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10 Healthy Foods

10 Healthy Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a common complication that affects many people, both young and old. The exact cause of having high blood pressure is unknown, but there are several factors that can increase your risks such as your lifestyle and diet.

Fortunately, lowering your high blood pressure is possible by eating healthily. And with the use of blood pressure monitoring devices like the ones at, you can successfully control your hypertension naturally.

Here are 10 foods that are recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables

There’s a reason why fitness enthusiasts recommend eating salads—leafy green veggies are loaded with nutrients. They are rich in potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, magnesium, iron, calcium, iron, and antioxidants.

The USDA MyPlate recommends that both children and adults should eat 1-2 cups of leafy greens per day. Examples of leafy green vegetables include kale, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, arugula, and Swiss chard. You can add these veggies to salads, soups, and stews.


Instead of eating cereals that are loaded with sugar, go for oats instead. This heart-healthy food is full of fiber, manganese, phosphorous, calcium, zinc, vitamin B5, magnesium, iron, copper, and vitamin B11. In fact, oats are one of the most nutritious foods that you can eat.

Oats are good for your blood pressure because it contains antioxidants that speed up nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide is responsible for the dilation of blood vessels, which leads to better blood flow.

You can prepare overnight oats by combining rolled oats, your choice of plant-based milk, and heart-healthy fruit toppings. Place this in the fridge overnight and it will make for a delicious breakfast or snack.


Another antioxidant-rich superfood, blueberries are one of the top food recommendations for people with high blood pressure. Eating ½ cup of blueberries every day can help lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart diseases.

Blueberries can be prepared in plenty of ways. You can make a refreshing blueberry smoothie to drink after exercising. You can use it as toppings in your overnight oats and add it to your pancake batter. Or you can enjoy it as it is and eat it as a snack.


Aside from adding flavor to your dishes, garlic is also good at keeping your blood pressure at normal levels. It contains allicin, an active compound that boosts the nitric oxide production in your blood. This compound causes your blood vessels to dilate so your blood can flow better.

Garlic also has antibiotic and antifungal properties too. Incorporating garlic into your meals can keep you safe from inflammation and boost your immune system. It’s pretty easy to add garlic to your dishes—just add it to soups, stir-fries, and stews.


Potassium is essential in regulating blood pressure—a mineral that bananas are extremely rich in. The human body needs at least 100 milligrams of potassium each day to function properly. A large serving of banana contains 487 milligrams of potassium, so eating one per day can provide you with more than your daily potassium need.

When buying bananas, choose ripe ones if you’re planning to consume them immediately. Unripe bananas are ideal if you’re going to use them later.

If your bananas become overripe, don’t throw them out yet. You can freeze them and use them in smoothies or banana bread.



Whether its soy, almond, unsweetened, or Greek, yogurt is a delicious and healthy alternative to sugar-loaded desserts like ice cream. A tennis ball-sized serving of yogurt contains potassium, calcium, vitamin D, and probiotics that are good for your tummy and heart. Studies have shown that people who eat yogurt have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases than those who don’t.

You can eat plain yogurt as a dessert and add fruit toppings, or add them to smoothies in lieu of milk. It’s also delicious when used as a spread for bagels and toast.

Salmon and mackerel

Salmon and mackerel

Eating two servings of fish rich in unsaturated fat can help boost your heart health. This fat is called omega-3, and it reduces blood clotting, lowers blood pressure, and decreases the triglycerides in your body.

It also matters how you cook the fish too. Baking it using olive oil will make it healthier and more beneficial than frying it in palm oil. Grilling and steaming are also healthy cooking methods.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate

Surprised? Chocolate is good for your heart as long as it’s dark (at least 70% cacao). Eating a single square of dark chocolate each day is said to improve your blood flow. This is due to the flavanols present in cacao, which are a type of antioxidant that helps dilate the blood vessels.

Aside from dark chocolate, you can also use pure and unsweetened cacao. There are different variants available in supermarkets, such as powders, bars, butter, or nibs. You can use this instead of milk chocolate in your baking recipes.


Snacking on high-sodium food like chips isn’t a healthy habit. Munch on pistachio nuts instead and your heart will definitely thank you. This food is loaded with potassium, protein, phosphorous, vitamin B6, copper, thiamine, and manganese. In fact, pistachios are one of the best vitamin B6 sources, which are essential in the formation of hemoglobin.

