All posts by Sumana Rao

Don't worry about the people in your past; There's a reason they didn't make it to your future.
14 Apps parents should be aware

14 apps that could put kids in danger

There are many Apps that attract kids and put them into dangerous situations. Many Apps are not safe for kids to use and parents must make note of these Apps. Recently Fairview Park Auxillary Police association has warned parents about 14 such apps that could put kids in danger and harm them.

Your child may insist on downloading these below apps. Before installing any such apps in your child’s phone read and thoroughly understand what these apps are for. These apps can expose your child to not just bullying and unwanted sexual messages also give information about child’s location.

These apps can be downloaded anywhere in the world and list of 14 apps given by Fairview Park Auxiliary to help protect your children.

Before installing any apps on children phone, parents need to give attention to following critical points.

  • Understand what the app is about, do some leg work, check privacy settings and if you feel satisfied then only approve to download
  • Do not agree or bend for child’s tantrums to download app. Talk through it, do not show your anger. Communicate effectively with child.
  • Help children to understand the positive and negative impact of social media. Give suitable examples.

14 apps that could put your kids in danger

BUMBLE is similar to the popular dating app “Tinder.” However, it requires women to make the first contact. Kids have been known to use Bumble to create fake accounts and falsify their age.

LIVE.ME is a live-streaming video app that uses geolocation to share videos, so users can find out a broadcaster’s exact location. Users can earn “coins” as a way to “pay” minors for photos.

ASK.FM is known for cyber bullying. The app encourages users to allow anonymous people to ask them questions. Ask an anonymous question and get an answer. This app has been linked to the most severe forms of Cyber bullying.

SNAPCHAT is one of the most popular apps of 2018. While the app promises users can take a photo/video and it will disappear, recent features including “stories” allows users to view content for up to 24 hours. Snapchat also allows users to see your location.

HOLLA is a self-proclaimed “addicting” video chat app that allows users to meet people all over the world in just seconds. Reviewers say they have been confronted with racial slurs, explicit content and more.

CALCULATOR% is only one of several secret apps used to hide photos, videos, files and browser history. This app looks like a calculator but functions like a secret photo vault. There are other apps just like this that have an icon that looks normal, but it is a hidden icon or some other app, etc.

KIK allows anyone to contact and direct message your child. Kids can bypass traditional text messaging features. KIK gives users unlimited access to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Keep in mind this app has built-in apps and web content that would be filtered on a home computer.

WHISPER is an anonymous social network that promotes sharing secrets with strangers. It also reveals a user’s location so people can meet up. An anonymous app where the creators promote sharing secrets and meeting new people.

HOT OR NOT encourages users to rate your profile, check out people in their area and chat with strangers. The goal of this app is to hook up.

OMEGLE is a free online chat website that promotes chatting anonymously to strangers.

YELLOW is an app designed to allow teens to flirt with each other in a Tinder-like atmosphere.

BURN BOOK posts anonymous rumors about people through audio messages, text, and photos.

WISHBONE is an app that allows users to compare kids against each other and rate them on a scale.

INSTAGRAM – kids are now creating fake accounts to hide content from parents. Kids also like to text using Instagram because messages are deleted once a user leaves the conversation.

Note: These are only a few examples of apps that you should be aware about. keep in mind when looking at apps… look to consider whether they have messaging features in them or not.

Checking your child’s phone and apps is the best defense against potential predators, who have become increasingly tricky when targeting victims.


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Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 25, 2019
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Rabbit pose Shashankaasana

Shashankaasana Rabbit pose

Shashankaasana also known as Rabbit pose is a beautiful stretch that helps to improve blood circulation to brain and face. It is one of the beginners pose, easy to perform but gives tremendous benefits to body.

How to perform Shashankaaasana?

