All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
Eat Right Movement

Eat Right Movement

After Fit India movement initiation, Government of India has taken another positive step to keep Indian citizen healthier by launching Eat Right Movement.

Eat Right Movement launched by FSSAI on July 10th 2018, to promote safe and healthy food for citizens of India. With this FSSAI launched Eat Right tool kit and safe and Nutritious Food at Workplace campaign.

Eat Right Movement is voluntary and collaborative movement built on two broad pillars “Eat Healthy” and “Eat Safe”.  This is to encourage people towards making right dietary and food choices. The focus is on both demand and supply side of food.  While demand for food focuses on empowering public to make right food choices and supply side it requests food makers and businesses to reformulate their products for better health of citizens. Reformulation of products to provide better nutritional information to consumers as well as to make investments in healthy food product business.

Reduce salt, sugar and saturated fat in packed food products – Asked FSSAI to Food industry.

Under Eat Right Movement FSSAI is asking all food industries to voluntarily reduce 3 S’s : Sugar, salt and saturated fats in packaged food products. This includes – bakeries, oil industries, halwais, FMCG companies like Nestle India, Patanjali, HUL. Many of these companies including Patanjali of India have taken pledge to reduce 3 S’s in their food products.

What is Eat Right tool kit?

FSSAI launched a tool kit to Eat right, safe and nutritious food at workplace campaign. The tool kit has components on eating safe – how to maintain hygiene, sanitation and food adulteration. In addition, it gives message on to avoid high fat, salt and sugary foods.

Eat Right Movement aims to cut down salt/sugar/ saturated fat consumption by 30% in three years. FSSAI has issued a new set of progressive draft regarding Food Safety Standards on making it mandatory for sugar and added sugar to mentioned specifically on all product nutrition labels.

With such a huge population, setting a campaign “Eat Right” is not easy for India. All the regulatory mechanisms that are implemented should remain strong and any malpractice should be taken care. As an initiative and to ensure public will get safe food, Government for the first time will serve cover food at Indian Railways and in Holy places.  And as for as the citizens of India concerned- it is the duty of every citizen to spread knowledge and keep informed about healthy food and its healthy impact on lifestyle.


Read more here:

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: October 3, 2018
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Baby music

Infants, toddlers and love of music

Music has a huge impact on a child’s mind and body development. Parents should encourage their kids to listen and learn music.

Good and rhythmic music naturally captures a child’s attention irrespective of their age. Similar to teenagers and young adults both infants and toddlers gain a lot from music.

Mothers are usually a child’s first musical mentor and their singing enhances the bond between mother and infant.

Research reveals strong connections between rhythm skills and pre-reading abilities in toddlers. Music enhances fine motor skills, or the ability to use small, acute muscle movements to write, use a computer, and perform other physical activities.

Infants and music:

  • Infants recognize the melody of a song long before they understand the words. They often try to mimic sounds and start moving to the music as soon as they are physically able.
  • Infants are intensely interested in music. This interest enables babies to perceive nuances and changes in pitch and rhythm of songs in foreign languages that even their parents don’t notice.
  • Infants have precocious listening skills. They can recognize the same song in a different pitch and tell the difference in songs containing missing or dissonant notes. Like adults, babies remember and prefer pleasant rather than unpleasant music.
  • Infants have an excellent memory for music. After 1-2 weeks of exposure, infants remember a song they have heard and can distinguish it from unfamiliar melodies.
  • They prefer new music to the familiar though, because they are curious and are stimulated by something new.
  • Infants who are sung to are more content, sleep better and have an overall better sense of well-being.

 Toddlers and music:

  • Toddlers love to dance and move to music. The key to toddler music is the repetition of songs which encourages the use of words and memorization. Silly songs make them laugh. Try singing a familiar song and inserting a silly word in the place of the correct word, like “Mary had a little spider” instead of lamb.
  • Toddlers often get exposure to new songs through their favorite TV shows, such as The Wiggles. They can identify these tunes easily and relate them to these programs. Toddlers enjoy singing on their own and while they play.
  • Even deaf children will sing independently without prompting. Deaf toddlers with cochlear implants also love music, despite the tones being suboptimal. They also sing along -through off-key, and get a lot of pleasure from music. While they don’t often recognize melodies, deaf toddlers do recognize rhythms.

