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Hair Dryers

Why you shouldn’t use cheap hair appliances

When it comes to hair care, the appliances and products we use are quite important. Using the appropriate products will help you avoid harming and possibly losing your hair. Most individuals would prefer the less expensive ones since they believe they can still perform the same functions as the more expensive ones. Despite what is said, this is not the case. If you are not careful with the appliances you use, you can quickly cause significant damage to your hair. A review website can quickly reassure you about the quality and dependability of the things you intend to buy. This along with the beauty black friday deals available this November, you can easily find your ideal ghd hair products

Why save up for high-quality appliances

It should come as no surprise that the majority of consumers would choose to buy less expensive hair appliances. Although not everyone can afford the prices of most high-end equipment, many people still desire to get their hair done for special occasions. But why should they spend their money on high-quality appliances instead? If a product is sold for a very low price, it usually suggests that the cost of manufacturing it was even lower. This means that the parts utilised in the construction may not be as trustworthy as you’d like or need them to be, especially in a gadget that will be held close to your head and will heat up. Most high-end appliances are thoroughly researched, tested, and reviewed to ensure that they cause as little damage and discomfort as possible during usage. In addition to dependability and safety. If a product is inexpensive, likely, it has not been thoroughly evaluated for optimal outcomes. There’s also the possibility that the device will short-circuit and start a fire that will burn down the house.

Some things to keep in mind when using appliances

Because of the potential dangers of using hair appliances, having a list of things to remember would be incredibly beneficial. When using a hair straightener, do not use the highest setting. Lower temperatures may take a little longer, but they reduce the risk of excessive heat damaging your hair. When using it, avoid clamping it too tightly to your hair. Make sure your hair is completely dry before you begin. When using hair dryers, again, the lower temperature setting is preferable. Keep the gadget 15 cm away from your hair and move it circularly. Excessive heat is a very bad thing when it comes to hair health. It’s also important to give your hair a lengthy break after each treatment. When using a hairbrush, make sure you have the appropriate brush for your hair type. Don’t over-brush your hair. Contrary to popular belief, over-brushing your hair might increase breakage and hair loss.

With all this in mind

In general, the quality of hair appliances may be easily determined by paying attention to user reviews, product features, and the brand of the appliance. Cheap and faulty appliances can cause major hair loss or damage. They may also cause serious harm to other property in some circumstances by starting fires. It can sometimes be better to save money and acquire high-quality appliances. This will ensure that your hair is not damaged and looks its best after treatment.

Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Donato on Unsplash (Source)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 10, 2022
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Upward salute pose

Practice Urdhva Hastasana Upward Salute Pose For Stress Free Day

Urdhva hastasana, upward salute pose is beginners yoga pose that yields multiple benefits for the body. It is one of the initial pose that we get into during Suryanamaskar or Sun salutation. It can be performed anytime or in the beginning of yoga practice. This pose helps to stretch the entire body and all the organs if done properly. Stretching and opening shoulder, aligning spinal cord, stretching abdominal muscles are possible through this simple pose. Stressed body and mind both feel relieved after practicing this very simple pose -Healthy Life

LEVEL :Beginner

Anatomy: Feet, Legs, Ribs, Shoulders, Spine

Pose Type: Standing

Sanskrit: Urdhva Hastasana (erd-vah ahs-TAHS-anna) urdhva = raised, elevated, tending upward

hasta = hand


  • Stretches the entire body
  • Prepares the body for yoga practice
  • Helps align the spinal column
  • Opens the shoulders
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves mild anxiety and fatigue


  • Shoulder or neck injuries (avoid lifting arms overhead)


  1. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose) with your feet together and arms at your sides. Ground down through your feet by pressing evenly into the big toe, little toe, and heel.
  2. As you inhale, sweep your arms out to the sides and then up toward the sky. Press your palms and fingers together, coming into prayer over your head.
  3. With an exhale, release your shoulders away from your ears to open the chest. Draw your front ribs in, toward your spine, and lengthen your tailbone toward the ground.
  4. Set your gaze up at your hands.
  5. Hold this pose for a few gentle breaths. To release, lower your hands (in prayer) to heart center. If performing a vinyasa flow, exhale and hinge forward at the hips, coming into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold).



  • Lay on your mat and extend your arms overhead. Flex your feet and reach through the length of your body.


  • If balance is a problem, separate the feet hip-distance apart.




  • Ardha Uttanasana
  • Chaturanga (Four-Limbed Staff pose)


  • Ground down through all four corners of the feet.
  • Keep your tailbone in a neutral position.
  • Lower the shoulders away from the ears.
  • Do not let the front ribs protrude forward—draw them down and in.