1. Sit straight in Vajrasana with hands on the thighs.
2. Inhale and raise both arms above head
3. While exhaling bend upper body.
4. Keep your back straight while bending forward.
5. Keep bending till your forehead and arms touch the floor. Your buttocks remain on heels.
6. Bring both arms next to your hips as shown in image. Relax neck, arms and shoulders.
7. Slowly inhale and exhale in this position for about 5 breaths. While breathing consciously perceive the breath into spine.
8. Inhale and slowly return to initial Vajrasana position.
9. Repeat this for 3 to 5 times.

Benefits of Shashankaasana:
• Improves blood supply to head and face.
• Improves brain functions and helps in focusing
• Blood circulation to face helps in improving skin complexion and gives clear skin.
• It is a recommended pose to overcome depression and anxiety.
• Slow breathing while bending helps digestive organs to perform better.
• Back muscles and spine both feel better if you are suffering from back ache.
• Reduces abdominal fat and tones abdomen area

If you have knee pain, pinched lower back you might find it uncomfortable to perform this pose.

Image credit: Drchirag patel  @

Attribution: Drchirag patel / CC BY-SA (

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 14, 2019
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Dark chocolates health benefits

Dark Chocolate is a healthy snack

This Valentine’s Day present your loved ones a box of Dark Chocolates! You might say…  “It tastes bitter why should I …?” Well… all for good health reasons and Dark chocolates are best health chocolates in the world! Let us see why dark chocolates is a healthy snack

One of the highest treasured food of the world, chocolate dates to 2000 BC. Maya from Central America first connoisseurs of chocolate had it as bitter fermented food drink with wine and spices! Chocolates made from beans of Cocoa plants by fermenting, drying and roasting of the beans. The fat that sits around the nibs is extracted as cocoa butter which has other health benefits. Nibs are used for chocolate liquor. Cocoa bean ground into cocoa powder used in baking and beverages.

Our favorite healthy snack dark chocolate contains nearly 90% of cocoa solids, cocoa butter and sugar unlike milk chocolates which has about 10 to 50% of cocoa solids.  Lower quality dark chocolate will have traces of milk, vegetable oil and butter fat and does not taste the way it should be. White chocolates make of cocoa butter, sugar and milk without cocoa solids.

Dark chocolate is good for health and is a healthy snack too. Reasons for its benefits are:

A 100-gram dark chocolate bar with 70–85% cocoa solid also contains

  • 11 grams of fiber
  • 67% of RDI for iron
  • 58% of RDI for magnesium
  • 89% of RDI for copper
  • 98% of RDI for manganese
  • In addition to good amount of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium
  • It contains moderate amount of saturated and monosaturated fats
  • Contains theobromine and small amount of caffeine that are stimulants
  • Polyphenols, flavanols, catechins are other compounds present in dark chocolate.

 What health benefits we get from dark chocolate

  1. Presence of flavanol – rich cocoa solids in dark chocolates (2-3 times more than milk chocolate) helps production of nitric oxide in endolethium inner lining of blood vessels and relaxes blood vessels. Relaxed blood vessels mean improved blood flow and lowers blood pressure. In Kuna Indians, an isolated tribe in Caribbean coast hypertension was extremely low. Kuna Indians traditional intake of cocoa was high almost five cups a day, leading to high flavanols in their body. Flavanols helps to increase insulin sensitivity, good for heart and could reduce risk of diabetes.
  2. Dark chocolate improves HDL cholesterol and insulin sensitivity. Anti-oxidants are highly protective against the oxidation of LDL.
  3. All antioxidants and mineral substances help supporting healthy skin! Flavanols improves blood flow to skin and keeps it hydrated too!
  4. Did you know? Studies show dark chocolate may improve brain function. Eating high flavanol cocoa improves blood flow to brain and keeps it alert and active.

When you purchase dark chocolates for your loved ones on this valentine’s day choose 70% dark chocolate or higher to obtains the most flavanols as it contains more cocoa solids and bit more bitter for all good reasons. Store dark chocolates in dry, dark place and it will last up to two years. Do not refrigerate as the moisture make sugar to bloom on the surface and look will not be appealing. However, you can melt bloomed chocolates and use it as chocolate syrup!


