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Tag: gut bacteria

Gut bacteria

Scientists Track Behavior of Intestinal Bacteria

Our gut hosts several microbes that are friendly and essential for our health. Health of our intestine depends on these microbes and to keep gastrointestinal tract in healthy condition, it is important to maintain the gut friendly microbes in good condition. There are many research studies are going on in medical field regarding the gut bacteria. Recently Indian scientists published their findings regarding how the intestinal bacteria behaves and moves in the gut

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Overcoming food craving

Overcoming food cravings is easy

Everyone known how difficult is to control food cravings. Some have strong mind and will power to control food cravings and are strict about what they eat

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Probiotics for weight loss

How Probiotics Help to Lose Weight

To reduce weight and keep body mass index under control, people are looking at a probiotics diet. Probiotics are live microor

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Gut problem & vitamin D

Gut problem? You may need vitamin D

We know Sunlight is major source of Vitamin D for human body. A brief exposure to UV light rays bumps up Vitamin D levels and for this reason nutritionists suggest exposing body to Sun light every day.

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Blood group A converted to universal donor

Type A blood group converted to Type O by enzymes

Researchers recently have found a way to use enzymes extracted from human gut bacterium to convert Type A blood to universal

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