All posts by HealthyLife

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Standing Split Pose

Standing Split Pose

(Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana or standing split pose has many benefits. Strengthens the whole lower body. It lengthens the muscles of the legs, particularly the calves and hamstrings, builds stability in the pelvis and hips and opens the hip flexors. It also calms the brain Stimulates the liver and kidneys Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and thighs Strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles Stretches the back of the leg, the front thigh and groin -WerIndia)

Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

Pose Type: Forward Bend, Hip Opener, Inversion, Standing

Sanskrit: Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana (OORD-vah pra-sa-REE-tah eh-KAH pah-DAHS-anna)

urdhva = upward / prasarita = spread / eka = one / pada = foot


• Lengthens the hamstring of the standing leg
• Strengthens the quadriceps of the standing leg
• Strengthens glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps on lifted leg
Improves balance and stability while improving strength in both hip joints
• Releases tension in the cervical spine


• fki
• Migraine
• Low back pathologies
• Ankle, knee, or hip injury
• Shoulder injury (if taking hands behind back)


1. Start in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog).

2. Inhale, look between your hands, and step your right foot forward.

3. Exhale, press through your right foot to extend your knee, and hinge forward through your hips. elevate your left leg upward, reaching through the toes to extend the knee.

4. Inhale, allow your spine to lengthen, and reach through your lifted leg.

5. Exhale and draw the abdominals inward. Begin to round the upper spine and draw your crown toward your toes. Release the hands to the thigh, shin, ankle, or floor. Feel free to keep a microbend at the knee.

6. Hold this pose for up to 5-10 slow breaths.

7. To exit, inhale and draw your hands to your hips while extending the spine. Press through your feet to rise to Tadasana (Mountain pose). Exhale and release your arms to your sides or into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold).


• Feel free to keep a slight bend in the knee to avoid hyperextension.
• Place hands at the thigh, hips, or heart center.


1. Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3)
2. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
3. Parsvottonasana (Pyramid pose)
4. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)


1. Ardha Chandrasana (Balancing Half Moon)
2. Standing Forward Bend


  • Keep the upper and lower spine extended and, if choosing to round, only round the upper spine.
  • Keep hips stacked equally side by side, engaging the front of the thighs.
  • Hinge first at the hips and keep the abdominals drawn up and in toward the spine.
  • On each inhale, feel your chest expand and spine lengthen. On each exhale, hinge deeper and send the toes upward


  • Place arms in Reverse Namaskar.
  • Clasp elbows or fingers behind the back.
  • Reach down for the ankle.


  • Rounding the low back instead of hinging at the hips
  • Rotating the standing knee inward instead of straight ahead
  •  Hips angled to one side instead of stacked side by side

This article and image is published here with permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: August 1, 2022
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Eat more food

Avoid CRAP and Eat more FOOD


Carbonated drinks: Whether you drink diet soda or regular soda it effects your life. Study shows that people who drank a regular soda every day for six months saw a 132 to 142 percent increase in liver fat, a 117 to 221 percent jump in skeletal fat, and about a 30 percent increase in both triglyceride blood fats and other organ fat. Their consumption also led to an 11 percent increase in cholesterol, compared with the people who drank other beverages such as water or milk. Other effects of soda: Accelerated aging, diet soda belly, coloring agents can be cancer agents, BPA liner inside the metal that avoids reaction with acid is also harmful. Moreover artificial sweetener as an ingredient that does not break down causes water pollution.

Refined sugar: Since sugar contains no beneficial nutrients, it is not necessary to eat any at all, and yet the typical American consumes between 120 and 150 pounds each year. Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as “empty” or “naked” calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane. In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination makes upon one’s entire system. Use sugar sparingly.

Artificial sweeteners: By offering the taste of sweetness without any calories, artificial sweeteners seem like they could be one answer to effective weight loss. Artificial sweeteners may play another trick, too. Research suggests that they may prevent us from associating sweetness with caloric intake. As a result, we may crave more sweets, tend to choose sweet food over nutritious food, and gain weight. Next time before using splenda, aspertame and other artificial sweeteners think twice.

