All posts by HealthyLife

HealthyLife is a part of, an all India – centric website ( and is solely owned and operated by It is a Indian nutritional portal providing educational articles.This nutritional port was launched on February 5th, 2015.

Nutrients that supply energy are:

  • fats and vitamins.
  • minerals and water.
  • minerals and vitamins.
  • fats and carbohydrates.

The answer is: Fats and Carbohydrates

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 9, 2016
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Pepper Rice

Pepper Rice For Winter

For this cold winter try something new – a traditional black pepper rice.  It can be a lunch item too.

Black pepper is a fruit and it an economically important cash crop. It has several health benefits. Ayurvedic system widely uses black pepper as a remedy for several such diseases.

It gives relief from respiratory disorders, coughs, the common cold, constipation, indigestion, anemia, impotency, muscular strains, dental disease, pyorrhea, diarrhea, and heart disease.

Try black pepper rice which is tasty and healthy this cold winter!


1. White rice (your choice) 2.5 cups

2. 1 Tbs clarified butter (ghee)

3. 2 tsp black pepper

4. 2 tsp channa dal

5. 3 tsp urad dal

6. Grated coconut – 2 tsp

7. Asafoetida – as per your requirement

8. 1 string of curry leaves

9. 1 tsp mustard seeds

10. 1 Tbs broken cashew nuts

11. 1 Tbs ground nuts

12. Salt to taste

13. Coriander leaves – chopped 1/4 cup


1) Cook rice in a rice cooker – rice should not be too soft.

2) In a pan heat clarified butter (ghee) and roast black pepper.

3) Allow pepper to cool and prepare powder.

4) In a deep pan heat ghee and add channa dal, urad dal, curry leaves, mustard seeds, cashew nuts, ground nuts and asafetida. Fry the ingredients till the aroma comes out! Turn of the flame.

5) Add rice, pepper powder and salt and mix well . While mixing add little more ghee.

6) Garnish with grated coconut and coriander leaves and serve hot.

*Do not add more pepper as it will be very spicy. Little amount as mentioned in ingredient list should be sufficient. One can always add more  crushed pepper if they want.

Recipe by:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Most of what we know about vitamins resulted from research that occurred

  • over 2400 years ago in Greece during the time of Hippocrates
  • during the 1600’s in Europe
  • during the early 1900’s
  • in 1943 when the Recommended Dietary Allowances were established

The answer is: During the early 1900's

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 5, 2016
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Raw Mango Recipe

Raw Mango Bhoota Gojju and Mango Chutney

You might find raw mangoes in the market. If so and if you like spicy foods then try these two delicious and tasty recipes- Mango bhoota gojju from North Karnataka, India and Mango chutney. Mangoes supply vitamin C and fiber. Mangoes are also good for bowl movement and helps in reducing constipation!

The two recipes given below tastes much better during rain and cold seasons!!

Mango bhoota gojju909


  1. Raw mango -1
  2. Garlic – 3-5 cloves
  3. Green chilli – 2 to 3
  4. Coconut oil or cooking oil – 1 Tbs
  5. mustard seeds
  6. Curry leaves
  7. Salt to taste


  1. Cook mango till it becomes tender.
  2. In a pan add oil and fry garlic cloves. Add mustard seeds and curry leaves.
  3. Grind green chilli and mango pulp – transfer to a vessel and add salt. Boil this content.
  4. Add garlic, mustard and curry leaves and continue boiling for couple of minutes more.
  5. Serve mango bhoota gojju with rice. One can mix the rice with gojju – add little oil or clarified butter for taste.

Raw Mango Chutney


  1. 1/2 tsp oil
  2. 4 tsp channa dal
  3. 2 tsp black gram dal
  4. 4 to 5 dry red chilies
  5. 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds
  6. 1/4 tsp asafetida
  7. 1 cup coconut
  8. 1 medium raw mango, peeled
  9. Salt per taste

For seasoning

  1. 2 tsp oil
  2. 1/2 tsp mustard seeds
  3. 1 sprig curry leaves
  4. 1/4 tsp asafetida powder


  1. In a heavy bottomed pan, heat 1/2 tsp oil dry roast channa dal, black gram dal, red chillis and fenugreek seeds.
  2. Add coconut and asafetida and continue to roast for one more minute. Turn off the flame.
  3. Allow the mix to cool and add raw mango pieces – mix and transfer to a wet grinder.
  4. Add water and grind the mix to coarse paste. Transfer to a vessel.
  5. In a pan – heat the oil and add mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafetida. Prepare seasoning and transfer the seasoning to above mango chutney.
  6. Add salt and mix the content.
  7. Serve mango chutney with rice, chapati, idli, dose or mix with rice and serve.


Image: Google

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Dakota Access Pipeline

Obama Denies Permit For Dakota Access Pipeline !!

On Sunday, approximately twenty thousand activists and water protectors gathered at the Sacred Stone Camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, in protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Cheers rang out as news spread of the US Army Corps announcing that it would not approve permits for construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

Here comes the victory!

It is being reported that Barack Obama has denied the final permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Secretary of the Army Corps of Engineers has told the Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault that the route for the Dakota Access pipeline has been denied.

