All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
October breast cancer awareness

October: Breast Cancer Awareness

Cancer is a broad term for a class of diseases characterized by abnormal cells that grow and invade healthy cells in the body.  Breast cancer starts when cells in the breast begin to grow out of control. These cells usually form a tumor that can often be seen on an x-ray or felt as a lump. The tumor is malignant (cancerous) if the cells can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. Breast cancer occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too.

Stats about breast cancer:  Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women both in the developed and less developed world.

  • Belgium had the highest rate of breast cancer, followed by Denmark and France.
  • Slightly more cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in less developed countries (53%).
  • The highest incidence of breast cancer was in Northern America and Oceania; and the lowest incidence in Asia and Africa.

What are the risk factors for breast cancer?

Most women who have one or more breast cancer risk factors never develop breast cancer, while many women with breast cancer have no known risk factors (other than being a woman and growing older). Even when a woman with risk factors develops breast cancer, it’s hard to know just how much these factors might have contributed.

Breast cancer risk factors you cannot change : Having a risk factor, or even many, does not mean that you are sure to get the disease.

  • Being a woman: Simply being a woman is the main risk factor for breast cancer. Men can have breast cancer, too, but this disease is about 100 times more common in women than in men. This might be because men have less of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which can promote breast cancer cell growth.
  • Getting older: As you get older, your risk of breast cancer goes up. Most invasive breast cancers (those that have spread from where they started) are found in women age 55 and older.
  • Certain inherited genes: About 5% to 10% of breast cancer cases are thought to be hereditary, meaning that they result directly from gene defects (called mutations) passed on from a parent.
  • BRCA1 and BRCA2: The most common cause of hereditary breast cancer is an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. In normal cells, these genes help prevent cancer by making proteins that help keep the cells from growing abnormally. Mutated versions of these genes cannot stop abnormal growth, and that can lead to cancer. If you have inherited a mutated copy of either gene from a parent, you have a higher risk of breast cancer. Breast cancers linked to these mutations are more often found in younger women and more often in both breasts than cancers not linked to these mutations. Women with these inherited mutations also have a higher risk of developing other cancers, mainly ovarian cancer. In the United States, BRCA mutations are more common in Jewish people of Ashkenazi (Eastern Europe) origin than in other racial and ethnic groups, but anyone can have them.
  • Changes in other genes: Other gene mutations can also lead to inherited breast cancers. These gene mutations are much less common and most of them do not increase the risk of breast cancer as much as the BRCA genes. They are seldom causes of inherited breast cancer.

Reproductive factors associated with prolonged exposure to endogenous estrogens, such as early menarche, late menopause, late age at first childbirth are among the most important risk factors for breast cancer. Exogenous hormones also exert a higher risk for breast cancer. Oral contraceptive and hormone replacement therapy users are at higher risk than non-users. Breastfeeding has a protective effect.

Facts About Breast Cancer

1. Breast cancer is hormone related, and the factors that modify the risk of this cancer when diagnosed premenopausally and when diagnosed (much more commonly) postmenopausally are not the same.

2. The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are being female and aging. About 95% of all breast cancers in the US occur in women 40 and older.

3. Getting a mammogram can help reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer by 30 to 40% among women ages 40 to 70.

4. Breast cancer deaths have been declining since 1990 thanks to early detection, better screening, increased awareness, and new treatment options.

5. Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die.

6. Make your mom a personalized card telling her to get a mammogram.

7. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.

8. In the US today, there are more than 2.9 million breast cancer survivors — the largest group of all cancer survivors.

9. Every 19 seconds, someone in the world is diagnosed with breast cancer.

10. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000.

11. About 2,240 new cases of invasive breast cancer were expected to be diagnosed in men in 2013.

Prevention: There are two early detection methods:

  • Early diagnosis or awareness of early signs and symptoms in symptomatic populations in order to facilitate diagnosis and early treatment, and
  • Screening that is the systematic application of a screening test in a presumably asymptomatic population. It aims to identify individuals with an abnormality suggestive of cancer.

Early diagnosis remains an important early detection strategy, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where the diseases is diagnosed in late stages and resources are very limited.

Mammography screening: Mammography screening is the only screening method that has proven to be effective.

