Downward Facing Dog – Adhomukha Svanasana
This classic yoga pose is a great total body stretch that targets back extensors, or the large muscles that help form your lower back, support your spine, and help you stand and lift objects.
This classic yoga pose is a great total body stretch that targets back extensors, or the large muscles that help form your lower back, support your spine, and help you stand and lift objects.
Adho Mukha Svanasana is the Sanskrit name for Downward dog pose. This pose increases blood and oxygen circulation to face and head. It helps to stimulate blood capillaries that supply food to hair follicles. To perform Downward dog pose
Wide legged forward bend is a beginner pose but provides many benefits for the body. To increase the flexibility of entire body, this pose helps as it stretches hamstrings, IT band, back muscles and groins.