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 13, 2019
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zucchini recipes

Healthy simple zucchini recipes

Sometimes after party, heavy food, we all feel like eating simple, not spicy food. At the same time, we all want it to be tasty too! Here we are presenting three healthy, simple zucchini recipes which fast and easy to prepare at the same time these supply less calories and tasty too!

#1 Zucchini curry recipe:


  1. Zucchini – 1 or 2
  2. Grated coconut – ¼ cup
  3. Green chilli – 2
  4. Red chilli – 1
  5. Coriander – chopped ¼ cup
  6. Curry leaves – few
  7. Seasoning – mustard, cumin, urad dal, chenna dal
  8. Salt – add less salt
  9. Turmeric powder – ½ tsp
  10. Oil – 1 or 2 tsp


  1. Wash and cut zucchini into 1 inch pieces, cut green chilli
  2. Heat oil and prepare seasoning – add mustard, daal, red chilli, curry leaves
  3. Add cut zucchini and green chilli, fry for few minutes – till the zuchhini becomes tender. Sprinkle little water, add turmeric powder, turn the heat to low and cook zucchini.
  4. Turn of the heat and add grated coconut garnish with coriander leaves. Serve zucchini curry with chapati, rice or bread

 #2 Zucchini baby spinach stir-fry recipe :

Ingredients :

  1. Zucchini – 1 or 2
  2. Baby spinach – 1 cup
  3. Cooking oil – 1 Tbsp
  4. Cumin powder – 1 tsp
  5. Fenugreek seeds – ¼ tsp
  6. Fennel seeds – ¼ tsp
  7. Mustard – 1tsp
  8. Red chilli powder – 1 tsp
  9. Red chilli – 1
  10. Turmeric – ½ tsp
  11. Salt – use less salt
  12. Chopped coriander – 1 Tbsp
  13. Mango powder – 1 tsp
  14. Lemon juice – 2 tsp


  1. Wash and cut zucchini to round pieces. Wash and drain water from baby spinach
  2. Mix cumin powder, fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt – prepare a spice mix.
  3. In a frying pan, heat oil on medium heat, add mustard, red chilli followed by baby spinach. Let baby spinach blanch in heat and then add zucchini pieces.
  4. Fry zucchini for 3 minutes. Let it turn just tender, not too tender and not mushy.
  5. Add spice mix, mango powder, lemon juice – mix well.
  6. Turn off the heat and garnish with chopped coriander.
  7. One can eat zucchini stir fry as it is, or have with basmathi rice, bread, chapati.

 #3 Zucchini fries recipe


  1. Zuchhini – one
  2. Red chilli powder – 1 tsp
  3. Asafetida – a pinch
  4. Cumin powder – 1 tsp
  5. Salt – use less salt
  6. Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
  7. Vegetable oil


  1. Cut zucchini into long pieces (similar potato fries cuts)
  2. Preheat oven
  3. In a large bowl combine red chilli powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, asafetida and salt
  4. Add spice mix to cut zucchini and mix well
  5. Place zucchini mix on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper,
  6. Sprinkle oil on zucchini pieces and bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Flip halfway.
  7. Let zucchini turn slight brown
  8. Have zucchini fries with tomato ketchup or green chutney

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 11, 2019
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Closet organizer

Closet organization tips

Arranging closet is a skill. Once close is organized maintaining closet is also another work. Organizing and maintenance of closets at home is easy with tips.

Before organizing clothes hang hooks in the closet pointing towards you. After wearing something hang clothes and hook hangers in proper way. After 4 to 6 months if any clothes facing wrong way that means those clothes are ready to give away.

  •  Have light source in closet. Treat closet like rooms. Vacuum and keep it dust free
  • If you don’t have door for closet, put curtain instead of door.


