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Fenugreek hair care remedies

How to use fenugreek seeds for hair care?

Fenugreek is a good remedy for hair problems. It protects hair from breaking and strengthens hair root. Fenugreek contains protein that strengthen the hair shaft. The mucilage content that we get by soaking fenugreek seed in water supports hair growth and gives shiny look by protecting moisture content. There are different ways to prepare and use fenugreek for hair care.  Fenugreek seed paste alone can be used to get benefits and sometimes adding supporting ingredients enhances its benefits.

Fenugreek seed water:

  1. Soak half cup fenugreek seeds overnight in 1.5 cups of water
  2. Next day morning strain and collect water in a bowl. Keep seeds aside
  3. Fill the fenugreek water in a spray bottle and spray on scalp after hair wash and leave it

Fenugreek oil:

  1. Take about 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds in a frying pan.
  2. Add half cup of fresh curry leaves.
  3. On medium flame dry fry both ingredients. Cool the contents and prepare powder.
  4. Now add half cup of sesame or coconut oil and heat on low flame. When the oil comes to boil add powdered ingredient and boil for few seconds. Turn off the heat source and allow oil to cool.
  5. Strain and collect oil in a spray bottle. Spray oil on scalp and massage daily or alternate days.
  6. Apply the fenugreek seed and curry leaf paste on hair and scalp. Leave it for few minutes before washing hair for few minutes.

Fenugreek powder in curd:

  1. Prepare 2-3 tsp of fenugreek powder
  2. Add little yogurt/curd and prepare a paste
  3. Apply the paste on scalp and leave it for half an hour or so.
  4. Wash hair and spray fenugreek oil or water.

Fenugreek seeds with Aloe vera gel:

  1. Soak half cup fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight
  2. Take one Tbsp of Aloe vera gel and one Tbsp of coconut oil and mix well
  3. Prepare paste of soaked fenugreek seeds and mix with Aloe and coconut oil
  4. Apply the paste on hair and scalp. Leave it for an hour and wash hair.

Fenugreek seed paste in lemon juice.

  1. Soak 2-3 tsp fenugreek seeds overnight in water
  2. Prepare paste in the morning and mix the paste in lemon juice
  3. Apply this fenugreek paste on hair and leave it for half an hour and rinse off.

Fenugreek seeds in coconut oil:

  1. Dry fry fenugreek seeds.
  2. Add fried seeds into coconut oil in a glass bottle.
  3. Leave the bottle in sunlight for few days.
  4. Filter and massage the oil on hair to get its benefit on hair growth, to control dandruff and to get shiny hair.

Fenugreek seed paste in amla juice

  1. Soak fenugreek seeds (2 tsp) overnight in water
  2. Prepare paste and add it to amla juice
  3. Apply this mixture on scalp and hair. Wash hair using mild shampoo.

Image credit: (CC By 2.0)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 23, 2019
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E-cigarette causes pulmonary disease

Severe pulmonary disease associated with E-Cigarette usage

According to the recent warning issued by CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) using E-cigarette products leads to severe pulmonary disease.

On August 30th 2019 CDC has released caution regarding use of any type of Electronic cigarettes. In its emergency preparedness and response CDC has provided:

  1. Background information on the forms of e-cigarettes products
  2. Information on the multistate outbreak of severe pulmonary lung disease associated with devices, liquids, refill pods, cartridges – all types of e-cigarettes
  3. Clinical features of patients with severe pulmonary disease.

CDC health advisory also gives recommendation to public health officials, clinicians and to public the information that is related to use of e-cigarettes that leads to severe lung disease.

Reason for warning:

All E-cigarettes contain nicotine the substance that gives a kick for cigarette smokers. It also contain flavoring and other types of chemicals. According to CDC it might also contain marijuana or other substances. These are known by many other different names and come in different shapes, device types and sizes. E-cigs, vapes, e-hookahs, vape pens, mods, tanks or ENDS or Electronic Nicotine Delivery systems. Some of the e-cigarettes devices resemble tobacco products such as common cigarettes or USB flash drives, pens and flashlights. Some have unique shapes. The vaping and juuling is common problem among youths. The dabbing E-cigarettes are referred as dab pens.

Apart from nicotine, heavy metals like lead, volatile organic compounds and cancer causing compounds are also present in E-cigarettes. In addition, e-cigarettes are according to CDC are, used for delivering illicit substances acquired from unauthorized an unknown vendors or sources.

These products could have been modified that can only cause severe harm to users. For example e-cigarette pods or cartridges marketed for single use can be refilled with illicit substances. Some e-cigarette products are used for dripping that involves dropping e- cigarette liquid directly on hot coils of an e-cigarette that results  in high concentration of cannabinoid or/and, tetrahydrocannabinol compounds. Dabbing involves superheating substances like butane hash oil or budder and 710 that contain high concentration of THC and other plant compounds like cannabidiol or CBD.

