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Betel Leaf Chutney

Betel Leaf (Paan Leaf) Chutney!

Recipe by: Mamatha Anil  (

  • Paan or betel leaves are part of Indian tradition and culture. On every festive occasion Indians use paan leaf which represents auspicious occasion and good luck. People are also fond of paan leaves and chew them with supari or betel nut (Areca nut). Chewing just the paan leaves has many health benefits.
  • Digestion improvement: Chewing betel leaves takes a lot of effort and has a good impact on salivary gland. It stimulates the release of saliva which is needed for digestion.
  • Removes bad breath & odor: Chewing betel helps to reduce bactericidal effects  on bad breath and odor.
  • It is an aphrodisiac: Betel leaf is known to have aphrodisiac !
  • Warts removal: Ayurveda uses betel leaves in treating warts. It not only removes warts but also the scars!
  • Boils cure: Warmed betel leaves coated with castor oil can be placed over the boil removes boil.
  • Anti-diabetic: Extracts of betel leaves are known to control blood sugar levels.
  • Cough control: Combination of betel leaf and honey is helpful in reducing cough and removing phlegm.
  • Headache and stomach ache reliever: Betel leaf is also known to have analgesic properties. Warm beter leaf and apply castor oil and place it on the area where it is paining.
  • Cures constipation: Stalk of betel leaves dipped in castor oil, when introduced in the rectum, effectively relieves constipation. Chewing betel leaf also supplies much needed fiber and helps to overcome constipation.

Here is a simple and delicious recipe of green chutney that one can make using betel leaf.


  1. Betel leaves 6-10
  2. Chana dal/Bengal gram 1-2 tsp
  3. Urad dal/black gram 1-2 tsp
  4. Curry leaves 2 strands
  5. Coriander leaves (chopped) ½ cup
  6. Green chilies 2-3
  7. Dry red chilies 2
  8. Garlic cloves 4-6
  9. Grated coconut 2-3 tsp
  10. Cumin seeds ¼ tsp
  11. Jaggery 2-3 tsp
  12. Tamarind lemon size
  13. Mustard seeds ¼ tsp
  14. Asafetida pinch
  15. Oil
  16. Salt


1. Wash coriander, curry and betel leaves.

2. Soak the tamarind in water and extract the juice.

3. Chop coriander leaves and betel leaves.

4. Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds then cumin seeds and fry them.

5. Add chana dal and then add urad dal and fry them.

6. Add green chilies, curry leaves, coriander leaves one by one and fry them.

7. Finally add garlic and grated coconut fry them for few minutes. Switch off the stove. Let it cool down.

8. Grind the fried ingredients into coarse paste first. Now add chopped betel leaves, salt, tamarind water and jaggery, grind into fine paste.

9. Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, chana dal, asafetida, cumin and dry red chili one by one and fry them. Add ground paste and fry for a minute. Switch off  the stove.

10. Betel leaf chutney is ready to serve as a side dish with dosa, chapati or roti. Or one can mix this with white rice with little oil.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 15, 2016
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Say hello to Turmeric Latte - Golden milk - Haldi Doodh !

Say hello to Turmeric Latte – Golden milk – Haldi Doodh!

“Golden milk” – have you heard about this? Golden milk is among the top online searches in 2016 and is a popular drink of choice ! What is this golden milk? Ask Indian grandmothers – they know this. Yes, this is nothing but “turmeric milk”, or “haldi doodh “a drink which helps to soothe the throat during cough and cold. Now this golden milk is selling as turmeric latte in cafes from Sydney to US to UK. In a new report on food trends in the US, Google singled out turmeric’s ascent after searches for the spice increased by 56% from November 2015 to January 2016.

Turmeric Latte” is basically haldi doodh, a remedy Indian parents have been giving their children for years (Buzz Feed) Well, the popularity of Indian food & items is going up ! The list goes on… chai -latte, naan, bollywood dance, samosa, tikka masala, chenna, dosa and now it is turmeric milk and turmeric latte !

Indian foods are popular and gaining more importance because of various medicinal and health benefits. After homemade clarified butter or ghee, yogurt or curd, coconut oil, chilly, pickles which are popular from South Asian pantry, the recent popular addition for this is turmeric. Turmeturnric is part of Ayurvedic medicine and also a integral part of Indian cooking from centuries. It has many, many benefits and turmeric plant is considered as wonderful, gifted herb. Turmeric is the vibrant orange-yellow spice affectionately known as the magic sword against inflammation, birthed in India and crowned centuries ago as one of the great dosha balancers in ayurvedic medicine. With all the healing benefits, you can taste the inherent goodness with each sip. It is just as delicious as it is nutritious.