Olive oil

Not all fats are bad. The fats in olive oil are actually good at regulating your blood pressure, so make sure to stock your pantry with this. Olive oil contains fatty acids and antioxidants that regulate proper blood flow. It’s a healthier alternative to palm oil, butter, margarine, and store-bought salad dressings.

Hypertension is influenced by several factors that are often out of our control, such as our genes, age, and gender. However, you can lower your blood pressure by controlling your diet and lifestyle. Eating foods such as those mentioned above will help you keep high blood pressure at bay.

Image References:-

First Image:- Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

Second Image:- Background photo created by freepik –

Third Image:- Food photo created by freepik –

Fourth Image:- Food photo created by topntp26 –

Fifth Image:- Food photo created by freepik –

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 6, 2020
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Infrared thermometer

Non-contact Infrared Thermometer

Thermometer is one of the instrument that is worth having at home. Many types of thermometer – digital as well as mercury reading thermometers are available in market. However measuring a person’s body temperature without coming in contact with the person is not possible with regular thermometer. This is where non-contact infrared thermometers are gaining much popularity in this pandemic.

Using non-contact infrared thermometers (NCITs) reduces cross contamination and minimizes the risk of spreading Covid-19. The typical body temperature should be at 98.6°F (37.0°C) and is considered a “normal” temperature. Some research studies say that  “normal” body temperature can be a wide range- from 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C).. Improper use of NCITs may lead to inaccurate measurements of temperature.

NCITs are easy to use, very clean and are mostly disinfected, measures temperature readily and rapidly, if needed it is easy to retake the temperature with NCITs.

The person who uses the device should strictly follow the manufacturers instruction to use NCIT.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels  (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 31, 2020
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Covid-19 Economic stimulus & world hunger

COVID-19: Using economic stimulus to reduce the long-term hunger impact

New FAO (Food And Agriculture Organization, UN) Policy Brief analyzes pandemic-driven recession’s threat to global hunger levels

Beyond the COVID-19 health emergency, a recession looms, and countries ought to take measures now to soften the longer-term impacts on hunger and food insecurity, a new FAO policy brief says.

Forecasts for the global economy vary in detail, but all point to a historic downturn. The International Monetary Fund now expects worldwide gross domestic product to shrink by 3.0 percent in 2020, compared to January projections of 3.3 percent growth. The large downturn is also expected to usher in the first outright recession in sub-Saharan Africa – where about a quarter of the population is undernourished – in 25 years.

In the 2019 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report, FAO analysts noted that economic slowdowns and downturns helped explain rising undernourishment levels in 65 of the 77 countries that recorded such rises between 2011 and 2017. That underscores the risk of adverse hunger trends ahead.

The new FAO Policy Brief offers an analysis of food supply data since 1995, which is linked to FAO’s statistical development of the prevalence of undernourishment (PoU) indicator and correlates them to past local economic trends in countries that are net food importers.

It notes that in the absence of timely and effective policies, millions of people are likely to join the ranks of the hungry as a result of the COVID-19-triggered recession. That number will vary according to the severity of economic contractions, ranging from 14.4 million to 38.2 million people, or even 80.3 million should there be a truly devastating contraction of 10 percentage points in all 101 net food-importing countries’ GDP growth.

The Policy Brief warns that the actual outcome could be worse if current inequalities in access to food are worsened. It includes scenarios and methodology and a technical note was developed and published simultaneously to explain those aspects in further detail.

“The Policy Brief offers evidence in favor of making hunger reduction a priority of the economic stimulus measures to address COVID-19,” says Marco V. Sánchez, Deputy-Director of FAO’s Agricultural Development Economics Division.

Safeguarding trade and food supply chains and promoting social protection to ensure food access

As the world is not facing food shortages, FAO is urging that countries do their best to keep trade flowing and food supply chains alive and increase agricultural output during the international health crisis. The large-scale fiscal and monetary responses that governments are crafting to respond to the expected blow to economic growth, represent an opportunity to tackle the longstanding issues in many middle and low-income countries of inequality in accessing healthy food.

Cash and in-kind transfers, new credit lines for key actors in food systems, safety nets, income support, distribution programmes such as food banks, and continuing school-feeding delivery, should be directed to the most vulnerable and poorest people. Such targeting, the brief enjoins, will also maximize the effect that public resource outlays have on keeping demand more dynamic and safeguarding people from falling into chronically weak dependencies that can last for years.