E-cigarettes are not approved from FDA as an aid to quit smoking. Adults, young adults and pregnant women who do not use tobacco products must not use e-cigarettes as an alternative to start smoking. E-cigarettes also contain nicotine and have might be useful to reduce smoking habits but still are not approved as an aid to quit smoking.

According to CDC, as of August 27th 2019, 2015 cases are reported in US alone from 25 states for pulmonary illness. One causality has been reported due to severe pulmonary condition. Epidemiologic investigations is still undergoing to understand the characterize of the exposure, demographic, clinical and laboratory features including patients behavior. All those patients have reported to smoke e-cigarette products and many were using the e-cigarettes containing cannabinoid products such as CBD and THC.

Patients will pulmonary conditions have experiences symptoms like cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, severe respiratory problems, gastrointestinal symptoms – nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, fatgue, fever, weight loss over the period of few weeks. In addition, elevated white blood cell count, fever, tachycardia has been reported. Several patients were reported to have lipid pneumonia and many patients required supplemental oxygen. All these patients reported to use e-cigarettes and inhalation of cannabinoid products, THC or cannabidiol in many patients.

CDC is working with state departments to facilitate collecting specimens for further testing at US FDA Forensic Chemistry Center.

CDC has issued following instructions for public:

Recommendations for the Public

  • While this investigation is ongoing, if you are concerned about these specific health risks, consider refraining from using e-cigarette products.
  • Regardless of the ongoing investigation, anyone who uses e-cigarette products should not buy these products off the street (e.g., e-cigarette products with THC, other cannabinoids) and should not modify e-cigarette products or add any substances to these products that are not intended by the manufacturer.
  • Regardless of the ongoing investigation, e-cigarette products should not be used by youth, young adults, pregnant women, as well as adults who do not currently use tobacco products. If you use e-cigarette products, monitor yourself for symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath, chest pain) and promptly seek medical attention if you have concerns about your health. CDC and FDA will continue to advise and alert the public as more information becomes available.
  • Adult smokers who are attempting to quit should use evidence-based treatments, including counseling and FDA-approved medications. If you who need help quitting tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, contact your doctor.
  • If you are concerned about harmful effects from e-cigarette products, call your local poison control center at: 1-800-222-1222.
  • We encourage the public to submit detailed reports of any unexpected tobacco or e-cigarette-related health or product issues to the FDA via the online Safety Reporting Portal: https://www.safetyreporting.hhs.govexternal icon.

If you are a E-Cigarette user please visit for further information.

Image credit: Photo by Thorn Yang from Pexels (CC0)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Red Savina Habanero & Jalapeno

Red Savina Habanero & Jalapeno

Red Savina Habanero: It is a mutated version of hot chili Habanero. It topped in the hot list of chilis and considered to be the hottest chili in the world. These chilis have lantern shape and are hotter than regular habanero.  Consuming red Savina Habanero causes instant burning, tantalizes with heat and tingle tounge and whole system. One should know how to handle such level spice before handling Red Savina Habanero.

Scoville unit: 350,0000-500,000

Hotness scale: >10

Jalapeño: A popular and most widely used hot pepper in Western Countries is Jalapeno. It is pronounced: hah-lah-PEH-nyoh. Jalapeños are finger shaped,  tapered, about 2″ in length and will exhibit slight cracks at the point of stem ending. It is originated from Jalapa town in Veracruz state. Deseeded Jalapeno tastes like bell pepper and  with seeds it is hot. It is a popular item for pickled chilis and used in tacos, salads, jelly and sauces.  Green jalapeno are popular and in market red chilis also available. Dried, smoked jalapeno is called chipotle ( as in restaurant chain Chipotle ).

Scoville units: 2,500-7,000.

Hotness Scale: 3-6

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 8, 2019
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The Carolina Reper and Rocoto chilis

Carolina Reper and Rocoto chilis

The Carolina Reper : Originally named the “HP22BNH7”, Carolina Reper chili was bred by cultivator Ed Currie, who runs PuckerButt Pepper Company in Fort Mill, South Carolina . It appears green, turns to yellow, orange and end red color. Generally harvested in immature stage. These peppers are long, skinny and grow about 5-6 inches with ¾ width. It is a cayenne variety and useful in sauces and used in dishes that need extra spice.  It was created to control destruction of root nematode in chilis.   

Scoville unit: 2,200,000

Hotness Scale: 9.5

Rocoto Pepper :Also known as Aji rocoto, locoto or hairy pepper. It is originated in South America and looks like small miniature bell pepper. Orange, yellow and red are three shades these chilis appear. Yellow rocots are hottest while red rocots are more common. It contains black seeds and leaves are furry looking with hairs. Chilis have fruity flavor and crisp. These chilis are hot and used in sauces and most commonly in salsa.