Turmeric latte is an alternative to total caffeinated drink is a recent trend that is happening in Western countries and people love the taste of this new “latte”. Restaurants and cafes are adding espresso shot for an iced version of the yellow milk. Another variation that we can see in restaurants is for the fresh turmeric juice adding coconut milk or almond milk with honey and black pepper gives this new type of latte which is haldi doodh of grandma’s!

Here is the recipe of turmeric milk or golden milk or turmeric milk.


1. 1 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk or fresh milk

2. 1 heaping tablespoon fresh turmeric root, grated (or use approximately 2 teaspoons turmeric paste – see below)

3. 1 teaspoon cinnamon

4. 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger root (or 1 teaspoon ground)

5. 1 tablespoon coconut oil

6. Raw honey or sweetener of choice to taste

7. Pinch of black pepper (optional)

To make the turmeric paste, combine 2 parts turmeric powder with 1 part boiling water. Mix and store any extra in the fridge for up to 5 days.


• Gently warm the almond or coconut milk or milk in a small saucepan. Do not boil. Add turmeric, ginger and cinnamon.
• Next, combine coconut oil with the mixture and gently heat together until melted. Use a wire whisk or immersion blender to create a foam. Continue to stir until frothy and heated through.
• Stir in honey or sweetener of choice to taste. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.
• Turmeric milk is ready to serve !


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Upward facing pose

Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose

(If you are a yogi and, want to challenge yourself here is an advanced yoga pose for you. This inversion pose is similar to wheel pose and it helps in building strength of shoulders and reduces abdominal fat. Learn and perform this yoga pose with the supervision of an instructor!  Learn systematically how to do the inversion and how to come out of the pose without any injury –

Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff Pose : Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (sanskrit)

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana :(dwee PAH-dah vip-ar-EE-tah dahn-DAHS-anna)

dwi pada = both feet : viparita = reverse, inverted: danda = staff, rod


  • Strengthens the legs
  • Increases spinal flexibility
  • Opens the chest and shoulders
  • Soothes the mind



1. Prepare to come into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose). Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet near your bottom, hip-distance wide. Inhale and reach your arms overhead. Bend your elbows and place your palms next to your head, fingers pointing toward your feet.

2. Exhale and push into your hands to bring the crown of your head to the floor.

3. Inhale and push your hands and feet into the floor to lift into Wheel pose.

4. Exhale and lower your head to the ground. Lift your heels to bring your forearms to either side of your head. Clasp your hands together.

5. Walk your legs away from you. Bring the big toes together to touch

6. Extend the chest. Stay in Upward Facing Two-Foot Staff pose for several breaths.

7. Walk your feet in slightly. Place your palms next to your head and push back up into Wheel. Exhale and lower first the crown of the head and then the whole body to the floor.



  • Bridge pose with legs extended
  • Urdva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose)
  • Modifications: Keep the feet directly below the knees and the head lifted slightly off the floor.


  • Maintain a steady breath.
  • Rotate the shoulder blades toward the tailbone.
  • Open the chest.


Enter the pose from Sirsasana (Headstand).


  • Pushing the shoulders beyond the elbows
  • Elbows wider than shoulder-distance apart

(This article and image is reprinted with permission from – please visit to learn more poses)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 9, 2016
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Rio's water for athletes

How safe is drinking water in Rio?

Did you know? 3 Teaspoons Of Water In Rio Is Enough To Make Anyone Seriously Sick. A new study found that viral levels in Rio’s water are 1.7 MILLION times what Europe or the U.S. considers “worrying.”

With the Olympic Games just around the corner (ps: started this week) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, doctors are warning athletes to keep their mouths closed while in the water. The reason? Well, a 16-month-long study determined viral levels in the city’s water to be 1.7 MILLION times what Europe or the US consider to be “worrying.”

The mind-boggling reality is a result of raw sewage being pumped into the water. In fact, it’s estimated that ingesting just three teaspoons of the water is enough to many anyone seriously ill.

The news is especially concerning for the athletes that participate in water sports, such as rowing and sailing. Distractify relays that Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon and the Gloria Marina are among the most contaminated places in the area. At the lagoon, where rowing will take place, scientists found 1.73 billion adenoviruses per liter. Compare that to a location like California – a U.S. state that has some of the most polluted water – which has viral readings in the thousands.

Effects of swallowing the toxic water may result in stomach and respiratory illnesses. In addition, heart and brain inflammation are also concerning possibilities. The most frightening aspect of this news is the fact that antibiotics would be useless against these viruses.

According to Dr. Valerie Harwood of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida, 16 months of vigorous testing found that 90% of all locations had high levels of the viruses.