Processed Foods: Chemically processed foods are not good for the body. What do they do to body? They are generally high in sucrose and fructose content, high in tran-fat, make us overeating, supply artificial ingredients, addiction to junk food, high in refined carbohydrates, low in fiber, low in nutrients, reduces metabolic rate & sits in the system for long time. Solution: Prepare fresh food at home & avoid processed food.

Eat more FOOD:

Fruits & veggies: Eat more varieties of fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits that are meant for season and have varieties. Consume veggies in the form of salad. Fruits are rich with anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Vegetables are also good for health in various ways. Both reduce heart risks as they supply low calories.

Organic lean protein: Proteins are building blocks of our body. Go with organic proteins whenever you find them. Soy proteins, organic milk, fish, organic eggs and chicken are some examples for organic lean proteins.

Omega -3-fats: our bodies cannot make omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health. We need omega-3 fatty acids for numerous normal body functions, such as controlling blood clotting and building cell membranes in the brain.  Where we get them? Flax seeds, olive oil,  fish oil, tofu, soybean etc.

Drink water: Our life depends on water. Drink plenty of water. Adults need 16 cups of water everyday. What are the benefits? Water helps in body’s fluid balance, electrolyte balance, weight control, skin health, kidney function, muscle strength,  productivity, acts as sickness fighter and it is a brain booster.


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 29, 2022
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Instant Mango And Lemon Spicy Pickles

Who does not like to have spicy pickles? Indians are very fond of pickles. There are hundreds of types of pickles and the difference lies in ingredients and preparation. Pickles help to bring back taste  and helps in digestion of food. Indian spicy pickles are world famous and people who travel a lot would love to carry pickle bottle with them so that they don’t miss home food taste.


Mango pickle is very famous in India and there are many verities of mango pickle. If you find raw green mango grab one mango and prepare mango pickle within 15 minutes. Here is the recipe:


  • Raw Mango : 1
  • Oil : 2 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds : 1/2 tsp
  • Urad dal : 1/2 tsp
  • Curry Leaves : 5-6
  • Asafoetida : a pinch
  • Red chili powder : 1 tbsp
  • Salt : to taste

Method Of Preparation:

  • In a wide bowl add red chili powder, salt and cut raw mango. Shake it well so it will mix together evenly.
  • Heat oil in a small pan add mustard seeds, urad dal, asafoetida and curry leaves.
  • Once the seeds sputter remove from heat and add it to mango mixture.
  • Mix it all together gently and store it in an air tight container. Keep it in refrigerator.
  • You can use it up to 2-3 months.

Reference & Image:


If someone is sick and his or her tongue lost is taste due to illness then try this instant lemon pickle, which brings back the taste to tongue. This pickle can be consumed with rice porridge, yogurt rice or can mix with rice and ghee.


  • Lemons -6
  • 1/4cup Red chilly powder-if you don’t want your pickle spicy, use paprika powder
  • Salt
  • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  • 1tsp cumin seeds
  • A pinch of Asafoetida
  • Oil

Now roast & grind:

  • 1tsp Fenugreek seeds
  • 1/2tsp Asafoetida powder
  • Sugar can be added to make little sweet.


 Wash the lemons and pressure cook it without adding water up to two whistles. Once the steam get released, allow lemons to cool completely and slice the lemons to small pieces. Add the red chilli powder and salt, turmeric powder toss until the lemon quarters get well coated.

Meanwhile dry roast all the ingredients given under the list ‘to roast and grind’, grind as fine powder. Heat enough oil, let splutters the cumin seeds, add immediately to prepared spiced lemon quarters and grounded powder. Cook until they get thickens, turn off the stove. Let them get cool completely and store them in a bottle. Enjoy this homemade pickles anytime.

