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Peanut Chat Recipe

Peanut Chat

Peanuts are rich in protein and packed with nutrients. Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, the type of fat that is emphasized in the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. Peanut kernels are good source of dietary protein; compose fine quality amino acids that are essential for growth and development. Peanuts are an excellent source of resveratrol, another polyphenolic antioxidant. Research studies suggest that roasting or boiling enhances antioxidant bio-availability in the peanuts.

Boiled peanut chat is delicious and a good snack during winter and rainy season.


  1. Raw Peanut 3 cups (with shell)
  2. Onion finely chopped 1 cup
  3. Tomato finely chopped 1 cup
  4. Cilantro chopped ½ cup
  5. Lemon juice 2 tsp
  6. Chat masala 1 tsp
  7. Red chilli powder ½ tsp
  8. Salt


1. Wash raw Peanuts 4-5 times. Pressure cook with little salt. Let it cool down.

2. Remove the peanuts from the shell.

3. Combine peanuts, chopped onion and tomato, chat masala, red chilli powder, lemon juice and cilantro. Mix well. Adjust the salt.

4. Serve spicy Peanut chat with coffee or tea.

* Peanuts may cause severe allergic reactions to kids. 

Recipe & Image by: Mamatha Anil @

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 2, 2016
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Good sources of carbohydrate are:

  • fats, oils, butter, and margarine.
  • fish, eggs, beef, pork, and poultry.
  • cereals, fruits, vegetables, and milk.
  • green leafy vegetables, seafood, and water.

The answer is: Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables and Milk

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 1, 2016
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Marichi's Pose II

Marichyasana II

Marichyasana is beginners yoga pose and advanced pose is Marichyasana II is slightly advanced pose. Both are good for following conditions – Constipation, digestive problems,  asthma, fatigue, lower backache, sciatica, menstrual discomfort.  These poses also massages abdominal organs, including the liver and kidneys, stretches the shoulders, stimulates the brain, relieves mild backache and hip pain, strengthens and stretches the spine –Healthylife.

Sanskrit: Marichyasana II


Marichi = a sage; son of the creator Brahma, Marichi = literally a ray of light


  1. Tones the abdominal organs
  2. Improves digestion
  3. Stretches the spine and shoulders
  4. Calms the mind


  1. Low back or knee injuries
  2. Asthma
  3. Diarrhea


1. Begin sitting in Dandasana (Staff pose).

2. Draw your right knee into your chest, externally rotate your thighbone, and place your right leg in Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus pose).

3. Bend your left leg and place the sole of your left foot on the floor, close to your groin. Interlace your fingers around your left shin and squeeze the leg in toward you. Release your hands.

4. Reach your left arm and shoulder forward on the inside of your left leg. Face your palm outward, thumb pointing down.

5. Inhale and bend your left arm, reaching it around the outside of the leg. Then exhale and reach your right arm behind you. Hold onto your fingers, hands, or wrists.

6. Lengthen your spine as you inhale. Then exhale and hinge forward, drawing your torso toward your right knee or the floor.

7. Stay in Marichi’s pose II for several breaths. Inhale and rise. Change sides.



  • Marichyasana I (Marichi’s pose)
  • Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle pose)


  • Sit on the edge of a folded blanket.



  • Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle pose)
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half-Bound Lotus Seated Forward Bend)
  • Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee pose)
  • Bharadvajasana I (Bharadvaja’s Twist)


  • Supta Masyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist)


Coming into Ardha Padmasana incorrectly: Students should first hug the knee into the chest, and then rotate the leg outward.

Reference: This article and image reprinted here with permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Organic Football Farm

An Organic farming in Football Field!

Organic farming is very promising and can bring good health to everyone. In Paul Quinn College, Texas organic farming in Foot ball field helped in many ways…Healthylife.

When President Michael J. Sorell took over at Paul Quinn College, a private, historically black college in Texas, the school was just barely getting by. Sorell knew he needed to make some serious changes if the college he now ran was going to succeed once again and continue to make a name for itself.

For him, that meant making some really tough choices. Since college football has such a strong fanbase in America, it was difficult for Sorell to make the decision to cut the entire team. What the college was left with was an empty sports field and lots of ideas about how to put it to use.

After three years of mulling over their options, Sorell collaborated with Trammell S. Crow, a local real estate agent who was also a philanthropist and looking to add a community garden to the area. The football field was the perfect locale, and what started out as a few raised beds with some small crops quickly turned into so much more.

President Sorell knew that the surrounding area of Dallas, Texas had little access to fresh food because of the lack of available land. When plans for a campus grocery store that would supply fresh food fell through, Sorell decided that their tiny garden needed to be their primary supply.

