When we rationalize, our thinking in favor of eating too much once a while is okay….then, we tend to eat too much. It happens when we start thinking that it is okay to eat once a while because I do not eat in a restaurant every week or saying I am looking good and it is okay to eat little more. In addition to these thinking if we don’t get enough sleep or treating food like a reward or if we have a habit of eating too fast – consuming too much calorie very fast before our stomach feels full – these all leads to that feeling “why did I eat so much food”!
Past of Eat is I ate too much and the future – What?

Eating big portion during dinnertime, having dinner after 8 PM, staying up late, having too much desert may be risk factors in weight gain. A recent study from Northwestern Medicine found that late sleepers consumed 248 more calories a day, mainly at dinner and later in the evening. They ate half as many fruits and vegetables, twice the fast food and drank more full-calorie sodas than those with earlier sleep times. The extra daily calories can mean a significant amount of weight gain – two pounds per month – if they are not balanced by more exercise.
Dieting is fun or is it?

People go on diet then they give up in the middle. There are so many nutrition jokes about diet planning. Dieting is hard but is worth. One should know which diet is good for one’s body. Dieting does not end in a day. Many diet plans go from one week to 30 days. Remember these funny words when you go on dieting…
- It’s not the minutes spent at the table that put on weight, it is the seconds.
- The biggest drawback to fasting for seven days is that it makes one weak.
- The toughest part of a diet is not watching what you eat. It is watching what other people eat.
- An excellent way to lose weight is by skipping … snacks and dessert.
Doctor and Patient

Many patients conclude their condition before the diagnosis. Everybody knows the term hereditary and this becomes an excuse for overweight, obesity or diabetes conditions. If we exercise regularly, minimum three days a week – 25 minutes each day, body will burn the calorie and the chance of developing various conditions is less. Ask your doctor or nutritionist or dietitian how to proceed with diet or exercise. Once you take that healthy path your body feels better inside out.
Control your portion

Limiting portions can help you lose weight and ultimately prevent complications. A 2004 study of 329 overweight people found that 38% of those who practiced portion control for two years lost 5% or more of body weight, compared with 33% of participants who did not (they gained 5% or more of body weight). Learning what a portion size actually is—and eating that amount—is tricky. Do research and understand the basic terms of nutrition -calorie, portion, gram, tea and table spoon, one cup, ounce, liter….all these will help to control the food intake.
Understand your body symptoms

If you do not know, what is happening with your body do not try to give a reason. Observe symptoms like allergy, weight gain, weight loss, nausea, bloating, gas formation, indigestion, rashes etc. Contact your doctor and undergo some test like blood work etc. Once you know what is happening then consult a nutrition expert to understand your diet -what you can eat or what you should not. For example gluten free diet is becoming a trend. More and more people are on the anti-wheat warpath trend, as the label “gluten free” appears on everything from beer to pets food. For those with celiac disease, a life-threatening autoimmune disorder that destroys the gastrointestinal tract, going gluten-free is critical to avoid damage to the small intestine. For everyone else, though, it is an unnecessary, and potentially unhealthy, diet.
What is that calorie?

Everybody talks about calorie or mentions this beautiful word calorie – at dinner table, restaurant menu, office, on food labels everywhere. Fact is, many people does not know the meaning of calorie -it is a mystery for many. It’s usage is so loose that it is phrased as “the thing in food that makes me fat.” A calorie is the energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. The important word to take away from this definition is ENERGY. Calories are ENERGY that fuel our bodies; much like gasoline fuels our cars. Without sufficient calories our body does not work – heart beat, lungs, kidney, brain and all other system need energy to function. Understand how many calories our body need every day. For men and women, young children, teenagers, young adults, athletes, seniors – the calorie need varies. If you exceed the number of calories your body requires each day- you will eventually gain weight.
Eat your veggie, not fries

Eating soluble fiber, greens, fruits vs. fatty foods: Adding fiber to your diet every day may be the key to preventing the growth of the belly fat that has been linked to chronic diseases. Include green leaves (spinach, amaranths, phalak etc), broccoli, carrots, brussels sprouts etc in your diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits are very helpful in removing the fat that is sitting in the system. As they say at that moment, you may feel pathetic to eat greens but it makes your body feel better. Whereas consuming fast food and French fries…..see the slide!