Reference & Image:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Six Stupidly Simple Ways To Shorten Your Lifespan

Six Stupidly Simple Ways To Shorten Your Lifespan

By: Amanda Froelich at

By now, you’re well aware that smoking will shorten your lifespan by about a minimum of 10 years. But did you also know that other unassuming habits, such as sitting too long and drinking too much alcohol, will also increase your odds of dying early?

According to scientists from the University of Sydney, there are six habits that are proven to shorten one’s lifespan, and they follow:

1. Alcohol consumption

2. Poor diet

3. Inactivity

4. Smoking

5. Sitting for more than 7 hours a day

6. Sleeping for more than 9 hours

Said Dr. Melody Ding, one of the researchers:

“To examine specific patterns of lifestyle risk behaviors, 96 variables – representing all possible mutually exclusive combinations of smoking, high alcohol intake, physical inactivity, poor diet, prolonged sitting, and short/long sleep duration – were created.”

Reportedly, one who is guilty of doing all of the “six deadly habits” is 5 times more likely to die an early death during a 6-year period compared to someone who lives a healthy lifestyle.

While it is common knowledge that not getting enough sleep strains the physical body, it might come as a shock to learn that too much sleep also increases one’s odds of dying young. Ding explains:

“Short and long sleep durations were separated as two different risk factors, as their associations with mortality may be explained by different mechanisms. This analysis investigated four established and two [new] risk factors, namely, prolonged sitting and unhealthy sleep duration, which may be added to behavioral indices or risk combinations to quantify health risk.”

One theory is that inactivity – which results from both sitting and sleeping too long – impedes blood flow, thereby resulting in reduced oxygenation. The finding is disturbing, and a study published earlier this year by the University of Cambridge doesn’t have anything more optimistic to report.

According to the scientists, sleeping more than nine hours doubles a person’s risk of having a stroke. Natural Society relays that women are especially susceptible. It was also determined that sleeping in when you normally don’t get enough sleep is unhealthy. Reportedly, the way to ensure that getting Zzz’s doesn’t shorten your lifespan is to get on a regular sleep schedule.

By engaging in exercise, taking breaks from work every 30 minutes or hour to go on a brisk walk, quitting smoking, sleeping 7-9 hours per night, eating healthfully and minimizing alcohol consumption, you can nearly guarantee that you’ll live longer than your peers who don’t make their health a priority. The choice is yours!

Read More:

Image credit: Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay  (Free by CC0)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 20, 2022
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Awkward Pose Chair pose Utkatasana

Awkward Pose Chair pose Utkatasana

One yoga pose that helps in firming and strengthening entire body is Awkward pose  – also known as chair pose. It strengthens triceps, deltoids, abdominal muscles, tones leg muscles and quadricpes.

Also, stretches feet, toes, pelvis and shins. Helps in strengthening ankles too. While getting into and breath through the pose it stimulates liver, spleen, intestine and pancreas function.

The other benefits include – reducing lower back pain, strengthening and toning arms, aligning meniscus in the knee, reduces menstrual cramps, relieves sciatica and firms buttocks. With all these benefits it also reduces anxiety and helps in relaxation. Why not try this yoga pose – akward pose is a preferred intermediate pose of all yogis

LEVEL: Intermediate

Anatomy: Legs, Shoulders

Pose Type: Balance, Standing

Sanskrit: Utkatasana (oot-kah-TAHS-anna) utkata = powerful, fierce


  • Strengthens the legs, glutes, ankles, and spine
  • Opens the chest and shoulders
  • Gently massages the heart
  • Tones the abdominal organs
  • Helps relieve arthritis and rheumatism in the legs


  • Low blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Exercise caution with shoulder or neck injury

How To

  1. Stand in Mountain pose with your feet together. Draw your tailbone toward the floor and lengthen your spine.
  2. Inhale and reach your arms up, palms facing each other.
  3. Exhale and slowly bend your knees as you shift your hips down and back. Make sure that your toes are aligned behind your knees. Gaze straight ahead or diagonally downward.
  4. Stay here for several breaths. Then inhale and rise to standing.
  5. Slowly lift your heels off the ground and squeeze your inner thighs together. Exhale and repeat the third step, bending your knees and bringing your hips down.
  6. Stay in the pose for several breaths. Inhale and rise to Mountain pose.