Breast self examination (BSE): There is no evidence on the effect of screening through breast self-examination (BSE). However, the practice of BSE has been seen to empower women, taking responsibility for their own health

Clinical Breast Examination (CBE): Research is underway to evaluate CBE as a low-cost approach to breast cancer screening that can work in less affluent countries. Promising preliminary results show that the age-standardized incidence rate for advanced-stage breast cancer is lower in the screened group compared to the unscreened group.

Key message: Breast cancer is the top cancer in women worldwide and is increasing particularly in developing countries where the majority of cases are diagnosed in late stages.


  • Image credit: Image by sandramu from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 9, 2018
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Potty problem in kids

Potty problem in kids? Try these home remedies

Parents feel terrible when child does not go for potty and suffers because of constipation.

Potty problem (constipation) in kids most of the time happens because of dehydration.

If your child has difficulty in passing stool and does not feel like going for potty then try any of the below methods.

If your child is allergic to any one of these remedies then, don’t use it!

  1. Water: Give slightly warm water 3 times a day. Slipping a glass full of water itself should help your child.
  2. Whole fruits: Don’t forget to feed your child fresh fruits. Banana, prune, strawberries, mango, blueberries, apple, oranges helps child to pass the stool easily. Guava is one of the best fruit for easy digestion and intestine movement.
  3. Fruit juice with pulp: If your child prefers juice over fresh fruit, then give half a glass of juice with pulp to child. The fiber content helps to overcome constipation.
  4. Fiber rich food: Cereals and pulses helps. Whole grain bread and oats porridge should help too. These foods will cause soft and bulky stool and helps them to pass it easily.
  5. Molasses and jaggery: Molasses always fights constipation and indigestion. Including jaggery instead of sugar in food also helps. Molasses is rich in magnesium that helps for easy bowel movement.
  6. Olive oil: A teaspoon of olive oil with little lemon juice should be adequate for children above 8 years to pass the stool.
  7. Aloe vera: Two spoonful of Aloe vera gel mixed In a glass of warm water does miracle. It is considered as an excellent laxative.
  8. Yogurt: Homemade curd/yogurt is always good. Good bacteria in this will help the child to pass stool easily. It also provides calcium for the body, improves immunity and helps in movement of internal organs.
  9. Banana and milk: Prepare a milk shake using banana. This really helps the child.
  10. Betel leaf: Sometime children will have stomach ache due to constipation. Here is a solution for this problem – warm a betel leaf and apply little castor oil on the surface. Place it near the belly button and kids will be relieved within few minutes. This will also help them to go for a easy motion.
  11. Drinking buttermilk – Give a glass of buttermilk (do not give ice cold) and you will see the effect.
  12. Castor oil – This is for children age above 11 only -In case of severe constipation, add one or two drops of castor oil to a glass of warm water and have them drink. Castor oil helps in bowel movement.
  13. Vegetables – Give good amount of various vegetables to your child. Carrot is one of the best suited vegetable for children that helps in digestion.
  14. Yogurt drink – Lassi: Mango, almond, rose lassi – all these are liked by children. These varieties of lassi helps children to pass stool easily.



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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Virat Kohli is Vegan

Virat Kohli is Vegan !

Many celebrities are vegetarians and vegans. Being ambassador of animal rights and their passion for animals both have turned many non-vegetarian actors, athletes and prominent personalities to either vegans or vegetarians.

Recently Indian Cricket team Captain Virat Kohli decided to get help from plant protein while moving away from animal protein. He strongly feels, personally this decision helped him a lot. It helped him to perform better at his favorite sport. According to reports, Kohli’s current diet contains plant protein shakes, vegetables and soya, He has given up on dairy products as well as eggs.

Four months back Kohli decided to stay away from animal protein. The one result that he notices was his digestive power has increased with the diet and feels stronger. Ever since he does not miss meat, dairy or eggs. Vegan diet is also helping him personally to be calm and positive effect on his temperament. Which means vegan diet has positive influence on the cricketer and it is remarkable.

While Kohli turned to be vegan, his wife actress Anushka Sharma had also turned vegetarian. The change of diet was planned well in advance. As per sources, two years ago Kohli when was on a normal diet stated that if given a choice he would go vegan. Today he feels stronger than before about (it).  Kohli revealed his workout and diet plan last winter in a show “Breakfast with Champions. Kohli conceded on the show that he has not eaten naan and butter chicken for four years! He revealed his ultimate cheat meal would be chole bhature at Rajouri garden.