  • Instead of joining the hands together, keep the arms extended shoulder-width apart overhead.
  • Sweep the arms forward instead of out to the sides.
  • With hands together, draw the arms back to create a slight backbend.


  • Shoulders up near the ears
  • Internal rotation of the arms
  • Hyperlordosis
  • Ribs jutting forward

Image and article published here with prior permission from For more poses and teaching clues please visit

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Common symptoms of Myositis

Common symptoms of Myositis

Many symptoms of myositis are similar to that of other conditions.  Only diagnosis helps to differentiate myositis and any other diseases.

  • Pain in muscles
  • Tenderness in muscle
  • Tiredness and feeling unwell
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Sweating during night
  • Constant muscle pain
  • Difficulty in doing day to day task
  • Risk of falling due to weakness

What causes myositis?

Some people with preexisting autoimmune diseases are more likely to develop myositis  such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus.

Sometimes after a severe viral infection one can develop myositis: the common cold, flu, AIDS/HIV

Image credit: Elizabeth M. Dugan, Adam M. Huber, Frederick W. Miller, Lisa G. Rider, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: November 1, 2022
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Alkaline foods

92 Foods that can fight Cancer, Diabetes, And Heart Disease!!

The alkaline diet is based on evidence that suggests that acid-forming foods prevent the body from healing properly and the diet replaces those foods with alkaline options. Acid-forming foods leave an ash in your body as your system works to metabolize the food. This leaves your body acidic and potentially makes you more susceptible to diseases and illnesses. In contrast, alkaline foods keep your body basic and is believed to provide stronger protection for the body.

Alkaline foods have been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, both of which are huge contributing factors to cardiovascular diseases. The diet can also influence and help with weight loss, which in turn reduces the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis. Though it has not yet been proven to prevent cancer, an alkaline diet can make some chemotherapy treatments more effective and less toxic on the body.

Acidic foods include meat, poultry, fish, grains, eggs, dairy, caffeine, and alcohol and consist of protein, phosphate, and sulfur. Alkaline foods are typically fruits, nuts, vegetables, soybeans, tofu and seeds, consisting of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

The diet focuses on eliminating acidic foods as often as possible and making alkaline items a main part of the food intake each day. View the great infographics below from Acid Alkaline Food to see a breakdown of which foods to stick with and which to avoid.

Here is an extension to the list of alkaline foods to get you jump-started on the diet, if you are interested:


  1. Mustard Greens
  2. Alka
  3. Mushrooms
  4. Nightshade Veggies
  5. Parsnips (high glycemic)
  6. Sweet potatoes
  7. Pumpkin
  8. Peppers
  9. Wild Greens
  10. Sea Veggies
  11. Edible Flowers
  12. Eggplant
  13. Fermented Veggies
  14. Green Beans
  15. Chard Greens
  16. Chlorella
  17. Collard Greens
  18. Spirulina


  1. Tropical Fruits
  2. Umeboshi Plums
  3. Dried figs
  4. Honeydew Melon
  5. Sour cherries
  6. Rhubarb


  1. Tempeh (fermented)
  2. Millet
  3. Chestnuts

Spices & Seasonings

  1. Sea Salt
  2. Miso
  3. Tamari
  4. All Herbs
  5. Ginger
  6. Cinnamon
  7. Curry
  8. Chili pepper


  1. Mineral water
  2. Apple cider vinegar
  3. Green Juices
  4. Veggie Juices
  5. Fresh Fruit Juice
  6. Molasses
  7. Probiotic Cultures
  8. Bee pollen

Article by: By Brianna Acuesta & for more information visit

Image credit: Image by Couleur from Pixabay (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: October 20, 2022
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Gut bacteria

Scientists Track Behavior of Intestinal Bacteria

Our gut hosts several microbes that are friendly and essential for our health. Health of our intestine depends on these microbes and to keep gastrointestinal tract in healthy condition, it is important to maintain the gut friendly microbes in good condition. There are many research studies are going on in medical field regarding the gut bacteria. Recently Indian scientists published their findings regarding how the intestinal bacteria behaves and moves in the gut -Healthy Life.

The mystery of how does the bacterial resident of the human intestine, the E-coli move towards or away from chemicals—a phenomenon called chemotaxis, has intrigued scientists for a long time. E.coli bacteria show chemotaxis in response to different chemicals present in human gastrointestinal tract. 

Scientists have now found the condition that is most suitable for getting the best chemotactic performance. The new finding will help track behavior of E-Coli bacteria in response to chemical signals. The response of E-Coli to chemicals in the intestine bacteria plays a crucial role in the functioning of the human intestine. 