There are encouraging examples of “stimulus for food” initiatives in low and middle-income countries – at least 106 countries have introduced or adapted social protection measures in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a real-time review of social protection policy measures from the World Bank and the International Labor Organization – although the ability of African countries to deploy cash transfers has so far been weak.

International cooperation and assistance is needed to help the poorest and most vulnerable countries, and this can be linked to recipient countries reallocating more of their own resources to achieve the desired objectives and avoiding the highly adverse outcome of increased inequality in access to food.

Targeting public stimulus measures towards initiatives to bolster food access during the pandemic also offers an opportunity to build more lasting resilience into food systems to safeguard them against economic slowdowns and downturns in the future.

News published in : Food and Agriculture Organizations of United Nations

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 30, 2020
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Reverse side angel pose

Reverse Side Angle Parivrtta Parsvakonasana for stronger core

Looking to improve your core strength? Practice reverse side angle or Parivrtta Parvsvakonasana. It is an intermediate pose that helps to get stronger core, stronger legs and also improves digestion in addition helps your flexibility -Healthylife

LEVEL :Intermediate

Anatomy:C hest|Core|Legs|Shoulders

Pose Type : Standing|Twist

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana :parivrtta = to turn around, revolve, parsva = side kona = angle

par-ee-vrt-tah parsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna


  • Improves flexibility
  • Strengthens legs and core
  • Improves digestion
  • Stretches the groin, chest, and shoulders


How To

  1. From Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), with your legs in a Warrior Stance and arms in a capital T, inhale to prepare
  2. Exhale, reach your front hand forward and hinge your torso slightly forward
  3. Rest your forearm on top or slightly inside of your front thigh
  4. Extend your top arm up towards the sky, fingers pointing above you
  5. Stack your shoulders on top of each other
  6. Option to reach your top arm up overhead, wrapping your bicep around your ear with your fingers reaching towards the front of your space

Modify or Replace

  • Rest your bottom hand on a block at any level to add depth without overextending your arms and shoulders
  • Bring your top hand to rest on your top hip to allow your arm and shoulder to rest

Sequencing Tips


  • Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)


  • Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvijasana)
  • Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
  • Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Teaching Cues

  • Root all four corners of the feet into the floor.
  • Draw the shoulders down the back.
  • Send the tailbone toward the floor.


  • Find a half bind with your top arm wrapping around your lower back to grasp your hip, upper thigh, or a piece of clothing nearby
  • Find a full bind from your half bind by wrapping your bottom arm under your front thigh to bring your hands to meet and interlace behind you

Watch Out For

  • Back heel lifting
  • Shoulder over-extension

This article and image published here with prior permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 29, 2020
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Top 10 facts about folic acid your women patients should know

Top 10 facts about folic acid your women patients should know

Are you a doctor who is seeing women patients? You must have already recommended folic acid capsules or iron-folic acid tablets for covering up nutritional deficiencies, particularly during the time of pregnancy and while trying to get pregnant as well. Many physicians recommend supplements and multivitamins in this regard, for keeping risks of neural tube defects at bay. This is just one instance.

There are more to the best folic acid tablets in terms of positive side effects as well. Bodies like the CDC insist that women of reproductive or childbearing age, should consume a minimum of 400 mcg or micrograms of folic acid on a regular basis, along with consuming food that contains folate for combating birth defects related to development of the spinal cord and brain of the baby. You should also know that folic acid contains Vitamin B and our bodies majorly use the same for new cell creation and development. All body parts including skin, nails and hair, for instance, make new cells each and every day. Folic acid is the key element used in multivitamins and supplements along with fortified foods including pasta, rice, bread and a few breakfast cereals too.

Why is folic acid so important before getting pregnant and during the pregnancy period?

The reason behind doctors prescribing iron and folic acid tablets or folic acid capsules during pregnancy or even before pregnancy is that this vital element helps in neural tube formation. Folic acid combats key birth defects related to spine and brain development. Women should consume a minimum of 400 mcg each day for keeping such birth defects at bay. These are defects that take place early on in the pregnancy stage (approximately 3-4 weeks post conception) before most women even know that they are pregnant.

Women of childbearing age should start consuming folic acid on a regular basis for helping in new cell formation. Folate is the term used generally for describing multiple Vitamin B9 types. Some of its types include DHF (dihydrofolate), folic acid, THF (tetrahydrofolate), 5-Methyl-THF or 5-MTHF and 5, 10-Methylene-THF. Food fortification is very essential for integrating minerals and vitamins into foods. Items which have been amply fortified with folic acid are marked as enriched on the label as well. Folic acid is suitable for usage in case of fortification

since it has greater heat stability as compared to various natural folate types. Light and heat may break down various kinds of natural food folate. Folic acid is more suitable for fortification of food since several fortified items like pasta and bread are cooked.