His favorite nibbles are dried fruits and nuts along with a cup of steaming black coffee.

Many sport stars like Serena Williams, Venus Williams, four-time Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton, legendary sprinter Carl Lewis are turned vegetarians in recent times. Being an undoubtedly fittest athlete and an youth icon in the world Kohli is going to be a role model and people look up to him. His passion for animals and love for athlete only proves how good an athlete he is. His fitness goals not only for his fellow athletes, also for youths and masses around the world.

Indian cricketer is now proud of his diet and says it has become his second nature. He recently became the first Indian captain to complete 1000 runs in Test cricket three years in a row when he struck 24th hundred again West Indies.


Image: Google


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Tips to prevent injury at workout

Tips to prevent injury during work out

While exercise is important to keep fit and good health precaution should be taken to getting hurt during exercise or work out. Injury can happen to anybody. Athletes and body builders also get hurt while practicing in a fitness center in presence of trainer. However, the drugs and medicine helps them to overcome the injury soon. Common people who go for workout need to take proper precaution not to get hurt. Many times body tries to tell us “this should be enough”. But we push ourselves to do more. This will definitely results in an injury. There are many ways to avoid body injury during workouts. If you are new to exercise or changing your exercise routine, these tips will help reduce your risk of suffering a preventable sports injury.

The Frequency

People who are not trained and overweight or who have less energy must begin with 2 to 3 days week to gain strength, power, balance, coordination and flexibility.  Try this for a month or two. The initial focus should be understanding the body and to feel which exercise is good or suitable for your body. Understand the fitness machines.  Increase the frequency of exercise slowly and steadily. Remember many injuries occur because of too much frequency, too early in the program. When starting an exercise program, many people have lots of enthusiasm initially, and go too hard, too soon. Begin with moderate exercise of about 20 minutes, 3 times a week and gradually build upon this.

Fitness Test or Physical Fitness

When you see your doctor talk about the exercise program that you have in your schedule. Sometimes the new activities can stress the body. For your conditions, doctors will be able to advise what type of exercise you should do.

Personal Trainer

An expert trainer can help you out to set your exercise schedule. They will be able to assist you to understand the instruments, aerobic exercises, how to handle weights etc. Safety is important and a good trainer will get you started safely and help you learn enough to work out on your own if you choose. Try a few initial sessions with a trainer and understand how to reach your goal that you might have.

Warm Up Before Exercise

Warming up is very much essential before starting any type of exercise. It prevents the long term injuries. Warm-up can consist of walking, jogging, breathing or simply doing your regular activity at a slow pace.

Do not Exercise in Empty Stomach

While you don’t want to exercise immediately after eating a large meal, eating about 2 hours before exercise can help fuel your exercise and help you avoid bonking during your workout. Muscle failure in the middle of an exercise will lead to painful tears in the tissue that notoriously take forever to heal. Include more fruits, vegetables in your diet. Do not eat something very heavy (like carbs) and exercise. Feeding the body with necessary protein post-workout to repair any muscle fiber damage is of course equally important as the pre-workout carbohydrate consumption.

Drink Before You Exercise

Do not get dehydrate. Always carry water bottles with you. Dehydration can lead to many injuries. Drink 16 oz. of water in the two hours before your workout and then take in water during your workout.

Listen to Your Body

The “no pain, no gain” philosophy can set you up for an injury! It is important to listen to your body.  If you experience sharp pain, light-headiness, numbness and weakness during exercise stop your exercise immediately. Because this is the body’s signal, which is trying to say that something is wrong and cannot continue. If you push yourself despite the fact that your body is experiencing pain then, it leads to severe injury and chronic pain. If you feel numbness and no sensation in your body see your doctor immediately.

Take Time for Rest and Recovery

Working out too much for long hours can lead to over-training syndrome and reduces body immunity. It is important to take off a day from the fitness regime each week. If you feel exhausted and extremely sore then take rest and revisit gym once, you feel better in your body. Taking rest and observing your body situation is very important when you are over-training. Do not live on pain-pills or anti-inflammatory medicine. Listen to your body and determine the cause of your pain. Solve the cause, don’t mask it with drugs.