Many organisms in nature respond to the chemical signal received from their environment by showing bodily motion or as chemotaxis. A sperm cell finds the ovum using chemotaxis. White blood cells that are needed for healing injuries find the site of injury or inflammation by chemotaxis. Butterflies also track flowers, and male insects reach their targets by using chemotaxis.  Understanding chemotaxis involves how it is affected by various conditions present inside the cell or in the environment. 

E.coli uses its run-and-tumble motion to migrate towards the region with more nutrients. The nutrient molecules bind to the chemo-receptors present on the cell membrane, and this input signal is processed by the sensing module of the signaling network, finally modulating the run-and-tumble motion of the cell. The adaptation module of the signaling network ensures that the intracellular variables do not deviate too far from their average values. 

One important aspect of signaling network of chemotaxis is the cooperativity or clustering tendency of the chemo-receptors, which helps amplifying the input signal, and as a result, E.coli can respond to even very weak concentration gradient. Thus receptor clustering was known to increase the sensitivity of the cell. However, some recent experiments have shown that receptor clustering also causes fluctuations in the signaling network triggering scientists to explore conditions that activate the best chemotactic performance. 

In a recent study, scientists from S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, an Autonomous Research Institute established under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, have theoretically shown that there is an optimum size of the receptor clusters at which the E.coli cell shows the best-directed motion guided by chemical signal received from its environment. 

The team led by Sakuntala Chatterjee took the first step in understanding how the response can be made most efficient by tuning the receptor cooperativity in the study published in Physical Review E (Letters)

To quantify performance, they measured how fast the cell climbs up the concentration gradient or how strongly the cell is able to localize in the nutrient-rich region. According to the team, good performance also means a strong ability of the cell to distinguish between nutrient-rich and nutrient-depleted regions in space. The team found all these measures reach a peak at a specific size of the receptor clusters. 

They have shown this optimality is a result of a competition between sensing and adaptation modules of the network. According to the present work, as cluster size increases, sensing is enhanced, which improves chemotactic performance. But for large clusters, fluctuations also increase, and adaptation comes into play. The signaling network is now controlled by the adaptation module, and sensing plays a less significant role which brings down the performance. The study can improve understanding of chemotactic behavior, particularly of an organism forming the bulk of bacterial samples for experiments owing to its ability to replicate fast and adapt easily to change in its environment. 


Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Fortified Milk for Covid-19

Fortified milk is critical for boosting health and immunity during Covid -FSSAI

India has a significant burden of malnutrition, including micronutrient malnutrition such as iron and vitamin deficiencies. According to the World Bank, more than 70% of India’s children under five are deficient in vitamin D, and 57% of all children in the country lack adequate levels of vitamin A.

Deficiency of vitamins A and D have adverse impact on morbidity, mortality, productivity, and economic growth. Vitamins A and D are vital to strengthen the immune system, which is critical in times of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

On the World Milk Day, a national webinar on Improving the Nutrition Quality of Milk through Fortification was organized to discuss the potential role of fortified milk in improving health and immunity.

It was jointly hosted by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Food Safety Standard Authority of India (FSSAI). Several representatives from the government, development partners, academia and the milk industry participated in the webinar. 

Arun Singhal, CEO, FSSAI, said, “FSSAI in December 2020, issued a draft notification, for mandatory fortification of packaged toned, double toned, skimmed milk or standardized milk with Vitamin A and Vitamin D. This will ensure nationwide availability of fortified milk and a positive impact in mitigating micronutrient malnutrition among populations. It is crucial to make concerted efforts for scaling up and sustaining efforts towards quality fortification while making fortification mandatory in the country.”

Presently, India produces over 193 lakh liters per day of fortified milk reaching over 121 million people. With mandatory fortification in the anvil, these numbers would increase significantly across the country, contributing to improved nutrition and health status of the Indian population.

Dr Ambrish Mittal, head of Endocrinology and Diabetes at Max Healthcare, said, “There is enough evidence available on the potential role of vitamin A and D in boosting immunity and improving the overall health, which is more crucial in the current situation of Covid-19. Furthermore, limited sun exposure in current times increases risk of vitamin D deficiency.  Hence, it is vital that fortification of milk with vitamin A and D be promoted and supported.”

Dr Sumit Arora, principal scientist, Dairy Chemistry Division, NDRI, Karnal elaborated that fortification of milk with vitamins A and D does not have any impact on the final product in terms of colour, taste, storage quality of milk.  Fortification only enhances the nutritional value of the milk by compensating nutrients lost during processing and provides added micronutrients to large populations that have a significant deficiency of these vitamins.

