collect small, tiny number of bacteria. These bacterial will be culture 24 hours on Petri dishes to get more colonies. All these tests take time and specialized environment and equipment. Later using DNA testing microbes will be identified. This method is time consuming because it needs more number of bacteria.

In nature a tiny amount of microbe is enough to cause food poisoning and illness. It means the detection need to detect low numbers of bacteria or in micro quantities. Microbiologist Lynne McLandsborough from Massachusetts working with Science professor Lili developed a much simpler technique that is more accessible to detect harmful bacteria in food that we eat.

It is a smartphone app that uses a $30/- microscope attachment!! This device works with a chemically coated chip that binds to bacteria in tiny amounts. For example, the chip will be dipped into contaminated water for half an hour to reveal the bacteria. Chip will be clipped right onto the camera of iPhone or smartphone.

During demonstration of their invention, Adam Salhaney, an undergraduate student pointed the microscope at a gold chip they have coated with Salmonella. Image enlarged showed the number of black dots set against the gold background of the chip and black dots were bacteria. Their hope is that consumers will buy this testing kit for kitchens and use it when they want including to test drinking water during natural disaster. Hope is that the average consumer should be able to figure out without much difficulty whether food is contaminated.

At present the experiment tests are preliminary. However, several food processing companies have contacted the research group after their work published beginning of this year. It will take few more years to get into the market. Reason is, as of now bacterial image can be obtained but to understand whether it is pathogenic or nonpathogenic, harmful or harmless and, to find out exact type of bacteria, scientists need to develop further technique.

There are millions of consumers who use smartphone for various purposes. Eventually using smartphone in the kitchen to help prevent family from eating contaminated food is a possibility. It keeps everyone healthy and smart!

Reference sources:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: March 9, 2018
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Parents health knowledge

Test your knowledge about kid’s health

Test your knowledge about kid’s health

  1. Parents should start cleaning their child’s teeth as soon as the first tooth appears.



2. Children younger than 6 years should use enough toothpaste with fluoride to cover the toothbrush.



3. A parent or other family member’s attitude about tobacco influences a teen’s likelihood to try tobacco products.



4. Less than 25% of all rapes of females occur before age 18.



5. Birth defects are the leading cause of death in children and adolescents.



6. Vaccines protect children against nine potentially serious diseases.



7. Kids should wash their hands vigorously together for 20 seconds to remove germs.



8. For babies under 6 months of age, sunscreen is the best defense against sunburn.



9. Children should get at least 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity on all or most days of the week.



 10. By the age of 20, the average woman has acquired most of her skeletal mass.



Question 1 – Parents should start cleaning their child’s teeth as soon as the first tooth appears.

True: Start cleaning as soon as the first tooth appears. Wipe teeth every day with a clean, damp cloth. Switch to a small, soft toothbrush as more teeth come in.

Question 2 – Children younger than 6 years should use enough toothpaste with fluoride to cover the toothbrush.

False : Young children should use only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is important for fighting cavities, but if children younger than 6 years swallow too much fluoride, their permanent teeth may have white spots.

Question 3 – A parent or other family member’s attitude about tobacco influences a teen’s likelihood to try tobacco products.

True : Research suggests that parental attitude is very important. If a parent is indifferent or permissive toward the issue of tobacco use, a teenager’s likelihood of smoking increases. The value a parent places on a tobacco-free lifestyle—regardless of whether a parent uses tobacco—carries significant weight.

Question 4 – Less than 25% of all rapes of females occur before age 18.

False : More than half (54%) of all rapes of females occur before age 18; of those, 22% occur before age 12.

Question 5 – Birth defects are the leading cause of death in children and adolescents.

False : In the United States, injuries are the leading cause of death and disability for people aged 1 to 44 years. Most deaths among children and adolescents aged 5-19 years are from the following injury-related causes: motor vehicle crashes, all other unintentional injuries, homicide, and suicide. Highly associated with these injuries are certain adolescent behaviors, such as physical fights, carrying weapons, and not using seatbelts.

Question 6 – Vaccines protect children against nine potentially serious diseases.

False : Vaccines protect against 12 potentially serious diseases: measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), pertussis (whooping cough), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib disease), hepatitis B, varicella (chickenpox), hepatitis A, and pneumococcal disease. At least one shot is needed for each of these diseases, and for some of them several doses are required for the best protection.

Question 7 – Kids should wash their hands vigorously together for 20 seconds to remove germs.

True : By the way, it’s not just for kids. Everyone should wash their hands for 20 seconds (or about the length of a little tune) to remove germs. It is the soap combined with the scrubbing action that helps dislodge and remove germs.