Dress properly for exercise

Dress right! Clothes and footwear are two important items of exercise. Choose your cloths wisely. Wear clothes that wicks the sweat and keeps your body cool and dry. Choosing proper footwear, replacing shoes as needed. Ask an expert what type of footwear you need to wear.

Pre- and Post-Workout

Warming up before exercise increases flexibility and gives comfort to the body. Flexibility will allow you to perform better as muscles will get ready for more poses. It minimizes the risk of injury. After workout, stretch the muscles again. Do not miss it.

Treat your body with respect, Honour your health!


Image credit: Photo by Payam Tahery on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 8, 2018
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Kids, pets and responsibility

Kids, pets and responsibility

Most children love animals and love to have pets. Children need animals in their lives. Animals and pets have magical effect on a child’s life. When children take care of pets and grow having pets around them, they get invaluable training of treating all beings kindly.

Parents and families need to teach children how to behave with pets and other animals. This helps to develop good manners in growing children. Ill-treating animals is an unhealthy sign for both child and pet. In several households, pets are given as gifts to children during birthdays or on festival occasions.

For example, during Easter, Easter bunnies and for birthdays puppies or kittens are presented to children. If not taught how to take care of pets properly, children will lose initial interest and start neglecting pets. It is responsibility of adults to teach children how to look after pet if they present child one. Getting an animal to family should be a privilege and it must be done in a way that is safe for all.

What is the advantage of owning a pet for children?

Children will develop positive feelings. Owning pet boost their self-esteem and confidence. A positive relationship with pet helps in developing social skills and good relationship with others.

They also develop compassion, empathy and understand the need of those who are unfortunate in the world.

Other benefits and purposes of having pets in children life:

  • Pets can be good friends to talk to.
  • Pets teach patience, loyalty, affection, empathy, trust, care for others – responsible behaviors
  • Interacting with animals brings kids close to nature
  • They teach responsibility and respect for all living beings
  • Pets are good companion for non-verbal children who find it difficult to communicate. Interacting with pets improves children communication skills.
  • According to new studies, children who are raised with pets are less like to develop allergic reactions to animals.

Choosing an appropriate pet: Adopting pets is a huge responsibility and commitment. Before bringing any animal as a pet have a clear discussion with family including the child.

  • It is important to choose a pet that is right for your home, lifestyle and family.
  • Your child should be able help in taking care of pet.
  • Aggressive animals cannot be kept as pets
  • It is also difficult to have exotic and unusual animals as pets and before bringing one such “cute” animal make sure that you know what you are getting into.

Teach children how to take care of pet:

  • Children under the age 5 do not have the maturity to understand and control the aggressive and angry impulses of pets and should be monitored all time.
  • Children under 10 years are unable to take care of big and larger animals.
  • If children lose interest in taking care of pets, then parents should fill in and take over the responsibility of caring pets
  • Gently and carefully teach children that animals like people also need water, food and walks.
  • Do not beat, kick or threaten pets in front of children. Be a role model and teach children how to take care of pets.
  • If child starts hating and neglecting pet, then look for an alternate arrangement and find a new home.

If a child is not treating pet properly and tortures or abuses pet then it could be an emotional problem. If child abuses and kills a pet – he or she should be referred to an adolescent psychiatrist for evaluation. Consider adopting a pet only if you and your child is willing to take care of the animal whole heartedly.


Image credit: Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 4, 2018
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Solitude and self analysis

Solitude and self analysis

Humans need social life. We always look for company to get out from boredom or look at others to get into happy mood. We are engrossed in social media just to get to know what is happening in other’s life and what they are doing. At least our devices and technology we are into makes sure that we are not alone anymore.

Human mind is good at connecting dots to create a storyline – it takes bits of information, gathers everything in mind and creates a sad or happy story by giving its own view and we share it with others. Why we do this is because we always feel that we need each other to be happy and to survive.

While doing such act, we are losing somewhere with our original personality and disconnect ourselves from our mind. It means, we lose the capacity, ability to be alone with ourselves. It acts on our overstimulated nervous system and there is no rest to recharge. When we circle around others life – trying to please or look up to someone to lead a happy life we might lose our self-confidence and creativity.