  • Turn around all the hangers in your closet so the hooks are pointing towards you (wrong way round). When you wear something, put it back with the hook the normal way. In six months, any hanger still facing the wrong way is holding an item you haven’t worn, ready for the donation bag.
  • Coordinated hangers are good to hang and organize clothes
  • Use old suitcases to store different season clothes. Suitcases are helpful to store linens, blankets or sweaters.
  • Store yoga mats in umbrella buckets.


  • Hang gym clothes separately or fold and keep them in a separate basket.
  • Do not throw shoe boxes, store new shoes and socks in good boxes.
  • Keeping clothes of similar colors in one place helps you to select clothes easily
  • Buy rolling cart with coordinated boxes to store socks, undergarments, ties, kerchief, caps, hats etc.
  • Use suitcases elsewhere in the house to store out-of-season linens, blankets, or sweaters.


  • If you are planning to store shoes in closet, line up shoes by color and point shoe toes forward. Keep casual shoes like athletic shoes, sandals in bins.
  • Arrange handbags with unused dust liners or store them in big basket
  • Seasonal coats like leather, furs in plastic garment bags that keeps away chemicals, air and dust. Transfer them into breathable linen covers that protect the quality of coats.


  • Keep few naphthalene balls for clothes protection especially if you are storing silk materials like silk sarees, silk shirts, silk skirts, scarfs.
  • If you have extra space or closet store your work items in that place.

Set a schedule to clean and organize your closets using these closet organization tips. This will save time while you get ready to work or when you must set out. Organizing closet helps you to select clothes easily and get ready fast. When you organize home your life will go much smoother and easily.

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 5, 2019
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kill switch cancer cells

Cancer cells can commit suicide by kill switch

New discoveries and inventions in cancer research is happening almost everyday.  This year there are many promising research reports published by several Cancer Research Institutes across world. Earlier this month another research publication reveals a new discovery in human body “kill switch” that destroys cancer cells. Scientists have found a genetic kill switch that when activated destroys cancer cells.

Cells in animal body always created and killed. In human body about 300 million cells die every minute and replaced by new ones. Reason for this is to protect human body from aging and malfunctioning cells that could cause diseases. However, it is different with cancer cells as cancer cells does not care human immune system and its instruction for self-destruction.

Cancer cells can commit suicide by kill switch and kill code

Group of researchers at Northwestern University found a mechanism in human body by which every human cell can be programmed for self-destruction. This is similar to suicide action. Earlier this month these researchers found the genetic code that is essential for conducting this action sequence.

‘Researchers found small interfering RNAs that are capable of killing cancer cells’

Research work on this discovery was  published in Nature communication and eLife.  Study states that  the instructions of death of cells are available ‘as information’ in both large RNA and microRNAs.  During chemotherapy cancerous cells are activated to destroy.  Like this, scientists used small intergerning RNA type called (si)RNAs to initiate toxicity in cancerous cells. Researchers tested more than 4000 different combinations of nucleotide bases before finding the six nucleotides in RNA that destroy cancer cells. Earlier reports suggested that microRNAs can be introduced to cancer cells to trigger self-destruction!

According to Professor Marcus E. Peter, who is lead author of the published article “Now that we know kill code, we can trigger the mechanism without having to use chemotherapy and without messing with the genome. We can use these small (si)RNAs directly, introduce them into cells and trigger the kill switch”. This method is similar to immune system function because both utilize natural mechanisms of the body.

Worldwide cancer survival rates are promising than before. However, there is less progress when it comes to cancer treatment methods. In US alone 609,640 people die because of cancer. The most common cancers are lung, prostate cancer, colon and rectum cancer, skin melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, kidney and bladder cancer, pelvis & endometrial cancer, leukemia, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and thyroid cancer.

To treat cancer, specialists administer cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs in chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy has severe and painful side effects as it also damages healthy cells. Incorporating newly found molecular messengers can overcome chemotherapy side effects.

“My goal was not to come up with a new artificial toxic substance” said Dr. Peter in his statement.  “Improvements are often due to better detection methods and not to better treatments.” Present finding may be tapping into one of nature’s original kill switches and will help to cure many cancer types by disrupting the life of the cancer cells.


Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on:
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Managing life post delivery

Managing life post delivery

Post-delivery with a new family member addition to family brings several changes in parents life. Visitors who wants to see new born will come, more grocery shopping, attending to baby and finishing laundry etc. Adjusting to new baby as new parents is not that easy and is always a work in progress!

New parents especially face the challenge of staying organized. It takes many months to get used to new schedules. Baby’s things – toys, cloths including tiny socks, caps, feeding bottle, baby water, lotion, extra supplies all around house. All these things need to be organized almost everyday and kept in proper places. If one of the parents is going back to work, then more work will be added to regular schedule. Sleepless nights, baby’s crying, attending to baby’s needs will somewhat frustrating but everyone wants to enjoy the parenthood as much as possible. To enjoy parenthood with new born get organized and it will help both parents to relax and enjoy life without much stress while raising child. Managing life post delivery is easy with these tips

Breastfeeding: Nursing newborn is a job itself. Many mothers suggest having a breastfeeding station to make it comfortable not just for baby for mother too. It might take half an hour to one hour to feed baby and mother should be comfortable to sit. Get a seat that supports body, pillows to support baby, breast pads, cream, burp cloths, baby nail clippers (easy to do it while breastfeeding), water bottle, tissues, reading material, laptop or iPad, remote to listen music, a blanket and baby’s toys.

Bath time: Give a good massage to baby followed by bath. Baby’s generally going to sleep after hot water bath. While baby sleeping you can attend to house work. Once baby start recognizing faces they tend to be awake. You can think of taking shower with baby to save time.

Laundry and cleaning baby’s stuff: It is better to wash baby’s clothes separately. Put trash in one bag, baby’s clothes – dirty and clean in two bins, toys in one bag/bin, baby’s kitchen stuff in another small bin. Sorting like this will save your time to wash and clean. Some parents keep baby’s toys in few rooms and while baby is awake playing with toys, they can attend to their work which ever room baby is playing.

Baby proof area: Build a baby proof area where baby can crawl. Let it be padded and gated. Baby proof area near kitchen/dining room will help you to keep an eye on baby and finish your chores.

Getting sleep: Parents can sleep when baby is sleeping – it is best option to overcome sleepless nights. Keeping a baby monitor helps to track whether baby is awake or sleeping. Don’t neglect your sleep – get good amount of sleep. Taking turn with your spouse to look after baby helps too.

Heading back to work: If both parents must go back and rejoin the work then it is most difficult for most parents, leaving infants behind with someone. Seek your parents help and supervision. If you are using day care then make sure it is reputed and well known. While choosing baby sitters you must be extra careful. Leave necessary instructions and notes behind about baby’s needs – feeding time, sickness, sleeping time etc. Make sure your baby has all that needs – food, toys, medicines if any etc. Week end go for shopping and stack grocery.

Going out with baby:  Keep a bag that contains diaper, baby wipes, extra pair of socks, baby clothes, milk bottle, soft toys, tissues, towels, baby food jar and a plastic bag to fill dirty clothes. Keep this in your car trunk or carry with you when you go out with baby.

Visitors: Avoid inviting high maintenance visitors. You are already loaded with work and inviting visitors makes life bit more rough. Have visitors on certain days and when you feel your day is light then invite them. Don’t make it a party for few months. Let your body get used to house work and baby’s schedules. Don’t entertain guests unless it is someone, who is very close to you and willing to help with your chores.

Schedule: Have a proper schedule and keep it in your phone, on fridge and give it to your spouse. It will help you to remember pediatrician appointment, anything to buy, appointments, your needs for house and for personal use etc.

In every parent’s life baby’s are precious and holding baby in hand and looking at innocent face makes parents happy. Enjoy life with new born and watch your child growing. It is good to devote sometime to your child and same time don’t neglect your health too.

Image credit:Photo by Nynne Schrøder on Unsplash

Author: Sumana Rao | Posted on: February 4, 2019
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