Modify or Replace

  • Look toward the floor if any strain is felt in the neck.
  • Practice the pose with the feet hip-distance apart.
  • Widen the arms into a cactus position to lessen the stretch in the shoulders.

Sequencing Tips


  • Mountain pose (Tadasana)
  • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


  • Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
  • Eagle pose (Garudasana)

Teaching Cues

  • Root all four corners of the feet into the floor.
  • Draw the shoulders down the back.
  • Send the tailbone toward the floor.


  • Bring the palms to touch overhead.
  • Bend the knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Watch Out For

  • Overarching in the low back
  • Knees beyond the toes


This article and image is reproduced here with permission from

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 18, 2022
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Reduce fatigue with this herbal chai

Reduce fatigue with this herbal chai

To boost immune system and reduce fatigue try this homemade traditional herbal chai or tea.

This tea contains nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, Hemidesmus root (Indian sarsaparilla or sugandhi), dry ginger, dried dandelion root, cloves, black pepper,

  • Hemidesmus Indian Sarsaparilla roots are very fragrant. One can use fresh root or dried root. It is also called nannari root. It is a detoxifier, aphrodisiac, helps in digestion, reduces body inflammation and improves sleeping.
  • Nutmeg relieves body pain, soothes indigestion and improved cognitive function. It is slightly sweet spice. It is good for insomnia, regulates blood pressure and is an important ingredient of Ayurvedic medicine and home remedies.
  • We all know how clove is helpful – it relieves pain and good for digestion.
  • Dandelion root – commonly known as kahnpool, Dandelion helps in cleansing liver, reduces body fat and contains fiber that helps in clear bowel movement.
  • Cardamom seeds helps in calming the mind and increases nervous system strength. It has aphrodisiac property and helps in overcoming impotency. It reduces asthma and bronchitis by improving blood circulation.
  • Black pepper – improves immune system, reduces microbial invasion. It is good for reducing cold, cough and flu symptoms.
  • Ginger Rich with antioxidant, ginger whether dry or raw is helpful is good for overall health – it reduces body inflammation and improves digestion.
  • Cinnamon – Reduces bladder infection, reduces cholesterol level, good for arthritis condition and is an immune booster.
  • Anise seeds – Improves metabolism and clears digestive system

 How to make immune booster herbal chai?

Boil 3 cups of water. Add 1.5 tsp cinnamon powder, 1.5 tsp grated ginger or ginger powder, 1 tsp nutmeg powder or crushed nutmeg, ¼ tsp cardamom, 1 tsp dandelion root, 1 or 2 cloves, ¼ crushed black pepper, 1 tsp anise seeds and few nannari (Hemidesmus) crushed roots (or 1.5 tsp powder) and 2 lemon size jaggery. Boil the content for few minutes and turn off the heat.

Add milk or almond milk and strain.  Drink this once or twice a day to get benefit.

Benefit of drinking this herbal tea is, it reduces body inflammation, it is immune system booster and fatigue goes away.

  • Avoid soda, caffeinated drinks if you take this herbal tea. Caffeinated drinks and soda can interfere with active ingredients of the above-mentioned herbs in the tea.

Remedy: Online grandma.

Image references:, Flora of India

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 14, 2022
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Gluten- Free Besan Flour PanCake (Dosa) Recipe

Besan flour is nothing but chickpea flour. It is naturally higher in protein than wheat-based flours. It also stands above wheat flour in protein and folate content. One-half cup contains 10 grams of protein, compared to 8 grams in whole-grain wheat flour and just 6 grams in white flour. One-half cup of besan flour has 178 calories and 3 grams of total fat. also offer a good array of vitamins and minerals. Studies say that besan flour helps in reducing body inflammation and is also a good support for glowing skin – it is good facial mask. Besan flour does not contain gluten, so it makes a good substitute for wheat flour in gluten-free diets.