The physician states:

“That’s a very, very, very high percentage. Seeing that level of human pathogenic virus is pretty much unheard of in surface waters in the US. You would never, ever see these levels because we treat our waste water. You just would not see this.”

Olympic athletes are not the only ones in danger, obviously. Many of the beaches, according to Dr. Harwood, are also contaminated. Her advice to the half a million tourists who will flock to the city? Avoid putting your head underwater. Swimmers who ingest the water get “violently ill.”

Sadly, even the sand isn’t believed to be safe. Harwood advises parents to keep their your kids from playing in the sand because samples of sand from beaches at Copacabana and Ipanema revealed viruses which could pose a health risk to babies and toddlers.

“Both of them have pretty high levels of infectious adenovirus. You know how quickly an infant can get dehydrated and have to go to the hospital. That’s the scariest point to me,” said Dr. Harwood.

Olympic officials insist that the water is safe, but this latest finding by the Associated Press indicates otherwise. Hopefully, this news serves as a wake-up call for the rest of the planet to adopt more sustainable habits before other waterways become toxic and polluted.

Read More:

More on Rio water issues:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Eye Protection

Food and tips for good vision and eye health

Eye health starts from what we eat. Vision is one of the most important aspect of human being. It is important to keep the good vision and take care of eye health.  Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help ward off age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts. Regularly eating these foods can help lead to good eye health. Understand where these vitamins and other nutrients are hidden in various types of food.

Lutein & zeaxanthin: Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids, which are responsible for the yellow color in many fruits and vegetables. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the predominant pigments in macula of our eyes .

Which foods supply? : Cooked spinach contains both lutein and zeaxanthin, which may prevent age-related macular degeneration. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, and romaine lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, garden peas and brussels sprouts contain these pigments.  Among fruits and fruit juices, canned tangerine juice and canned mandarin oranges provide about 0.4 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are present in small amounts in most other fruits such as raspberries, papayas, oranges, peaches, cherries and blueberries.

 Vitamin E: According to the Institute of Medicine adults need to get 15 milligrams of vitamin E each day.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant and it helps protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Vitamin E helps in preventing muscular degeneration of eyes and prevents cataract.

Which foods supply vitamin E? :Commonly cited sources of Vitamin E include Fortified cereals and granola, Wheat germ oil seeds, nuts, and oils made out of them (especially almonds and sunflower seeds)

Peanuts and peanut oil, few green vegetables like spinach and broccoli and fruits kiwi, mango, and tomatoes also supply vitamin E.

Vitamin A: For healthy eyes consume vitamin A more.  To prevent cataract and poor vision one need to consume vitamin A. It also helps in preventing eye muscle degeneration. A diet rich in Vitamin A can prevent nighttime blindness, eye inflammation, and dry eyes.

Which foods supply vitamin A? Vitamin A present in milk, fish and eggs, Most dietary provitamin A comes from leafy green vegetables, orange and yellow vegetables, tomato products, fruits, and some vegetable oils. The top sources of provitamin A include carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe, and squash. Carrot contains carotenoid a precursor for vitamin A.

Vitamin C: To absorb more trace elements and to fight against free radicals everyone needs vitamin C and eye vision depends on this.

Which foods supply vitamin C? All citrus fruits, guava, bell peppers, chilis, fresh parsley, green peppers, kiwi, pineapples, tomato and papaya contain high amount of vitamin C.

Zinc: For growth and division of cells zinc is essential. It also helps to get good vision – keeps the good circulation, prevents autoimmune reactions and controls inflammatory cytokines attack on the tissues.

Which foods contain zinc? Pumpkin seeds, dark chocolates, sesame seeds, watermelons, squash, chickpeas etc.

Omega 3: It stabilizes the blood sugar level and controls the inflammation. It also helps to control damage to eyes and protects the vision by fighting bad cholesterol and diabetes.

Which foods contain omega 3? Chia seeds, flax seeds,  hempseeds, walnut, natto and cod liver Oil

For better vision and eye health include following foods in your diet:

  • As many fruits and veggies as possible—aim for 7 or more combined servings a day.
  • Extra virgin olive oil as your oil of choice.
  • A generous handful of nuts daily.
  • Starchy carbohydrates with a low to moderate glycemicindex—100% whole grains and beans/legumes.

 Avoid these habits and foods:

  • The “Great White Hazards” — white flour products, white potatoes, white rice, sugar/sweets
  • Saturated fats — fatty cuts of red meat, whole dairy products, and butter.
  • Sugary beverages — soda, fruit drinks, sports drinks, vitamin water, etc.
  • Trans fats — strictly avoid stick margarine, fried fast foods, and processed foods.
  • Avoid smoking, too much drinking of alcohol.


Image credit: Image by Paul Diaconu from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 2, 2016
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