Getting ample folic acid is highly essential for women, with the help of the Purayati iron and folic acid tablets including supplements and multivitamins. Additionally, check whether the multivitamin has the recommended amount of folic acid (400 mcg) and always go through the label when you are buying multivitamins/supplements online, from pharmacies and other stores. You should also ferret out breakfast cereals which fall in the fortified foods category along with other rice, pasta and bread products. Always check labels and choose products with 100% folate content. A combination of fortified foods and folic acid multivitamins/supplements will do you wonders as per experts.

10 key facts that your female patients should be aware of

On that note, here are 10 facts that all your women patients should be in the loop about.

1. Every year, approximately 130 babies suffer from NTD or neural tube defects in New York State (United States of America) alone. Throughout the USA, for instance, there are approximately 4,000 pregnancies annually which are impacted by NTD, involving development disorders of the spinal cord and brain. Spina bifida is the commonest one in this case while brain development failure or anencephaly, is the most serious one. The scenario is somewhat similar in other parts of the world as well.

2. A whopping 70% of NTD risks may be combated if women start taking 0.4 mg per day of folic acid upon getting pregnant. They should be consuming this amount for at least 1 month before conception and also during the very first pregnancy trimester.

3. Folic acid is a Vitamin B offshoot which is used by our bodies for manufacturing DNA and this is needed for tissue and organ formation along with rapid cell division in developing babies.

4. Folic acid only helps in prevention of neural tube defects or NTDs throughout the first few weeks when a woman gets pregnant. 50% of pregnancies remain unplanned as per estimates and hence, all women who are sexually active and are of childbearing age, should start taking folic acid on a regular basis, even between their pregnancies.

5. 2/3rds of women in the USA have reported consumption of insufficient folic acid levels and the story is similar in several other global countries as well. Women can consume adequate folic acid through three methods, i.e. consuming vitamin supplements which contain 0.4 mg of folic acid on a daily basis, consuming fortified breakfast cereals on a regular basis which have 100% of the daily folic acid content recommended and scaling up consumption of fortified foods which contain folic acid.

6. Foods which are rich in folic acid include enriched bread, fortified breakfast cereals, pasta, rice and grain products, green vegetables, orange juice and legumes like kidney beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans and lentils among others. A fortified cereal and orange juice in a big glass will ensure at least 50% of the daily amount of folic acid that is recommended. Multivitamins can take care of the rest.

7. Women who have suffered previously from NTD impacted pregnancies, have the biggest recurrence related risks and should visit their physicians before planning to get pregnant again. Physicians will naturally prescribe higher folic acid dosage (4 mg approximately).

8. Women with diabetes that are dependent on maternal insulin, are also at risk in this case. Those who use medicines for anti-seizure effects, have high obesity levels, were exposed to higher temperatures during the early pregnancy stages (prolonged hot-tub usage and fever) and poor (which equates to recurring nutritional deficiencies) are automatically at risk.

9. Folic acid comes with various other health benefits including lowering risks linked to strokes, heart disease and some types of cancer.

10. Women should always limit folic acid consumption to lower than 1 mg each day, unless they are supervised by their physician. Higher doses may lead to complications related to diagnosing deficiencies of Vitamin B12.

These are the 10 facts that your women patients should definitely be aware about, when it comes to folic acid.

Image Reference:-

Image Credit:- “Folic Acid” by Seth Tisue is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 28, 2020
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LGD-4033 Ligandrol Review - Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

LGD-4033 Ligandrol Review – Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects

*Sponsored Story

It is time to face some facts. I’m a bodybuilder. That said, I realize that it takes a lot of hard work, passion, and drive to get to where you want to be physically. Of course, you are going to do things like exercise and eat right. But what if there is something more you could do, something that could take everything to the next level? This is where SARMs come in. For me personally, when I do a cycle of SARMs, I notice incredible results. Recently, I did a cycle of LGD-4033 Ligandrol. And of course, because of the difference I can see, I knew I had to do a review.

Basically, SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. But don’t let those big words confuse you. The science behind them is pretty simple. The way SARMs work is by attaching to your androgen receptors (male hormones). When they do this, it triggers your muscles to take action and begin to grow. This is due to the fact that they are highly selective in their action. They only work on your muscles and bones. The same cannot be said about anabolic steroids. Steroids will literally attach to all the receptors which in turn, will cause some god-awful side effects that no one should have to experience.