Scoville units: 100,000 to 250,000

Hotness scale: 8-9

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Wide legged forward bend

Wide legged forward bend

Wide legged forward bend is a beginner pose but provides many benefits for the body. To increase the flexibility of entire body, this pose helps as it stretches hamstrings, IT band, back muscles and groins. While bending it also helps on abdominal muscles to crunch and reduces belly fat too. Forward bending helps in the flow of fresh blood to head. This pose is recommended for those who suffer from depression, anxiety and mood swings. – Healthylife

LEVEL :Beginner

Anatomy :Hamstrings, Hips, Legs, Spine

Pose Type :Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Standing

Sanskrit :Prasarita Padottanasana, (pra-sa-REE-tah pah-doh-tahn-AHS-anna), prasarita = spread out, expanded, pada = foot, leg ,ut = intense tan = stretch

BENEFITS :Stretches the groins, hamstrings, and back muscles, Opens the hips, Brings fresh, oxygenated blood to the head, Relieves mild depression


  • Lower back pain
  • Spine injury


  1. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose), facing the long edge of your mat.
  2. Step your feet wide apart, around 4-5 feet depending on your height. Make sure the inner arches of your feet are parallel. Firm the big toes and outer edges of your feet into the mat.
  3. Bring your hands to your hips. With an inhale, open your chest toward the sky to lengthen your torso.
  4. Exhale and fold forward at the hips, maintaining a straight back and open chest. Bring your hands to the floor beneath your shoulders, fingertips aligned with your toes.
  5. Inhale and engage the core to lengthen your torso. Exhale and fold deeper, reaching the crown of your head toward the mat while lifting your sitting bones toward the sky.
  6. If you feel comfortable here, broaden the shoulders, bend the elbows, and clasp your big toes with your index and middle fingers. Rest the crown of your head on the mat.
  7. Hold this pose for five breaths. On an inhalation, rise to standing and step the feet together. Return to Tadasana.


Alternatives: Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)


  • Place blocks on the floor to support your hands if you cannot reach the ground.
  • Rest the crown of your head on a block or blanket.
  • If your back is tight, focus on coming halfway down into the posture.




  • Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand)
  • Tarasana (Star pose)


  • Make sure your feet stay parallel to one another.
  • If possible, release the crown of your head to the ground.
  • Continue to lengthen the spine.
  • Be careful to not lean forward. Keep your hips aligned over your ankles.


  • Come into Sirsasana II (Tripod Headstand).
  • Bring your hands into Reverse Prayer and hinge forward.


  • Hands not reaching the floor
  • Excessive weight on the heels
  • Locked knees
  • Feet turning out, creating an external rotation in the legs

This article & image published here with prior permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 6, 2019
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side crow pose

Side crow pose

Side crow pose is advanced pose that needs both mental and muscle strength. It helps in strengthening arms, tones abdominal muscles and improves digestive system and spinal flexibility. While performing this pose one needs to be warmed up well because it needs both focus and muscle strength.  Perform side crow pose after a good warm up with Sun salutation or vinyasa flow.  As it is advanced pose, try this pose in presence of an instructor -Healthylife. 

Side crow pose

LEVEL : Advanced, Intermediate

Anatomy :Arms, Shoulders, Spine

Pose Type :Arm Balance, Twist

Sanskrit :Parsva Bakasana (PARS-vah bah-KAHS-anna)

parsva = side baka = crow


  • Strengthens the shoulders, arms, wrists, and spine
  • Massages the abdominal organs and improves digestion
  • Improves spinal flexibility
  • Improves balance



  1. Begin in Utkatasana (Awkward pose). Press your palms together in front of your chest.
  2. Exhale and twist your torso to the right. Lower your hips. Rise onto the balls of your feet and place your palms on the floor to the right of your knees, shoulder-distance wide. Spread your fingers.
  3. Bend your elbows deeply to rest your right hip on top of your right upper arm, and your right knee on top of your left upper arm.
  4. Carefully shift your body weight forward and lift your toes to balance on your hands. Bring your legs parallel to the floor. Gaze forward.
  5. Balance in Side Crow pose for several breaths. Exhale and lower to the floor, then change sides.



  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes pose)
  • Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Spinal Twist)


  • Place a pillow under your head to alleviate the fear of falling forward.



  • Utkatasana (Awkward pose)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes)
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle pose)


  • Utkatasana (Awkward pose)
  • Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  • Padahastasana (Gorilla pose)


  • Shift your body weight so far forward that your toes lift from the ground.
  • Spread your fingers wide and grip the floor.
  • Activate your core.
  • Keep your feet near your buttocks.


  • Straighten both legs while in the pose.

Try balancing on only one arm by placing your right hip on the back of your left arm.


  • Hands too wide or too narrow
  • Body weight not far forward enough to balance

Curtesy: Article and image published here with prior permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: March 11, 2019
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