Tarun Vij, country director, GAIN, said, “We need to adopt a strategic approach for scale up of milk fortification in the country and it should be complemented with building capacity of milk industry partners for producing quality assured milk fortified with vitamin A and vitamin D.”

The hour-long webinar deliberated on the crucial role of fortification in improving the nutritional quality of milk, the current scenario of milk fortification in India, opportunities and challenges in scaling-up milk fortification, and the critical role of milk cooperatives and private sector dairies in envisioning mandatory fortification.

Fortified milk is widely used around the world to help people get nutrients that may otherwise be lacking in their diets.  It offers several benefits compared with unfortified milk.

Press release from FSSAI:

Image credit: Image by pasita wanseng from Pixabay  (Free for commercial use)

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on:
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Sugar coated fluid to detect cancer

Sugar-coated pouches in body fluids can help detect cancer

New studies on cancer in past year has given us hope to find early easy detection, prevention and new treatments of various types of cancer. Nearly 12 big breakthroughs in cancer research happened during pandemic years. To name a few – In Spain scientists discovered a fat molecule that alters the cancer genome. A new way to deliver cancer drugs was invented by researchers in Netherland. Researchers I Spain also found how the cancer tumors in breast cancer prevent immune cells from destroying cancer cells.  New clinical trails for prostrate cancer discovered by Argentinian scientists.

Recently research studies from Indian scientists showed sugar coated pouches in body fluids can help in detecting cancer- Healthy Life

Detection of the cancer microenvironment may soon become much easier with the help of a new molecular biosensor recently developed by a team of scientists.

Cancer cells secrete small pouches, namely extracellular vesicles (EV) covered with sugar molecules, Hyaluronan (HA), which has a direct link to tumor malignancy and is considered a potential biomarker for early diagnosis of colon cancer. These EVs are abundant in body fluids (blood, feces, etc.), and all types of cells secrete these EVs into the extracellular matrix. Cancer cells secrete at least two times more EVs into the body fluids than normal cells). Therefore, these EVs could be isolated non-invasively from a patient’s body for early cancer diagnosis.

It is known that the sugar molecule HA associated with these cancer EVs carries danger signals in tumour progression when it gets fragmented by hyaluronidases (Hyals) and reactive oxygen species in pathological conditions.

Dr. Tatini Rakshit laboratory, supported by Inspire faculty grant of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), at Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence, Delhi, in collaboration with S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS), Kolkata, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata and IIT Bhilai, Chatisgarh has unraveled the contour lengths of HA on a single cancer cell-derived EV surface.

Their study showed that a single cancer cell-derived EV is coated with very short chain HA molecules (contour length less than 500 nanometers) using single molecule techniques and elucidated that these short-chain HA-coated EVs are significantly more elastic than the normal cell-derived EVs. This intrinsic elasticity of HA-coated EVs in cancer helps them to withstand multiple external forces during extracellular transportation, uptake, excretion by cells, adhesion to cell surfaces, etc.

The study has been published very recently in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. These findings affect how sugar-coated pouches increase the risk of cancer progression.

Publication link:

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 27, 2022
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Children need special care

Children need special care

Coping with cancer is difficult. Diagnosis and treatment is difficult as treatment options are different for every child. Parents should understand what is the best option for the child and help child to overcome fear and make treatment as smooth as it can be.

How to be with child who is undergoing cancer treatment and what care should be taken:

1.       Wear mask when you are around your child. Do not encourage guests to touch, hug child.

2.       Explain child (age-appropriate talk) what is happening with treatment. Repeat the talk once a while so that kid’s mind prepares for treatment.

3.       Your child may be in and out of hospital during treatment time. What is essential for child’s stay including toys and books, food – carry it.

4.       Encourage child to express feelings and talk about what is going on in the mind.

5.       Make daily activities, regular routines as normal as possible.

6.       Encourage child to stay connected with friends and families. Children often wants to know what friends are doing, how school activities are progressing, want to hear stories, play with siblings. Allow them to connect with them.

7.       Help children to play, read stories, work on journals, to do artwork, watch cartoons, encourage to sing, play – let there be normalcy.

8.       Encourage to write letter, send email to loved ones.

9.       Remote learning is a possibility and if it is available make use of it. If there are tutors and teachers available in hospital to help, take help. With weakened immune system child won’t be able to step out – either in hospital or at home.

10.   Explain what is happening to your other children. Let them know that sick child need little more attention and all are together in the battle.

11.   Children will cope better if they know that their parents are getting help, support and care. Talk to healthcare workers, doctors and parents of children who are taking treatments. Everyone needs emotional support – talking helps to overcome fear and sadness.

-Imagen de sobima en Pixabay

Author: HealthyLife | Posted on: September 13, 2022
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