The statement just released said:

“Today the Army Corp of Engineers announced its decision not to grant the easement to the Dakota Access Pipeline crossing the Missouri immediately above the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, and to study alternate routes.”

David Archambault said of the breaking news announcement:

“I am thankful there were some leaders in the federal government that realized something was not right even though its legal. For the first time in history native American, they heard our voices. This is something that will go down in history and is a blessing for all indigenous people. I heard the army corp of engineers will not grant the easement and they will reroute. I would say that is it over.”

The decision essentially halts the construction on the 1,172-mile oil pipeline about half a mile south of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The decision is also a victory for the thousands of demonstrators across the country that flocked to North Dakota in protest.

“Our prayers have been answered,” National Congress of American Indians President Brian Cladoosby said in a statement. “This isn’t over, but it is enormously good news. All tribal peoples have prayed from the beginning for a peaceful solution, and this puts us back on track.”

The DAPL will no longer be routed underneath a dammed section of the Missouri River that the Standing Rock Sioux tribe says sits near sacred burial ground. Concern for the pipeline’s development also includes the risk it could pose to the Indigenous peoples’ – and future generations’ – water supply.


However, as The Young Turks have been reporting over the past hour, even though this is a historic victory, we must all remain vigilant in continuing to oppose this pipeline entirely as well as promote wind and solar energies that are so needed at the moment.

Additionally, it must be remembered that Donald Trump has money in this pipeline working out and so the pressure must remain when he becomes President in late January.

This news comes on the day when over 2,000 military veterans have arrived at Standing Rock to help protect the water protectors. Included in the wave of veterans is Hawaii Democrat House Representative Tulsi Gabbard, who has long opposed the pipeline.

Read more here:


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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African-Americans often need to pay special attention to the amount of salt in their diet because they have a much greater chance of developing:

  • cancer.
  • hypertension.
  • cardiovascular disease.
  • diabetes.

The answer is: Hypertension

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 3, 2016
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Grandma's Tips To Save Money

Grandma’s Tips To Save Money

Who does not want to save money? Answer is all of us. Do you know we can save money following some simple and easy steps.

1) Set a weekly or monthly budget and stick to it – Do not spend more than what you need to spend.

2) Go through coupons – cut and store them in a purse. Use them when you go for grocery shopping.

3) Make use of bonus cards. Collect the points and use points to buy something in your next shipping.

4) Make use of internet – online shopping of certain household goods may be cheaper than one available near you.

5) Do not prepare excess food – if you prepare excess food then make up your mind not to waste or throw food.

6) Store leftover food in proper container in refrigerator.

7) Store brands may be cheaper and equally good compared to branded items. Look for store brands.

8) Store loose coins in a jar and use them for grocery shopping.

9) Make use of economical substitution during cooking.  For example sunflower seeds, flax seeds all are good and tastes equally good as pine nuts.

10) Grow your own vegetables- if not in soil, use pots to grow tomatoes, chilies, egg plant, capsicum etc. If tomatoes are excess – make puree and store them in jar for other seasonal uses.

11) Prepare food at home – too many times eating out can cause health issues and can be a burden for your pocket.  Homemade food will be fresh and cheap.

12) Look for sales and grab the coupons – look for buy one get one free or half offers.

13) Put specific amount of cash in an envelop in the beginning of the month. Use this cash for your monthly grocery. If you use credit, debit or check – then there is a reason to spend more. Instead use cash and save.

14) While buying furniture go to those stores that sell second hand furniture that are in good condition.

15) In past decade energy saving bulbs are available. Use them to save on electricity bills.

16) Swap old, good clothes with friends and families. This will help others while helping yourself.

17) Use soap saver to save every bit of soap! Use good bar soap – they lost longer!!

18) Use refill hand soaps and cleaners – this will save money on the bottles that you need to pay.

19) Consume more fruits and vegetables and go meatless to save your health and money.

20) Once a while go for wild edible greens like amaranthus, centella etc – this will develop your tastes for good and healthy foods.

21) Use a reward credit card – talk to your credit card company about the offers they have and decide on best one that suits your needs – cash back on many cards is a common thing.

22) Instead of buying cut vegetables – chop your own vegetables. You will save money on pre-chopped vegetables.

23) Shop at stores that is best for you – do not spend in expensive stores to show your image – it is not worth and causes you double the money on many items.

24) Drink water instead of carbonated and diet sodas.  Water is best for health and no other drinks can replace water.

25) Take advantage of multiple promotions from grocery stores – Coupons, store member cards, loss leaders, catalina offers, multi-item purchase offers,  buy one, get one free offers, clearance groceries etc.

26) Learn the sale cycles of your favorite products- many products that are your favorites can go on sales once a while. Understand how and when the sale cycle happens.

27) When you buy cleaners – buy cleaners known for multipurpose cleaning. Use specialty cleaners for cleaning furniture, carpet and any other expensive house hold items. Newspaper actually cleans better than paper towels – cheaper and leaves no residue.

28) Close off unused rooms to lower your heating and cooling costs.

29) Run full loads of clothes and dishes. Most of a dishwashers energy is used to heat a set amount of water, so running smaller loads wastes both energy and water.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: December 2, 2016
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