What parents need to know?

Maternal singing is mesmerizing to infants and tends to catch their attention better than spoken language. It also eases the burdens of care giving by producing a more content baby and a more relaxed mother.

Structured music may not appeal to some children if it’s not customized to their interests or tastes. Thus, they lose interest. Some children receive more exposure to music and may simply be more musical due to that fact. However, interest in the kind of music can affect desire.

Infants live in a highly musical environment. With technologies, everywhere, now a days Infants are surrounded by music, even in the musical or sing-song way parents speak to infants. Studies show that infants prefer sing-song kind of speech and are more attentive when parents communicate in this way. Parents and grandparents often sing lullabies and play songs. In a good way, these melodies are more emotional, higher-pitched, have a slower tempo and are more intimate. Infants prefer maternal singing to maternal speech and find it more calming.




Image credit: Photo by Alireza Attari on Unsplash (Free for commercial use)

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 27, 2018
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Homemade pickle recipe

Preparing pickles? See what grandma has to say

Traditional Indian pickles are spicy, tasty and strong. There are many varieties of pickles one can prepare (see here).  Main ingredients such as different varieties of mangoes, lemon, lime, vegetables, herbs and roots – ginger, turmeric, hemidesmus give unique taste to pickles. Remaining ingredients are almost same in most  Indian spicy pickles. Turmeric, fenugreek, asafetida, chilli powder, mustard and salt are the common ingredients. For variation people add green chillis, mustard powder, fennel seeds. Oil is another key ingredient of pickles.

Reason we eat pickle is to enhance taste buds especially when we are sick, to enhance food taste, to add extra spice and it aids digestion.

What are the role of ingredients?

  • Turmeric: Gives color to pickle and it has high medicinal property. It helps in digestion and increases metabolism. Moreover, adding turmeric to food improves our overall health.
  • Fenugreek: Helps to reduce cholesterol, lowers sugar and improves digestion.
  • Asafetida: Reduces stomach pain, gas, bloating and inflammation of digestive system
  • Oil: Oil type and quantity varies and depends on pickle type. Two types of oil generally used in pickle are:  Sesame oil is important for bone, arthritis and hair growth, mustard oil has several health benefits – hair growth, skin and known to reduce body pain.

Now a day many varieties of ready made pickles or aachar is available in supermarket. Not all brands are good – either the smell is odd, or taste would be stale. Reason for this is, quality of the oil. Oil preserves the pickle for longtime. However, if quality of oil is not good it gives an odd odor to pickle. Other reasons for pickles to go bad or does not taste good is because of quality of materials that goes in – mustard powder, old chillis or chilli powder, improper processing, quick mixing and fixing pickle are few reasons for pickles to go bad. Preparing pickles at home is easy and does not require much effort.

If pickles are made at home there are several precautions one should take -,

Traditionally, pickles are made in air tight containers or jars. Mango, lemon pickles prepared by salting them for at least 15 days and stored in dark places to avoid fungal and bacterial growth. Before putting in salt handpicked mango or lemons are washed thoroughly in water and air dried for several hours to ensure there is no water content. Water retention spoils the pickle as water gives a way for microbial growth. Every alternate day salted content is mixed using dry ladle.

When adding salt or rock salt, make sure it is not impure and there is no water content in it.

  • Oil – use suitable oil. Coconut oil, vegetable oil or canola oil does not give good taste for pickle. Best oils are sesame oil, peanut oil or sunflower oil. Mustard oil is good but if you are not used to its strong odor you may not like it.
  • Asafetida – Adding asafetida gives good taste and smell to pickle. Add asafetida with seasoning and its odor spreads in pickle.
  • Chilli powder – It does not hurt heating chilli powder under low flame for few minutes and cool it before adding to pickle. Reason to heat chilli powder is, sometimes chilli powder processing might have exposed to moisture. Mild heating ensures no moisture entry inside pickle.
  • Airtight containers – Keeping moisture away is critical for pickles. Always use sterilized, dry containers for storage.
  • Cutting vegetables and other raw fruits: Use a dry knife. Before cutting main ingredients, wash and dry them thoroughly.
  • Selection of main ingredients: This is critical as pickle taste depends on the main ingredient varieties and appearance. For example for tender mango pickle one cannot mix fully grown unripen mango. Similarly, lemons should be juicy and there should not be any spots on the skin. If you are preparing herbs pickle, there should not be any spoiled or old leaves (example: gungru, cilantro pickles).
  • Do not make mistake of using wet spoons or ladle to serve pickles. Always use dry spoons.
  • Timings – while preparing pickle, time plays vital role. For example, salt should be absorbed in main ingredient properly. It takes 10-12 days. Salt acts as preservative of pickle and well processed pickle can be stored for more than 6 years without contamination or microbial growth. Secondly, adding spices and leaving it for a week or so, helps spices to blend with ingredients. Each ingredient takes its own time to blend with other ingredients and all together finally yields that unique flavor and taste.