In this post, my aim is to inform you on the amazing SARM, LGD-4033. I want you to know exactly what the benefits, dosage, and side effects of taking this are. And by the end of this, you will know exactly where you should go to start your next cycle with Ligandrol.

What is Ligandrol?

Ligandrol is a SARM that is currently being researched is being as a potential cure for certain cancers like breast cancer and prostate cancer. The results are looking promising.

Of course, LGD-4033 is widely popular among bodybuilders like myself and athletes as well. This is because it will help you gain muscles and lean mass. Because of this, it is also very helpful to people with muscular dystrophy.

Another added bonus to this SARM is that it will NOT increase your estrogen levels. Again, the same is not true of anabolic steroids. Additionally, there is no harm done to your vital organs with this powerful SARM.

Even though LGD-4033 is still quite new, that doesn’t change the fact that you will get the perfect abs and you will look completely shredded.

The Benefits of Ligandrol

For me personally, I notice some of the best benefits you possibly can when cycling with this SARM.

These Benefits Include:

● Gaining Lean Muscle Mass

This is definitely the main benefit of Ligandrol. You can actually take the lowest dose possible and still get amazing results. Plus it will melt away body fat leaving your muscles completely sharp, shredded.

I honestly gain 13lb of lean muscle mass from just one cycle of LGD-4033.

● A Steady Increase in Strength

Of course, when you gain muscle, you gain strength. I notice that my energy levels are much higher. Because of this, I gain more from my workouts. I am able to go up in weights and push myself further without feeling a bit of strain or tension in my body.

In doing this, it increases my strength during my workout. This is very important to me. Get ready to experience a great deal of strength gain from cycling with LGD-4033. However, I do want to point out that during this cycle, I increase my protein because I do not want to deplete my energy supply from going H.A.M.

● Keep Your Muscle Mass

Everyone knows the struggle is real when it comes to maintaining your muscle mass. What I notice with LGD-4033 is that even if I am on a calorie deficit, I am still able to keep my gains. So during a cutting phase, I’m still reaping the benefits.

During a cutting phase with LGD-4033, you will only burn fat and calories. You will most certainly keep your muscle mass while it works to prevent muscle loss.

● Quicker Recovery

You and I both know that when you put in work at the gym, this creates a great deal of strain on your muscles. During this time, the muscle fibers wear themselves down only to come back stronger in the long run. This, of course, adds to your body strength.

With LGD-4033, I definitely notice that I am healing quicker and able to hit the gym a whole lot sooner than I could without it. Plus, since the recovery time is faster, I don’t have to worry about any serious injuries.

The Dosage of Ligandrol

This SARM is so powerful, that it really doesn’t take much for you to see results. It is important to realize that the maximum recommended dose is 10mg/day. This is to ensure that you don’t experience any side effects. Side effects typically occur in doses higher than 10mg.

The Recommended Dosage is as Follows:

For Bulking:

● 8-week cycle

● 5-10mg/day

● This will increase your size and strength

For Cutting:

● 8-week cycle

● 3-5mg/day

● This will help you lose body fat without losing muscle

For Recomp

● 8-week cycle

● 5-8mg/day

● This is to gain lean muscle mass while losing bodyweight

It’s is also important to realize because of how potent this SARM is, you must do a PCT (Post Cyclic Therapy) afterward.

The Side Effects of Ligandrol

As long as SARMs are used the right way, they generally don’t have many side effects. I can honestly say that I have not experienced any of these side effects. However, it is still good information to know before you begin your cycle.

Some of the Common Side Effects Are:

● nausea

● headaches

● fatigue

● water retention

It can also lead to testosterone suppression. However, this only occurs during your cycle. This is why a PCT is so important. That way, you replenish your testosterone. All side effects go away with a PCT.

Where to Get Ligandrol

So by now I hope I have got you wondering exactly where you should go to get this amazing compound. I know that you will experience the best results you have in your life when cycling with LGD-4033. So, the common problem that most people deal with is finding a reliable SARMs vendor.

That is exactly why I want to help you out. I have been using these guys for all my SARMs cycles for well over two years now. And so far, they have been incredible. I see the results I am looking for from every use.

This is why I say you should get your LGD-4033 Ligandrol by Swole AF Labs.

