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Tag: yoga for back pain

Bharadvaja's twist -spinal twist pose

Bharadvaja’s Twist

Yoga poses that involve twisting of the body helps to stretch the spine, provide relaxation for muscles and strengthens back. Bharadvaja’s twist is an intermediate yoga pose that reduces lower backache, also gives relief from neck and sciatica pain.

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Rested half pigeon pose

Rested Half Pigeon Pose

One of the popular pose to relieve back pain, to stretch hamstring and to reduce belly fat is sleeping pigeon pose or rested

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Reclining big toe pose

Reclining Big Toe Pose

Reclining big toe pose or Supta padangusthasna is a beginner’s pose. However, it takes several practices to get into the stretch. Precautions should be considered – while performing this pose your back and tail bone

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