With the help of Crow and a sponsorship from PepsiCo’s Food For Good Initiative, the We Over Me Farm became a reality. Today, the organic farm boasts an annual yield of 30,000 pounds of food, 15-20 percent of which is donated to local food charities. The farm has also gotten the college back on the right track and it’s now listed as a local food producer.

The community is intensely involved in maintaining the farm now, and they often have programs that draw in more neighbours to join in.

“One weekend, we literally had three generations of one family all volunteering at the farm,” said Hannah Koski, who now runs the farm. “It was awesome.”

The farm is essentially split in who tends to it and who receives what produce, but it still brings the community together. While one section goes to local catering companies and restaurants, another is donated to churches and even another has a small flock of chickens whose eggs are used in a weekend meal program. Each part of the farm serves a purpose and nothing goes to waste.

While it has obviously made an impact in the local food supply, the farm has also less explicitly improved the community in other ways. Some individuals started working and volunteering for the farm part-time and have learned valuable skills to take with them through life.

One student worker, Chardae Plump, said, “Working here has also taught me a lot about what we eat. We eat a lot of fast food, not a lot of healthy choices here. Growing up, my mom loved vegetables, but I never knew how they grew or how to sustain a farm.”

The garden is seen as “much more than a farm” because of how it has affected everyone and changed the surrounding area. It has greatly impacted the individuals who run it and benefit from it, and Koski said,

“At the end of the day, the farm is about the students. Most are from under-served, disadvantaged communities, and I want to set them up for success as much as possible.”

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How To Trap Fruit Flies Naturally?

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies Naturally?

Often we find flies in the kitchen flying and sitting on fruits and vegetables.  Fruit flies love ripened fruits and vegetables.  Nobody likes to see them on foods as it is not only unhealthy also irritating and disgusting.  Some suggestions here to get rid of those fruit flies naturally in a very inexpensive way.

Do you know that mother fruit flies lay about 200-300 eggs at a time? They love rotting fruit to do so. Once the babies hatch they start buzzing around for about 2 weeks.

Some tips to control fruit flies naturally and it does not cost you much..

1) Use apple cider vinegar and dish soap:  Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and few drops of dish soap liquid and put it in a bottle. Prepare a paper funnel and insert in the bottle mouth.  If you have a over ripened fruit take a piece of it and put it in the mix. Keep it near fruits and you will see flies jumping inside the bottle! Dish soap does not allow them to fly back and traps flies.

2) Fruit and plastic wrap: Take a glass jar and a plastic wrap. Place a couple of pieces of ripened banana and some other fruits inside the bottle. Add little soapy water.  Cover the mouth with a plastic wrap. Take a toothpick and poke few holes in the wrap. Set it near the fruits.  Flies enter the bottle and are trapped !

3) Grape juice or red wine trap: If you have left over red wine, use it to trap flies. If you don’t have red wine don’t worry… get grapes and prepare concentrated juice.  Add one of this to bottle along with little soap water. Use plastic wrap as described above and ta…da…. flies are trapped!

4) Glue and banana trap: Mix glue and banana and spread it on a piece of cardboard sheet or thick glassy paper. Hang this near the fruit basket. Flies get stuck to glue and die!

5) Milk, sugar and pepper: Yes, you heard it right! Simmer all three ingredients (2 cups of milk, -1/4 pound of raw sugar and one oz of ground pepper). Pour the mixture into several bottles and keep in places where flies are appearing. Flies gets attracted to sugar and milk scent and will be trapped in the thick liquid. You can also add few drops of dish soap into it.

6) Yeast, a pinch of sugar- Mix two ingredients in warm water and transfer to a bottle with plastic wrap with holes.  Yeast and sugar attracts the flies and gets trapped!

7) Clove and fruits: Stick 20 to 30 cloves into apple or banana or oranges. Do not remove the skin of fruits. Place these fruits in places where there are flies.  The strong smell of cloves will keep flies  away, so they won’t enter the area.

8) Other tips:

  • Fruit flies breed even in the drains. Add vinegar, dish soap into hot water and pour in the drain.
  • Keep the drain area dry and clean
  • Remove garbage regularly
  • To garbage can add few drops of vinegar and clean.

Image credits & more ideas:,,,, pixababy, unsplash

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:

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A function of carbohydrates in the diet is to:

  • enable chemical reactions.
  • promote growth and repair of tissues.
  • supply energy.
  • maintain water balance.

The answer is: Supply Energy

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 29, 2016
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