Be alone – that is the secret of invention: be alone, that is when ideas are born – Nikola Telsa

Being solitude once a while helps to understand oneself.  However, spending time alone thinking about ourselves may not be desirable for everyone. Over the years how much we are grown inside, what we have achieved, what should be our goal, revisiting situations in mind, how emotionally we are dependent on others – these talks and discussion with oneself is needed to get to know who we are at present. The power of being solitude should not be dismissed.

Many people are afraid of being alone as they feel awkward, painful and neglected. We all know it is difficult to be solitude all the time. Once a while to get benefits of solitude we can take help from mindfulness. Mindfulness helps to bring back the awareness and creativity. When we let go the fear of being alone, we can learn how to be honest, brave and happy with how things are going around right now. We will start appreciating what we have and probably will be able to create conditions that we need to be content with one’s life. The other advantage of spending time alone, is assessing our own thoughts – how to overcome situation, finding simple solution for a problem, looking to solve problem in different angles, differentiating painful, hateful and fearful thoughts, planning and organizing life and ability to recognize the faults and forces that are playing in life.

The calmness and silent surrounding helps to focus on our breath. This relieves the stress level. There will not be hormonal rush to alert body and it helps to relax mind. This self-created environment helps to understand oneself better and gives more time to think about creativity that is lacking in life. It is in these moments of solitude we discover our potential, identity and learn to express ourselves. We are free from others opinion, expression, interruption and it is all about our views and opinions.

How to find the opportunity to be alone?

  • Have lunch alone
  • Go for walk alone
  • Close your office door for half an hour and get your thoughts together
  • Wake up early and have coffee alone
  • Take a stroll in the garden
  • Go to library and sit in a place where no one is around you
  • Find a time where no one is present around at home or office
  • Travel alone

You can always find a way to be solitude and be mindful. Simply dedicate sometime for yourself. You will see the change in your attitude, productivity, creativity and energy that helps you to maintain stress and body to relax.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Customized Viruses stimulate the Immune system to fight Cancer

Customized Viruses stimulate the Immune system to fight Cancer

In past few years there are many treatments available for cancer patients. An article published in Nature Communication provides basis for innovative cancer treatment. Scientists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland and University of Basel have created artificial viruses to target and fight cancer. These designer viruses alert immune system and send killer cells to help system to fight the cancer tumor.

Generally, from body’s defense mechanism limited reaction is provoked in response to cancer cells. This results in cancer growth without much resistance from the body.

Viruses are good at destroying cells and they are threatening little creatures. Same viruses that are harmful now been used in a constructive way to attack and kill cancer cells.

Recently scientists were successful in sneaking custom made viruses into cancer cells and unleash gene editing tool of cancer cells. This resulted in self-destruct of cancer cells. Scientists from Switzerland and Basel have come up with a different approach. Results published in Nature communications reveal by using their own set of cancer killing custom made viruses immune system of person can be activated more. It means most of the heavy work will be done by patients’ immune system!

Scientists used a type of viruses namely Lymphocytic choriomeningitis is a meningitis virus also known as LCMV. When inside a living creature it triggers to release what is called T cells, a type of white blood cells that consumes and destroys cancer cells, damaged cells as wells as viral infected cells. One problem of using these viruses that there is no guarantee of curing cancer same time.

To solve the issue scientists devised artificial, customized LCMV’s, ones that would behave like regular viruses to some extent but would not cause any harm to patients. They also contain genetic markers of the tumors (an equivalent of a red flag for mice’s immune system).

In mice these artificial LCMVs and flagged tumor cells triggered immune system to eject hordes of T -Cells into the bloodstream and killed enough of the tumor cells and pushed mice into remission! The unique combination of signals and the cancer cell protein stimulated the immune system to create powerful army of T-lymphocytes or killer cells which identified the cancer cells through protein and destroyed them”.

There is no doubt that this a pioneering cancer killing method and it is an advanced immunotherapy can be used instead of drugs, radiation and chemotherapy in patients. It uses body’s own defense mechanisms to do the job and there are no notable side effects as it happens with chemotherapy and radiation.

Immunotherapy have been successfully used to treat cancer but stimulating the immune system was always a battle for scientists. This team of scientists lead by Professor Daniel Pinschewer and Professor Doron Merkler is now succeeded in manufacturing innovative designer that could trigger immune system wholeheartedly to combat cancer cells.


Image credit: Image by skeeze from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 3, 2018
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