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Tag: lung cancer

E-cigarette causes pulmonary disease

Severe pulmonary disease associated with E-Cigarette usage

According to the recent warning issued by CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) using E-cigarette products leads to severe pulmonary disease.

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What is Mesothelioma

November is Mesothelioma awareness month. Mesothelioma is an aggressive, rare form of cancer. It develops in the lining of lungs, heart and abdomen.

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Reducing risk of Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to the same foods and eating habits as for reducing risk of

  • lung cancer
  • food borne illnesses
  • osteoporosis
  • stroke and heart disease
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The fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may reduce the risk of developing

  • osteoporosis
  • macular degenerative disease
  • heart disease and type 2 diabetes
  • osteoarthritis and lung cancer
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High doses of vitamin A or its precursor (beta-carotene) may raise the risk of all but one of the following. Which one?

  • colon cancer
  • lung cancer
  • liver damage
  • birth defects
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