The longevity of the pickles depends on all the above factors. Pickle preparation is easy but proper precautions should be taken to avoid its spoilage. Once you follow those precautions, you will enjoy taste of homemade pickle for a longer time !


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 19, 2018
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Reduce travel expenses

Tips to reduce travel expenses

To get out from daily routine life, we all need a vacation once a while. Question is where to go and how to afford the expenses while enjoying visit and stay in good places. Some places on the earth are so expensive that we must start saving for the trip from a long time. Even if we save, it might not be enough to have a comfortable visit. If the vacation causes stress what is the use of going on vacation? A comfortable visit is a must for a healthy stay. For a healthy visit and stay we should be able to afford travel expenses. How to reduce travel expenses ?

Tuesday is important day:

Tuesday is a good day to travel in terms of catching a flight. Cheapest flight of many airlines is available during Tuesday as the rush is bit less. As the demand increases, so also the price of the ticket. Sometimes, off peak travel is better. Also, many times Wednesday deals will be good. One can enjoy good seat, good view and relax during travel

 Stay in bed & breakfast, rental houses:

When you are planning trip, look for bed and breakfast places. While hotels are great place to stay, short term rental houses, hostels as well as bed & breakfast places work out cheap. It is good option as it is affordable for most middle class families. There are home sharing apps in many towns and cities. Advantage of using such facilities is, staying in a homely place and if time permits one can cook and enjoy the perks like cable, car and neighborhood. This is a great way to enjoy small towns and cities without spending much. Some organizations that you volunteer for might provide accommodation arrangements in different places.

 Take advantage of overbooked flights:

This is a common issue with many airlines “overbooking”. If you have time and willing to get into next available flight negotiate with airlines. Airlines need volunteers in such situations and are willing to provide good amount for your seat. Many airlines give you voucher /money to give up your seat. The amount you might get sometime will cover your meal and stay expenses our your entire trip!

 Carry snacks:

When you leave home, carry snacks with you. Use a Ziploc bag and separate breakfast bars, nuts, biscuits, crackers and other fried items like chips into different bags. This will help you to save some money in your travel on snacking. Airport food tend to be expensive and so also other theme parks. Carry green tea bags, herbal teas, regular tea bags with you.

 City guide and tourism cards:

City attraction guides and tourism cards will offer discounts at restaurants and local shops. You may find bus services to different places. Some places offer free entry to top visitor attraction. Find about these options in visitors guide. Use group tours and sometimes these tours will be cheaper with hotel you stay.


Get buffet or big lunch specials with less prices. Many restaurants offer left over carry box system. Carry the good food and save it for dinner. Eat good dinner at nice place on last day of your trip.

 Carry medicines:

Always carry common cough, cold, fever, diarrhea and pain medicines – tablets in your bag. In new place you may not able to find doctor or it can be expensive. For small health conditions medicines that you carry will be helpful for immediate relief.

Before your trop create a budget on your spending. Stick to the budget. It will help to keep your trip on track, saves money and you will enjoy trip.

Image :

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Hurricane, Flooding, carbon monoxide poisoning

Hurricane, Flooding, carbon monoxide poisoning

This year many parts of the World are hit by hurricane, heavy rain and flooding. Just this month Hurricane Florence began affecting Southeastern US. Thousands of people are without electricity and water. Without power people look for alternate power sources such as gasoline generators, propane or charcoal grills. These sources are good but, If used improperly can lead to Carbon monoxide CO build up inside house, garage, buildings and can poison people, pet and other animals.