Question 8 – For babies under 6 months of age, sunscreen is the best defense against sunburn.


Your baby’s best defense against sunburn is avoiding the sun or staying in the shade. However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics sunscreen use on babies less than 6 months old is not harmful on small areas of a baby’s skin, such as the face and back of the hands.

Question 9 – Children should get at least 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity on all or most days of the week.

False : It is recommended that children and adolescents participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most, preferably all, days of the week.

Question 10 – By the age of 20, the average woman has acquired most of her skeletal mass.

True : By the age of 20, the average woman has acquired most of her skeletal mass. It is important for young girls to reach their peak bone mass in order to maintain bone health throughout life. A person with high bone mass as a young adult will be more likely to have a higher bone mass later in life. Not getting enough calcium or exercise early on could result in a failure to achieve peak bone mass in adulthood.

See more here :


Image credit: Photo by CDC from Pexels

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 21, 2018
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What makes a home

What makes a home

When you are visiting someone’s house you might see display on the wall “this is our home” or “Home is where the family eats together” “ I love my home” etc. What is a house and a home?

House refers to concrete building and location where someone lives.

Home is a place where you feel that you belong in that place and it is a special place where you feel comfortable, love and affection of the family. House is for physical protection.

You either feel at home or not feel at home in a house. So what makes a house a home? To make a house a home one should develop and introduce the beautiful thoughts and act.

House becomes a home when:

  • You fill a house with charity
  • Decorate house with love, affection and beautiful stuffs
  • When you eat dinner together and spend time together
  • When you treat each other respectfully and give and receive love
  • When you forgive and forget other’s blunder and mistakes
  • Your attitude filled with selflessness, service and kindness
  • Children laugh, cry and snuggle with you
  • One respect and take care of elders and make their life interesting
  • Play game with family and friends
  • Watch movie, have dance party, perform rituals and bring joy
  • You cook food and experiment cooking, feed family
  • You share your daily activities, sorrow, happiness and stories
  • You laugh, cry, show concern and develop empathy for humans
  • Store and protect things that are close to your heart
  • Share space with loved ones and pets
  • You create memories
  • A place that feels comfortable, livable for you and your family
  • As you enter the place every evening, you should feel welcomed

A home is where relationship and integrity forms. A Home should make a person strong, empathetic, affectionate, It should develop good values in children and gives something valuable in a person’s life. And, as they say, “If you fill a house with love, it becomes a home”!

Listen to grandma:


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 20, 2018
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Ovarian cancer originates from Fallopian tubes!

Ovarian cancer originates from Fallopian tubes!

Evidence from new research work suggests that most common type of ovarian cancer may originate in the Fallopian tubes and not from the ovaries. Research also suggests that there is a window of several years between the development of lesions in Fallopian tubes and start of the ovarian cancer!

Ovarian cancer is the first leading cause of death in women killing many each year. One of the reason is there is no real way to screen ovarian cancer. It is usually not diagnosed until it has spread and reached later stages.  Nearly, 15 to 20% ovarian cancers are inherited and women who test positive for genetic mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have more risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Two studies published in Journal of Nature Communications focused on high grade serous ovarian cancer which is a serious and common type ovarian cancer. Prof. Douglas Levine Director of gynecologic Oncology at the Perimutter Cancer Center at New York University and his coworkers examined the precursor lesion that are an abundance of abnormal cells and genetic profiles of 96 women with ovarian cancer. These were compared with tissues of Fallopian tube, ovaries and the lining inside the abdomen of healthy women. Using the molecular bar technology scientists tried to understand which tissue the cancerous cells were more genetically similar to.

Their finding is that, in almost every case the cancerous cells were similar to the fallopian tube tissue!

Dr. Levine said, “ovarian cancer really comes from the fallopian tube and technically it is fallopian tube cancer even though we are not going to change the name”

For women who carry such genes there is no way to screen for ovarian cancer and doctors usually recommend preventive surgery between ages 35 and 40 (if women do not want to conceive any more). The surgery entails removing both fallopian tubes and ovaries. This causes premature menopause. Experts say getting into menopause 10 to 12 years early can hurt women’s quality of life. As Dr. Karen Lu, senior VP of Anderson Cancer Center at Huston says, “surgical menopause in no walk in the park”. It means women must face drastic decline in estrogen level and it affects their mood, night sweat, hot flash and sex life.

