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Tag: advanced yoga

Bird of paradise pose

Benefits Of Practicing Advanced Bird Of Paradise Pose Svarga Dvijasana

The Bird of Paradise yoga pose offers a variety of physical and mental benefits, making it a valuable addition to yoga practice for those who have developed the strength and flexibility required to perform the pose.

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side crow pose

Side crow pose

Side crow pose is advanced pose that needs both mental and muscle strength. It helps in strengthening arms, tones abdominal muscles and improves digestive system.

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Happy Baby Pose for peaceful mind

Happy Baby Pose for peaceful mind

If you are looking for a simple and a magical posture that can help your entire body and mind try beginners Ananda balasana or popularly known as happy baby pose.

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Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

Extended hand to big toe pose is advanced yoga pose. Yogis who practice yoga daily will be able to perform this pose bit more easily compared

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Firefly pose Tittibhasana

Firefly pose Tittibhasana

Firefly pose is an advanced yoga pose that needs both focus and strength. Watching someone doing this pose looks scary.

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Compass Pose

Compass pose

Compass pose or Parvrtta Surya Yantrasana is an advanced Yoga pose should be performed under the guidance of an instructor.

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