Carbon monoxide (CO), an odorless, colorless gas, which can cause sudden illness and death, is produced any time a fossil fuel is burned. Exposure to CO results in severe health symptoms. Mitigating and identifying CO source is critical in preventing CO poison.

Sources of Carbon monoxide

Gas water heaters, kerosene stove, charcoal grill, propane stove and heaters, petrol and diesel-powered generators, cigarette, forklifts with propane tank, boats, pain removers, solvents etc.

Symptoms of Carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Eye burning
  • Flu like symptom
  • Fatigue and chest pain
  • Impaired judgment,
  • Confusion
  • Blurry eyes
  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Vomiting, drowsiness
  • Hallucination
  • Depression and agitation
  • Seizure and fainting
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath, hoarseness and heavy/noisy breathing

Who are at high risk

  • Elderly
  • Pregnant women
  • Babies and infants
  • People with chronic diseases and respiratory problems.


  • Blood test is the effective way to make CO poisoning in the system.
  • Neurological exam can be part of evaluation.
  • CO-oximeter helps to analyze the blood
  • Fingertip pulso CO-oximeter is recommended to measure heart rate and oxygen saturation and COHgb (carboxyhemoglobin) levels in patients’ body.
  • Brian computed tomography or MRI helps to show signs of cerebral infarction.


  • If you or someone you know have any of the above symptoms in the affected areas, contact hospital and emergency department. Take your pets to Vet office.
  • Move family members and pets to fresh air.
  • Remove sources of CO -If you cannot – contact local fire department or public utility company.
  • There are no home therapy available and seek medical help as soon as possible.
  • If your area is expected to face situations where CO poisoning might be a threat – be ready with facial mask.
  • Using facemask attached to an oxygen reserve bag (like one in the flights) could help
  • In hospitals health care person might check your blood periodically for CO level. Hyperbaric pressure chamber may be used to provide higher oxygen in extreme cases.

You Can Prevent Carbon Monoxide Exposure (

  1. Do have your heating system, water heater and any other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances serviced by a qualified technician every year.
  2. Do install a battery-operated or battery back-up CO detector in your home and check or replace the battery when you change the time on your clocks each spring and fall. If the detector sounds leave your home immediately and call emergency phone number.
  3. Do seek prompt medical attention if you suspect CO poisoning and are feeling dizzy, light-headed, or nauseated.
  4. Don’t use a generator, charcoal grill, camp stove, or other gasoline or charcoal-burning device inside your home, basement, or garage or near a window.
  5. Don’t run a car or truck inside a garage attached to your house, even if you leave the door open.
  6. Don’t burn anything in a stove or fireplace that isn’t vented.
  7. Don’t heat your house with a gas oven.
  8. Don’t use a generator, pressure washer, or any gasoline-powered engine less than 20 feet from any window, door, or vent.

For more information on carbon monoxide poisoning please visit


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 17, 2018
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Kitchen organizer

Create more space with kitchen organizers

Irrespective of having a small or bigger kitchen, often we feel that we need more space for shortage. Keeping things neat and organized is not everyone’s skill.

To store groceries, we need place in pantries, to store vessels and lids need place in cupboards.

Similarly storing snacks, canned items, cups and saucer and utensils properly we need more space.

Now a day’s different types of kitchen organizers are available in market and online.

Sink organizers: To keep washed dishes and to store dish sponge, brush use sink organizers.

Vessel cabinet organizer: To keep lids and vessels neat racks are available. This gives easy access to both lids and vessels when we need it.

Cabinet side and counter top holders: To keep coffee, tea, sugar and salt make use of space on side of the cabinet. Similarly put basket line above counter top side wall. You can store oil, small spice bottles and any small decorative plant too!

Create more space using these ideas: Keep cutting board, trays in rectangular racks. You can place it on one corner of counter top or inside cabinet. Ziploc, cans and cereal boxes can be stored in iron racks that can be hooked to shelves or can be placed inside lower shelves. Keep spatula, serving spoons, ladles  in wide mouth thick glass bottle or ladle containers. This saves lot of space for you.


Image courtesy: Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: September 14, 2018
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