Trials in both USA and the Netherlands are currently going on to see if removing fallopian tubes and delaying removal of ovaries should be considered in women who have BRCA mutations and are at high risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Dr. Levine is part of this experimental treatment where instead of removing both ovaries and fallopian tubes at same time, removing only the fallopian tubes followed by removing ovaries in later years. This will help women to go through menopause in later years.

In the second study in nature communications from John Hopkins University school of Medicine co researchers examined the small lesions in Fallopian tube, Fallopian tube tumors, ovarian cancers and metastases from women with high grade serous ovarian cancer. Sequenced genomes revealed that about seven years elapses between development of the early Fallopian tube lesions and ovarian cancer and within a year cancer quickly spread. Dr. Velculescu Oncology professor from John Hopkins said, “if we catch these lesion early, we can intervene before the cancer metastasizes”

Researchers are trying to confirm their findings on larger scale by studying other subtypes of ovarian cancer.

These findings have significant impact on early detection, prevention and therapeutic intervention of ovarian cancer.

For more please visit:

Image credit:

Attribution: Cancer Research UK / CC BY-SA (

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 16, 2018
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Tabouli And Veg Salad

Tabouli and Raw Vegetables


Mediterranean dish and world famous tabouli is delicious and has unique flavor because of all its ingredient. The bulgur wheat is rich in fiber and protein supplies less fat and tastes great. Parsley, onion, cucumber, tomato – all goodness is merged together with bulgur wheat and lemon juice makes it easy to digest and fill the stomach. Have tabouli with roti instead of fat filled side dishes and reduce weight.

Raw Vegetables

Hungry and carving for snack? Don’t touch fried items. Instead have good tasty raw vegetables in salad form. Raw vegetables contain both dietary fiber and water – both makes it easy to fill stomach fast. Coat vegetables – carrots, colorful bell peppers, celery, cucumber, tomato with your choice of dip and salsa. Fibers in raw vegetables helps to reduce hunger and lose weight.

Image credit:, cyclonebill, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Quinoa And Soup

Quinoa and Soup


Quinoa is rich with nutrients and supplies fiber and protein. Eating quinoa for breakfast or lunch helps to reduce weight. After consuming quinoa one won’t feel like going after snacks and fried items as the stomach feels satisfied with the fiber that is sitting inside. It is especially good for vegetarians who wants to lose weight with a good dietary fiber that also provides energy! Moreover, quinoa has less Glycemic index!!


Water content and vegetable fibers from vegetarian soup makes it one of the best choice to lose weight. Just don’t add too much cream or butter in your soup. People who consume soup regularly are less likely to be overweight. Soup is filling and eating hot soup by spoon forces person to slow down on eating .  It also helps in easy digestion and promotes metabolism. Have soup in the beginning of meal and you will reach your goal fast! Traditional Indian soup “rasam” is one of the best soup that one should try for weight loss!

Image credit:

Image by Bernadette Wurzinger from Pixabay  (cc by 0)

Image by RitaE from Pixabay  (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Hot Peppers And Cinnamon

Hot Peppers and Cinnamon

Hot Peppers

Capsaicin present in hot peppers responsible for spiciness of the peppers. Adding hot pepper to meals burn extra calories and the fat.  When we eat spice, especially hot pepper the increase in energy expenditure or heat production results in fat burning. Include some hot peppers in your meal every now and then. Well, don’t make it too spicy as too much spice can lead to acidity too!


Another spice is cinnamon. It is a complex spice, it contains cinnamaldehyde that helps to stabilize the blood sugar level and fat burn. Add bit of cinnamon in your food – curry, tea, coffee, yogurt, salad or have it with little honey and lime water. It curbs the appetite and promotes weight loss. It prevents accumulation of more fat and helps to lose weight. Cinnamon reduces bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.  Cinnamon stick or powder is the one that works not cinnamon rolls, cakes or doughnuts.


Image credit:

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay  (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Pears And Apples

Pears and Apples

Pears and Apples

These two fruits are high in water content. Added, they contain extra fiber in the form of skin. Both fruits keep stomach feel full for longer. Instead of consuming juice and adding sugar to your body, eat fresh pear and apple. Apple is available in most season and easily available. When you chew on these fruits (instead of smoothie gulping), saliva produced in the mouth helps for proper & processed digestion.


Fiber present in grapefruit takes longer to digest. It boosts immune system and anti-inflammatory. Half grapefruit ensures the average adult to meet daily Vit C requirement. . It contains a compound called nootkatone that likely to prevent obesity and helps in weight loss.  It encourages body’s energy producing function like glucose uptake and boost metabolism.


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Image by RitaE from Pixabay (cc by 0)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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