Try this simple and easy to make dosa (pancake) recipe at home for evening snack.


  • 1 cup chickpea flour (besan)
  • Chopped ginger: 1 inch
  • Water 1/2 to 1 cup
  • Asafetida – a pinch
  • Turmeric powder – one tsp
  • Baking soda: 2 pinches
  • Green chilli (chopped) 2
  • Onion medium size – 1
  • Tomato medium size -1
  • Coriander leaves, finely chopped
  • Curry leaves chopped
  • Coconut milk – 1/4 cup (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for drizzling


  1. To make the batter, remove the lumps from  chickpea flour.
  2. To flour add asafetida, turmeric powder, baking soda, onion, tomato, green chilies, coriander leaves, curry leaves and salt. Mix well.
  3. If you are using coconut milk then, add coconut milk and water then mix well again. Do not make very thin batter.
  4. When the dosa tava is hot enough, pour a half cup of batter on tava and using a ladle spread evenly into a round pancake shape.
  5. Drizzle oil along the edges of the pancake and cook for 2-3 minutes, on medium heat till the bottom is golden brown. Tilt and cook other side of the pancake and cook for another 2 minutes.
  6. Serve hot along with coconut or green chutney.

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 13, 2022
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Plastic and Silicone vaginal dilators

All You Need To Know About GRS Vaginal Dilators

GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery) vaginal dilators help transgender women maintain vaginal diameter and vaginal depth after gender reassignment surgery. If this is your first time learning about this device, here is everything you need to know about GRS vaginal dilators.

How Many Sizes Are GRS Vaginal Dilators Available In?
You can get a GRS vaginal dilator in six sizes, including:

●        Size #P1 (Violet) 7/8” Diameter x 9” Length;

●        Size #P2 (Orange) 1” Diameter x 9” Length;

●        Size #1 (Violet) 1-1/8” Diameter x 9” Length;

●        Size #2 (Blue) 1-1/4” Diameter x 9” Length;

●        Size #3 (Green) 1-3/8 Diameter x 9” Length; and

●        Size #4 (Orange) 101/2 Diameter x 9” Length.

What Are GRS Vaginal Dilators Made From?
GRS vaginal dilators are made from polyurethane plastic. These devices have a unique design, including finger holds, depth markings, and a curvature to accommodate the anatomical needs of transgender women.

For quality assurance, GRS vaginal dilators are inspected, cleaned, and sealed before shipping.

What Lubricant Can You Use With a GRS Vaginal Dilator?
You can use any natural oil or water-based lubricant with a GRS vaginal dilator. DO NOT use Vaseline or any silicone-based lubricant, especially with silicone dilators.

Can You Sterilize a GRS Vaginal Dilator by Boiling or Autoclave?
GRS vaginal dilators can NEVER be autoclaved or boiled.

You can sterilize silicone dilators by autoclaving or boiling them for five minutes. If you have a history of recurrent yeast infections, add two tablespoons of vinegar to two quarts of water for boiling.

How Can You Clean a GRS Vaginal Dilator?
Wash your GRS vaginal dilator with warm water and gentle soap. Pat it dry with a clean towel and allow it to dry before storing it away. We recommend storing your dilators in a clean cotton cloth.

Also, you can store your GRS dilators in the storage pouch that comes with the device. NEVER soak your GRS vaginal dilator in sterilizing solutions that contain alcohol. You can wipe your GRS dilator with an alcohol-based solution, but ensure that you rinse off any residue before storing it away.

Does Your Medical Insurance Cover GRS Vaginal Dilators?
Whether your medical insurance covers GRS dilators or not depends on your particular medical insurance policy. Check with your insurance provider to confirm whether or not you have coverage.

That’s everything you need to know about GRS vaginal dilators. Now, you can decide whether this device is the right fit for you.

Feature Image:

Feature Image Credit: Lloydjane, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: July 11, 2022
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