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Tag: Cancer Treatment

Children need special care

Children need special care

Coping with cancer is difficult. Diagnosis and treatment is difficult as treatment options are different for every child. Parents should understand what is the best option for the child and help

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Possible signs and symptoms of cancer in children

Possible signs and symptoms of cancer in children

Cancer in children can be difficult to recognize right away when the symptoms start. Reason for this is, many symptoms are often appeared as regular and common illness and injuries.

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Cancer tumors vanished

Cancer Tumors Vanished! A major breakthrough; A clinical trial eliminates cancer in every patient!

A small study published in The New England Journal of Medicine involving rectal cancer patients very recently witnessed a miracle when their tumors causing cancer disappeared, totally eradicated. In this trial advanced rectal cancer patients were treated and all 12 patients took a medicine called Dostalimab and in just six months their tumors shrunk and eradicated successfully.

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Infection risk in cancer patients

Why infection risk is high in cancer patients

Cancer patients are more vulnerable for infections. Infection risk is high due to their changed, weakened immune system. Immune system which is defense mechanism of the body changes with cancer and cancer treatments.

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Cancer Diet

Good Nutrition During Cancer Treatment

Good nutrition is especially important if you have cancer because both the illness and its treatments can change the way you eat.

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Customized Viruses stimulate the Immune system to fight Cancer

Customized Viruses stimulate the Immune system to fight Cancer

In past few years there are many treatments available for cancer patients. An article published in Nature Communication provides basis for innovative cancer treatment.

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March - Colon Cancer Awareness Month

What Is Colon Cancer – Educate Yourself

Colon cancer has become a reality for many people younger than age 50, and it’s the only group where incidence rates are on the rise.

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Free Cancer Treating Vaidya

Free Cancer Treating Vaidya (Doctor)

Narayanamurthy is popular because he is helping people suffering from various conditions including heart, cancer and kidney diseases.

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