They sell the most potent, legit SARMs that money can buy. Plus, they provide third-party testing on all their products. The results of these tests are available on their webpage. This way you can make the choice for yourself. Join me on the journey to achieving the body of your dreams. It is definitely possible with Swole AF Labs.

*Sponsored Story

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: June 16, 2020
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FSSAI Facilitates food businesses

FSSAI facilitates food businesses amid COVID 19 pandemic

Press release from FSSAI for Food businesses to facilitate food industry to face Covid-19 challenges- FSSAI has given guidelines regarding hygiene and food safety measures to make it easy for food industry to handle and serve food to customers. The links provided in the press release gives training guidelines for the restaurants and other food vendors. For more information click on the links provided at the end of the article – Healthy Life

In response to COVID 19 pandemic, the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is taking several steps to facilitate industry during the lockdown period. As the country moves further in its fight against COVID 19 and many restrictions are being eased across many areas, FSSAI is gearing to face emerging challenges.

FSSAI is engaged with State Food Safety Departments, communicating the emerging  priorities in food safety landscape. The priorities communicated include expediting work related to licensing on the online portal; establish licensing helpline in each State with a dedicated number and email id; create robust complaint handling mechanism; conduct only essential inspections etc. The need for facilitating food business has been strongly emphasized by FSSAI to the State food authorities.

FSSAI had issued detailed guidelines on food safety and hygiene for food businesses during the COVID 19 pandemic. The same can be accessed at:

Realizing the need for training food handlers, FSSAI has commenced training for food handlers under its flagship Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) programme. Besides training, there is a need to counter myths and misinformation. Several instances have been brought to the notice of the Authority where products such as frozen food, food served cold/ chilled etc. were selectively not allowed to be transported, stored or sold, ostensibly on the notion that they could promote spread of COVID-19. FSSAI has communicated to State’s/UT’s giving instructions to review any such restriction imposed in their State and rescind those not consistent with FSSAI guidance. States/UT’s have been instructed to follow a non-discriminatory approach while dealing with food businesses in the lockdown and even post  lockdown period.

The communications to States can be accessed at:


Link 2:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: May 15, 2020
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Rested half pigeon pose

Rested Half Pigeon Pose

One of the popular pose to relieve back pain, to stretch hamstring and to reduce belly fat is sleeping pigeon pose or rested half pigeon pose. It is a preferred pose to for liver cleansing and to restore energy. It increases flexibility of thigh muscles and helps to reduce pain in thigh and calves. Eventhough it is a beginners pose it is much preferred pose by all Yogi’s due to its many health benefits. It also helps to relax body and mind – Healthy Life.

LEVEL :Beginner

Anatomy :Abdomen|Hips|Upper Back

Pose Type :Forward Fold|Hip Opener|Seated

Sanskrit :Ardha Kapotasana ARH-dah KAH-po-TAHS-anna : Ardha = half  Kapota = pigeon


  1. Cleanses the liver
  2. Restorative energy
  3. Opens the hips deeply
  4. Releases stored emotions
  5. Contraindications
  6. Hip pain or strain
  7. Knee pain or strain

How To

  1. Beginning from Downward Facing Dog, or a tabletop position, draw your right knee to rest directly behind your right wrist
  2. Extend your left leg out long behind you
  3. Point your left toes towards the back of your space
  4. Work to bring your right shin somewhat parallel to the top edge of your mat
  5. Keep your right foot fairly flexed to protect your right knee
  6. Inhale to prepare, find a tall spine and a lifted heart
  7. Exhale, walk your hands out in front of you and come to rest your forehead onto the ground, a block, or your forearms
  8. To release, walk your upper body back up so that your shoulders rest over your hips
  9. Press back into Downward Facing Dog, or tabletop, and then repeat on the left side

Modify or Replace

  • Rest a block underneath your right hip, when your right leg is bent, if your hip is lifted
  • Find figure-four on your back if you feel notable pain or strain in your bent knee
  • Rest a blanket under your knees or hips for added support

Sequencing Tips


  • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  • Table Top (Bharmanasana)


Teaching Cues

  • Eventually, your shin will become parallel to the top of your mat when you are in Resting Half Pigeon, try not to rush it
  • Heavy your hips to the ground and allow them to be level with one another


  • Resting Half Pigeon with forehead on a block
  • Resting Half Pigeon with your back leg bent (Deer Pose)

Watch Out For

  • Floating hips
  • Immense rounding in your back when folding forward
  • Unlevel hips

This article and image is published here with prior permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: May 14, 2020
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